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Abstract:  This case report describes the search for a clandestine grave in Costa Rica for which the police sought the assistance of an archaeologist. An anonymous informant suggested that the victim had been kidnapped and murdered, placed in a shallow grave in the woods, then covered with lime and cement. A search of the area to detect conventional signs of burial (e.g., slumping, different plant growth) resulted in excavation of unrelated features of past disturbance. Different aspects of the grave including the deposition of cement powder over the body prevented its initial discovery. Improvisation of conventional archaeological excavation methods and use of police familiar with archaeological excavation resulted in the location of the grave and exhumation of the victim without loss of important contextual evidence that supported testimony on the cause of death. The taphonomic effects of high-lying ground water and lime in the tropical burial environment are briefly discussed. Recommendations such as the construction of a temporary sump to lower the ground water level in the grave during excavation are made to assist in similar investigations in the future.  相似文献   

The practice of embalming preserves body tissues, and embalmed bodies may resist decay processes for many decades with relatively little change. As the chemicals used for embalming are poisonous to microorganisms, bacterial and viral cultures are futile after such funerary procedures are performed. However, embalming may act as a virtual tissue fixative, especially with arterial perfusion, and identification methods other than culture may be used to detect and identify pathogenic organisms. In the case presented here, a death from a fulminating, but unidentified, illness in a young girl was successfully diagnosed as herpes hepatitis by immunofluorescent and electron-microscopic studies of tissue obtained 3 weeks after she was embalmed and interred. Routine embalming and burial should not eliminate these diagnostic procedures from consideration in specific situations where potentially useful information may be realized.  相似文献   

Blood, saliva and semen are some of the forensically most relevant biological stains found at crime scenes. mRNA profiling is a reliable approach for the identification of the origin of an evidentiary trace. A stable set of markers and the knowledge about the effects of RNA degradation under different environmental conditions is necessary for the determination of an unknown biological stain. The aim of this work was to compare RNA degradation for human blood, semen and saliva at three different concentrations during a 1-year time period and exposed to dry and humid conditions. Also, this study addressed the question whether there are relevant differences in the efficiency of two RNA extraction methods.  相似文献   

An insect fauna associated with the medieval burial of Archbishop Greenfield, interred in December 1315 in a lead coffin within a stone sarcophagus beneath the floor of York Minster, is examined and compared with the limited entomological data from other medieval burials. The implications of the archaeoentomological data are discussed. The fauna is dominated by the so-called coffin beetle Rhizophagus parallelocollis and the generalised staphylinid predator Quedius mesomelinus, together with a number of subterranean fungal feeders. The beetle assemblage is probably immediately post burial, and the lead coffin in the case of Greenfield had not been able to shield the body from decay.  相似文献   

A woman who died in 1837 was exhumed for the purposes of moving the grave to another location. During the excavation, small white deposits of stone were uncovered in the right abdominal region, inferior to the rib cage and superior to the ilium blade. These stones were analyzed for cholesterol, bilirubin, and calcium following solubilization using methyl tert-butyl ether as a solvent. The results of these clinical chemistry analyses showed that these stones consisted primarily of cholesterol. Under these particular soil conditions encountered in this case, cholesterol gall stones are stable for at least 165 years.  相似文献   

A controlled laboratory experiment was conducted in order to investigate the effect of the method of burial (i.e. the presence of coffin and clothing) on the formation of adipocere. This study follows previous studies by the authors who have investigated the effect of physical conditions on the formation of adipocere present in a controlled burial environment. The study utilises infrared spectroscopy to provide a preliminary lipid profile of the remains following a 12 month decomposition period. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry was employed as a technique for determining the salts of fatty acids present in adipocere. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used as the confirmatory test for the identification and determination of the chemical composition of adipocere which formed in the controlled burial environments. The results suggest that coffins will retard the rate at which adipocere forms but that clothing enhances its formation. The results concur with previous observations on adipocere formation in burial environments.  相似文献   

