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中国工会十四大报告指出,工会要"切实履行基本职责,在改革、发展、参与、帮扶的过程中维护好职工合法权益",其中改革是实现和维护职工合法权益的重要途径,而维护职工合法权益又是改革顺利进行的保证.因此,工会要在处理好改革与维护的相互关系基础上,在推动经济体制改革特别是企业三项制度改革中维护职工利益,在推动工会自身改革中更好地维护职工合法权益.  相似文献   

加强维权机制建设,是工会组织履行维护职责、发挥桥梁纽带作用的内在要求。在推进企业改革发展的过程中,要不断提高对工会维权机制建设重要性的认识,坚持体现工会工作的政治性、先进性、群众性这一根本原则,全方位加强工会维权机制建设,维护职工发展权、民主政治权、劳动经济权、社会保障权和精神文化权益,促进企业和职工共同发展、和谐发展。  相似文献   

第一,履行工会维护职工合法权益这一基本职责与维护改革发展稳定的大局怎么找到一个最佳的结合点。随着企业深化改革和技术进步,不可避免地带来职工分流下岗、甚至买断工龄,解除与企业的劳动关系。而工会职责就是维护职工的经济、政治、文化  相似文献   

维护职工权益是工会的基本职责。北京市"十二五"时期职工发展规划提出了职工的六项权益,其中之一即是安全权,发挥工会的监督职能,有效维护职工的安全权,实现体面劳动是工会的主要任务之一。工会应注重源头参与,通过签订劳动安全卫生专项集体合同、帮助职工签订劳动合同、开展安康杯竞赛、强化班组安全文化建设、提高员工安全意识、参加事故调查等途径有效维护职工安全权。  相似文献   

工会是社会经济矛盾的产物。维护职工群众的合法权益是工会的安身立命之本,是工会贯彻江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想的具体体现,也是工会服从和服务大局的主要手段。新修改的《工会法》,明确规定维护是工会的基本职责,为我们做好新时期工会工作指明了方向。当前,随着劳动关系的企业化,侵害职工合法权益的事件时有发生,工会维护职工合法权益的任务成为重中之重。对于这一点,我们必须旗帜鲜明地履行职责到位。特别是在工作安排上,必须分清主次,紧紧围绕维护职责谋篇布局;同时,也不能一强调维护是工会的基本职责,其它职能就淡漠…  相似文献   

企业工会是我国工会的重要组织基础和工作基础。充分发挥企业工会的作用,是提高工会组织的吸引力和凝聚力,充分履行工会职能的关键。企业工会要做好对职工的各类服务,不断满足职工日益增加的多元化需求;要健全完善各类维权机制,旗帜鲜明地维护职工的合法权益。各级工会要加大对企业工会的支持和指导力度,为企业工会开展工作提供保障。  相似文献   

随着劳动制度改革的进行,企业经营者侵犯职工合法权益的现象时有发生。在这种情况下,工会组织如何在用工制度改革中既要维护国家整体利益,又要维护企业职工的具体利益;既要带领职工参与改革,又要关心职工、考虑职工的心理承受能力,是近期工会维护工作的重点。本文拟从工会组织在用工制度改革中的参与权、维护权、监督权(即“三权”)作一探讨。参与权是指工会在用工制度改革中代表职工参与企业各项改革方案和重大改革方针政策的制定。它表现为:第一,参与考核本企  相似文献   

近年来,三明市总工会在全市工会中开展“创建学习型组织,争做知识型职工”活动,对提高职工队伍素质,推进工人阶级队伍知识化进程,拓宽新形势下工会履行维护职责的新途径,起到了积极的作用。一、加强领导,精心组织,从工会履行基本职责的高度认识和开展“创争”活动1.高度重视,精心部署。年初,市总工会要求所属各级工会积极引导广大职工树立终身学习的理念,从增强企业和职工的竞争能力与创新能力,维护职工学习权、发展权,发挥工人阶级在全面建设小康社会中主力军作用的高度来认识开展“创争”活动的重要性,对开展“创争”活动做具体布置,并将…  相似文献   

32!如何深入推行平等协商和集体合同制度?推动建立健全以集体合同制度为主要形式的协调劳动关系长效机制,是工会贯彻落实“组织起来、切实维权”的工作方针、履行维护职工合法权益基本职责的重要载体和主要手段。各级工会要进一步增强做好平等协商集体合同工作的紧迫感和责任感,推动这项工作不断深入发展。当前和今后一个时期,工会要重点做好以下几个方面的工作:一是以非公有制企业和国有改制企业为重点,继续大力推进集体合同建制。要在加快非公有制企业工会组建步伐和加强国有集体改制企业工会组织整顿重建的同时,加大集体合同建制工作力度…  相似文献   

