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<正>历史进入新世纪后,一向被人们忽视的拉美成为社会关注的热点。"拉美化"、拉美政治更成为学术界议论纷纷的话题,拉美研究俨然成了学术界的"显学",各类出版物纷纷推出。可惜,在热闹的背后,鲜有严肃的学术著作。值得注意的是,还是有一些严谨的学者在辛勤耕耘,推出一些扎实的学术作品。2009年6月由世界知识出版社出版的《墨西哥革命制度党的兴衰》就是这样的著作。  相似文献   

State capacity is often seen as simply the resources and capabilities of state organizations to perform those functions that are seen as essential to monopolizing coercion, maintaining legitimacy, and providing key public and social goods. As such, it is often conceptualized as value-neutral and comparable across national contexts. By contrast, this article posits that in the Indian context, state capacity is a politically contested concept, because there is deep and enduring political conflict in India over the appropriate roles and related capabilities of state power. This conflict is grounded in disagreements between those who wish to use the state as a tool to transform society and those who see it as a means to preserve and protect social relations. As a result of this conflict, the state in India is not weak or captured but internally divided and thus disarticulated. This article demonstrates these dynamics through an examination of state intervention in the statist and post-liberalization political economy of India.  相似文献   

<正>On November 3,CIIS President Su Ge and Vice President Dong Manyuan met with the delegation from the Danish Parliament headed by Soren Espersen,Chairman of its Foreign Policy Committee.The two sides exchanged views on China-Europe relations and the DPRK nuclear issue,among other topics.Members of the delegation included Mogens  相似文献   

More direct involvement in the EU decision-making process has traditionally been an ambition of the Italian parliament. The implementation of the Lisbon Treaty has prompted parliament to maintain tighter scrutiny of the EU legislative process, not only through the use of the new subsidiarity control mechanism, but in particular by exerting a stronger influence on the government on EU affairs. The latter will be the key challenge in the post-Lisbon era. It is too early to say, however, whether this will have a positive or negative impact on the EU's democratic legitimacy.  相似文献   

W.N. Medlicott, Douglas Dakin and M.E. Lambert (eds.), Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939, First Series, Volume XX. German Reparation and Allied Military Control 1922. Russia, March 1921-December 1922 (London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1976). 970 + lxx pp. £23. ISBN 0-11-591553-2

W.N. Medlicott and Douglas Dakin (eds.), assisted by Gillian Bennett, Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939, First Series, Volume XXII. Central Europe and the Balkans 1921. Albania 1921-2 (London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1980). 885 + cxii pp. £45. ISBN 0-11-591555-9

David S. Newhall, Clemenceau. A Life at War (The Edwin Meilen Press: Lampeter, 1991). 682 + xv pp. £35.95. ISBN 0-88946-785-4

J. Calvitt Clarke III, Russia and Italy against Hitler. The Bolshevik-Fascist Rapprochement of the 1930s (Contributions to the Study of World History No. 21, Greenwood Press: Westport, Connecticut, 1991). 218 + xvii pp. £59.95. ISBN 0-313-27468-1

David Dutton, Simon. A political biography of Sir John Simon (Aurum Press, 1992). 364 + viii pp. £25. ISBN 1-85410-204-4

Peter Neville, Neville Chamberlain. A study in failure? (Personalities and Power Series, Hodder and Stoughton, 1992). £5. ISBN 0-340-56308-7  相似文献   

2009年7月14日,波兰前总理耶日·布泽克(Jerzy Buzek)当选为欧洲议会议长,其政治意义非同凡响。一是作为《里斯本条约》生效后的首任欧洲议会议长,布泽克成为欧洲议会有史以来最“有权”的掌门人;二是作为在欧盟机构担任要职的中东欧“第一人”,其当选在一定程度上被视为“新欧洲”地位与作用上升、东西欧真正“融合”的重要象征。  相似文献   

张雷 《南亚研究季刊》2012,(1):106-108,6
印度的现代化进程始于英国殖民统治时期,从独立前的"殖民主义现代化模式"到从独立后的"以苏联模式为参照的混合模式",再到经济改革以来"自由主义混合模式",印度的现代化模式经历了深刻调整,发展模式的选择和完善对于印度现代化具有重要意义。印度独立以来特别是20世纪90年代以来经济社会快速发展,在现代化道路上已取得了很大成就,但仍存在一系列问题,有待于继续探索和完善。  相似文献   

Governments have always been more reluctant to accept parliamentary oversight in foreign policy than in any other domestic policy field. This examination of the recent performance of the Italian Parliament in Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) scrutiny and control in the two case studies of the EU's arms embargo against China and negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program shows that institutional arrangements concerning parliamentary control in this field have significant shortcomings. Although limited, the reforms under discussion in the new intergovernmental conference could contribute to improving the performance of parliaments and to creating a common awareness of the problem of democratic deficit in CFSP among the parliamentarians of EU member states.  相似文献   

