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Book reviewed in this article: New Players, Partners and Processes: A Public Sector without Boundaries?:MEREDITH EDWARDS AND JOHN LANGPORD The Trouble with Government:By DEREK BOK. Cambridge, Mass. Workfare: Why Good Social Policy Ideas Go Bad:By MAEVE QUAID Federalism, Democracy and Health Policy in Canada:Edited by DUANE ADAMS Whistleblowers: Broken Lives and Organizational Power:By C. FRED ALFORD Décentralisation, politiques publiques et relations de pouvoir:De VINCENT LEMIEUX Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens: A History of Indian‐White Relations in Canada:By J.R. MILLER World Public Sector Report: Globalization and the State 2001:By UNITED NATIONS DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS  相似文献   

Can Governments Learn? Comparative Perspectives on Evaluation and Organizational Learning Edited by FRANS L. LEEUW, RAY C. RIST AND RICHARD S. SONNICHSEN. Learning from Others: Administrative Innovations among Canadian Governments. (Monographs on Public Administration: No. 16) New Trends in Local Government in Western and Eastern Europe. Édité par Gérard MARCOUC et IMRE VEREBELYI. Qualité totale:Nouvelle panacée du secteur public? De Gérard ÉTHIER. Rapports fiduciaires entre la Couronne et les peuples autochtones: questions de mise en application et de gestion -Un guide pour gestionnaires. Social Inquiry; Needs, Possibilities, Limits. By eugene J. meehan. La dette publique d'un Québec indépendant De ROBIN RICHARDSON.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Future of Social Democracy: Views of Leaders from around the World: Edited by Peter H. Russell The Sixteen‐Trillion‐Dollar Mistake: How the U.S. Bungled its National Priorities from the New Deal to the Present: By Bruce S. Jansson Capacity for Choice: Canada in a New North America: Edited by George Hoberg Canadian Federalism: Performance, Effectiveness and Legitimacy: Edited by Herman Bakvis and Grace Skogstad Political Leadership. New Horizons in Public Policy series: By Howard Elcock .Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing Governing London: By Ben Pimlott and Nirmala Rao Local Government at the Millennium: Edited by Janice Caulfield and Helge O. Larsen Street Protests and Fantasy Parks: Globalization, Culture and the State: Edited by David R. Cameron and Janice Gross Stein  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Politics of Nationalism in Canada: Cultural Conflict since 1760 is a faculty member, Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia. By DAVID CHENNELLS. Law as a Gendering Practice Karine Levasseur is a doctoral student, School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University.Edited by DOROTHY E. CHUNN and DANY LACOMBE. Restraining Equality. Human Rights Commissions in Canada By R. BRIAN HOWE and DAVID JOHNSON. The Rights Revolution Rosemary Proctor, consultant and writer on public policy and governance, was formerly a deputy minister with the Ontario government and recently director of the South Africa/Canada Program on Governance. By MICHAEL IGNATIEFF. Agricultural Policy, Volumes I and II (Part 14 of the International Library of Comparative Public Policy) Edited by WYN P. GRANT AND JOHN T.S. KEELER. Philanthropic Foundations: New Scholarship, New Possibilities Edited by ELLEN CONDLIFFE LAGEMANN. Indigenous Difference and the Constitution of Canada By PATRICK MACKLEM. Greed, Chaos and Governance: Using Public Choice to Improve Public Law By JERRY L. MASHAW. The Politics of Educational Reform in Alberta By ALLISON TAYLOR. The Public Employment Service in a Changing Labour Market By PHAN THUY, ELLEN HANSON and DAVDI PRICE.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Politics of Public Management: The HRDC Audit of Grants and Contributions:By DAVID A. GOOD Arctic Justice: On Trial for Murder, Pond Inlet, 1923:By SHELAGH D. GRANT Science, Money and Politics: Political Triumph and Ethical Erosion:By DANIEL S. GREENBERG. Introduction to Emergency Management:By GEORGE D. HADDOW and JANE A. BULLOCK. Voluntary Environmental Agreements: Process, Practice and Future Use:Edited by PATRICK TEN BRINKS The Canadian Federalist Experiment: From Defiant Monarchy to Reluctant Republic:By FREDERICK VAUGHAN Organization Behaviour Reassessed: The Impact of Gender:Edited by ELISABETH WILSON The Struggle for Quebec: From Referendum to Referendum:By ROBERT A YOUNG  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Digital State at the Leading Edge. IPAC Series on Public Management and Governance By SANDFORD BORINS, KENNETH KERNAGHAN, DAVID BROWN, NICK BONTIS, PERRI 6 and FRED THOMPSON. Racing to the Bottom? Provincial Interdependence in the Canadian Federation Edited by kathryn harrison. Towards North American Monetary Union: The Politics and History of Canada's Exchange Rate Regime By eric helleiner Governing DeveIopment across Cultures: Challenges and Dilemmas of an Emerging Sub‐Discipline in Political Science Edited by r.b. jain. Law and Ethics in Biomedical Research: Regulation, Conflict of Interest, and Liability Edited by trudo lemmens and duff r. waring. The People's House of Commons: Theories of Democracy in Contention By david e. smith. Reinventing Canadian Defence Procurement: A View from the Inside By alan s. Williams.