习近平总书记对于工会如何做好维权服务工作做出了一系列重要指示和要求,为工会履行维权服务的基本职责提供了根本遵循。北京市总工会坚持以职工为本,服务基层,积极探索推进职工法律援助工作的新思路和新措施。在新时代背景下,工会要从广大职工的法律服务需求出发,积极探索扩大职工法律援助覆盖面、完善制度体系、提高服务水平、增强保障能力、畅通维权渠道的途径与方法,在破解难题中不断深化创新工会法律服务工作,在维护职工合法权益、团结凝聚广大职工、促进社会和谐、维护改革发展稳定大局中发挥更加积极的作用。  相似文献   

工会领导干部在构建社会主义和谐社会中,要把握机遇,迎接挑战,适应新形势下对工会组织和工会干部的必然要求,努力成为社会活动家。  相似文献   

On the adolescent process as a transformation of the self   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this paper is to clarify and extend the psychoanalytic theory of adolescence. Three sources of data are used: biographical source material about Freud's adolescence, introspective accounts from the self-analysis of psychoanalysts, and other biographical vignettes and reports from the psychoanalytic literature. It is proposed that a change in the self emerges as the pivotal focus during adolescent development. An intense peer relationship serves to maintain narcissistic balance and the cohesion of the self. This allows deidealization of archaic parental imagoes and their transformation into newly internalized idealizations. The newly acquired idealizations consolidate into a stable ego ideal which eliminates the need for an alter ego relationship. The self-objects chosen for these new idealizations are related to the need to overcome specific disappointments in the archaic self-objects. The stability of the new ideals depends on the invulnerability of the idealized self-objects. Transient states of narcissistic disequilibrium manifest as turmoil. Presented at a meeting of The Chicago Psychoanalytic Society on May 23, 1972.Received M.D. from the University of Maryland; psychiatric training at the Cincinnati General Hospital; graduate of The Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. Main interests are the development of psychoanalysis from a historical perspective and the psychology of adolescence.Received M.D. from New York University; psychiatric training from Associated Psychiatric Faculties of Chicago; graduate of The Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. Main interest is the intellectual history of psychoanalysisReceived M.D. from the University of Chicago; psychiatric training at Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago; graduate of The Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. Main interest is psychoanalytic metapsychology of development.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article concerns sexual object choice, transgender subjectivities and emancipatory heterosexuality as imaged in three films: The House of the Spirits (1993), I Like It Like That (1994) and Mi Vida Loca (1994). The author argues, through her examination of the three films, for cinematic ways to refocus and interrogate the look and gender of the gaze, thereby envisioning what the author theorizes as a Latina cinematic subjectivity. The idea of a Latina cinematic subject is presented in order to articulate how at particular moments in the films an autonomous Latina subjectivity is created through narrative and mise-en-scène. It is at these narrative and aesthetic moments that the characters look back at the objectifying gaze, thereby creating a cinematic sexual subjectivity for the characters and a model of agency for the culturally resistant spectator who is doing the looking. The House of the Spirits points to the contradiction of sexual object choice and female desire; I Like It Like That reveals the performative and fluid possibilities of gender, as well as the hybridity of black and Latino cultures; and Mi Vida Loca reflects the struggle for agency in Chicana heterosexual relationships and in their material lives. The author argues that the three portrayals begin important cultural work in the rethinking of sexualities, as they unthink the rigidity of monosexuality, destabilize normative conceptions of gender and reinvigorate agency and egalitarianism in heterosexual relations.  相似文献   

关于稳定职工队伍问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在完善社会主义市场经济体制、促进改革发展过程中,必须把保持职工队伍的稳定放在突出位置。要实事求是地分析研究职工队伍中出现的不稳定因素并努力消解,为推进改革发展、全面建设小康社会提供有力的保证。  相似文献   

Obstacles to the development of a capitalist agriculture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines some of the reasons for the maintenance and persistence of family labour farms within agricultural sectors of advanced capitalist countries: some obstacles to the development of a capitalist agriculture are highlighted.

The survival of family farms has called into question Marx's theory of the transitional nature of petty commodity production; hence, Marxism is generally regarded as being unable to account for the viability of family farms. Two theories commonly advanced to explain this phenomenon are examined and found to be inadequate.

This paper suggests that a closer examination of Marx's writings reveals how the peculiar nature of the productive process in certain spheres of agriculture is incompatible with the requirements of capitalist production and, therefore, makes these spheres unattractive for capitalist penetration. Here the implications of Marx's distinction between production time and labour time for the development of a capitalist agriculture are discussed. Specifically, the non‐identity of production time and labour time characteristic of certain agricultural commodities is shown to have an adverse effect on the rate of profit, the efficient use of constant and variable capital, and the smooth functioning of the circulation and realisation process. It is concluded that the reason for the persistence of family farms is not to be found in the capacity of family labour for self‐exploitation, nor in the application of technology per se; rather the secret of this ‘anomaly’ lies in the logic and nature of capitalism itself.  相似文献   

社区是职工困难群体社会保障的重点地区。社区工会是职工困难群体社会保障的重要力量 ,因而必须要加强社区工会建设。  相似文献   

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