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目的 探讨心血管系统疾病伴外伤死亡案例法医病理学特点,并从伤病的角度揭示两者之间的联系。方法 42例心血管系统疾病伴损伤死亡案例均接受系统病理学解剖和组织学观察,且死因明确。结果 42例中40岁以上者占到64.28%,男性较女性死者多。擦伤和挫伤在损伤中比例最大共占到80.95%,冠心病和高血压病死亡者各占45.24%、16.67%。损伤和疾病共存死亡案例共20例。结论 在死因分析中年龄、性别、损伤类型、疾病分布有其规律性,死者中年龄偏老年化,损伤多为钝器、摔跌所致擦伤、挫伤。疾病中冠心病、高血压为最多。损伤和疾病对死因共同起作用的案例主。  相似文献   

目的探讨损伤与疾病关系案例的特点。方法对本教研室近20年的219例涉及损伤与疾病关系的尸检案例进行回顾性研究。结果①219例中,20~59岁青壮年占71.7%;伤后<24h死亡占48.9%。②损伤以拳、足等钝器伤为主,以擦伤和挫伤多见,主要位于头、胸部。③疾病以心血管疾病最多,CNS疾病次之。④损伤与疾病相关的案例占71.2%,最常见的是“疾病为主、损伤为辅”。结论损伤与疾病关系案例的死者多为男性青壮年,冠心病和病理性脑出血是两个主要的疾病;将损伤与疾病关系分为“单纯损伤致死、单纯疾病致死、损伤为主疾病为辅和疾病为主损伤为辅”四类简单而实用。  相似文献   

300例心源性猝死案例的法医学鉴定分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨心源性猝死案例的病因、诱发因素及法医病理学特点,以期为心源性猝死案件的法医病理诊断提供参考。方法收集法医病理检案中的心源性猝死案例,对其年龄、性别、死亡时间、死因、诱因及场所等流行病学特点进行回顾分析。结果 300例心源性猝死案例中男性多于女性,18~45岁发病最多;病因包括冠心病(129例),心肌病(78例),心肌炎(36例)等;应激为SCD最常见的诱发因素(157例)。结论 1应激和冠心病是心源性猝死的重要危险因素。2心源性猝死的法医学鉴定除了要进行系统的尸检及病理学检查外,还要对死者的相关资料如:基础疾病、诱因、死亡时间、死亡经过等进行全面系统的分析以明确死因。  相似文献   

徒手斗殴多见于治安事件,大部分案例造成轻伤或重伤,较少案例可造成死亡。笔者近年检验了24例徒手致死案例的死者,现就其资料和有关问题讨论如下。一般资料本组案例男性21例,女性3例,男女比例为7:1。起因多为口角纠纷,共21例(88%),寻衅斗殴2例,过失1例。死者年龄多在18~40岁(18例,占75%)。伤后经过抢救者13例(54%),死亡多在伤后24小时内,共21例(88%)。经尸表及解剖检验,均排除了非拳脚因素致死。其死因有颅脑损伤12例,心脏挫伤5例,肝脾破裂7例。讨论徒手斗殴造成的损伤,由于受力的部位不同,造成人体的损伤也…  相似文献   

90例医疗纠纷尸检分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的分析、讨论医疗纠纷中法医病理学尸体解剖的重要性。方法收集温州医学院法医学系2001—2008年涉及医疗纠纷尸体解剖案例90例,按照死者年龄、性别、死亡原因及临床诊断和法医病理诊断等要素进行分类整理和分析。结果死者年龄从新生儿至72岁,男女比例为1∶1,医院级别以县级医院较多(30例,33.33%),临床诊断与法医病理死因诊断符合率为33.33%。结论尸体解剖对涉及死亡的医疗纠纷的正确处理和防范有重要作用。  相似文献   

目的分析被监管人员死亡案件的特点,探讨被监管人员死亡发生的主要原因,为此类案件的法医学鉴定提供借鉴。方法收集2005—2013年山西医科大学司法鉴定中心受理的105例被监管人员死亡案例,对死者的性别、年龄、死亡原因、死亡方式、生前疾病等进行统计分析。结果 105例被监管人员中男性100名,女性5名;年龄分布为16~65岁。死亡原因以自然死亡为主,主要集中于心血管系统疾病和呼吸系统疾病;非自然死亡中以自杀死亡者最多,占非自然死亡人员总数的54.5%。结论目前被监管人员死亡多由于疾病所致,司法部门应改善被监管人员的生活、劳动及卫生保健条件,并应加强其执法监督力度。  相似文献   