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Canada's Governors General, 1847–1878: Biography and Constitutional Evolution: Barbara j. messamore The Way It Works: Inside Ottawa: eddie goldenberg Riding to the Rescue: The Transformation of the RCMP in Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1914–1939: steve hewitt Transparency: The Key to Better Governance: Christopher hood, david heald Des communautés plus ou moins civiques: le capital social et la gouvernance métropolitaine au Canada et aux États‐Unis: marie‐france le blanc The New City: How the Crisis in Canada's Urban Centres is Shaping the Nation: john lorinc Auteurs et textes classiques de la théorie des organisations: De laurent bélanger ; JEAN MERCIER Reconciliation ‐ First Nations Treaty Making in British Columbia: tony penikett E‐Government in Canada: Transformation for the Digital Age: Jeffrey roy This is Not a Peace Pipe: Towards a Critical Indigenous Philosophy: dale turner  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Federalism, Democracy and Labour Market Policy in Canada:Edited by TOM MCINTOSH. Killer Algae: The True Tale of a Biological Invasion:By ALEXANDRE MEINESZ Manager en publicSows la direction de HENRY MINTZBERG et JACQUES BOURGAULT. Toronto: lnstitut d'administration publique du Canada.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Tableau de bord de gestion et indicateurs de performance:de Pierre Voyer2eédition. Presses de l'Université du Québec Walter Gordon and the Rise of Canadian Nationalism:By Stephen Azzi Taking it to the Hill: The Complete Guide to Appearing before (and Surviving) Parliamentary Committees:By David Mcinnes Beyond the New Public Management: Changing Ideas and Practices in Governance:Edited by Martin Monocle, Charles Polidano and David Hume  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Civil Service Commission 1855 1991. A Bureau Biography, By RICHARD A. CHAPMAN Modernizing Civil Services, Edited by TONY BUTCHER AND ANDREW MASSEY “If you build it…” Business, Government and Ontario's Electronic Toll Highway, By CHANDRAN MYLVAGANAM and SANDFORD BORINS Democracy Off Balance: Freedom of Expression and Hate Propaganda Law in Canada, By STEFAN BRAUN Reforming Parliamentary Democracy, Edited by F. LESLIE SEIDLE and DAVID C. DOCHERTY  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Hankey: Man of Secrets By STEPHEN ROSKILL Public Administration: Policy-Making in Government Agencies By IRA SHARKANSKY Canada in Question: Federalism in the Seventies By D. v. SMILEY Up Against City Hall By JOHN SEWELL City Lib: Parties and Reform By STEPHEN CLARKSON Programs in Search of a Policy: Low Income Housing in Canada By MICHAEL DENNIS and SUSAN FISH Politics and Government of Urban Canada: Selected Readings Edited by LIONEL D. FELDMAN and MICHAEL D. GOLDRICG The Financial Structure and the Decision-Making Process of Canadian Municipal Government By THOMAS J. PLUNKETT More Taxes and More Traffic By NANCY BRYAN Inside the Third Reich By ALBERT SPEER The Influence of the United States on Canadian Development: Eleven Case StudiesEdited by RICHARD A. PRESTON Setting National Priorities: the 1973 Budget By C. L. SCHULTZE, E. R. FRIED, A. M. RIVIJN, and N. H. TEETERS Adaptation of Public Personnel Administration to Changes in Society General Report of the 14th International Congress of Administrative Sciences. By ARYEH ATTIR Establishing Ombudsman Offices: Recent Experience in the United States By STANLEY V. ANDERSON and JOHN E. MOORE Administrative Theory and Public Administration By R. J. S. BAKER  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Northern Provinces: A Mistaken Goal By GORDON ROBERTSON. The Annual Report for 1984 of the Commissioner of Official Languages Canadian Cases in Business-Government Relations By MARK C. BAETZ and DONALD H. THAIN, eds. Quality of Working Life: Contemporary Cases By J.B. CUNNLNCHAM and T.H. WHITE, eds.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Les relations intergouvernementales au Canada, 1867–1967, Par gérard VEILLEUX Recovering Canada's Nationhood By D. W. CARR Independence: The Canadian Challenge Edited by ABRAHAM ROTSTEIN and GARY LAX Canadian Federalism: Myth or Reality? Edited by J. PETER MEEKISON Labour Economics in Canada By SYLVIA OSTRY and MAHMOOD A. ZAIDI State Enterprise: Business or Politics? By DAVID COOMBES Politics, Finance and the Role of Economics: An Essay on the Control of Public Enterprise By c. D. FOSTER Economic Analysis and Public Enterprises By RALPH TURVEY International Community Power Structures By DELBERT c. MILLER Papers Relating to the President's Departmental Reorganization Program — A Reference Compilation By the OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET OF THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Style in Administration: Readings in British Public Administration Edited by RICHARD A. CHAPMAN and A. DUNSIRE  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Innovation in the Public Sector Edited by Richard L. Merritt Anna J. Merritt Theories of Business-Government Relations Edited by V.V. Murray Ethical Conduct in the Public Sector. Report of the Task Force on Conflict of Interest Ottawa: Supply and Services Canadian Social Welfare Policy: Federal and Provincial Dimensions Edited by Jacqueline S. Ismael .