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Theoretical considerations lead to the hypothesis that the dispositions of juvenile cases affecting Oriental Jews will be harsher than those affecting European Jews in Israel. Further, that Arab juveniles will be dealt with more harshly than will either European or Oriental Jews. Analysis of official delinquency data reveals that this is the tendency. However, the authoritarian structure of the Arab community rather than prejudice explains the difference in handling Jewish or Arabic cases.  相似文献   

人工智能使用于司法涉及到突出的伦理问题,智能司法与司法伦理既有紧密关系又有紧张关系.司法公正的一个很重要因素是证据的获取,证据的获取与知识智慧有很大的关联性,人工智能使用于司法在证据获取等方面具有相对于人工的以下优势:准确性、重复性、快速性、抉择性、无私性.智能司法与司法伦理的紧张关系是指智能司法可能损害司法公正:算法...  相似文献   

The tense relationship between ‘troublesome youth’ and conventional society does not end with incarceration or institutional treatment. Rather, it is transformed into an abundance of interpersonal conflicts within incarceration and treatment. This article uses an interactionist perspective to critically assess five research approaches that account for these phenomena in various ways: 1) quarrels as personality disorders, 2) quarrels as deviant subcultures, 3) quarrels as objects of social control, 4) quarrels and the micro-politics of trouble, and 5) quarrels and the sociology of youth and children. It is argued that an empirically open interactionism within and across the latter four approaches should be sharpened in order to better grasp the social nature and shifting emergence of quarrels in institutional treatment.  相似文献   

音乐著作权集体管理机构作为歌曲作品词曲著作权人的委托管理人,可以使用、向公众传播所委托管理的音乐作品,但并没有免除其向公众传播涉案作品的表演时取得表演者许可的义务。对著作权集体管理组织这种与生俱来没有营利性的社会团体能否通过"合理使用"或者"法定许可"而获得某种豁免,从而回归著作权合理使用制度的真谛,仍是个值得思考的问题。  相似文献   

文物的私法问题研究——以文物保护为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李玉雪 《现代法学》2007,29(6):136-146
文物作为一种稀缺的文化资源,面临着严重的危机。应对文物危机需要采取公法调控方式和私法调控方式,其中私法调控发挥着重要的作用。在文物保护视角下,文物私法关系的法律调整需要在遵守普通私法规范的基础上去契合"保护文物"这一最终目标的实现,因而文物保护在私法调整上呈现出一些自身特点,表现为对文物的私法规制主要通过对文物所有权的法律构造作出特殊的安排来实现。  相似文献   

鉴定机构作为中立机构,从司法部门独立出来,使鉴定人出庭成为必然。虽然现在有相关法律规定,鉴定人有出庭作证的义务,但在实现的过程中,鉴定人出席的时间、费用及相关的经济补偿没有相关的法律法规保障,阻碍了鉴定人出庭作证。同时在出庭中鉴定人与鉴定参与人之间的矛盾,也日益显现,需要从法律上首先完善,做好之间的沟通。  相似文献   

吕涛 《法治研究》2010,(9):97-100
尽管控诉职能和诉讼监督职能应当由检察机关统一行使,但在具体制度设计上,两者亦应适度分离,分别反映和体现诉讼活动规律和诉讼监督规律的要求,则更为合理。目前,无论在立法规范上还是在司法实践中,还远远没有达到这一要求。为此,有必要调整诉讼监督重点,设立专门的诉讼监督机构,制定专门的诉讼监督法。  相似文献   

反不正当竞争法中的商业道德是判定行为正当性的重要标准,科学认定商业道德对规制新型不正当竞争行为大有裨益。司法实践中分别以诚实信用原则、行业自律惯例和创设具体细则三条路径来认定商业道德,然而这三条路径均受到不同程度的批判。对此,从立法史、文义解释与域外实践的视角检视之,可从诚实信用原则的角度诠释商业道德。鉴于行业自律惯例是行业共同体惯常做法与公认标准的体现,与商业道德的源起、内在表征一致,故可辅佐认定商业道德,但应严格限定其适用条件。面对新兴行业竞争规则的匮乏,应允许司法能动地提炼商业道德的具化规则,但其须契合竞争法的基本理念、注重多方主体的利益衡量且以必要的案例群与充分论证为基础。  相似文献   

The president is the most influential policy actor in US politics, and his legislative program greatly influences Congress's agenda. Yet little research has focused on what factors affect the president's choices when constructing his agenda. We develop a theory that determines when a president will include an issue in his program. We hypothesize that presidents structure their agendas around the congressional calendar for consideration of expiring laws and salient issues. Using data over 28 years and across 12 policy areas, we find presidents build their programs around these policymaking opportunities. We assert that presidential agendas are less driven by individual priorities than previous accounts have concluded.  相似文献   

A utility-maximizing model of judicial behavior predicts that,all else equal, judges who have stronger preferences for publishingopinions, who have lighter workloads, or who are able to writepublishable decisions more efficiently are more likely to publishtheir decisions. Using federal district court judges' decisionsregarding the constitutionality of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines,this article presents empirical support for these predictions.Many judicial, institutional, and other characteristics areexamined that should be correlated with a judge's workload orwith a judge's taste for, or efficiency in, publishing opinions.These analyses find that, all else equal, judges who held priorpolitical positions, who received higher American Bar Association(ABA) ratings, who had lighter caseloads, who had longer tenures,who struck down the guidelines, or who had a greater chanceof promotion to a U.S. court of appeals were more likely topublish their decisions. In addition, judges' publication decisionswere significantly affected by the prior decisions of judgesin the same district, but little affected by those of judgesin other districts.  相似文献   

Stemming from ambition theory, a vast body of studies has demonstrated how politicians' pursuits of different goals can explain their behaviors. Among other goals, politicians strive for re‐election or to attain a better office. However, little is known about the way politicians prioritize these goals. This article uses the phenomenon of legislative party switching to address this void and examines how hierarchy between goals determines legislator strategies. The study exploits the 2008 Romanian electoral reform, which rendered the electoral system more candidate centered. Drawing on data from more than 3,900 individual‐level observations over the period from 1996 to 2012, this article shows how vote incentives alter the trade‐offs between re‐election and office motivations. The findings suggest that politicians will pursue office goals only if the goal of re‐election is to be achieved.  相似文献   

随着我国刑事庭审方式由法官主导的审问制向控辩双方主导的对抗制的转变,是否建立证据开示制度,已成为我国刑事诉讼中亟待解决的问题。目前全国已有很多地方开始了证据开示的尝试,并取得了明显的诉讼效果。但由于相关的配套制度尚未建立或完善,随着该项制度实践的深入,其问题也  相似文献   

The relationships of alcohol and drug problems to spousal violence for a sample of male parolees (n = 82) and their spouses were investigated. Alcohol problems were present in 76% of the parolees and 56% of the spouses. Seventy three percent of the parolees and 40% of the spouses reported using some type of illegal drug on a regular basis. Both parolees and their spouses gave reports on his and her spousal violence. During the three months preceding the interviews, 78% of the parolees and 72% of the spouses perpetrated moderate violence; 33% of the parolees and 39% of the spouses perpetrated severe violence. Regression analyses revealed that his alcohol problems increased the level of his violence when there were no drug problems, and that either of their alcohol problems increased the level of his violence. Given the high rates of spousal violence and the interrelationships with alcohol/drug problems, intervention efforts aimed at addressing family violence are needed.  相似文献   

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