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This article explores the changing rhetoric and substance of accountability in the relationships between parliamentarians and public servants in what Alex Matheson terms the ‘purple zone’—where the ‘blue’ of political strategy and ‘red’ of public administration merge in ‘strategic conversation’. The primary focus is on current developments in Australia. As the Westminster system of governance, and the role of public administration within it, undergo profound transformation, the prerogatives of elected parliamentarians (in the blue corner) and the responsibilities of career public servants (in the red corner) are changing fundamentally. In Australia and New Zealand the increasingly complex relationships that exist between government, parliament, public service and the wider community challenge the traditional notions of accountability. Both the lines of accountability, and its standards, are under challenge. The acceleration of Australia's move to contract out the delivery of government services is creating new arenas of creative tension between administrative review and management for results. Public service agencies are increasingly perceived to be themselves in a contractual relationship with government. There is a risk that the public good may become subverted by private interest. How will we ensure that agencies will ‘not contract out responsibility at the citizen's expense’? © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Public Admin. Dev. Vol. 17 , 293–306 (1997). No. of Figures: 0. No. of Tables: 0. No. of Refs: 33.  相似文献   

This article is an exploratory study of the budgetary base in Georgia. Using agency, gubernatorial, and legislative estimates for all state agencies during the fiscal years 1980 to 1987, it examines the place of budgetary base decisions in the politics of state budgeting, and seeks to improve the theoretical understanding of that concept.  相似文献   

本文分析考察了笛卡尔普遍怀疑的过程、缘由、依据和目的 ,认为笛卡尔把“清晰明确”作为知识的基础和接受事实的原则 ,揭示了人类思维的基本特征。在知识、信息急剧膨胀的时代 ,对于个人有限的大脑潜力而言 ,或许不必刻意追逐快速增长的知识进程 ,在掌握一定基本知识的基础上 ,拿出怀疑主义的勇气 ,清除心中的一切成见、偏见、疑虑和外来的干扰信息 ,使思维达到清晰明确的豁然状态 ,似乎更益于激发智慧的火花。  相似文献   

刘智城 《学理论》2008,(20):70-72
文化和制度之间的关系一直受到学术研究领域的关注,中国儒家思想不仅对古代中国产生过深远的影响,在现代社会中,其影响力也丝毫未有减弱。近代以来,对儒家思想的价值认识主要聚焦于文化层面,而在制度层面上却较为忽略,甚至否认儒家思想对于现代社会的制度价值,如何以制度的角度看待儒家思想、认识儒家思想的制度资源,并实现其普适价值的现代理念转换有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

在侦查学学科性质的问题上众说纷纭 ,观点不一。本文赞同把侦查学归属于刑事科学 ,并具体探讨了刑事科学的概念和根源与将侦查学归属于刑事科学的意义。  相似文献   

Stidham  Ronald; Carp  Robert A. 《Publius》1988,18(4):113-125
This study explores regionalism in the appointment and decisionmakingpatterns of federal district judges. We begin with an examinationof the general appointment strategies of Ronald Reagan, JimmyCarter, and other recent presidents. The role of local constraintsin this process is emphasized. Next, the behavior of federaldistrict judges appointed by recent presidents is analyzed bycomparing levels of support for civil rights and civil libertiesclaims in cases decided during the 1977–1985 period. TheReagan appointees' support scores are compared with those ofjudges appointed by Carter and other recent Democratic and Republicanpresidents. Comparisons are made in the nation as a whole andalso across circuits and states. Our findings indicate thatthe Reagan appointees are less supportive of civil rights andliberties claims than judges named to the bench by Carter orother recent Democratic and Republican presidents.  相似文献   

新时代党的意识形态独树一帜、逻辑清晰、内涵丰富、意蕴深远,是马克思主义同中国国情、党情、民情相结合的时代产物。通过对中国共产党意识形态的审视,不难发现意识形态文化溯源可追溯至中国底蕴深厚的文化自信,思想溯源可追溯至西方意识形态的辩证借鉴,理论溯源可追溯至马克思主义经典作家的精神精华,实践溯源可追溯至中国共产党实践经验的总结。从文化、思想、理论、实践四个向度把握中国共产党意识形态的来源,有助于提升对新时代党的意识形态的认识,引导人民砥砺奋进,发挥意识形态的极端重要作用。  相似文献   

"This article is limited to an analysis of some characteristics of nuptiality in the municipalities in the northern border zone of Mexico, based on the classification of the population by age and sex [and] by marital status...contained in the 1980 Census.... Nuptiality in the border zone is not only distinguished from that of the country as a whole, but also in relation to the states in which the municipalities comprising it are located." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

城市社区建设的探索和推进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市社区建设是在党和政府的统一领导下,由民政部门牵头进行的。推进城市社区建设,是城市社区服务巩固、提高和发展的重要保证,是城市基层政权和群众自治组织建设改革的突破口和新的工作重心,是城市民政工作新的生长点。推进城市社区建设,对于城市基层政权的巩固和社会稳定,对于坚持党的群众路线和进一步扩大基层民主具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article explores the time dimension in policy evaluation studies. We argue that time has been given little attention in policy evaluation studies, despite it being very important for the occurrence and assessment of policy success or failure. We therefore propose to make time a central element of policy evaluation. First, we explore the theoretical foundations behind the concept of time. Second, we present a case study to investigate the presence of time in that specific case and the evaluation thereof. We conclude with recommendations for policy evaluation studies.  相似文献   

探索构建学习型党支部   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为党组织系统的基本细胞。党支部是党的工作和战斗力的基础。将学习型组织理论引入支部建设,构建学习型党支部,既是响应这一总体战略要求的具体体现和时代发展的迫切要求,也是新时期加强基层组织建设、构建保持先进性机制的一种探索。本文对此进行分析,希望藉此能对现阶段的学习型党支部建设有一个更深、更清晰的认识,从而为企业在构建学习型党支部的方法与途径上提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Forty years of research in political tolerance has produced only tangential evidence of blacks' commitment to the principles of democracy and their willingness to apply them to specific situations. Implicit in this literature is that blacks' socialization into a rigid culture stressing authoritarian values, low levels of education, and certain psychological deficiencies interfere with the acquisition of democratic values. As a result, black intolerance is accepted as uncontrollable and involuntary. In this paper, I challenge this view of black intolerance. In particular, I consider how black political intolerance is used as an emancipatory strategy to protect blacks from groups who directly threaten their physical and psychological security. The analysis reveals that blacks identify the historical and current attempt of the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize and demean them, and thus, attempt to restrain its behavior. Black intolerance is a conscious and focused decision that allows blacks to distinguish between everyday racists and bigots, and the anxiety and fear generated by the Klan.  相似文献   

It is often said that sovereignty is ever less meaningful in the modern world. Yet, sovereignty claims continue to proliferate. There are two elements: the subject of self-determination (sovereignty) claims and the object. Scottish independence and Brexit are two examples, yet they differ in important ways. Brexit postulates that the British people are the subject and complete sovereignty is the object. The Scottish independence movement claims the Scottish people is the subject but now places the object (independence) in a European context of shared sovereignty. Analysis of questions placed in the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey (2021) shows that, in spite of Scottish politics being polarised around the issue of independence vs. union, voters show flexibility about what each of these actually means.  相似文献   

不同的民族有着不同的语言,每种语言都蕴涵着不同的社会文化背景.从语言与文化的关系入手,简述了在大学英语教学中文化教学的必要性,同时提出了文化教学的途径.  相似文献   

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