广泛软组织挫伤,指人的机体皮下组织大面积的挫伤出血,因其致死的案例,近十余年来国内已有较多报道[1,2]。据笔者经验,追究其死因,并非都与广泛软组织挫伤有关。本组案例表明,广泛软组织挫伤可因各种原因致死,可分直接死因和主要死因。现将其55例死因的不同性作一分析,并就在检鉴中应注意的若干问题报告如,以供同仁参考。案例资料一般资料55例死者,男性54例,女性1例;年龄在17~56岁之间,其中45岁以下的青壮年45例(81.8%);职业以农民占大多数,共40例(72·7%)。除9例患精神疾病,4例患有肺炎和其他慢性疾病外,其余身体…  相似文献   

目的分析城市道路交通事故致死行人四肢损伤的特征。方法收集本区2016年至2018年交通事故行人死亡资料,对四肢损伤情况进行统计学分析。结果 331例城市道路交通事故致行人死亡案例中,死者以男性居多;机动车(不包含摩托车)、摩托车所致行人体表损伤以擦挫伤(包括擦伤、擦挫伤)为主,电动车所致体表损伤以皮下出血(挫伤)为主,占体表损伤71.8%(P <0.05);机动车骨折率最高(35.5%,P <0.05),电动车骨折率极低(3.7%,P <0.05),四肢多发骨折好发于机动车,四肢骨折好发于左侧。结论通过对行人四肢损伤特征的分析,在一定程度上为无目击者或肇事逃逸交通事故处理提供一定帮助。  相似文献   

目的探讨AIS-ISS评分法在法医病理学伤病关系分析中的适用性和局限性。方法收集40例法医病理学伤病关系分析案例,对法医病理学死因分析和AIS-ISS评分结果进行比较。结果 40例案例中,AIS-ISS评分法与法医病理学死因分析评定结果相符的案例为36例,占总数的90.0%,经双变量相关分析,得Kendall相关系数为0.872,Spearman相关系数为0.916,均为P <0.01。4例结果不相符,占总数的10.0%,其中3例为外伤后因急性肺动脉血栓栓塞或脂肪栓塞等严重并发症而死亡,法医病理学死因分析评定结果为外伤与其死亡后果之间存在因果关系,然而原发性损伤较轻;另一例其损伤程度较重,同时伴有较严重的自身疾病,法医病理学死因分析评定结果为外伤与自身疾病共同构成死亡后果,而根据AIS-ISS评分法得出外伤与死亡后果之间存在主要因果关系。结论两种评定结果具有较高的契合度,反映AIS-ISS评分法在法医病理学伤病关系分析中具有良好的应用价值,除了在外伤后因肺动脉血栓栓塞或脂肪栓塞等严重并发症致死的案例中存在局限性之外,AIS-ISS评分法在伤病关系分析中对明确外伤对死亡结果的影响程度方面更具优势,并且AIS-ISS评分法对人体不同部位和器官的损伤进行了量化和分级,其更具客观性,更容易被理解和接受。  相似文献   

目的通过对73例儿科医疗损害的法医病理学鉴定案例进行分析,探讨法医病理学在解决儿科医疗损害等问题上的重要性。方法收集南京医科大学司法鉴定所2002年1月—2016年8月受理的、死亡年龄在28 d~10岁的儿科医疗损害病理检验案例73例,对死亡原因及与涉案医疗机构的关系进行回顾性分析。结果 73例中,男女性比例1.70∶1,年龄在28 d~1岁的居多,为26例(35.62%),其次是1~3岁,为21例(28.77%)。通过尸体检验确定死亡原因的71例中,死亡原因以疾病为主,其中呼吸系统疾病占首位,为33例(46.48%),其次是心血管系统疾病,为12例(16.90%)。医疗损害涉及医疗机构共75所,三级医疗机构32所(42.67%),其次为二级以下(不包括二级)医疗机构23所(30.67%)。临床诊断与法医病理学诊断相符及基本相符的有38例(52.05%),未明确或者误诊的35例(47.95%)。结论法医学尸体解剖及病理学鉴定有助于确定死亡原因,不仅为儿科医疗损害提供了科学的依据,并且丰富和发展了临床医学知识,可在一定程度上提高诊疗水平。  相似文献   