In the Burial Ordinance of the State of Baden-Württemberg taking effect on 1 November 2000 some aspects of the post-mortem examination have been revised. One of these revisions concerns the determination of the manner of death: In addition to the alternatives available so far ("natural death" and "clues to unnatural death") there is now the option to classify the death as "unclear"; in this case the physician is obliged to inform the local police without delay. The emergency doctors working in the ambulance service may restrict themselves to the determination of death; if there are grounds suggesting an unnatural death, the emergency doctor has to inform the ambulance control station immediately, which will then inform the police. Another new regulation is that the post-mortem examination has to be performed at the place of death or the place where the body was found. Moreover the Ordinance standardizes the obligation to perform a "thorough" examination on the undressed body under adequate light conditions. If there are clues pointing to an unnatural death or if the body is unidentified no changes must be made, in particular the body must not be undressed. The new legal situation is described and discussed with regard to its practical implications related to the determination of death.  相似文献   

Understanding the processes of postmortem change in biologic systems is important to the forensic sciences. Previous experimental studies of postmortem change in animals under field conditions made use of animal carcasses that had been incidentally exposed to the effects of freezing and thawing or mechanical damage, or both, and were limited to gross observations. The current study was designed to document intrinsic processes of postmortem change, and the effects of freezing-thawing and mechanical injury, under controlled conditions in the field, using histologic and microbiologic techniques, as well as gross observation. Insect and microbiologic succession sequences, and patterns of decomposition and disarticulation, were observable over time. Previously frozen-thawed animals showed predominantly decay (aerobic decomposition) in the field, while freshly killed animals showed predominantly putrefaction (anaerobic decomposition). Previously frozen animals showed the same sequence, but accelerated rates, of disarticulation. Mechanically injured tissues showed accelerated rates of decomposition. These findings have implications for the interpretation of results of previous studies, as well as the interpretation of human and animal remains subjected to freezing and thawing.  相似文献   

不同温度下离体人脾细胞DNA降解的差异性研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的研究不同温度下离体人脾细胞DNA降解的差异性。方法应用Feu lgen染色及计算机图像分析技术,测量并分析在不同温度下死后早期(36h内)各个时间点离体人脾细胞DNA含量的差异性情况。结查人死后7~36h内代表DNA含量的参数中,异形指数(ID)、密度变化数(LDC)、积分光密度(IOD)、平均光密度(AOD)及平均灰度(AG)在不同温度下其测量值具有统计学差异性(P<0.05),其中密度变化数(LDC)、平均光密度(AOD)和平均灰度(AG)具有显著统计学差异性(P<0.01)。结论温度对死后DNA降解有明显影响,进行温度对死亡时间(PM I)推断的影响的研究有重要的法医学意义。  相似文献   

Gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to characterise the fatty acids from soils and associated tissues excavated from a 1967 Foot and Mouth burial pit. Subcutaneous fats were mainly comprised of 55-75% palmitic acid, 17-22% stearic acid and 3-16% oleic acid as well as 5-7% myristic acid. The distribution of fatty acids confirmed that the tissues were decayed to adipocere. The loss of oleic acid to <3% in two of the decayed fats suggested advanced stages of adipocere. However, adipocere formation was limited in a third tissue sample recovered from greater depth. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry of the pore waters revealed a decrease in Ca concentration and concurrent increase in Na concentrations this suggested that insoluble calcium salt had formed through displacement of sodium. The use of fatty acid profiles from soils and soil interstitial pore waters provide complementary evidence of adipocere formation in foot and mouth burial pits.  相似文献   

The authors suggest measures aimed at discrimination of the functions performed by forensic medical experts and the services rendered by burial firms. The responsibilities of pathology departments of hospitals and bureaus of forensic medical expert evaluations, which should be reflected in official documents, should be confined to manipulations needed to solve the professional problems and removal of sections. Cases when utilization of certain chemicals or manipulations aimed at restoration of the body are prohibited should be listed in detail. The order of transfer of the body from pathology department or forensic medical bureau to the burial firm and to relatives should be regulated with consideration for the results of autopsy. The moment of the end of autopsy studies is to be determined.  相似文献   

