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《铡包勉》是现在很多传统剧种都有的包公戏剧目。京剧还有1951年由谭富英、裘盏戊改编的剧目,改名《铁面无私清官谱》。  相似文献   

郭建 《法律与生活》2010,(23):52-53
报恩主题的剧目 按照梁启超的说法,中国传统文化的核心价值观念就是“报恩”,一切其他的价值观念都由“报恩”发散而来。这个观点是否正确尚可别论,但从传统戏曲来看,以弘扬“报恩”为主题的剧目确实是层出不穷。  相似文献   

戏曲艺术具有鲜明的民族性、大众性、综合性.与时代紧密相连,从某种意义上说是时代的镜子.现实社会生活中的国家制度、重大事件、重要人物都可以在戏曲艺术中折射出来,这些内容也是戏曲剧目的重要来源。清末以来,随着西学东渐,1906年,清王朝在参考西方司法制度的基础上,在大理院下面设置各级审判厅.在审判厅内设检察局,负责对刑事案件提起公诉、监督审判活动、监督判决的执行,现代意义上的检察制度正式在我国确立。随之,戏曲舞台上也逐渐出现了涉及检察制度的剧目。通过戏曲艺术的演绎和诠释,尽管不是很清晰和完整,也并不一定科学准确,但我们仍然可以从中一窥检察制度在当时社会生活中的基本状况。  相似文献   

晚近成型的传统剧目 《玉堂春》是传统戏曲中的名剧,除了京剧外,秦腔、河北梆子、晋剧等剧种也演出此剧目。其中的折子戏也是独立成剧目,比如《女起解》(俗称“苏三起解”)、《三堂会审》等,一直是作为单独的剧目上演。《玉堂春》全篇倒是出现得比较晚,直到民国后才成为完整剧目。  相似文献   

大学生舞蹈团的队员都是由非舞蹈专业的学生构成,由于主客观方面的诸多原因,传统高校非职业舞蹈教学模式难以有效推广。基于此,笔者提出以剧目排练课打造高校舞蹈教学的新模式。  相似文献   

郭建 《法律与生活》2010,(19):52-53
《荆钗记》是一个历史悠久的剧目。元代苏州作家柯丹丘创作了南戏(宋代以来流行于南方地区的戏曲形式)《荆钗记》,在明清时期被广泛编演,很多剧种都移植改编。但基本故事情节与戏剧结构都没有大的变化。  相似文献   

在山西省临汾市东南隅的翼城,提起县电视台的经纬剧场,无论是城里的书记县长,还是村里的老汉农妇,都能随口说出一连串的剧目《麻将纠纷》、《离婚大战》、《楼上楼下》……  相似文献   

文海 《法庭内外》2006,(8):23-25
2006年新年伊始,第二届“国家舞台艺术精品剧目“授牌仪式在北京举行。兰州歌舞剧院创作排演的大型舞剧《大梦敦煌)》名列“十大精品剧目“。连同此前获得的中国舞蹈“荷花奖”.中宣部“五个一工程奖”.文化部“文华奖”等。可谓揽尽中国所有大奖,占尽风流。  相似文献   

郭建 《法律与生活》2010,(11):51-52
历史悠久的传统剧目 《天仙配》是一个历史悠久的传统剧目。董永得到仙女帮助的故事,已经流传了近两千年。东汉桓帝建和元年(公元147年)修建的今山东嘉祥县境内的武梁祠石刻上已经有董永孝养父亲的画像,说明董永的孝行在当时已经非常的出名。  相似文献   

这是一场全民参与的共同战“疫”,在这场抗击疫情的战争中,没有旁观者。我们每一个人都有不同的角色担当,每一个人都是“第一责任人”。我们付出的所有辛苦,都是为了同一个目标,那就是战胜它。那些让你印象深刻的战“疫”关键词,我们一起重温。  相似文献   

张千帆 《法学研究》2004,26(3):39-51
随着《收容遣送办法》的废止,个人自由权利与社会治安秩序之间的现实冲突比过去更为突显。应转变中央和地方关系的传统思维,在允许地方更多自主权和选择权的同时,更充分地保障公民个人的宪法基本权利。无论是中央和地方关系的法律界定,还是公民权利的宪法保障,都要求建立独立的司法机构以审查地方立法的有效性。  相似文献   

The history of crime prevention and control efforts in the United States has demonstrated little progressive improvement in our ability to deter crime. The major obstacles to implementing effective interventions and policies have been a weak scientific knowledge base about how to prevent crime, the research community's inability to effectively disseminate what is known about the causes of crime and to translate this knowledge into operational programs and policies, and a resistance on the part of practitioners and policy makers to evaluate programs and policies and to use this information in the development of new programs and policies. In the last decade, there have been major advances in our understanding about the causes of crime and we have now demonstrated the effectiveness of selected prevention programs. But there is little evidence that this scientific knowledge is informing current practice or policy. Problems in the dissemination of this information and the resistance to utilizing it remain. These problems are discussed and suggestions are made for addressing them. Our knowledge base remains modest, but it is now sufficient to inform policy and practice. The research community must work to do a better job of disseminating this information and overcoming the resistance to utilizing it before we will be successful in implementing effective crime prevention programs and policies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics - The access to goods and their allocation (who gets what, when, where and how) is one of the analytical problems of the 2009...  相似文献   

This study of graduates of the University of Michigan Law School from the late 1970s reports on the differing ways that women and men have responded to the conflicting claims of work and family. It finds that women with children who have entered the profession have indeed continued to bear the principal responsibilities for the care of children, but it also finds that these women, with all their burdens, are more satisfied with their careers and with the balance of their family and professional lives than other women and than men.  相似文献   

在美国法律文化塑造下的对抗制诉讼制度和科学的调查程序之间存在着紧张关系(tension),在法律所关注的裁决终局性(finality)和科学所追求的持续性纠错(oven—minded fallibilism)之间存在着紧张关系。长期以来,法律界都试图通过可采性法律规则归化科学证言,结果导致联邦法官担负起广泛的审查职责;近期,法庭指定专家的制度实践导致对抗制度做出某些修正,这种制度实践已经被批评为“带有纠问色彩”(inquisitorial),甚至“违背了民主的要求”(undemocratic)。在分析这些制度利弊的过程中,我们有必要考察其他法律系统的经验教训。  相似文献   

本文主要从设备故障与维护、防静电、动火作业、执行操作规程等几个方面引起的爆炸和火灾进行分析,制定对应的防护措施。提出了以做好设备维护保养、防静电处理、做好防火设计及安全装置、落实动火作业措施及强化安全培训等方面进行综合防控,消除油气储运过程中引起的爆炸和火灾,以实现安全生产。  相似文献   

Abstract. There is tension between the adversarialism of the U.S. legal culture and the investigative procedures of the sciences, and between the law's concern for finality and the open‐ended fallibilism of science. A long history of attempts to domesticate scientific testimony by legal rules of admissibility has left federal judges with broad screening responsibilities; recent adaptations of adversarialism in the form of court‐appointed experts have been criticized as “inquisitorial,” even “undemocratic.” In exploring their benefits and disadvantages, it would make sense to look to the experience of other legal systems.  相似文献   

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