Chest skeletal injuries are the most frequent complications of external chest massage (ECM) during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but heart and great vessels lacerations that are indeed very rare. We report the case of a 35‐year‐old workman who collapsed and underwent ECM by his co‐workers for almost 30 min. At autopsy, no external injuries, fractures or bruises of the ribs or sternum, were observed. A hemopericardium with a rupture of the heart was found, with no signs of pre‐existent cardiac disease. Bruises of thoracic aortic wall, lung petechiae, a contusion of the liver, and bruises of lumbar muscles were found. The cause of death was due to sudden cardiac death with an extensive cardiac rupture. This is an unusual report of massive heart damage without any skeletal or muscle chest injuries, secondary to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This kind of cardiac lesions may be considered when thoracic–abdominal trauma, or medical history, is unclear.  相似文献   

The reports relating emotional stress to sudden death are largely anecdotal. In addition to experimental and electrophysiological studies, an opportunity for a better understanding of possible stress-related sudden death (SSD) may be provided by medico-legal autopsies. The goal of our autopsy study was to analyze cardiovascular pathologic findings in cases of SSD and if possible identify mechanisms by which the stressful event (SE) could be the cause. Forty three cases were studied (29 males and 14 females). In all cases, the SE and the death were witnessed. The age range was 22 to 90 years in males (mean, 52) and 30 to 92 years in females (mean, 64). Death occurred in all cases without premonitory symptoms. In 20 cases, death occurred during the SE and in the other 23 cases occurred within 2 h of the event. SE included fear, 15 cases; altercation, 21 cases; sexual activity, 3 cases; police questioning or arrest, 4 cases. According to police reports, in 40 cases (90%), the victims had no previous clinical history of cardiovascular disease. At autopsy, the heart weight in males ranged from 255 to 1000 g with a mean of 517 g and in females the range was 250–700 g with a mean of 417 g. In only 3 cases, gross and microscopic examination of the heart was normal. In 2 of the remaining 40 cases the subjects died of subarachnoid hemorrhage. In 38 cases, a cardiac cause of death was found as follows: coronary heart disease, 27 cases; cardiomyopathy, 6 cases; aortic valvular stenosis, 2 cases and right ventricular dysplasia, 3 cases. A coronary artery thrombosis was found in 8 cases of sudden coronary death. Post myocardial infarction fibrosis was present in 25 cases (92%) of sudden coronary death. In conclusion, it appears from our autopsy study that SSD occurs primarily in those individuals with severe heart disease, especially coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

Describes the major acute pathologic changes in the myocardiocytes detectable by phase-contrast and polarization microscopy. Demonstrates the significance of these changes for a correct diagnosis of sudden coronary death, death from ethanol poisoning or closed injuries of the heart after blunt trauma of the chest.  相似文献   

Extreme obesity is a strong predictor of premature death, but the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in morbidly obese populations is largely unknown. The aim of the present study was to find out whether there has been an increase in extreme obesity with body mass index 40.0 kg/m(2) or greater in medicolegal autopsy material in a known geographical area in Finland during a period of 3 decades and to examine the prevalence and time trends of associated cardiovascular disease in this obesity category. Autopsy reports of 235 cases examined in 1975 to 2006 were analyzed. The number of extremely obese individuals increased from 0.6% of the yearly amount of autopsies in the 1970s and 1980s to 2.8% and 2.5% in 2005 and 2006, respectively. The most frequent cause of death was cardiomyopathy or cardiomegaly (28.9%), followed by coronary heart disease (24.3%). Either coronary arteries were lesion-free, or only fatty streaks had been observed in 46.8% of the women and in 43.1% of the men. No significant changes in the average body mass index or severity of coronary atherosclerosis were observed. Younger individuals younger than 40 years began to appear more often after 1995. An increased trend of extreme obesity in a region where autopsy frequency is high may refer to a general increase of this obesity category. A large number of extremely obese people are resistant to coronary atherosclerosis, but cardiac hypertrophy may be accompanied by several mechanisms leading to sudden death even among the youngest extremely obese individuals.  相似文献   

