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中国近现代继受西方民法的效果评述   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
孙宪忠 《中国法学》2006,(3):166-174
自清末变法以来,随着政治、经济体制的巨大变迁,中国民法的形成与发展先后受到潘德克顿法学、前苏联法学和日本法学的深刻影响。适应发展市场经济的需要,中国民法自1995年以来虽呈现了正确认识和全面继受潘德克顿法学的可喜局面,但由物权法的制定可知,前苏联法学对中国民法仍具有很大的消极影响。为促进市场经济的快速发展,中国立法机关和民法学界亟待革新意识与鼓足勇气。  相似文献   

19世纪30-40年代,李浩培在国内外法学名校研习国际私法,后在国内从事国际私法教学研究工作,其早期的论著反映出,一批国际法学人吸收国外国际私法学的新近发展,并结合中国的实践思考中国的国际私法理论问题,中国国际私法学正初步形成。建国后,国际私法学在中国发展基本停滞,李浩培在艰难的情况下坚持国际私法研究,并致力于翻译工作。文革后,李浩培出版一批重要论著,推动了中国国际私法学重建,获得国际学术声誉,同时留下了学术遗憾。  相似文献   

国际人道法的定义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国际法学界对“国际人道法”的定义存在着不同的理解 ,但其法律概念和特征都应当是一致的。狭义的国际人道法学说 ,片面地强调国际人道法与战争法的区别 ,并将它作为单独的法律体系 ;而广义的国际人道法学说 ,则把国际人道法与战争法融为一体 ;两种学说都有理论缺陷。国际人道法是战争法的一个组成部分 ,其与战争法的关系 ,既有联系又有区别 ,二者是辩证统一的  相似文献   

大陆法系国际私法的理论学说经过无数学者的努力构建与发展,初步奠定了基本模式。自20世纪以来,大陆法系国际私法学说林立,呈现出百家争鸣、百花齐放的繁荣景象。对荷兰、德国、法国、意大利、日本、希腊等大陆法系国际私法学人与学说的检视和点评,不仅在国际私法理论研究方面有巨大的学术意义,而且在国际私法实务运作方面也极具实践价值。  相似文献   

王卫国 《中国法律》2008,(5):37-39,106-109
现代市场经济是由一系列制度构成的,其中包括了以保护公平竞争和消费者权益为目标的市场规制法律体系。中国1993年9月颁布《反不正当竞争法》、同年10月颁布《消费者权益保护法》和2007年8月颁布《反垄断法》,加上《产品质量法》、《价格法》、《广告法》、《招标投标法》、《拍卖法》等法律以及相关的行政法规、部门规章和地方立法,已经形成了比较成熟的市场规制法律体系。  相似文献   

沈寿文 《政法学刊》2010,27(5):5-11
通过对现行《宪法》,以及《立法法》、《地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法》、《国务院组织法》、《民族区域自治法》文本的考察发现,我国现行宪法和法律关于地方性法规制定权、自治法规制定权、部门规章和地方政府规章制定权的规定并不一致。导致这种不一致的原因,最为浅显的是立法者(以及修宪者)在制定法律性文件时没能与其他法律性文件相协调;更为深层的原因则根植于两种错误观念中:一是误解了人民权利的正当性基础与国家权力(包括法律性文件制定权)合法性来源的差异,二是混淆了《宪法》和法律在规范国家权力中的不同作用。  相似文献   

王竹 《法律科学》2010,28(3):135-144
分摊请求权不同于追偿请求权,是与连带责任相对应的制度。大陆法系的分摊请求权较为体系化,英美法上的分摊请求权具有较强的衡平法色彩。对不具有分摊能力连带责压入份额的再分配方案,大陆法系采用“事后二次分担规则”,英美法系采用“事前二次分担规则”,《民法通则》未对该问题作出规定。分摊请求权的产生基础是矫正正义。我国侵权法上应采大陆法系“事后二次分担规则”。  相似文献   

