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张昊 《公民与法治》2013,(12):34-34
假借婚恋交友进行网络诈骗.骗取多名国外华人女性的钱款。近日,福建省云霄县检察院以涉嫌诈骗罪将何添生、何绍宗、罗艮顺、罗秀丽、罗勇金五名犯罪嫌疑人批准逮捕、从2012年9月起,  相似文献   

略论老舍笔下的婚恋描写   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文从当代大学生的就业矛盾调查出发,并以经济学的角度对当代大学生的婚恋观和知识资本积累进行了分析和解读,进而给出大学生树立正确的婚恋观,努力实现人生价值的对策建议。  相似文献   

邱旭瑜 《法人》2008,(12):87-88
律师要求利益和发展的最大化,就不可能永远只停留在简单的利益交换和平衡中,势必会寻求更高级的方式获得利益和平衡利益  相似文献   

赵杨 《法制与社会》2011,(17):243-244
大学生的婚恋问题不仅仅是一个道德问题,也是一个法律问题,对大学生进行系统地法治教育是非常有必要的。但目前看来,我国大学生的法律素质状况不容乐观,法律意识淡薄,在教育过程中存在着普遍缺失。不懂法律,就不知道如何使用法律来保护自己的权利,履行自己的义务。本文通过案例,对大学生在婚恋问题上的法治教育缺失进行论述,以期对大学生婚恋问题的解决得到一定的帮助。  相似文献   

蕉页 《政府法制》2014,(32):7-7
魏晋风度与五石散 我们在谈论魏晋风度时,必定会说到“五石散”,因为两者几乎是联系在一起的.在当时,服食“五石散”成为一种类似吃摇头丸一样的时尚,魏晋名流们便纷纷服用以示身份。  相似文献   

近期,我院相继办理了多起利用婚介结识被害人,或假借谈恋爱名义与被害人交往,进而诈骗被害人财物的刑事案件。由于此类案件特征明显,危害性大,有必要引起我们的重视。  相似文献   

传统还是现代:新生代农民工的婚恋现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对江苏省武进市新生代农民工进行抽样问卷调查,初步明确了新生代农民工的婚恋现状。研究发现:1.新生代农民工的婚恋现状呈现一些现代性的特征,但仍然受传统婚恋模式的影响;2.新生代农民工群体内部存在明显的高未婚率的问题,但导致这种问题的原因是多方面的;3.新生代农民工生育意愿较弱,但具有较强的赡养意愿。  相似文献   

近年来查处的各类官员,大多有这样那样的“爱好”。玩摄影、写书法、搞发明……然而,各类兴趣爱好越来越多地出现在腐败的交易清单上。厦门远华特大走私案主犯赖昌星的行贿心得“不怕领导讲原则,就怕领导没爱好”,一语道破了官员爱好与贪污腐败间的关系。一旦权力和爱好混杂在一起,受伤害的不仅是党和政府的形象,群众的公共利益也会受到损害。  相似文献   

近年来,中国互联网婚恋行业的营业规模不断扩大。2018年该行业营收规模约为52亿元,2019年已超61亿元。但是互联网婚恋平台的一些问题也不断显现,管理粗放、审核缺位、诱导消费、情感诈骗——这些"顽疾"久治不愈。在《法人》记者的采访中,多位法律专家表示,多管齐下方能有效治理行业乱象。  相似文献   

是否应对第三者课以民事责任成为这次婚姻法修改论争的焦点。笔者认为 ,追究第三者的法律责任缺乏理论支撑 ,又缺乏现实基础。目前理论上所提出的配偶权 ,以及由此生发出来的同居义务、贞操义务均无法诠释第三者的法律责任。从现实上来看 ,第三者问题广泛而且复杂 ,第三者概念模糊难以界定 ,其程序也具有不可操作性。因此 ,第三者问题由道德调整是较为现实的选择。  相似文献   

The study focused on differences between women who left shelters for battered women and returned to their partners, versus those who stayed in the shelter for over 3 months. The study was conducted in battered women’s shelters in Israel, and examined the contribution of women’s internal resources (self-esteem and empowerment) to their life satisfaction, as well as the contribution of integration (participation and commitment) in the shelter at the time of their arrival to their satisfaction with their life. Findings indicate that, among the group of women who stayed in the shelter, personal resources as well as participation and commitment contributed to their life satisfaction. Among the group of women who left the shelter, only commitment contributed to life satisfaction.  相似文献   

Despite a considerable body of research demonstrating the beneficial effects of marriage for criminal desistance, data limitations have resulted in much of this work being based on predominantly white, male samples. In light of the rapidly changing demographic landscape of the US—and particularly the tremendous growth in the Hispanic population—the question of whether the benefits of marriage are generalizable to racial and ethnic minorities is an important one. This research extends prior work on the relationship between marriage and offending by assessing whether the benefits of marriage for criminal offending extend to today’s racial and ethnic minority populations. Using a contemporary sample of 3,560 young adult Hispanic, black and white males followed annually for 13?years spanning the transition to adulthood, we find that while marriage is a potent predictor of desistance for all groups, the benefits of marriage vary substantially across both race and ethnicity.  相似文献   

The case note considers the impact of the Supreme Court decision in Radmacher v Granatino regarding pre‐nuptial and other classes of nuptial agreement, together with recent proposals of the Law Commission for reform of the law relating to marital property agreements generally. It explores in particular the question of what, if any, core obligations of marriage cannot – or should not – be excludable by agreement.  相似文献   

This study explores the pre-arrest domestic violence victimization and attitudes towards domestic violence reported by women and men confined in a Midwestern metropolitan jail. Results indicated that women in the jail sample had more fear for the safety of battered women than men in the jail sample. Women in jail were more likely than men in jail to view the legal system as a deterrent to domestic violence. Logistic regression models were constructed to explore associations between jail detainees’ pre-arrest experiences of domestic violence and their gender, age, education, race, parental status and other violent victimizations. The variables associated with pre-arrest domestic violence victimization were being a woman, a parent, a victim rape and a victim of threats with a deadly weapon.  相似文献   

The present study compared battered women incarcerated for killing/seriously assaulting their abusers with battered women incarcerated for other offenses to explore possible similarities and differences in the characteristics and experiences of the two groups as well as to determine what factors may lead some battered women to use lethal force against their partners. Comparisons were made on a number of variables including sociodemographic factors, characteristics of the battering relationship, alcohol/drug use of battered women and their abusers, perceived social support, actions taken to end the violence, prior criminal behaviors, and childhood trauma factors. Findings revealed that women in the homicide/assault group were older, in the relationship longer and experienced a longer duration of violence in this relationship. They also experienced more frequent and severe battering, including sex assaults and sustained more injuries than those in the comparison group. Further, battered women who killed/seriously assaulted their partners were more likely to believe that their lives were in danger, were less likely to use violence against their partners, and were less likely to have a prior criminal record or to have served time previously. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper tests the effects of minority partner representation on minority associate representation in a sample of 97 law firms from 1980 to 1990. We perform separate analyses for women, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans, and we consider both within-group and cross-group effects. We find that minority partner representation has a positive effect on minority associate representation, which is statistically significant in the case of women and Asian Americans. Our findings are consistent with lawyers'own accounts, which emphasize the impact of partner composition on the distribution of rewards within law firms. We also show how our findings clarify previous studies about the effects of minority representation on the distribution of organizational rewards, focusing particularly on Kanter's work and subsequent related research.  相似文献   

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