This study reports the persistence behaviour of human scalp hairs under a number of different circumstances. The effects of artificial dyeing of hairs, the presence or absence of roots and different types of fabrics on the persistence of hair on a variety of garments were investigated. The garments were made from cotton, polycotton, cotton/acrylic, polyester and wool. The results indicated that neither artificial dyes nor the presence or absence of roots had statistically significant effects on the persistence of hair. In contrast, the type of fabric had a major impact and it was found that, generally, hairs persist longer on rougher fabrics. The rate of loss of hairs from non-woollen fabrics during normal wear was found to follow an exponential decay curve. In contrast, the rate of loss from the woollen garments was quite linear, indicating a constant, even loss, and thus suggests that a different process is involved in the persistence of hairs on woollen garments from that on non-woollen garments. The speed at which hair was lost from fabrics decreased in the order polyester, cotton/acrylic, polycotton, cotton, smooth wool, rough wool, so that wool gives the best chance of recovering samples of hair. Due to the uniqueness of each case, it is advised that caution be used when making any interpretations and before drawing any conclusions.  相似文献   

After 20 months of interment in a deep grave, the decomposed body of the 81-year old testator of a will was exhumed to sustain the burden of proof that he lacked testamentary capacity when the will was rewritten two days prior to his death. The brain was mushy and pulverized with complete disappearance of the brainstem, cerebellum and subcortical ganglia. Small foci of relatively intact dorsal frontal neocortex were identified. Sections from these foci were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, bielchowsky silver stain and immunostains for beta amyloid peptide (betaA4), tau and alpha-synuclein. Despite severe autolysis and decomposition, the bielchowsky stain and the betaA4 immunostains showed preserved frequent neuritic amyloid plaques with very few residual neurofibrillary tangles. Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy was present. At the present time this case represents the first documented and reported case of direct tissue diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease pathology in a decomposed brain following long term burial in a deep grave.  相似文献   

张良力 《政法学刊》2009,26(4):126-128
在总结近些年来国内对女子体能的研究成果和现状的基础上,依据公安院校女学警在体能训练时的特点,对女学警的身体形态特征,身体机能特征,运动素质特征以及训练特征进行了详细的分析和比较,同时对女学警的训练和经期训练提出了相应的措施和建议,为公安院校女生的体能训练的改进与提高提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(1):53-62
It has recently been established that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) successfully transfer between clothing even with a short contact of 10 s, highlighting the potential to use VOCs in forensic reconstruction scenarios, such as sexual assault cases. The mid and low volatility compounds transferred in greater amounts than high volatility compounds. This study presents empirical data addressing the persistence of transferred VOCs on clothing for the first time. A series of experiments were carried out to determine the persistence of VOCs on clothing for time periods of up 4 weeks, on natural and synthetic fibres, and at three different environmental temperatures. The data indicate that the highest VOC amounts are generally obtained for shorter persistence times of up to 1 d. Whilst high volatility compounds were not recovered in sufficient amounts to allow quantification, the four other transferred VOCs were successfully quantified for persistence times of up to 4 weeks. The persistence for mid-volatility compounds follows decay curve trends in line with those previously obtained for fibres, glass and pollen. When comparing the persistence of VOCs on a natural and a synthetic fibre, for a persistence time of 1 h, the transferred VOCs were retained on a natural fibre in higher amounts than on a synthetic fibre. However, for longer persistence times the concentration of VOCs was similar between the two fabrics. Lastly, lower environmental temperatures resulted in higher recoveries for most VOCs, especially for short persistence times. These findings demonstrate that optimal recovery of VOCs from clothing occurs when the fabric is kept at cooler temperatures and analysed soon after the fragrance transfer occurred, although VOC recovery was possible at higher temperatures and after longer persistence times. Given the transfer and persistence characteristics of VOCs from fragrance, there is potential for fragrance to be used as a form of trace in forensic reconstruction approaches.  相似文献   

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