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留所服刑罪犯是指被判处拘役、有期徒刑在交付执行刑罚前,因剩余刑期在1年以下而留在看守所执行刑罚的罪犯。我国《刑事诉讼法》、《监狱法》、《看守所条例》对留所服刑罪犯有明确规定:《刑事诉讼法》第213条第二款规定:“对于被判处有期徒刑的罪犯,在被交付执行刑罚前,剩余刑期在一年以下的,由看守所代为执行”:《监狱法》第15条规定:“罪犯在被交付执行刑罚前,剩余刑期在一年以下的,由看守所代为执行”;  相似文献   

编辑同志:某县检察院派驻看守所检察室两年前被评为规范化检察室,可是近两年该县看守所羁押的在押人员(包括留所服刑罪犯)一直不足100人。按照最高人民检察  相似文献   

在看守所服刑的罪犯能离所探亲吗?哪些机关有权决定暂予监外执行?编辑同志:对在看守所服刑的罪犯能否经公安机关批准离所探亲的问题,司法实践中有两种分歧意见。一种观点认为,看守所是临时关押场所,留所服刑的罪犯均是余刑一年以下的,时间短,看守所条例又没有相关...  相似文献   

看守所临时羁押 的罪犯又犯罪, 如何确定管辖? 编辑同志:   某监狱罪犯尹某脱逃,捕回后暂羁押于一看守所。后该监又有三名严重违纪罪犯被临时关进看守所,与尹某在同一监房。四人经过预谋后,于 2000年 11月 18日扳下通风口钢筋脱逃时被发现。四人构成脱逃(未遂)无争议,但在管辖上发生了分歧。一种意见认为,应由监狱立案侦查,理由是刑事诉讼法第二百二十五条第二款规定:“对罪犯在监狱内犯罪的案件由监狱进行侦查”。尹某等四人是监狱服刑罪犯,他们的改造档案现仍在监狱,只是监狱因特殊情况临时将其羁押于看守所。另一种意见…  相似文献   

罪犯被私放的时间能否折抵刑期?编辑同志:我院查办了一起看守所管教干部采取批准罪犯“请假”或让罪犯交款等手段私放11名留所服刑罪犯案件。查办中,我们遇到了一个问题,即:看守所为纠正违法释放,陆续将私放的罪犯抓回,其中,有的早已刑满,有的即将刑满,有的刑...  相似文献   

留所服刑,是指被判处一年以下有期徒刑或余刑在一年以下的罪犯,在交付执行刑罚时,不再送交监狱而由看守所代为监管的一种刑罚执行方式。这种刑罚执行方式节约了罪犯交付执行活动中的成本投入,为罪犯家属探视及感化教育提供了便利条件。但近年来,一些留看守所服刑短刑犯人数持续上升,给看守所增加了关押和管理上的困难,容易引发安全隐患。为此,我们通过问卷调查、实地走  相似文献   

编辑同志:检察机关在监督看守所工作中,经常发现看守所要求把余刑在一年以上的已决犯留所服刑,并要检察机关在审批手续上签署同意意见。一种意见认为,看守所的行为与刑事诉讼法第二百一十三条:"对于被判处有期徒刑的罪犯,在被交付执行刑罚前,剩余刑期在一年以下的,由看守所代为执行"  相似文献   

编辑同志:某县看守所为了解决经费困难的问题,经过县检察院分管检察长批准,将一些余刑超过一年的罪犯留在看守所服刑,从事生产劳动。请问:这种做法是否合法?检察机关能否审批留所服刑?河南读者刘书勤刘书勤读者:我国刑事诉讼法第二百一十三条明确规定:"对于被判处有期徒  相似文献   

防止罪犯脱逃是监狱的头等大事。因此,对脱逃案件的成因、对罪犯逃跑选择的位置时机、对罪犯逃前表象的分析掌握,就为脱逃案件的预防与侦破打下了坚实基础;而深化,细化“入监教育”,对新入监罪犯建立“综合分析评价制度”,内在强化教育与外在严密控制防范相结合,依法文明治监等措施和制度的实施,就成为预防,侦破脱逃案件的保障。  相似文献   

陈兵 《检察风云》2013,(24):15-15
近年来,上海市青浦区人民检察院在关注留所服刑罪犯,加强社会管理创新工作上下工夫,积极探索留所服刑人员帮教的新措施,有效地促进了留所服刑罪犯顺利回归社会。  相似文献   