日本战后的行政法学大体经历了两个发展阶段,第一个阶段(1960—1980年)是在批判公私法二元论的基础上重构行政法解释学,第二个阶段(1990年至今)是在反思行政法总论功能定位的基础上探索与其它学科的交流与融合。而行政过程论在这两个阶段当中发挥了承前启后的重要作用。  相似文献   

范明志 《法学论坛》2003,18(6):86-90
WTO协定在欧共体被视为法律渊源之一,但是在欧共体并不具有直接效力;欧共体法被假定为与WTO协定相一致,但是欧盟法院在具体案件中不以WTO协定作为评价欧共体法合法性的依据。欧盟法院在其判决中对二者之间关系之精心设计,对于刚加入世贸组织的我国来说,不乏借鉴意义。  相似文献   

论经济法制定与实施的外部性及其内在化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
郑鹏程 《中国法学》2003,(5):114-123
经济法的制定与实施常常给他人带来非自愿的成本或收益 ,本文称之为经济法的外部性。经济法的外部性 ,根源于经济法的本位利益———公共利益具有显著的经济性与受益对象的不确定性等特征。经济法的外部性 ,一方面使经济活动中的外部性不能得到有效克服 ;另一面使经济法自身的价值受到了不利影响。内在化经济法之外部性 ,须用类似产权界定的方式 ,明确界定中央与地方的经济立法权、国务院各部门的立法权 ,完善经济立法程序制度 ,建立经济立法损害补偿制度 ;须在完善经济法公共实施制度的同时 ,完善经济法私人实施制度 ,建立公共实施与私人实施相互配合 ,相互补充的经济法实施机制  相似文献   

论法律硕士专业学位教育的现状与改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱立恒 《河北法学》2008,26(5):159-165
法律硕士教育是我国法学教育改革的一项重大举措。经过10余年的不断探索和试验,法律硕士教育改革已经取得如下成绩:法律硕士教育培养了大量高层次法律人才;法律硕士教育是我国法学教育改革的有益尝试;法律硕士教育规模逐渐扩大,且日趋规范化、科学化。法律硕士教育改革存在的问题包括:法律硕士教育与法律职业之间缺乏实质性的联系,培养目标难以得到充分的实现;法律硕士教育仍然沿袭传统的法学教育模式;在职与非在职法律硕士教育之间存在矛盾。我国法律硕士教育的出路在于:坚持法律硕士教育的法律职业教育定位;大幅度扩大法律硕士教育的规模,使我国硕士阶段的法学教育以法律硕士教育为主;修改法律硕士教育的报考条件,入学考试制度;强化法律职业教育;理顺法律硕士教育与司法考试之间的关系。  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1977,40(5):607-623
Book reviewed in this article: The Sociology of Law . Edited by Pat Carlen . Tort in Transition . By P. D. Mc Kenzie , G. W. R. Palmer and R. S. Clark . Nathan and Marshall : Cases and Commentary on the Law of Trusts . Sixth Edition. By D. J. Hayton . Cases and Materials on English Land Law . By Michael Harwood . Pinson on Revenue Law . 10th edition. Cases and Materials on Constitutional and Administrative Law . Second Edition. By Geoffrey Wilson . Immigration Law . By J. M. Evans Mental Health (Social Work & Law Series). By Brenda Hoggett . Legal Issues in Addict Diversion . By Harvey Perlman and Peter Jaszi . Trading Under EEC and U.S. Antitrust Laws . By Alfred Crotti . German Company Law . By H. Wurdinger . (European Commercial Law Library Number 3, General Editor, Robert R. Pennington.)  相似文献   

