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典型OCL电路由于推动级集电极电阻和推挽管偏置二极管、电阻的设置,使得电路在信号正负半周工作于不对称状态.本文对此问题进行了分析并介绍了利用恒流源负载和恒压源偏置改进的OCL电路.  相似文献   

新疆铁通DC1B长途局到库尔勒DC2共32个2M中继电路,其中有8个2M中继电路中断时电路状态显示不正确,对这个故障进行了查找及处理.从处理这次故障总结出了一个新的处理2M中继电路的思路,为处理这类故障又积累了新的经验.  相似文献   

曰产蓝鸟轿车,由于发动机ECU的部分控制功能有故障,造成该车冷起动困难,通过诊断分析,在原ECU电路上增加一个由水温传感器和继电器组成的电路,恢复汽车良好的起动性能.  相似文献   

电视机的光栅是由场、行扫描电路向场、行偏转线圈提供锯齿波电流,使得进行扫描的电子束发生有规律的偏转所形成的。垂直扫描振荡器、推动级、输出级的故障以及场供电电源故障均可使垂直扫描失常产生一条水平亮线。检修时应针对不同的电路和器件采取不同的方法和措施。  相似文献   

<电工电子技术>课程是由<电工基础>、<模拟电路>、<数字电路>整合而成的一门理工类专业的专业基础课, 其教学效果直接影响后继专业课程的进一步学习和专业技能的掌握.传统的教学模式已不能适应当今社会对人才的需求.为提高教学质量,我们采用了融"教、学、做"为一体的"一体化"教学模式,大大提高了学生的动手能力和学习兴趣.  相似文献   

刘明亮 《学理论》2014,(3):232-233
根据黑龙江大学电工电子基础实验中心的实际情况,对模拟电路课堂教学进行了研究。精心教学备课、悉心设计课堂教学、变革教学理念、提升驾驭课堂的能力、塑造教师人格魅力、运用启发式教学方法、激发学生的创造力,提高科技创新人才培养质量。  相似文献   

随着奥运会倒计时牌逐渐归零,北京面临越来越多的安全方面的关心和质询。假如北京奥运会期间地铁发生爆炸,假如恐怖分子在奥运场馆投放毒气,假如电路中断、水源被污染,奥运之城能否经得起城市应急和公共安全的大考验?更值得关注的是,举办奥运会所需要的安全保障工作,正在  相似文献   

机器人代替人类的繁重劳动已不是新鲜事,电脑运算和储存信息的能量远远超过血肉之躯也早已成了现实;用之于某些智力活动,则有计算机打桥牌,计算机下棋,计算机作游戏,等等。还报导过计算机下棋下输了,恼羞成怒,把电路搞乱,谋杀了对手的新闻。人类的创造能力真是不可限量。  相似文献   

余晓平 《党政论坛》2012,(22):38-39
假如你在超市买一盏简陋的吊灯,价格可能也就是50美元左右。同样是在自己不会安装的情况下,在中国,你只要花20元人民币找个人来安装,而在美国,上门安装至少要50美元。这就会逼着你自己动手安装。在美国,上门安装的人员都是持牌电工,他们主要是进行电路改造。  相似文献   

教育技术学是教育科学的一个新分支,它是一种设计、实施和评价学习与教学全过程的系统论方法。它依据特定的目标,在充分研究人类学习和传播文化科学知识的基础上,综合应用各种教学资源,以获得最优教学。教育技术学是在视听教育的基础上生长起来的,它是信息科学和四“C”技术(通信技术、控制技术、计算机技术、电路技术。  相似文献   

This article explores the possibilities for new forms of ‘digital citizenship’ currently emerging through digitally supported processes of narrative exchange. Using Dahlgren's (Dahlgren, P. 2003. “Reconfiguring Civic Culture in the New Media Milieu.” In Media and the Restyling of Politics, edited by J. Corner, and D. Pels, 151–170. London: Sage; Dahlgren, P. 2009. Media and Political Engagement. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.) circuit of ‘civic culture’ as a model for exploring the interlinking preconditions for new acts of citizenship, we discuss the contrasting outcomes of research at three fieldwork sites in the North of England – educational (a sixth form college), civil society (a community reporters' network) and social (a local club). Each site provided clear evidence of the elements of Dahlgren's circuit (some depending on the intensive use of digital infrastructure, others predating it), but there were also breaks in the circuit that constrained its effectiveness. A crucial factor in each case for building a lasting circuit of civic culture (and an effective base for new forms of digital citizenship) is the role that digital infrastructure can play in extending the scale of interactions beyond the purely local.  相似文献   

Existing scholarship on the voting behavior of U.S. Courts of Appeals judges finds that their decisions are best understood as a function of law, policy preferences, and factors relating to the institutional context of the circuit court. What previous studies have failed to consider, however, is that the ability to predict circuit judge decisions can vary in substantively important ways and that judges, in different stages of their careers, may behave distinctively. This article develops a theoretical framework which conceptualizes career stage to account for variability in voting by circuit judges and tests hypotheses by modeling the error variance in a vote choice model. The findings indicate that judges are more predictable in their voting during their early and late career stages. Case characteristics and institutional features of the circuit also affect voting consistency.  相似文献   

