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正A police officer for 27 years, Aireti Mamuti, a Uyghur from Pishan County, Hotan, in Xinjiang, was fatally injured in the line of duty in 2016. In a raid on an A-listed escaped criminal, Mamuti was badly injured by a suicidal bombing. On the occasion of celebrating the PRCs' 70 th anniversary, the late officer was honored as a First-Class role model within the national public security system and was granted the national honors of People's Hero and the Most Beautiful Fighter.  相似文献   

正Duguima, a Party member and a herder from Inner Mongolia autonomous region, was a teenager when she was given the task of raising 28 orphans from Shanghai. Born in a Mongolian family in 1942, she was honored as a People's Role Model for her selfless contributions to ethnic unity and progress. In the 1970 s, Duguima's self-taught medical and obstetric knowledge allowed her to save more than 40 young mothers who lived on the prairie.  相似文献   

正Born in 1942 in a Kyrgyz family, Brumahan Maoleduo is a border guard in Jigen Town, Wuqia County, Xinjiang, who has guarded the China border daily for over 50 years. At Donggulama mountain pass 4,000 m above sea level, she made the unprecedented accomplishment of preventing any human or animal from trespassing. A patriot on the frontier, she also inscribed the characters for China on stones on the border.  相似文献   

正Born in Naqu City, Tibet in 1938, Redi was formerly a Standing Committee vice chair. He was a deputy for Tibet to three National Congress meetings and has been in key Party positions in Tibet for almost 30 years. His sacrifice for the well-being of people in Tibet won him love and respect from ethnic people.  相似文献   

正2016年9月25日,500米口径球面射电望远镜落成启用,这一具有中国自主知识产权、世界最大单口径、最灵敏的射电望远镜被誉为"中国天眼";当天,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平给科研人员和建设者发来贺信。2017年新年贺词中,习近平主席再次提到"中国天眼"。  相似文献   

国防科工委丁衡高同志转钱学森同志: 首先,我向钱学森同志荣获国务院、中央军委授予的"国家杰出贡献科学家"荣誉称号和一级英雄模范奖章表示热烈祝贺。新中国建立初期,学森同志和许许多多爱国知识分子一样,冲破重重阻挠,返回祖国参加社会主义建设。他热爱中国共产党,热爱社会主义,热爱人民,为发展我国科学  相似文献   

张德江委员长指出,制定和实施国家勋章和国家荣誉称号法,对于推动建立健全党和国家功勋荣誉表彰制度体系,依法褒奖作出突出贡献的杰出人士,增强中国特色社会主义事业凝聚力和感召力,具有重大而深远的意义。  相似文献   

正"Chinese people have great love and strong national cohesion to their nation,and I want to be a member of them."A baseball cap with the Chinese characters for his name,a large white beard,and a guitar with the pattern of the Five-Starred Red Flag are the signature of an"uncle"from Los Angeles.Mark Levine has traveled and sung songs in China for more than ten years and written lyrics with Chinese characteristics  相似文献   

国防科工委: 钱学森同志是我国著名科学家。他早年在空气动力学、航空工程、喷气推进、工程控制论等技术科学领域做出许多开创性的贡献。一九五五年九月,在毛泽东、周恩来等老一辈无产阶级革命家的关怀下,他冲破重重阻力,离开美国回到社会主义祖国。一九五九年八月,他光荣地加入了中国共产党。数十年来,他以对祖国、对人民的无限热爱和忠诚,满腔热忱地投身于我国国防科研事业,为我国火箭、导弹和航天事业的创建与发展做出了卓越的贡献。他潜心研究的工程控制论,发展成为系统工程理论,并广泛地  相似文献   

新世纪第一个妇女节前夕 ,在巴黎联合国教科文组织总部举行了盛大的 2 0 0 1届“联合国———欧莱雅世界杰出女科学家成就奖”颁奖典礼 ,五大洲有五位女科学家获得该奖。同时 ,有 1 4位女科学家获得“联合国———欧莱雅世界杰出女科学家特别荣誉称号”。我党中央委员 ,著名女科学家修瑞娟因在微循环研究上的卓越贡献与成就 ,荣获此称号。此奖项是联合国教科文组织主办的唯一的世界性的女科学家奖 ,于 1 999年创办。评选委员会由包括诺贝尔奖获得者在内的 1 4名全球知名科学家组成 ,我国科学院副院长、北大校长许志鸿是评委之一。评选先由世…  相似文献   

