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2005年,南亚各国政府都能较牢固地控制局势,但朝野矛盾突出;经济发展势头强劲,老问题有待解决;地区合作水平有所提高,部分国家持续僵持;反恐措施不断出台,恐怖案件层出不穷;大国争相追捧,背后各怀动机.  相似文献   

Terry Anderson, Den of Lions, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1993. Pp.356, index. £9.99 (paperback). ISBN 0–34061736–5.

Brian Keenan, An Evil Cradling, London: Hutchinson 1992 and Vintage, 1993. Pp.296, no index. £16.99/£6.99 (paperback). ISBN 00–917–5208–6 and 0–09999030‐X.

John McCarthy and Jill Morrell, Some Other Rainbow, London: Bantam Press, 1993 and Corgi, 1994. Pp.524, 56 photos, index. £14.99. ISBN 0–593–02729–9 and 0–552–13953‐X.

Terry Waite, Taken on Trust, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1993 and Coronet, 1994. Pp.370, 32 photos, index. £14.99 (hardback) and £5.99 (paperback). ISBN 0–0340–58196–4 and 60969–6.  相似文献   

In South Asia, most countries are heavily dependent on energy imports as a result of poor natural endowment, weak exploration capacity and fast economic development. However, being close neighbor to China, the South Asia serves as the corridor for China's energy imports and the transit region for China's oil and gas pipelines. It is in China's strategic interests to conduct energy cooperation with the South Asian countries.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,伴随中国南亚经贸合作领域不断拓宽、层次不断提升的良好机遇,具有天时、地利、人和等比较优势的四川也自觉不自觉地融入到了对南亚开放的经贸合作浪潮中,四川正逐渐演化为我国面向南亚,走向世界,构建中国西部大开发与大开放战略格局最终形成的新引擎。因而,对四川与南亚开放合作成就与问题、机遇与挑战、潜力和战略构想,以及如何进一步促进四川与南亚开放合作的对策建议等相关论题的研究具有十分重要的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

冷战后,南亚地区恐怖活动呈加剧趋势,且影响力、破坏力不断增大,成为国际恐怖主义活动的重灾区。南亚恐怖主义具有浓厚的宗教色彩,跨界恐怖活动是其最显著特征。南亚恐怖主义活动盛行的主要原因在于该地区复杂的民族、宗教背景,以及南亚国家的政策失误,而西方某些国家在对待恐怖主义问题上的"双重标准"是其主要外部原因。  相似文献   

Implementation of China's Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road (B&R) initiative and the advent of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) have redirected attention to infrastructure building in economic development.The domestically driven B&R policy is rewriting the geoeconomic and geopolitical map of Eurasia,while AIIB catalyzes a positive change in the dynamics of international development cooperation.They provide opportunities for South Asia which has economic potential but limited foreign investment inflow thus far.  相似文献   

Certain effects have been achieved in the China-South Asia people-to-people diplomacy,demonstrated by increasingly active events,better environment for development,a big leap in economic and trade cooperation,further openingup of the people-to-people and cultural exchanges and growing importance of the academic and think-tank dialogues.Still,inadequacies of people-to-people diplomacy towards South Asia remain,manifested by unbalanced exchange pattern and rather weak social influence awaits further enhancement.In order to make up the inadequacies,the authors contend that the following measures need to be adopted:1)to fully play the government’s role and break the existing bottleneck in people-to-people diplomacy;2)to list media exchange and study-abroad program as key areas of the agenda;3)to give a trial of conducting people-to-people diplomacy in cases of Bhutan and Maldives,exploring comparative advantages to official diplomacy.These proposals may vary,however,the aim to expand the optimal reach of China-South Asia people-to-people diplomacy with creative forms,leaves unchanged.In China’s overall diplomatic agenda,South Asia owns quadri-categories,which are major powers,neighboring and developing countries and multilateral regions.Undoubtedly,South Asia is entitled to status and importance because of these characteristics,covering 8 sovereignty countries of great differences,namely India,Pakistan,Nepal and Maldives etc.Throughout history,China and South Asia have witnessed long-standing cultural exchanges,gradual deepening of economic and social contacts,closer intimacy among peoples’interactions and prosperous development of public diplomacy.Despite of all these,problems remain unsolved that need further consideration and solution in response.  相似文献   

南亚是世界上自然灾害发生最为频繁的地区之一。本文从实践的角度出发,着力研究南亚自然灾害及应急管理现状,南亚在自然灾害应急管理领域的合作模式和特点,以及该合作模式中存在的问题。在对南亚合作模式的研究基础上,笔者亦对中国与南亚间自然灾害应急管理的跨地区合作的可行性作了相应的探讨。  相似文献   