李战成  惠娜 《法医学杂志》2009,25(5):368-369
目的探讨眼外伤的特点及其损伤程度法医学鉴定要点。方法对60例眼外伤的法医学鉴定案例进行回顾性分析,对所有案例按照性别、年龄、职业、致伤物及损伤类型进行分类研究。结果眼外伤中农民、工人占61.7%,钝性损伤达85.0%,且大多属单纯挫伤,占63.3%。结论眼外伤大多属钝性外力所致,眼底病变是影响视力的重要原因,对外力与视力受损关系的评价要充分考虑致伤物种类、打击部位及伤前眼病史等诸多因素的影响。  相似文献   

A total of 37 autopsy cases were divided into two groups. Group 1 consisted of 17 victims who had died of closed blunt trauma of the chest with isolated heart contusion made by fists, feet in shoes. Group 2 (control) consisted of 20 cases of sudden death of ischemic heart disease because of atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. Fragments of the heart containing endocardium were studied on the microscope JEIL-SM200 (Japan). Endocardium pathomorphology was represented by relief changes of the endocardium, structural arrangement of separate groups of muscular fibers above the endocardium surface, hemorrhages and blood clots, endotheliocyte desquamation, prelacerations, lacerations and destruction of the endocardium.  相似文献   

A cardiac concussion is caused by a sudden, nonpenetrating, localized impact to the chest that is theorized to result in almost simultaneous sudden death from a disruption to the conductive system. The detailed external/internal forensic examination of the body reveals no evidence of structural, pathologic, or histologic signs of trauma to the heart. A cardiac concussion is a rare and often overlooked cause of sudden death. This type of sudden death is typically seen among younger individuals participating in sports involving projectiles and, to a lesser degree, where collisions occur. Cardiac concussions are clinically, pathologically, and chemically different from a cardiac contusion. The objective of this paper will be to define cardiac concussion, differentiate between cardiac concussion and cardiac contusion, and describe the clinical and pathologic features of a 32-year-old white male who died of a cardiac concussion following a collision with a catcher during a softball game. The civil ramification of incorrectly diagnosing the manner of death in cases of death involving a cardiac concussion will also be addressed.  相似文献   

Coronary sclerosis is generally supposed to be the most important factor for coronary thrombosis, myocardial infarction and coronary heart death. Stenosing coronary sclerosis may be postmortally documented by angiography and morphometry. It is possible to obtain sufficient morphological data to suggest acute cardiac insufficiency, if the maximum grade of stenoses as a functional parameter and the heart weight are regarded in addition to the quantitative results of the three main branches of the coronary arteries (lumen and intima areas).Generally the cardiac results of autopsy are used individually and subjectively for the explanation of the cause of death. The conclusiveness of these results of autopsy depends on the circumstances of death and the existence of further pathological findings. Competing causes of death may exist in the form of illnesses, injuries, alcoholic and drug effects, physical strain and emotional stress or medical provisions. The quantitative valuation of the cardiac findings with a critical limit for an acute coronary death permits a more exact interpretation of such competing causes of death. This method of examination may also reveal an unpresumed competing cause of death, for example an intoxication. This was demonstrated by four autopsy cases.  相似文献   

The forensic diagnosis of cardiac contusion has hitherto been based mainly on anamnesis, concomitant thoracic injuries and the detection of macroscopic changes to the heart. Parallel histological and serological investigations of the heart-specific troponins have been conducted with varying results. This paper aims to show whether heart-specific troponins are suitable as a means of securing the diagnosis in proven cases of cardiac contusion and of determining which of the three heart-specific troponins cTnT, cTnI and cTnC are most significant in serology and histology for postmortem diagnosis. In the study, 25 cases of known cardiac contusion and 11 controls without vital myocardial trauma taken from autopsy material were prospectively investigated. Investigation of the venous serum revealed significant differences in the concentrations of the case and control groups for troponin T (mean value 5.5056 versus 0.4982; p=0.014), for troponin C (mean value 263.9280 versus 68.5640; p=0.001) and for troponin I (mean value 1404.0560 versus 36.1650; p=0.003). In histology there are also significantly different depletions between the groups investigated (cTnT: p=0.002; cTnC: p=0.003; cTnI: p<0.001) taking into account the autolysis time.  相似文献   

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