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国际关系的建构主义学者已经把规范和规范问题作为研究的核心要素之一,他们对规范日趋精确的界定也使人们对其形成较为准确和统一的认识。建构主义研究的最新成果表明,规范是“具有给定身份的行为体适当行为的准则。……政治学中的建构主义称之为规范的概念与社会学称之为‘制度’的概念实际上是同样的行为准则。……根据社会学理论,规范和制度的一个不同之处是聚合性问题:规范指的是单独的行为准则,而制度强调的是诸多行为准则的组合与汇聚(即一组实践活动和准则)”。①但是,在建构主义进入国际关系的理论视野之前,国际关系的三大理论流派:…  相似文献   

The following symposium tackles an important debate in the field of international studies research and in social science research more broadly. Originating as presentations at the 2002 International Studies Association meetings in New Orleans, the following set of papers examines issues concerning the potential replication of research results from a number of different conceptual and technical perspectives. It also spans an array of journals and journal editors in our field that confront issues of replication on a regular basis. The interactions generated by this symposium have already led to the agreement, detailed at the end of the symposium among the four leading internations relations journals to adopt a single common replication policy. The editors of these journals challenge others to follow their lead. The Editors of ISP hope that this symposium begins a larger discussion on these issues and invites commentary from interested scholars. Lastly, I want to thank Nils Petter Gleditsch for soliciting, organizing, and coordinating the contributions to this symposium. Without his work, this project would not have come to fruition as quickly or in as insightful a fashion. Three anonymous reviewers also provided detailed comments on the entire set of articles in this symposium. We are indebted to the care and effort they gave to the project. Mark A. Boyer For the Editors of ISP  相似文献   

法国国际关系学起步于1923年巴黎大学法律系国际问题高级研究所的建立,直到二战后才逐渐发展成为一门独立学科。在法国教育和研究系统内,国际关系学科往往根植于历史学、政治学、法学等大的学科内部,具有深厚的人文社会科学研究传统和底蕴,跨学科特色明显。目前,法国国际关系研究和教育主要集中在一些独立的“智库”型研究机构以及大学的相关研究中心。本文将着重介绍其中几个有影响力的国际关系研究机构。  相似文献   

The use of surveys and survey experiments by international political economy scholars is increasing, adding to the ability to study a broad array of topics. In doing so, many scholars in international political economy draw on—and are contributing to—insights and arguments from American politics and comparative politics (Milner 1998), substantive fields with a history of using surveys and survey experiments. In this article, I review motivations for using surveys and survey experiments, the research designs, and analysis strategies in light of this issue’s contributions. I contrast these motivations and their accompanying designs and discuss the pros and cons of ways to approach the data generated by these research designs. The goal of this commentary is to situate surveys and survey experiments—especially those within the special issue—within a larger discussion about research motivations, design, and analysis techniques.  相似文献   

This bibliographic review discusses and evaluates cost-free, reliable, quality online content useful to academics in international studies teaching and research at the college level, including how and where to locate such materials through guides, directories, gateway sites, repositories, and various types of search engines; considerations about Internet use in college classes; and undergraduate assignments that use sources of information from the Internet. There is also consideration of characteristics and trends of college student use of the Internet for research purposes, the "invisible" or deep web, electronic information literacy for academics, and maintaining current awareness on the fast-changing web.  相似文献   

本文在考察“国际政治”、“国际关系”、“世界政治”、“全球政治”概念的产生及其相似性,以及国外学者使用这几个概念的倾向性基础上,探讨了中国学术界使用这几个概念的基本情况,认为有必要使专业设置与概念的应用协调一致,以利于中国国际政治学各学派的争鸣以及理论体系的创新。  相似文献   

This analysis of 414 selected votes in four major issue areas in the UN General Assembly in the period 1971 to 1978 attempts to define Chinces policy toward Third World nations in the context of its voting toward Communist and Western bloc nations. The basic findings are: 1) China was much more favorable to the developing nations than to the West, and a little more favorable to the Third World than to the Communist bloc; 2) Among the four regions of the Third World, China was most friendly to the Middle East, least amenable to Latin America, and friendlier to Africa than Asia; 3) Chinese attitudes toward the Third World and its regions largely reflected a combined influence of national age, size and wealth, with wealth generally the most important consideration; 4) While economic considerations dominated Chinese votes, concern over national independence and security of new developing nations also guided Chinese foreign policy to a large extent.  相似文献   

20 0 3年 9月 1 0~ 1 2日 ,中国社会科学院主办、中国社会科学院科研局和拉丁美洲研究所承办的第二届国际问题论坛在京郊举行。本届论坛的主题是“拉美的改革与发展及其对中国的启示”。来自国内科研机构、政府部门、高等院校和新闻媒体的70多位专家和学者参加了会议。一 对拉美改革与发展的总体评价苏振兴研究员在主题发言中指出 ,拉美经济改革的目标是建立“自由市场经济”,实现由内向发展模式向外向发展模式的转变 ,促进经济增长与社会发展。因此 ,对拉美改革成效的评估 ,应着眼于经济体制与结构的变化、经济增长、社会发展这三个层面…  相似文献   