正In winter sunshine on the Xilin Gol Prairie,Yilan is sitting at home drinking milk tea.A sunbeam strikes one golden trophy on shelf,showing the carved characters for a lifetime achievement award.At 83,the Sonid Right Banner resident has many memories of the good soil and  相似文献   

今天,我很高兴参加授予钱学森同志"国家杰出贡献科学家"荣誉称号和一级英雄模范奖章的仪式。我代表党中央、国务院、中央军委,向钱学森同志表示祝贺。并借此机会,向为祖国的社会主义建设做出巨大贡献的广大科技工作者,表示亲切慰问和衷心感谢。  相似文献   

李红梅,是湖北省钟祥市纺织总厂细纱车间总质检员,八届全国人大代表,今年29岁。多年来,他没有豪言壮语,只有默默无闻的工作,以高度的主人翁责任感,拼搏进取精神,精湛的技术,踏实的作风,优异的成绩,赢得了上级领导和纺织同行们的赞誉。她先后多次荣获省地市"操作能手"、"三八红旗手"、"十佳青年"和"省级劳模"光荣称号,今年又荣获全国"五一"劳动奖章。在八届全国人大一次会议期间,新华社以《未能成行的"小代表"》为题报道了她的事迹;1994年,《人大工作通讯》第7期又以《红梅报春》为题,对她的事迹作了进一步报道。在各种荣誉的花环簇拥下,李红梅不骄不躁,更加认真履行代表职责,在平凡的岗位上,又作出了不平凡的成绩。  相似文献   

<正>Around you there is still undeveloped land in the mountains.Cars drive smoothly along an expressway,National Route 111,70-km north from Beijing’s downtown to the city outskirts,to Huairou District,to Changshaoying township and its Manchu village.The village was called Yangmuying during the Qing Dynasty,when it operated as a seasonal forestry camp  相似文献   

到了张家港,人们会不无自豪地向你介绍,他已实实在在拥抱了一个令世人瞩目的钢城。熟悉他的人更会告诉你,每当他经过深思熟虑作出某项重要决策时,总爱挥动那蕴含着信心和力量的右手,只要这右手一挥动,准会抖落出一条钢花铸成的彩练,在钢城上空流动飞舞熠熠生辉,而且一条比一条绚烂,一条比一条辉煌。  相似文献   

他,一位普普通通的企业经营者,靠着科学管理和自己的人格力量,带领全厂职工勇创大业,使一个原本默默无闻的街道小厂站稳了国内外市场。他就是身任7个合资企业董事长(副董事长)的扬州灯泡厂厂长高仁林,境内外同行称他为“氖灯大王”。以诚为本求真务实最近,我们访问了高仁林。他穿着简单,语言朴实。灯泡厂小小的厂门,在扬州迎新路旁也很不起眼。可平平  相似文献   

<正>Taiji ball?What’s that?In Beijing,it’s played by many of the locals.This year China officially included this sport in the National Games of the People’s Republic of China.Taiji Ball incorporates the Taiji movement into a ballgame.Called"taiji rouliqiu(softball),"it is a traditional Chinese sport that received attention in2008 when the Beijing Association for Traditional  相似文献   

1999年4月16日,国家科技部在京举行国家重点基础研究发展规划首批项目(即“973”项目)首席科学家聘任仪式。在首批聘任的18位科学家中,就有本文的主人公——华中农业大学生命科学技术学院张启发教授。  相似文献   

2001年9月20日,是我有生以来最激动、最幸福的一天。这天,我光荣地出席了在北京举行的全国第五届“人民满意的公务员”表彰大会,被授予“人民满意的公务员”称号。在人民大会堂,朱镕基、胡锦涛等党和国家领导人亲切接见了我们,并和我们一一握手,合影留念。我生在农村,是一直从  相似文献   

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