南亚国家能源自然禀赋不厚,开发能力不强,而经济增长较快,多数对进口能源依赖较大。但南亚是中国近邻,又是中国进口油气的重要通道和管道所在地,同南亚国家开展能源合作对中国有战略意义。  相似文献   

近年来,南亚区域经济合作继续发展,地区内贸易往来不断扩大,其所包含的内容远比5%的比重更为丰富。制约南盟内贸易发展的经济因素是地区经济合作发展所面临的重大挑战,需切实解决才能发掘地区合作的巨大潜力。中国扩大对南亚的贸易、投资等经贸合作,有助于南亚国家提高区内贸易供给能力,从而进一步扩大区内贸易与经济合作。  相似文献   

The teaching of international relations (IR) at universitiesin Southeast Asia plays a role in the production of knowledgeabout the IR of Southeast Asia. As a complement to the scrutinyof published research output, a focus on teaching offers onepathway toward comprehending the constitution of meaning inboth the IR of Southeast Asia and the broader IR discipline.This introduction to a collection of essays on the teachingof IR in Southeast Asia also discusses the potential ways bywhich attention to teaching may uncover the socializing roleof pedagogy. An inquiry into the discipline as it is taughtin the region throws light on how particular national legitimatingmyths are reproduced, the transmission of collective historicalmemories, the dominance of certain schools of internationalthought, and the role of civil society in Southeast Asian knowledgeproduction. Received for publication August 28, 2008. Accepted for publication October 7, 2008.  相似文献   

在世界范围内,许多国家和地区由于受到市场准入及竞争压力的驱动,而建立了众多的区域性经济合作组织。相比较而言,东亚经济一体化的进程要明显落后很多,甚至在1977年东盟《优先贸易协议》签订之前,东亚地区还不存在正式的区域贸易协议(RTAs)。  相似文献   

For the past 54 years, South Asia has been mired in tension and conflicts. The root cause of these problems is the unresolved Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan. The United Nations, despite its Charter obligation to maintain international peace and security, has been unable to resolve this dispute. Kashmir, itself, has been turned into a nuclear flashpoint and poses a threat to international peace and security. The challenge before the international community, and especially the United States, therefore, is to become involved in resolving the dispute in accordance with the relevant Security Council resolutions and in conformity with the wishes of the Kashmiri people. India must show its good faith by eschewing hegemonic designs, abandoning bellicosity and brinkmanship, and sincerely joining Pakistan in overcoming all bilateral problems. It is time to restore peace and stability in South Asia. To achieve that, the international community, especially the United States, must play their due role.  相似文献   

近一年来,美国积极实施“整合”南亚和中亚地区的战略构想,美在南亚与中亚除明显加大政治、经济、外交和军事投入外,还采取了一系列相关政策措施。这一战略动向显示,布什政府正试图通过推动南亚与中亚经贸等领域的融合进程,维护并拓展美国在该地区的战略利益。美国的诸多举措业已对有关地区产生一定影响。但从中长期看,美国这一战略构想的实施将受到多种因素制约。  相似文献   

多年以来,南亚地区安全形势一直未能有较大改观,极大地制约了南亚地区整体及各个国家的发展潜力,尽管各方均有意愿实现吴越同舟的梦想,然而现实是持续冲突的特点更为突出。多重层次是形成南亚地区安全困境的重要诱因,也是南亚地区难以摆脱安全困境的桎梏。正是各个层次之间的互动及影响导致了南亚地区的安全困境。面对安全困境,南亚地区各个国家根据规模与国家实力的不同采取了相应的因应战略,即自助、借势与合作战略。总体而言,实力较强的次地区大国的因应战略以自助为核心,较弱小的南亚国家则采取合作的策略以求得生存。针对多重安全困境对地区安全形势的影响,南亚各国的战略倾向有所不同,效果也不尽相同。从发展趋势来看,南亚次地区的安全仍然不容乐观。作为南亚地区的紧邻,中国在推进一带一路合作中将面临南亚地区安全困境所带来的挑战。  相似文献   

The Cambridge Review of International Affairs interview with George Perkovich, conducted in February, 2001, provides an in-depth and up to date perspective of regional stability in the Indian subcontinent. Although the Kashmir conflict and terrorism in the region are coming under increased international scrutiny, the role played by external players with varying economic and strategic interests in both countries in shaping Indo-Pak interactions is limited. Domestic and external influences on the region compete with one another, maintaining a stalemate in the region. Long-lasting subcontinental stability can occur only if India and Pakistan actively choose to reconcile their differing views on the pressing issues of Kashmir and terrorism therein. Widely considered an expert on Indo-Pak nuclear politics and prize-winning author of India's Nuclear Bomb , Dr Perkovich outlines his understanding of the nature of the South Asian stand-off, and the possible effects of international efforts for its peaceful resolution.  相似文献   

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