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赛珍珠文化相对主义思想溯源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国作家赛珍珠一生所从事的跨文化创作、学术研究和社会活动,均为其文化相对主义思想的体现.这一思想的形成首先来源于她的跨国界的生活,在几个不同世界的生活使其发现文化差异是普遍存在的现实,文化差异不是文化低劣的表现,相反,它赋予人类文化以多样性;其次来源于她的跨文化阅读,特别是对中国文化的研究性阅读,使得赛珍珠认识到文化差异存在的历史合理性,东西方文化因此应该遵循"和而不同"的原则,并在此基础上由沟通交流达到融合.  相似文献   

张永江 《河北法学》2007,25(6):169-173
文化相对主义对战争罪行的追诉和国际刑事法院的创立有不可忽视的作用,能充分考虑文化差异的国际刑事法院更有利于正义的伸张.文化能影响证人证言的采纳、种族灭绝等国际罪行的界定和正确的量刑,因此建立只对国内法院无法或不愿意管辖的国际罪行行使管辖权的国际刑事法院才是最好的选择.  相似文献   

Abstract. Although the Charter of the United Nations embodied an unresolved tension between state sovereignty and the inviolability of human rights, the fall of the Berlin Wall seemed to herald universal acceptance of the legitimacy of international concern for the protection of human rights. Since that time, however, the sovereignty of states has been pushed with renewed vigour under the guise of cultural sovereignty. Three examples of the role of cultural sovereignty in the international human rights sphere are proposed to demonstrate that the real interest of states is not the protection of cultural identity, but non-interference, supremacy and control. The paper identifies cultural sovereignty with cultural relativism and argues that the ideology of relativism, combined with the inadequacies of legal positivism, have significantly harmed the efficacy and character of the international human rights regime.  相似文献   

标准对法律规范社会行为具有重要的作用,这种作用建立在标准的规范性基础之上。《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草原则》(GB/T1.1-2020)为我们认识标准的规范、分析标准的规范性进而解释标准对法律所起的作用提供了路径指引。通过标准的构成要素、标准的表达方式和标准的体系构成三个层面的分析,可以系统地阐释标准对于法律所起作用的规范基础。  相似文献   

Soft law, alternatives, informal conflict settlement procedures, are all the daily fare of legal sociologists who accept pluralism as part and parcel of the legal scene. Not so legal dogmatics, however, whose legal experts are still loath to think in terms of legal pluralism. For legal dogmatics, the "modern" theory of the State and its legal system—a theory forming the plinth of our Western concept of laws and rights—is founded on a pyramidal structure of legal norms and the exclusive validity of the laws created by the State. As a result, no given social system can formally allow several legal norms proposing different interpretations of the same matter to exist at the same time. In our "monocentrist" Western tradition of law and the State, pluralism is in oddity, an anachronism.  相似文献   

《Law and Philosophy》1998,17(4):419-442
Law and Philosophy -  相似文献   

In Kelsen's formalist and reductionisttheory of law, the concepts of `authority' and`competence' may be explained exclusively in termsof those norms on which the validity of other legalnorms or of legal acts is dependent. Kelsen describesthe nature of these norms in different ways; at leastthree different conceptions can be distinguished. Arational reconstruction of the most plausible of theseconceptions will understand sentences expressing such`norms of competence' either to state truthconditions for normative sentences of a lower level orto state criteria for an act to be a legal act. Inboth functions, norms of competence regulate thecreation of normative facts.  相似文献   

Netherlands International Law Review - In 2014 the League of Arab States (LAS) adopted a statute to establish the Arab Court of Human Rights (ACtHR). However, the proposed court has been strongly...  相似文献   

This paper assesses normative arguments regarding four views about defamatory meaning. The moralised view holds that a statement about a person is defamatory if and only if we ought to think less of that person if the statement is true. The nonmoralised view holds that a statement is defamatory if and only if people in fact think less of the subject on hearing the statement. A third - the dual view - can be split into two versions. The first version holds that a statement is defamatory if and only if it satisfies either the moralised or non-moralised views. The second version holds that statements satisfying either view can be defamatory, but they ought to be considered fundamentally different forms of personal defamation, with different remedies, defences and conditions of liability attached. Both the moralised and non-moralised views are rejected because they fail to acknowledge instrumental and intrinsic reputational value respectively. The first version of the dual view is rejected because it compromises the expressive value of defamation, implausibly suggests that truth should be a general defence and fails to recognise that different objections apply to the moralised and nonmoralised views. The upshot is that we ought to accept the second version of the dual view.  相似文献   