从斯大林功过看苏联兴亡——评《苏联兴亡史论》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一 对斯大林功过的评价要与时俱进要考察苏联兴亡的历史进程、总结苏联兴亡的历史经验 ,首先就要探究从列宁到戈尔巴乔夫苏联历届党政首脑的理论、路线、体制和实践的演变问题 ,尤其是涉及对斯大林功过的评价问题。因为斯大林执政时间最长 ,而且苏联的社会主义制度主要是在斯大林执政的 3 0年间( 1 92 3~ 1 95 3年 )建成并且得到巩固的 ,随后 3 0多年苏联斯大林模式没有发生什么大变化。如果我们肯定斯大林是“功大于过”,那么就要肯定苏联的社会主义模式基本上是成功的、优秀的 ,尽管难免还有一些弊端 ,那只要经过小修小补就能更加显示优…  相似文献   

本文作者通过邮件和面谈的方式对新加坡知名的政治家、社会活动家和企业家白振华进行了访谈,白振华先生表达了他对新加坡政治生态的观点,为人们了解新加坡政治生态提供了鲜活的第一手资料。  相似文献   

俄罗斯共产党是迄今俄罗斯社会政治生活中最有影响的左翼反对派政党,它的兴衰、起伏贯穿了俄罗斯十年巨变的整个历史时期,并从一个侧面反映了俄罗斯十年社会政治发展的现实.由被禁止活动到重新崛起、由体制外政党到成为议会第一大党,在它发展的极盛时期,俄共对现政权构成了最有力的挑战,而且几乎改变了俄罗斯社会的发展进程.然而,俄共自身的保守性与非建设性决定了它难以提出适应社会发展方向与符合社会主流意识的行动纲领,在与现政权的较量中其影响和作用逐渐衰弱.尤其是普京执政后,俄共受到了政权及议会"中右翼势力"的联合挤压,俄共也由党内不同派别的分化而走向了分裂,它的前途引人关注.  相似文献   

The possibility that the U.S. is in decline has renewed concerns over the international strategic situation and the global order. The World Bank' s International Comparison Program (ICP) released data in April 2014 that suggested China' s economy could overtake that of the U.S. as soon as the end of this year (based on purchasing power parity or PPP which takes into account the relative costs of goods and services and inflation rates). Their figures showed that the size of China' s economy was 87% of the U.S.' in 2011-that is 15% bigger than previously estimated. China' s economy is thought to have grown roughly 24% since 2011, while the U.S. economy is expected to have grown less than 8% .2 The possibility that the U.S. economy is in decline has worried both the public and scholars, and has sparked a new round of lively debate on the future of the international strategic situation.  相似文献   

The States Reorganization Act of 1956, which reformed India's state boundaries primarily along linguistic lines, derailed civic nation creation in postindependence India. Thereafter, regional politicians were given a linguistic community with occasional ethnic congruence as their vote bank. This post-1956 political reality incentivized regional identity formation for regional politicians consolidating political power and eroded the influence of the independence era English-educated secular elite. In addition, the 1956 act made it a strategic rational choice for regional political elites not given their own states, to fight for the formation of new states. The hypothesis demonstrated in this article follows: The States Reorganization Act of 1956 made it the rational choice for regional political and intellectual elites to consolidate power based upon linguistic regional identities, making the central independence era goal of an overarching civic nationalism for the Indian federation impossible.  相似文献   

印度被西方学者认为是世界上最大的民主国家和亚非拉发展中国家中历时最久的民主国家 ①。印度的政党政治作为印度民主制的重要组成部分 ,也一直为人们所称道。独立后的印度由于国大党一党独大而保持了长期的政治稳定和有序的政策运行。然而由于印度国大党长期执政而带来的领导人专权、贪污腐败以及内部分裂导致其失去独大的一党执政地位。伴随印度多党制的发展及所带来的政府更迭频繁、经济社会发展缓慢 ,印度政党制度又被人们视为是世界上不稳定的民主 ,是一种超前政治消费。因此 ,了解这个世界上经济落后的人口大国的政党制度对于第三世…  相似文献   

Over the course of the twentieth century, terrorist organizations possessing different political and religious outlooks have been formed in different regions of the world. This note reports that the peak decades for the formation of terrorist groups were the 1970s and 1980s. Since that period, the pace of terrorist group formation has slowed substantially. Further, during the 1970s and 1980s the political goals of terrorist bands consisted of a heterogeneous mix of nationalist, left-wing revolutionary, right-wing radical and religious agendas. During the 1990s new terrorist groups have been largely reflective of religious concerns, Islamist ones in particular.  相似文献   

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