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侦查到案制度:从现实到理想——一个实证角度的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马静华 《现代法学》2007,29(2):122-134
传唤、拘传、口头传唤、留置、抓捕构成了实践中的侦查到案措施体系。对三个典型地区公安机关的调研表明,法定到案措施与非法定到案措施的适用明显错位。根据研究资料分析:审批程序耗时与到案期限紧张这两个因素造成了法定到案措施适用率低下;相比而言,非法定到案措施具有适用条件灵活、适用机制简便、适用手段具有不同程度的强制性以及适用期限弹性较大等特点,由于这些特点,侦查人员较愿选择非法定到案措施。实践中到案措施体系的犯罪控制功能显而易见,从程序正当角度评价,这一体系的运行既有权力控制的倾向,也有权力滥用、不当限制权利的倾向。侦查到案制度的改革应坚持犯罪控制与人权保障相平衡的理念,汲取实践中的理性做法,适当参考国外同类制度,建立一个逻辑严密、协调一致,能够充分应对各类案件特点和证据条件的到案措施体系。  相似文献   

政府主导下的集体建设用地流转:从理想回归现实   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管现行法律严格限制了集体建设用地入市流转的可能,但不少地方政府都积极引导集体建设用地流转,并出台了大量规范性文件。地方政府从自身利益即财政收入、经济增长的最大化来决定是否允许集体建设用地流转。在一定程度上,这和农民、中央政府的目标函数相冲突;为此,应对地方政府自行出台的办法进行改进、修正,以最大程度平衡各主体的利益诉求,协调好经济增长、耕地保护、宏观调控、农民增收的相互关联。  相似文献   

Rieter  Eva 《荷兰国际法评论》2021,68(3):373-386
Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

CLSR welcomes occasional comment pieces on issues of current importance in the law and technology field. In this note Christopher Rees of Taylor Wessing LLP, London offers a personal viewpoint on current projects connected with digital identity and Geoinformation and what such research tells us about the future direction of Information Law.  相似文献   

The Bush administration has repudiated President Clintons signature on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. This repudiation comes when the war on terrorism is directed against the very crimes denounced in the Rome Statute. Critical criminology has been skeptical of criminal law regimes within nations on the ground that they legitimize pre-existing power relationships. The criminal law regime among nations in the Rome Statute is the only method to delegitimize military force by any permanent member of the U.N. Security Council as well as the only forum to try accused terrorists that can offer an appearance of fairness.  相似文献   

Recent feminist writings have been much preoccupied with epistemological questions. The notion of standpoint has, in particular, been a major focus of discussion. Aspects of this debate, especially as they relate to work on deviant women are outlined. It is suggested that the concept needs to be further analysed. Illustrative material from the author's own studies of 'deviant' women over a period of twenty years is cited in support of this view. This approach is linked to the work of other writers, including Smart and Benhabib, who have referred to women's resistance to forms of categorization. Consideration of the issues raised have considerable consequences for feminist epistemologies.  相似文献   

认识劳动价值论必须与认识现实社会结构和社会运行趋势相联系,这是马克思劳动价值论的精髓所在,与马克思所处的时代相比,我国现阶段劳动分工的范围,经济增长方式,生活方式和价值观念都起了很大的变化,因此我们对现阶段劳动与价值的关系的认识也应该变化,在现实条件下,技术劳动,管理劳动,销售劳动,服务劳动等非直接劳动对价值创造的贡献越来越明显,在我国新出现的有产者,绝大多数是通过自己的知识,技术和管理能力在创造着价值。在社会主义的初级阶段,我们应重新认识这些新的有产者,给其应有的尊重和社会地位。  相似文献   

雷磊 《时代法学》2006,4(1):65-67
正义与权利是ius一词最重要的两个含义,它们在古罗马时期经历了一个重心转移的过程。正是这一转变引发了西方法律史上的革命并直接奠定了物权法的立法基础。探讨了这一转变的原因及其影响,对于我们今天的物权立法意义重大。  相似文献   

This article is the first attempt to analyse the condition of Roman law in Roman Britain for more than thirty years. It is intended as an introduction to the subject and a point from which further research can be done. The article briefly describes current knowledge of the effectiveness of Roman law in Roman Britain, relying upon not only traditional Roman law sources but also a large number of epigraphic sources. Based upon an analysis of these, it may be said that Roman law played an important role in the daily life of Roman Britain. It was not only associated with the Roman conquerors, but it was also used by Romanized native inhabitants of the island. It is even possible that the foundations laid down by the Romans influenced the later development of medieval Welsh law.  相似文献   

Discussing legal issues related to smart contracts on the blockchain is very topical. This article will discuss primarily smart contracts on the blockchain the conclusion and execution of which does not interact with the physical world, as well as briefly touch upon smart contracts on the blockchain which do interact with the physical world. For these smart contracts, it will be determined to what extent existing EU internet laws can help support their development and if not, what is needed to support this. In order to answer this question, the following will be discussed: the rise of e-commerce and in particular the EU internet laws supporting and regulating e-commerce, how smart contracts work and how smart contracts compare with existing technological developments and comparable legal constructs (internet, bank accounts and bank guarantees). Subsequently, it will be explained how the use of smart contracts leads to a shift of confidence, from trust in people to trust in code. On the basis of The DAO hack and the problems that arose, it will be illustrated that this shift to trust in code is not as absolute as is often thought. The article concludes that applying specific EU laws on supporting and regulating e-commerce to smart contracts is difficult for two reasons. First of all, the starting points differ: trust in people versus trust in code. Secondly, technical and practical obstacles often inhibit applying internet laws in a meaningful manner. When using smart contracts, it makes more sense to prevent problems from arising than to correct them afterwards. For this reason, it is advocated that programmers work together with lawyers to create better smart contracts and that the legislator focuses on laws dealing with auditing smart contracts code by trusted third parties and automatically equating smart contracts with written contracts with wet ink signatures. This will hopefully facilitate the rise of smart contracts on the blockchain.  相似文献   

行政法的法典化旨在通过立法技术实现“完备的法律规范体系”目标,它是一个涵盖部门法意义,体现多层次、具有不同程度法典化过程的概念。应改变过去那种行政法不能法典化的传统观念认知,对行政法法典化抱持一种“有限的理性化努力”态度与行动,针对环境、教育等部门(或领域)行政法编纂部门(或领域)行政法典,针对一般行政法编纂“行政基本法典”。就“行政基本法典”而言,应将其定位为解决一般行政领域(或所有行政领域)共通性问题的“基本”性法典,融实体与程序为一体,将规范控制行政权与保障公民权益相统一,其文本的结构内容宜按总则编与分则编编排,总则编部分应主要规定基本概念、基本原则和基本行政制度,在分则编部分应设计“行政主体编”而非“行政组织编”,在“行政活动编”下分设权力性活动、非权力性活动和行政程序(活动)三个次编,在“行政救济(或监督)编”部分以行政救济为主同时兼顾监督。就领域法典而言,应将其定位为某一行政部门(或领域)的法典,其体系化或统一化的范围应限于该领域的全国性法律,介于一般行政法与单行法之间的“中间”层级,对领域法典的编纂应突出其领域的行政特色,教育法典的编纂应以教育行政为主线,环境法典的编纂应...  相似文献   

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