"规范分析"概念的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
规范法学在法学理论体系中的核心地位和中国规范法学研究的落后状况,要求我们重视规范法学研究,尤其要对作为规范法学之主要方法的规范分析的概念进行清晰界分.对规范法学研究方法所持有的高度自觉,是学科发展的重要前提.文章在区分"规范"的"价值"与"应当"之不同意义和界定规范法学的范围的基础上,明确了以法律规范体系为对象的规范分析方法的内涵:规范分析是以明晰法律概念和法律命题的意义为要务的一系列方法的结合,其中以概念分析为中心.在此基础上,规范法学因其自身的效用和限度而在法学理论的学科体系中占有重要一席.  相似文献   

文化产业与文化事业是基本文化权益保障研究的两类主要视域,但文化事业视域中的相关价值与规范交互性研究往往为学界所忽略。在我国最基本的文化服务事项尚未实现充分平权供给的前提下,该类研究更显其现实意义。有必要在我国基本文化权益保障所依托的公共文化服务体系发生系统变革的背景下,从价值目标与权益事项这两个方面来尝试解构文化事业视域中基本文化权益保障的规范内涵,以提供必要的原理原则层面的概念指引。应根据不同类型的服务供给方而凸显基本文化权益保障的个殊化价值目标,公益性文化单位提供的服务是义务非营利性的,经营性文化单位提供的服务则是激励非营利性的。在此基础上,基于非营利性价值目标所蕴含的社会效益最大化考量,从文化参与权益、文化成果分享权益和文化平等权益这三个方面,来厘清基本文化权益保障的融贯性权益事项。  相似文献   

从股东绝对主权主义到相对主权主义是公司作为一种资本制度的必然选择,股东大会权力的缩小,董事会权力的扩大,发挥经营者在业务经营管理领域的专长,是实现公司灵活、高效经营,增强公司活力的客观需要.然而,股东主权相对主义却遇到了新的困境:法律上的董事会中心主义在公司权力实际运作中,配置给了大股东或经营者,而应享有主权的广大股东和利益相关者均无法对实际控制公司的大股东和经营者实施有效的监督.完善公司治理的必由之路是建立有效的约束机制.  相似文献   

空白刑法规范的特性及其解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空白罪状由于概括性的委任立法使得规范弹性具有难以避免性和合理性,法律概念的相对性更为明显,部门法规范的易变性也使得其容易出现偏离立法规范目标的情况,对其必须进行刑法的独立规范判断,区分事实问题和法律问题。提倡双向对应的规范解释路径,能够有效地实现概括的类型化转向具体的定型化,获得规范与事实的一致。由于罪刑法定在技术上并无制约作用,因此规范解释空白罪状时,重要的是合理运用解释方法,以得出妥善结论,注重目的解释和体系解释可以有效地实现刑法的规范保护任务。  相似文献   

CARLA FARALLI 《Ratio juris》1993,6(2):181-189
MacCormick and Weinberger's normative institutionalism, or neo-institutionalist theory, is propounded as "a socially realistic development of normativism." This theory blends normativism and realism and represents the coherent outcome of two components of each author's thought: normativism from the standpoint of legal theory; neo-empiricism from the standpoint of philosophy generally. Scandinavian legal realism, or normative realism, is the only school of jurisprudence that can be understood as a direct offspring of one of the philosophical currents (i.e., the Uppsala school) belonging to contemporary neo-empiricism. This is why it inevitably becomes a touchstone for those legal theories – like MacCormick and Weinberger's neo-institutionalist theory–which are not direct offshoots, but owe much to the principles and methods of neo-empiricism.  相似文献   

法制现代化问题为人们关注日久。在这一问题的规范性维度,即所谓法制现代化的进步性和普世性论题上,至今争议频仍。主流社会理论与后现代主义、文化多元主义各据一方,后二者依据极端相对主义的形上观点力图抵制法制现代化论题的规范性维度之扩张。通过检视争论各方的若干思想谱系和理据,粗略解析共通的理论争点:即人性论预设之后,依人性的同等和平等这一形式化理念为考量基准,在当今世界多元文化的总体趋势下,法制现代化问题的规范性要求是可以证成的。  相似文献   

个人道德责任的确定性问题有规范与美德两个维度,二者不可或缺.现代多元社会公共生活领域中的道德责任,是规范维度而不是美德维度的.现代社会存在着的道德去崇高取向,不能成为我们忽视美德濡养的理由.  相似文献   

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