Kochi  Tarik 《Law and Critique》2002,13(1):29-50
This paper looks at the concept of themessianic as a means of understanding theMarxist tradition, particularly therelationship between the ethical and thepolitical. It examines the positions of JacquesDerrida and Ernst Bloch, whereby both utilisethe messianic as a means of upholding anethical space which is not reducible to being,while at the same time emphasising the need anddemand of the messianic to be brought intobeing. This contradiction operates as the basiccharacteristic of the messianic and it isasserted that Bloch, rather than Derrida,offers a stronger version of the messianic andthe relationship it constructs between ethicsand politics, by attaching a notion of thegood, that of human dignity which operates toguide the ethical command. While Bloch'sdignity may lead to the position of sacrificewhen engaging within the political, theco-ordination of the ethical by dignity doesnot itself sacrifice ethics as a totality.  相似文献   

Science and policy come together in the use of computer models for International Environmental Agreements (IEAs). We study a successful case in using Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) in defining the long-range transboundary air pollution policies in Europe. In the light of the history of the LRTAP Convention of the UN-ECE, we consider the special circumstances which led to the success of the RAINS model that was employed. We find that the collaborative, self-aware and evolutionary character of the institutional framework built among the LRTAP Convention, IIASA and the EU facilitated the successful adoption of RAINS. We also show how the limits of computer models, fully recognised in this case by producers and users, leave issues of uncertainty, distribution and ethics unresolved. When facing international negotiations, several coalitions might emerge. An analysis of the situtation is done in terms of First-Comers and Late-Comers in Environmental policy, the first group undertaking the initiative to formulate international policies on issues that are of concern to themselves and for which they have acquired technologies, models and know-how, while the second group is just following international policy and most often viewing it as a constraint. This is discussed in the example of the Spanish participation in the negotiations about sulphur emissions in the buildup to the Oslo Protocol. The adoption of the precautionary principle is often being used as a way to handle uncertainty when facing urgent policy responsibilities for environmental issues.  相似文献   

Risk is a projection of a specific temporality performed by the observer. However, this projection is doomed to impossibility because of the prohibiting problems of time, causality, subjectivity and relativity of risk. The observer is left only with a castrated projection that defies the role of science as a pedestal for the projection and institutes negation as its driving force. This projection is materialised within the Law in the form of the Precautionary Principle. Risk evokes undesired dualisms, especially the one between Idealism and Operationalism. The essay attempts to bring the two together by extrapolating the hard appearance of the legal system as seen through Luhmann’s autopoiesis and the need for critical openness of a contextualised environmental law. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

刘俊 《法律科学》2009,27(6):21-25
法官作出判决的过程中总是存在着价值判断,法官价值判断的前提是对所审理案件的有关价值主体关于该案件判决的价值需要的认识,法官只有对案件判决可能有那些价值需要存在比较清楚的认识,才能在此基础上作出最好的价值选择,从而才能作出最好的判决。对判决价值需要的认识取决于法官的价值发现,法官审理具体案件的价值发现主要有四个方面:一是法官对讼争各方需求价值的发现;二是法官对社会主导公正价值观念的发现;三是法官对适用该判决的法律中的价值发现;四是法官对自身需求的价值发现。  相似文献   

The suitability of liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid-phase extraction (SPE) for the preparation of impurity extracts intended for gas chromatographic profiling analyses of amphetamine were evaluated. Both techniques were optimised with respect to the extraction of selected target compounds by use of full factorial designs in which the variables affecting the performance were evaluated. Test samples consisted of amphetamine synthesised by the Leuckart reaction, by reductive amination of benzyl methyl ketone and by the nitrostyrene route. The performance of LLE and SPE were comparable in terms of repeatability and recovery of the target compounds. LLE was considered the better choice for the present harmonised amphetamine profiling method due to the lack of information on the long-term stability of SPE columns.  相似文献   