The Law Department of Moscow State University (MGU) is the oldest school for higher legal education in the country. It was founded in 1755 and in 1804 was reorganized as the Division of Ethics and Politics, In 1835 a Faculty of Law again made its appearance in the structure of MGU. In 1919 at MGU a Faculty of Social Sciences came into being, within which a Division of Politics and Law was established (taking the place of the Law Faculty), and this in turn was renamed the Law Division in 1921. In 1925 a Faculty of Soviet Law was established at MGU in place of the Law Division. This faculty ceased to exist in 1931, and its place was taken by two independent institutions: the Moscow Institute of Soviet Law of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the USSR, and the Moscow Institute of Soviet Government under the All-Union Central Executive Committee (VTsIK). In March 1942 the Law Faculty was revived and continues to exist. In 1954 the Moscow Juridical Institute was merged into the Law Faculty of MGU.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1970,33(1):103-117
Precedent in English Law and Other Essays . By James Louis Montrose . Edited by H. G. Hanbury . Precedent in English Law . By Rupert Cross . Second Edition. Double Jeopardy . By Martin L. Friedland . The Making of a Criminal . By Patricia Elton Mayo . Constitutional Law in Northern Ireland : A Study in Regional Government . By Harry Calvert . The Vietnam War and International Law . (Sponsored by the American Society of International Law.) Edited by Richard A. Falk . Law and Vietnam . By Roger H. Hull and John C. Novogrod . Foreword by Myres S. Mc Dougal . The Middle East Crisis : Test of International Law . Edited by John W. Halderman . Law and Contemporary Problems Series, No. 11. Restatement of African Law . Kenya . Volume I: The Law of Marriage and Divorce . Volume II: The Law of Succession . By Eugene Cotran . General Editor, Professor A. N. Allott . The Law and Practice of Nigerian Wills , Probate and Succession . By Brian W. Harvey . Uganda , The Development of its Laws and Constitution . By H. F. Morris and James S. Read . Le Droit de la Famille en Afrique Noire et à Madagascar . Edited by Kéba M'Baye . Preface by Marc Ancel . Ideas and Procedures in African Customary Law . Edited by Max Gluckman . Neutralization and World Politics . By Cyril E. Black and Others .  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1970,33(5):578-600
Crime , Law and the Scholars : A History of Scholarship in American Criminal Law . By Gerhard O. W. Mueller . What's Wrong With The Law ? Edited by Michael Zander . Tangling With Law : Reforms in Legal Process. By F. A. R. Bennion. The Charter Controversy in the City of London , 1660–1688, and its Consequences. By Jennifer Levin . The Popular Movement for Law Reform 1640–1660. By Donald Veall . Delictual Liability and the Conflict of Laws . By Otto Kahn -Freund . The Principles of Modern Company Law . Third edition. By Professor L. C. B. Gower , A Law Commissioner. Co-editors: K. W. Wedderburn , Cassel Professor of Commercial Law in the University of London, and O. Weaver and A. E. W. Park , Barristers-at-Law. The Criminal Responsibility of Corporations in English Law . By Dr. L. H. Leigh . The Company : Law , Structure and Reform in Eleven Countries . Edited by Charles de Hoghton . The Legitimacy of the Business Corporation in the Law of the United States 1780–1970. By James Willard Hurst . Discretionary Justice : A Preliminary Inquiry . By Kenneth Culp Davis . Congress v. The Supreme Court. By Raoul Berger . The Costs of Accidents : A Legal and Economic Analysis . By Guido Calabresi . The Law of Tort in Local Government . Second Edition by Mary Bell Cairns, ll.m., ph.d . Labour Law . By Charles D. Drake, m.a., ll.b. , of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. The Divorce Reform Act 1969. By Bernard Passingham, o.b.e., t.d.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1974,37(4):473-480
Book reviewed in this article: Maladministration and its Remedies. By K. C. Wheare. Jurisprudence: Text and Readings on the Philosophy of Law. By George C. Christie. Society and the Policeman's Role. By Maureen E. Cain. International Library of Sociology. The Law of Damages. By A. I. Ogus. The Law of Partnership in Scotland. By J. B. Miller Cases and Materials on International Law. By D. J. Harris. Stannary Law—A History of the Mining Law of Cornwall and Devon. By Robert R. Pennington. Studies in International Law. By F. A. Mann.  相似文献   