The U.S. Courts of Appeals, working principally through three-judge panels, constitute important final arbiters of the meaning of the federal constitution, laws, and regulations and, hence, significant policymakers within the federal system. En banc rehearing—reconsideration of the decision of a three-judge panel by the full complement of judges appointed to the circuit—is an institutional device that ensures circuit decisions are in line with the established preferences of the circuit. The use of en banc varies in frequency across circuits and within circuits over time. Drawing on legal, attitudinal, and strategic perspectives of judicial behavior, we develop and test a set of integrated expectations regarding the causes of this variation. Our analysis finds support for the operation of all three models and suggests that the influence of ideology on the use of en banc in the recent era is not unique but part of a long-standing pattern .  相似文献   

Since 1995, the offshoring of services to India has rapidly evolved from a curiosity only studied by a few scholars to a phenomenon portending a major shift in the geography of global economic activity. The article examines the evolution of Indian global services provision quantitatively and qualitatively through the use of four case studies. The first case study examines the challenge that the Indian information technology systems integrators (ITSIs) pose to the formerly larger—but now roughly comparable in terms of employment—incumbent developed-nation ITSIs. Because IT systems have become central to nearly every enterprise, the second case study illustrates the wide variety of enterprises that now have significant Indian offshore operations. The third case study describes the rapid growth of offshore integrated circuit design in India, a nation with now commercial-scale integrated circuit production. The final case study describes the emergence of high-opportunity entrepreneurial startups in India and the increasing number of Silicon Valley startups that very early in their lives or even as part of their business model have significant operations in India. The concluding discussion situates India within the global economy and speculates upon its future evolution.  相似文献   

The article attempts to specify the relationship between industrial and commercial activity and the financial system within the UK economy. It does this in two ways. In the first place through a discussion of the different forms and circuits of capital which designate of the important relationships and categories integrating the financial and the industrial sectors. Secondly it assesses the specific form of the circuit of finance capital within the UK economic formation and points to some of the implications of this for the proposals to take into public ownership the Commercial Banks and Insurance Companies.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the new economy was a rhetorical fabrication, which, through the ability of stakeholders like the cultural circuit of capital, was able to define what the facts consisted of and to train up bodies that bent to those facts. This fabrication could therefore produce regularities in the world. In the first instance, the chief beneficiary was the financial sector, which was able to use the new economy rhetoric to engineer a financial bubble. But, even after the inevitable financial crash, the new economy has left a legacy which should not be scoffed at.  相似文献   

We examine whether circuit court judges sacrifice policy purity for career goals. We compare the behavior of contender judges–those most likely to be elevated to the Supreme Court–during vacancy periods with their behavior outside vacancy periods. We also examine the behavior of noncontender judges during those same times. The data show that during vacancy periods, contender judges are more likely to vote consistently with the president's preferences, to rule in favor of the United States, and to write dissenting opinions. Noncontender judges fail to evidence such behavior. These findings provide empirical support for the argument that federal judges adapt their behavior to specific audiences, and provide new avenues for research into judges' goals and the role of audiences in judicial decision making.  相似文献   

监督执纪“四种形态”是全面从严治党的重要手段,是新形势下党建理论新成果的实践运用,是标本兼治的科学方法。高校基层党组织日常工作中面临的主要是第一种形态的运用问题。通过对60所高校91名纪检监察干部进行调查,发现高校基层党组织在运用第一种形态方面一定程度上存在不想用、不敢用、不会用、不认真用的问题。解决这些问题,重点要以思想自觉和责任自觉提升行动自觉,确保第一种形态运用落地;要以制度建设推进运用常态化,确保第一种形态用得规范得当;要以能力建设推进运用用好用准,确保第一种形态运用质量;要硬化闭环工作机制,确保第一种形态用出实效。  相似文献   

This article draws on the political philosophy of John Dewey as one way to re-think the relationship between deliberative and participatory democracy. Rather than focusing on differences, Dewey's ideal of democracy allows us to bridge these two theories while still being attentive to the tensions between them. In particular, Dewey helps us conceptualize deliberative and participatory practices as distinctive yet complementary phases within a larger circuit of cooperative inquiry. To illustrate the argument, a case study of one democratic experiment that effectively combined different forms of practice is presented. In doing so, it is contended that we might be able to recover and incorporate some of the more radical features of participatory democracy into deliberative practices. Participatory theory's focus on political action and structural inequality, in addition to deliberation, as essential to citizen-centered democratic practice is specifically emphasized.  相似文献   

Bullying has received increasing research interest, whether bullying among students in schools and universities, or bullying among employees. There is still no accordance regarding to bullying between the couple. This study aimed to investigate the construct validity and psychometric properties of the marital bullying scale with advanced statistical procedure, structural equation modeling, and exploratory factor analysis. The researchers prepared the marriage bullying scale consisting of 25 self‐report items and applied it in a random sample consisting of (760) married individual, and then, the researchers extracted the psychometric characteristics of this scale. The finding indicated that the scale has psychometric properties with a high validity and reliability. In order to ensure the validity of the structure of this scale, the researchers developed a measurement model for marital bullying. The results of the exploratory factor analysis pointed to the saturation of the items of the scale (25) on five factors and accounted for 80.815% of the total variance of the scale. The first factor was verbal bullying that accounted for 37.658%, the second factor was physical bullying that accounted for 16. 249 %, the third factor was psychological bullying that accounted for 12.850 %, the fourth factor was social bullying that accounted for 8.584 %, and the fifth factor was family bullying that accounted for (5.475 %) of the total variance of marital bullying. And then by using confirmatory factor analysis, results showed that the structure of the proposed measurement model of marital bullying has good fitness with the data collected from the sample of the study, which enhances confidence in the ability of the scale to assess marital bullying. The findings shed new light on the underlying theory behind marital bullying and proved the usefulness of structural equation modeling framework in scale development.  相似文献   

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