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The Indonesian social system began to disintegrate in 1997. In the aftermath of social collapse, many forms of state crime, organized crime, terrorism, ethnic violence, religious violence, assassinations and other political violence escalated. An anomie theory interpretation is offered of this rise and the subsequent fall of a complex of serious crime problems. Security sector reintegration, reintegration of perpetrators and reconciliation (without truth) played important parts in enabling the rebuilding of institutions of security.  相似文献   

Thirty years have passed for foreign investment legislation in China since the promulgation of the first foreign investment law in 1979. The remarkable achievements in the past 30 years under the China’s reform and open policy have benefited from introduction of foreign investment to a large extent as the result of foreign investment legislation and its changes. This paper starts with a retrospection of foreign investment legislation in China since 1979, followed by a discussion on the features and motives of changes in such legislation, and makes conclusions on the experience and lessons from the legislation, which will be conducive to further improvement of foreign investment legislation in China.  相似文献   

The legal science of the People’s Republic of China has experienced the stages of formation, reinstating and innovation over the past 60 years. Today, the legal field is flourishing. While the construction of different branches of law has been accomplished, there is still a long way to go in realizing democracy and rule of law in China. Jurists need to develop a heightened awareness of their social responsibility and the urgency with which to adapt the development of law to Chinese societies. Only under these circumstances can we effectively promote democracy and rule of law in China.  相似文献   

张书乐 《法人》2010,(7):44-45
便宜二字不可避免的被C2C站点上的网店店主演绎成具有侵权嫌疑的仿制品,这也就成为了C2C网站难以下狠心对其彻底进行打击的一个悖论  相似文献   

黄妙 《中国律师》2009,(10):37-39
近几年来,互联网上电子交易的数量和金额迅速上升.网上交易在商业交易行为中所占的比重越来越大。但是,由于我国目前对平台提供商的责任缺乏明确规定.作为网上交易平台中交易量最大、涉及面最广的C2C网上交易平台(以下简称“交易平台”),其平台提供商的责任也同样没有相应法律加以明确。因此.随着网上交易数量的不断增加,C2C网上交易服务提供商(以下简称“平台提供商”)与网上交易买方及卖方之间因责任不明产生的纠纷也不断增加。这种纠纷的不断发生已阻碍了网上交易这一新兴经济活动方式的发展,  相似文献   

本文对C2C在线交易的纠纷解决分别从诉讼和非诉讼的方式两方面进行论述。首先用诉讼方式解决纠纷,针对互联网的虚拟性,提出了寻找在线交易诉讼管辖新的连结点,突破传统管辖制度的瓶颈。而非诉讼方式具有便利、快捷的特点,符合未来在线交易纠纷解决的趋势,分别介绍了内部处理机制和在线争议解决机制。  相似文献   

中国现行的税收征管法律制度随着新中国的成立和改革开放的发展逐步形成,但是面对C2C这种新兴的网络购物模式,中国现行税法便显得无所适从,本文将层层剥开C2C环境下中国税收法律制度中存在的诸多问题并加以解决以完善C2C环境下的中国税收法律制度。  相似文献   

C2C是电子商务的专业用语,即个人与个人之间的电子商务。随着互联网的普及,我国电子商务C2C模式诸如淘宝、拍拍等网络平台的规模也变得越来越大,而对于C2C如何征税,征多少税仍是我国法律界探讨的一个热点问题。从2008年北京网店新规的出台开始,我国就已经着手了电子商务税收的新探索。对C2C的征税制度进行研究,将有助于我国电子商务税收制度的完善。  相似文献   

网络交易作为一种新兴的交易形式,近年来得到了迅猛发展。相对于B to B(公司对公司)或B to C(公司对个人)而方,C to C(个人对个人)的网络交易模式因为主体的隐蔽性和不确定性,隐藏着更大的交易风险。通过严格网络交易服务商的准入资格,并激励其审查交易信息的真实性和安全性,以及建立一种低成本、高效率、有权威的在线争端解决方式是保护C to C模式交易安全的几大重要因素。  相似文献   