事实是国际关系研究的对象与方法选择的依据.国际关系事实作为人为产物,具有不同于自然事实的属性.一方面它是客观实在,一经发生就不依人的意志为转移;另一方面它具社会意义,体现了人的主观建构.国际关系事实的这一特点,决定人们的研究必须适当结合客观观察与主观诠释两个方面.从认识论的角度讲,尽管人们对事实进行观察不可能避免主观因素的影响,而且在多数情况下只能面对作为文本的事实,但只要研究者始终把这个过程视为探求客观实在的过程,就能将观察中的主观因素置于恰当的位置,使对事实的陈述更为真实.  相似文献   

中国国际关系研究方法现存问题与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国国际关系学界既不讲求研究方法,也没有运用研究方法的自觉,造成国际关系研究低水平重复现象严重。在不仅国际问题国际化,而且国内问题日益国际化的形势下,中国国际关系学界必须改变轻视研究方法的态度,努力讲求研究方法,大力加强研究和运用方法的自觉性,力求走一条科学与人文相结合的道路,以此提高中国国际关系研究的整体水平,推动这一学科的发展、成熟与繁荣。  相似文献   

刘鸣 《国际观察》2006,63(3):8-16
中长期的潜在变局包括:通过技术的垄断和经济的扩张、全球的军事部署等方式实现对国际权力结构的调整;中美冲突导致亚太地区冷和平格局的形成;东亚次大国的局部冲突引发大国力量关系的改变和阶段性的冷战;欧洲内部与美欧出现严重分裂,西方联盟体系瓦解;集团性的多极化变局呈现.未来体系到底朝哪个方向发展,还有待于我们进一步的观察.  相似文献   

西方国际关系理论中的理性主义论析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
理性主义是西方国际关系理论中的主要研究范式,从总体方法论角度看,主流学派都持有理性主义的认知。理性主义范式是一个统一的学术体系,形成了由研究对象、中心术语、前提假设、方法路径和哲学逻辑品质等组成的有机整体。理性主义的共同研究范式有利于西方国际关系理论学科的发展,它使西方国际关系理论从国际法、世界史等学科门类中摆脱出来,划清了国际关系与其他学科的研究界限;有助于奠定国际关系学科学术研究的共通性基础,并能更有效地.解释现实,为国家外交政策提供指导。  相似文献   

近年来,中国与印度的双边关系倍受世人瞩目,对印度的研究也成为中国学术界关注的主要议题.据不完全统计,20世纪90年代以来,中国国内学者出版的有关印度问题的专著超过20部,发表的文章近千篇,更有许多青年博士、硕士论文的选题也直接以印度问题为研究方向.  相似文献   

话语分析、文本解读是西方后现代国际关系理论倡导的主要研究方法之一.本文以福柯的"话语观"对后现代国际关系理论的影响为切入点,探讨了话语分析与国际关系研究的重要关系;同时提出将批判性话语分析为核心的"多维话语分析方法"引入国际关系研究领域,作为具体的话语分析方法使用.  相似文献   

国际战略研究中心(曾译作战略与国际问题研究中心,Center for Strategic and International Studies,CSIS),是美国具有保守色彩的重要战略和政策研究机构,素有“强硬路线者之家”和“冷战思想库”之称,与石油财团关系密切。40多年来,国际战略研究中心网罗了大批国际关系学界大腕和政坛精英,奠定了自身在美国乃至世界战略政策研究机构中的龙头地位。近年来,它加强了对亚太、中国大陆和台湾的研究,在对外政策方面的主张较前温和,是对共和党政府具有重大影响力的思想库之一。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the major concepts of Outcome Mapping and discusses the International Development Research Centre's experience in developing and implementing Outcome Mapping with Northern and Southern research organisations. It explores how the fundamental principles of Outcome Mapping relate to organisational learning principles and the challenges associated with applying theory to practice. It presents cases where planning, monitoring, and evaluation processes have been used to encourage learning and improvement, and discusses the potential of Outcome Mapping as a tool for evaluative thinking to build learning into development programmes.  相似文献   

Case Study Methods in International Political Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IPE scholars frequently use qualitative methods to contribute to theory-building, but we could get greater value from them. Single case studies are actually a family of research designs: the disciplined interpretive case study, the hypothesis-generating case study, the least-likely, most-likely, and deviant case studies. The method of difference employs comparison and attempts to eliminate rival interpretation by choosing two or more cases that match in important respects. These methods enjoy several inherent advantages relative to statistical methods, and they suffer from several disadvantages. Neither family of methods is sufficient. The two complement one another and ultimately must be combined.  相似文献   

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