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Conclusion Given that the Government has accepted much of the research evidence as indicative of poor performance of local authorities in making and implementing plans for helping children and families, and of the unwillingness or inability to involve parents and children in identifying needs, it is clear that some authorities will need to engage in a major re-think of policies, procedures and practices. Moreover, the idea of a mixed economy culture may be a difficult pill to swallow but the medicine must be taken. It is evident from the account presented here that much will be gained by authorities undertaking an audit utilising not only the provisions of the Act but also an appreciation of developments which have influenced its form.Whether one agrees with its philosophy or not the Children Act 1989 represents a very clear statement of Government intentions. All concerned with the care and upbringing of children should take it seriously. Paradoxically, while encouraging private ordering, its success in promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children may only be measured through the resolution in court of conflicts between families and public authorities about what constitutes good parenting. That these issues raise ideological and economic questions, particularly about the availability of services, should not divert us from the clear messages in the legislation.General Editor. Principal Lecturer in Law, Liverpool Polytechnic.  相似文献   

论服务行政条件下的行政私法行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政私法行为是行政机关于服务行政条件下所采取的一种行为方式,它属于国库行政的一种特殊形式。就行政私法行为的性质而言,它既不绝对地是一种公法行为,也不绝对地是一种私法行为,而是新形势下出现的一种兼具公法、私法双重属性的行为。对行政私法行为的法律调整,应该坚持公法优先、兼顾私法的准则。  相似文献   

现代票据法律制度,是建立在票据流通的基础之上的。为了保障票据的流通与安全,适应商品经济发展的需要,票据法确立了票据行为的无因性原则。票据行为的无因性原则并不意味着票据行为的发生本身不存在任何原因关系,而是指票据行为的基础关系(包括原因关系、资金关系和预约关系)与票据行为的效力相分离。确立票据行为的无因性原则是世界大部分国家票据法的一致做法。我国《票据法》第10条并没有否定票据行为无因性,而只是其例外规定。票据行为的无因性不是绝对的,而要取决于特定时间和地点的客观情况。  相似文献   

满洪杰 《法学论坛》2016,(4):140-150
泰国《全民健康保障法》为我国的医疗保障改革提供了可参考的样本.该法立足于泰国社会经济发展的现状,为所有国民提供了普遍的免费医疗保障.该法所建立的全民健康保险计划以一般税收作为资金来源,通过医疗资金管理者和医疗服务提供者的分离,以及按人头付费的方式,控制医疗成本.该法满足了全民的健康需求,提高了医疗服务的可获得性,促进了健康权利保障的平等性,保障了国民避免因病致贫的权利.我国的医疗保障改革应以公共税收作为全民医保的主要经费来源,以无差别的全民医保保障医疗权利的平等性,同时必须特别关注弱势群体的需求.  相似文献   

Lying behind the recent Counter‐Terrorism and Security Act 2015 is the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters which has sparked international and national attention. The 2015 Act deals with many facets of counter terrorism legislation, but its two principal measures are singled out for analysis and critique in this paper. Thus, Part I of the Act seeks to interdict foreign terrorist fighters by preventing suspects from travelling and dealing decisively with those already in the UK who pose a risk. Part V of the Act implements the second, broader aspect, of legislative policy, reflecting the UN emphasis on ‘Countering Violent Extremism’, through the statutory elaboration and enforcement of the ‘Prevent’ element of the long‐established Countering International Terrorism strategy, which aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting violent extremism. These measures are explained in their policy contexts and set against criteria of effectiveness, personal freedom, and accountability.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the passage of an unprecedented state law, promising every resident access to affordable health insurance. The Massachusetts Health Security Act of 1988 was the product of a set of political and financial pressures that had been developing for nearly a decade. Hospital, insurance, and business interests were unable to reach a new accommodation on hospital payment. This logjam created the opportunity for a policy breakthrough, but did not inherently lend itself to progressive reform. It was consumer activism that forced the traditional powers in health policy to address the interests of the uninsured. By imposing a more public-interest agenda on the process, consumers were able to change the configuration of the stalemate, but could not resolve it. The particular terms of the stalemate, however, made possible a new, more aggressive role for state government in health policy. Unable to satisfy their competing interests within a policy framework that had universal access as a goal, traditionally powerful interest groups found themselves increasingly dependent on the state to broker a new agreement. While the many concessions made to these groups are likely to prove to be the bill's undoing, the unraveling of the agreement will not end the story. The same pressures which led to passage of the Massachusetts law and which are now causing other states to act will continue to exert their effect until a more durable solution is found.  相似文献   

I owe a debt of gratitude to Professors Hugh Bevan and Michael Freeman for reading and commenting helpfully on earlier drafts. The usualcaveat applies.  相似文献   

第四部分 裁判所对决定的复审 (上接本刊夏季号第254页) (b)如果决定中没有解释关键事实问题的认定和决定理由-- (i)如没有依据第26条第(1)款行为,而是在把解释决定内容的文书送达当事人后28天之内,又给予申请人书面陈述以解释关键事实问题的认定和决定理由--该书面陈述送达之日起第28天;  相似文献   

论保安服务市场法制建设中的双重监管体制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国<保安服务管理条例>的颁行是我国保安服务市场法制建设中的一项重要成果.但是,该条例在该市场监管体制方面的某些缺失却很可能导致该市场监管出现制度性缺陷.  相似文献   

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