汤黎虹 《行政与法》2012,(6):99-104
任何法部门都要有理论基础。经济法理论基础应当以讲求法意理论、突出经济法特征和承认其他部门法理论基础为立论之本,并从经济法价值层面推衍出来。以往学界关于经济法理论基础的研究还没能够符合这些条件,故诸说成立的根据不充分;而民商法、行政法、社会法等理论基础对于从经济法价值层面推衍的"整体经济效益"的价值取向及覆盖的法内容,又无力支撑。于是,寻找经济法自身的根本理论支撑就十分关键了。笔者研究发现,经济法为了实现"整体经济效益"的价值取向,必须不断解决个体性经营无序带来的"整体"损害问题,于是,经济法配置的整体性经济权应当是限定个体性经营权的职权。笔者将这一理论称为"限权论"并定位为经济法理论基础。这一理论也是在与民商法的"保权论"、行政法的"控权论"、社会法的"扶权论"等理论基础的界分和协调中形成的。  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1968,31(1):95-118
Jurisprudence. By B. A. Wortley, o.b.e., ll.m. (Leeds), ll.d. (Manchester), Professor of Jurisprudence and International Law in the University of Manchester. The American Jury. By Harry Kalven Jr. and Hans Zeisel. Law Relating to Nuclear Energy. By Harry Street and F. R. Frame. Sources of Family Law. By J. C. Hall, m.a., ll.b. Cambridge Legal Case Book Series. Sovereignty Within the Law. By Arthur Larson, C. Wilfred Jenks and Others. The New Nations in International Law and Diplomacy. Edited by William V. O'Brien. Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee. Report of the Sixth Session, Cairo, 1964; Seventh Session, Baghdad, 1965. International Law in Australia. Edited by D. P. O'Connell. Paget's Law of Banking. Seventh edition. By Maurice Megrah assisted by F. R. Ryder. Leading Cases in the Law of Banking. Second edition. By Lord Chorley and P. E. Smart. Cases on the Criminal Law, Procedure and Evidence of Nigeria (excluding the North). Law in Africa, No. 19. By Cyprian O. Okonkwo and Ian McLean. Soviet Criminal Law and Procedure: the R.S.F.S.R. Codes. Translated by H. J. Berman and J. W. Spindler, with an Introduction by Harold J. Berman. Nigerian Law of Landlord and Tenant. By M. O. Onwuamaegbu, b.a., ll.m., ph.d. (London), of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law; Solicitor and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. Sir John Latham and Other Papers. By Zelman Cowen. Of Law and Men. By Felix Frankfurter. Introduction to English Law. By Philip S. James. Sixth edition. Elements of English Law. By William Geldart. Seventh ed. by D. C. M. Yardley. The Book of English Law (as at the year 1966). By Edward Jenks. 6th revised edition by P. B. Fairest. Cowen on the Law of Negotiable Instruments in South Africa. Fourth edition. By Denis V. Cowen and Leonard Gering. Principles of Registered Land Conveyancing. By J. A. Holland, ll.b. and J. R. Lewis, ll.b.  相似文献   

中国行政程序法立法展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
行政程序法是现代国家规范行政权力的基本法,它的制定对国家机关之间的关系、国家与公民之间的关系有着深远影响。当前,中国在国家层面制定统一的行政程序立法的时机已经完全成熟。本文希望通过对行政程序法的立法目的、行政程序法典与其他单行法的关系、中国行政程序法的内容选择、立法架构及立法路径等问题的探讨,为推动我国统一行政程序立法献绵薄之力。  相似文献   

依法治国建设社会主义法治国家是我国宪法确定的治国方略,因此对社会主义法治理念的定位,必须坚持法治这一最高原则,在社会转型基本完成以后,我们应该进入法治时代。法治时代是一个讲法律理性和逻辑方法的时代。法治时代的法治理念承载不了太多的内容,我们应该在坚持宪法和法律至上的原则下,熟练掌握法律思维、法律方法、追求社会公平正义,使人人成为法治的缔造者。  相似文献   

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