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Constltutional Odyssey: can Canadians Be a Soverelgn People?De PETER H. RUSSELL A Partnership in Trouble: Renegotiating Fiscal Federalism By PETER M. LESLIE, KENNETH NORRIE, and IRENE K. IP Governments at Work: Canadian Parliamentary Federalism and Its Public Policy EffectsBy MARK SPROULE-JONES The Cultures of Work Organizations By HARRISON TRICE and JANICE BEYER Political Management in Canada By ALLAN BLAKENEY and SANDFORD BORINS.Toronto Faith and Fear: The Free Trade Story By G. BRUCE DOERN and BRIAN W. TOMLIN  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Health Systems in Transition: Canada: GREGORY P. MARCHILDON Access to Care, Access to Justice: The Legal Debate Over Private Health Insurance in Canada: COLLEEN FLOOD, KENT ROACH, LORNE SOSSIN  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Canada and Immigration: Public Policy and Public Concern Canadian Public Administration Series. By FREDA HAWKINS Collective Bargaining in the Public Service THE INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF CANADA Staff Relations in the Civil Service: Fifty Years of Whitleyism By HENRY PARRIS Conseil des premiers ministres des Maritimes: premier rapport annuel. Par LE CONSEIL Rebels and Colleagues: Advertising and Social Change in French Canada By FREDERICK ELKIN People in the Way: The Human Aspects of the Columbia River Project By J. W. WILSON The Ombudsman Plan: Essays on the Worldwide Spread of an Idea By DONALD C. ROWAT Armstrong's Fight for FM Broadcasting: One Man vs Big Business and Bureaucracy By D. H. V. ERICKSON The Nationalized Industries Since 1960: A Book of Readings Edited by LEONARD TIVEY The Role of Commissions in Pol icy-Making Edited by RICHARD A. CHAPMAN. Cost Benefit Analysis in Administration By TREVOR NEWTON Political Bureaucracy By LEWIS C. MAINZER Prelude to Administrative Theory: Essays in Social Structure and Social Process By HENRY ZENTNER  相似文献   

The Crown in Canada : By FRANK MACKINNON. Money, Inflation, and the Bank of Canada : An Analysis of Canadian Monetary Policy from 1970 to early 1975: By THMAS J. COUBCHENE. Government in Canada : By T.A. HOCKIN. The Illusion of Wage and Price Control : Edited by MICHAEL WALKEB. Canadian Perspectives on Wage-Price Guidelines: A Book of Readings : Edited by W.D. WOOD and PRADEEP KUMAR. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet : By W.A. MATHESON. Planning and Development: A Case of Two Nova Scotia Communities : By A. PAUL PROSS. Savoir organiser, Savoir décider : Par GERALD LEFEBVBE. Public Policy-Making : By JAMES E. ANDERSON. Prospective de I'Etat : Par ALAIN PLANTEY.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Inside the Firm: The inefficiencies of Hierarchy:Edited by HARVEY LEIBENSTEIN. Cambridge Managing Public Organizations: Lessons from Contemporary European Experience:Edited by JAN KOOIMANM and KJELL A. ELIASSEN Public Policy Analysis: An Introduction:Edited by LESLIE A. PAL The Canadian Political madition: Basic Readings:Edited by R.S. BLAIR and J.T. McLEOD New Dimensions of Canadian Federalism: Canada in a Comparative Perspective:Edited by GREGORY S. MAHLER A Public Purpose: An Experience of Liberal Opposition and Canadian Government:By TOM KENT  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Images of Organization:By gareth Morgan Business and Politics: A Study of Collective Action:By william d. coleman Tommy Douglas: The Road to Jerusalem:By thomas H. McLEOD and ian mcleod. City Polic Making in Theory and Practice. the Case of Toronto's Downtown Plan:By FRABCES FRISKEN Policy Evaluation for Local Government:By terry busson and philip coulter Telecommunications: A Strategic Persective on Regional, Economic and Business Development:Edited by maurice f. estabrooks and rudolphe h. lamarche Histoire de I'administration publique québécoise 1867–1970:Par james iain Cow A Guide to Hazardous Materials Management:By aileen schumacher Hazardous Waste: Confronting the Challenge:By CHRISTOPHER HARRIS, WILLIAM L. WANT and morris A. ward The Higher Civil Service in Belgium and in Industrialized Countries: Recruitment, Career and Training:Brussels: International Institute of Administrative Sciences  相似文献   

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