王元媛 《法制与社会》2014,(14):288-289
作为中国普及率最广、运用者最多的电子商务形式,C2C电子商务自诞生之日起,其相关法律问题就一直是经济法学界的研究热点。本文旨在通过对我国C2C电子商务的应税必要性及法律缺位原因进行综合分析,论证当前对我国C2C电子商务进行法律规制势在必行。  相似文献   

截至2010年6月,总体网民规模达到4.2亿,网络购物用户规模达到1.42亿,①但《消费者权益保护法》却对庞大的网络消费者权益缺乏有效的保护机制.本文将从C2C交易模式为出发点,探讨网络交易下冷却期制度的构建的紧迫性与必要性,补正我国电子商务立法的缺失,以期完善C2C交易模式冷却期制度的现行立法.同时也必须合理构建冷却...  相似文献   

根据1996年第11期《请你当律师》栏目刊登的《精心织就的鱼网》一文介绍的案情,作为C公司的诉讼代理人,本律师认为,本案C公司不应承担责任:一、C公司与B公司不存在购销关系,C公司与A公司形成了代理报关关系。在本案中,A公司与B公司双方通过传真签订了购销输送带成交确认书,既已经形成了合同约定的购销关系,由于A公司没有进出口权,因而委托C公司代理报关提取货物,B公司也接受A公司的发货指令,依指令发货给C公司,C公司托收货物后,也依约将全部货物交给了A/k司,这有A’k司的收条可充分证明。A公司收货后,也以自己的名义…  相似文献   

本律师接受B公司委托担任其代理人,根据本案的事实,依照法律,提出代理意见:A公司因主体资格不合法导致与B公司所签订的成文确认书是无效合同,应予解除。此外,C公司应对B公司承担支付贷款的法律责任。理由如下:首先,因为A公司与C公司之间没有订立委托代理进口的书面合同,B公司与C公司之间没有订立进出口的书面合同,这就说明C公司不具备A公司的代理人资格,也不是B公司相对成交的需方。在这种情况下,C公司依然报关付税提取了货物。《海关法》第6条中规定:“进出境物品的所有人可以自行办理报关纳税手续,也可以委托他人办理…  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that certain migrant populations are at increased risk of abusive behaviors. It is unclear whether this may also apply to Thai rural-urban migrants, who may experience higher levels of psychosocial adversities than the population at large. The study aims to examine the association between migration status and the history of childhood sexual, physical, and emotional abuse among young Thai people in an urban community. A population-based cross-sectional survey was conducted in Northern Bangkok on a representative sample of 1052 young residents, aged 16-25?years. Data were obtained concerning: 1) exposures-migration (defined as an occasion when a young person, born in a more rural area moves for the first time into Greater Bangkok) and age at migration. 2) outcomes-child abuse experiences were assessed with an anonymous self report adapted from the Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS). There were 8.4%. 16.6% and 56.0% reporting sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, respectively. Forty six percent of adolescents had migrated from rural areas to Bangkok, mostly independently at the age of 15 or after to seek work. Although there were trends towards higher prevalences of the three categories of abuse among early migrants, who moved to Bangkok before the age of 15, being early migrants was independently associated with experiences of physical abuse (OR 1.9 95%CI 1.1-3.2) and emotional abuse (OR 2.0, 95%CI 1.3-3.0) only. Our results suggest that rural-urban migration at an early age may place children at higher risk of physical and emotional abuse. This may have policy implications for the prevention of childhood abuse particularly among young people on the move.  相似文献   

网络交易中,假货销售现象屡见不鲜,而C2C网络交易平台提供商作为买卖双方之外主体的责任问题引发关注.本论文深入分析了平台提供商商标侵权责任的构成要件,探讨了“知道”侵权行为的判断标准,并提出较为宽松的责任机制更适于现阶段网络交易及电子商务行业的发展.  相似文献   

本文主要关注于具体的C2C在线交易行为,特别强调了在线交易人充分信息披露的重要性,并对交易双方当事人如何进行合理的信息披露展开了论述。对C2C这种交易合同订立过程中所呈现出的交易特点,从现有的法规范出发,寻找与这种交易过程的契合点,达到了比较好的互动。  相似文献   

2月26日,在江西省鹰潭市中级人民法院一楼审判庭,前所未有地聚集着数十名记者,他们正关注着一场姓名权官司的二审判决。  相似文献   

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