房屋承租人优先购买权的几个问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
范李瑛 《法学论坛》2007,22(4):90-96
我国《合同法》规定,出租人出卖租赁房屋时,承租人基于租赁合同,享有对租赁房屋同等条件下的优先购买权.但在转租以及强制拍卖方式下,承租人对租赁房屋是否享有优先购买权,则是需要理论和立法进一步解决的问题,避免因审判人员的理解不同而导致同类案件审判结果不同.另外,《中华人民共和国物权法》在涉及按份共有物处分时由共有人"全体同意之原则"改采"多数决原则".在按份共有人根据"多数决原则"出售共有物而少数共有人主张优先购买的情况下,为避免共有人的优先购买权与承租人优先购买权的竞合,应对多数共有人的处分权进行必要的限制:当多数共有人要求出售共有物时,应首先满足少数共有人优先购买多数共有人的共有份额的权利.  相似文献   

Evaluation appointment orders provide enforceable scaffolding for conduct of family court parenting plan evaluations, and use of the evaluator's reports, feedback, file, and testimony. Unlike a contract, a stipulated or adjudicated appointment order is directly enforceable by the family court. It unambiguously positions the evaluator as the family court's appointee – answerable directly to the court and, in some jurisdictions, protected by quasi-judicial immunity from damages claims. A well-crafted appointment order governs the roles and expectations of the court, the evaluator, the parties, the lawyers, and the collateral witnesses. An appointment order mandates the legal duties, rights, powers, and responsibilities of the professionals, the parties, and the collateral witnesses. At minimum, an appointment order articulates the legal basis for the appointment, the purpose and scope of the evaluation, compensation of evaluator, and the duty of the parties to participate in the process. A written evaluation protocol or procedures statement discloses in advance the methods of investigation and assessment that the evaluator intends to use. Together, the appointment order and written protocol help the evaluator, lawyers, parents, and judge manage the complexity of the evaluation process.  相似文献   

第一次全国劳动教养立法理论研讨会综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张绍彦 《现代法学》2001,23(3):156-160
2 0 0 1年 3月 2 9日— 4月 1日 ,全国劳动教养立法理论研讨会在北京召开。会议全面深入地讨论了劳动教养立法的基本理论和实践问题 ,并就劳动教养的法治化建构和公民权利的保护与限制等问题进行了专题研讨。这是我国历史上第一次全国劳动教养立法理论研讨会。  相似文献   

德国法院体系探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国特色法院体系的形成与演变有其深刻的社会历史背景,首先是文化传统,其次是经济体制,第三是工人运动。德国的法院系统由宪法法院、普通法院和专门法院三类组成。宪法法院专门审理违宪案件;普通法院只审理刑事案件和民事案件;专门法院包括(普通)行政法院、财政法院、劳动法院、社会法院、专利法院、军事法院和惩戒法院等。除了(普通)法院和宪法法院具有独立地位外,其他法院均隶属于政府有关部门。德国行政审判权由各级行政法院与劳动法院、社会法院、财政法院等共同行使。专门法院的性质介于行政机关与司法机关之间,但行政机关的性质更多(本质上属于行政司法)。  相似文献   

From the end of the twentieth century to the present we have witnessed the effects of technology on the way we consume and distribute information. The print media, which in many ways was the natural product of the printing revolution, has given way to the electronic media with websites providing the new “town squares” in which the public discourse is held on political, economic and social issues among others. The Israeli legal system, like the legal systems in other countries, faces a variety of challenges and complex ethical and legal issues when required to regulate (often retrospectively) the manner and processes through which the discourse will be conducted in the virtual “town hall”. In essence, this article focuses on one of the many questions occupying the Israeli legal system and that is whether website owners should be liable in defamation for speech published by third parties on the Internet (through blogs, tweets on Twitter, posts on Facebook,1 uploaded video clips on YouTube and the like) when no connection exists between the third party and the site owner apart from the fact that the third party has used the website as a platform to publish the offensive speech. The issue of the liability of the website owner has ramifications for the injured party's capacity to institute an action for defamation against the website owner, as often only the latter will be in a position to compensate the injured party (financially) for the offensive speech. The Israeli legal system, which in many ways furnishes a unique and interesting framework for examining the question posed above, as we explain in the body of the article, presents a fascinating example of how the Israeli legislature and the courts have dealt and continue to deal with claims filed against website owners for damage to reputation as a result of speech published by third parties. The article offers a comprehensive review of the status of the right to freedom of speech, anonymity and the right to reputation in Israel, the considerations for and against the imposition of liability on website owners and the latest case law on these questions.  相似文献   

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