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今年的"两会"把建设法治政府和依法行政提到了一个新的高度。8位来自法院系统的全国人大代表的感受和建言表达全国33万法院干警的心声和法治梦想。  相似文献   

略论英国法治发达之成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法律作为上层建筑,是一定社会历史发展的产物,其生成的条件亦是复杂多样的。英国法向来以其特有的面貌傲立于世,这与它生成的社会土壤紧密相关。英国法治发展的社会历史条件,主要有三个方面:一是持续稳定的社会发展模式;二是独特的政治体制;三是尊重传统的文化心理。三者相互作用、相互影响,共同造就和决定了英国法治的发达。  相似文献   

贾宇 《政法论丛》2013,(4):48-56
社会管理创新与法治国家建设密不可分,通过法治保障来推进社会管理创新,具有巨大的优越性,也是人类社会的成功经验.法治可以为社会管理创新提供价值支撑,为社会管理创新设置合理的行动界限,引导民众理性表达诉求,制度化地促进社会矫正正义的实现.法治化保障社会管理创新的具体举措主要是,完善社会管理立法,促进社会结构优化;保障新型社会管理体制的合理有效运行;坚持法律原则,尊重和保护人权,依法化解矛盾.  相似文献   

党的十八届四中全会作出了《中共中央关於全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》,这标志着我国法治建设进入了新的历史阶段。《决定》内容丰富、立意高速,是一份全面布署推进依法治国的纲领性文件。这裹我想着重谈谈学习《决定》中关于[推进法治社会建设]方面的体会。  相似文献   

现代汉语辞典中,合理的合字指的是不违反,一事物与另一事物相应或相符。理字的含义是道理,事物的规律。合理指的是事物发展合乎理性、合乎事物发展的规律。法律的形式合理是建立法治的必然需要,也是市场经济的内在要求。市场经济所需要的是一种象机器一样靠得住的法律①,要求建立的法律制度能关注原则和形式,能从形式上推出结果、预测结果,能将交易的成本尽可能的降低。  相似文献   

<正> 党的十一届三中全会在党的历史上第一次明确提出了加强社会主义民主和法制建设的任务,提出了社会主义法制的基本原则。从那时候起,关于人治、法制的议论就从未停止。理论界对这一论题曾经展开了持续三年的争论,高潮迭起,法治问题一时间成为人们的热门话题。近年来,随着改革的不断深化,呼唤法治之声更是不绝于耳。尽管人们对法治的概念有不同的理解,对人治法治各自的利弊得失有不同的认识,甚至有人主张取消关于法治问题的争论,但法治问题还是每每被人提起,成为一个经久不衰的话题,其中蕴含着深刻的社会历史原因。  相似文献   

历史经验表明,政府官员主动、自觉和善于运用法治思维,自然会促进相应国家、地区的法治实践;而一个国家、地区的法治实践又会给相应同家、地区执政者更主动、自觉运用法治思维的动力。一旦形成了这种良性互动,即可认为其已步人了法治运作和科学发展的正轨,进入了法治社会的常态。因此,“法治思维”应是对政府官员的基本要求。  相似文献   

家庭暴力历史根源之长,受害范围之广.危害程度之深.不能不引起我们的高度重视。全社会都要行动起来.反对和消除家庭暴力?  相似文献   

华渊 《人民调解》2020,(4):44-46
纠纷背景2019年1月22日晚,33岁的张某某作为合作方应邀参加江苏省无锡市锡山区某公司组织的年终聚会,期间张某某曾大量饮酒。聚会结束,张某某走出酒店门口时突发不适,被送往锡山区某医院,抢救无效于当晚死亡。尸检报告确认,张某某死亡原因是大量饮酒造成呕吐物阻塞气管导致窒息。接到噩耗,死者10余名亲属从安徽老家连夜赶至该公司讨要说法,要求公司和共同饮酒人赔偿180万元。辖区派出所接案后,邀请街道人民调解委员会介入,开展调解工作。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放继续深化,经济社会快速发展,各种社会矛盾易发多发,人民法院化解社会矛盾纠纷、维护社会和谐稳定的任务越来越繁重、越来越重要。为全面加强法院调解工作,充分发挥人民法院在化解矛盾纠纷维护社会和谐稳定中的重要职能作用,最高人民法院于2009年7月28日至29日在黑龙江省召开了全国法院调解工作经验交流会。王胜俊院长亲临会议并发表了重要讲话。王胜俊院长的重要讲话,从党和国家工作全局的高度,深刻分析了新时期加强人民法院调解工作的重大意义,  相似文献   

Can we dispense with lawyers as intermediaries between the law and its subjects? Can laypeople have direct access to the law? The Plain English Movement (PEM) has long promoted the use of plain language in legal writing as the way to demystify the law, and many governments and private corporations have expended significant resources on drafting legislation and legal documents in plain language. This article argues that the PEM has exaggerated the capacity of plain language to render the law intelligible to the non‐lawyer, obscuring the deeper question of legal complexity by focusing solely on language and style. Using the law effectively requires expertise that goes far beyond understanding the meaning of the words used to communicate it: certain complex aspects of the law cannot be eliminated by mere simplification of language and this article demonstrates that other specialized skills are required over and above the ability to penetrate technical language. The paradigmatic illustration of the need for such skills is litigation.  相似文献   

This article explores the potential evisceration of the deterrence function of punitive damages, one of the only economic incentives that deters insurance companies from opportunistically breaching their insurance policies. Readers will gain an understanding of why large punitive damages awards are essential in the insurance coverage field and how such awards may implicate due process standards. The article explains the constitutional limitations set forth by the U.S. Supreme Court in imposing punitive damages, and provides a roadmap of how lower courts and practitioners are presently applying these rules.  相似文献   


“Spoken-word poetry” and the knowledge we can gain from the poets who perform it are integral to the successful recovery of members of oppressed communities. Also known as “performance poetry,” these powerful testimonials often mirror oral traditions, such as speaking circles from the African diaspora, Indigenous oral traditions in the Americas, and the spoken-word poetic communities of color and marginalized peoples. Poets within the spoken-word poetry communities of San Diego, California, who have been oppressed by interpersonal and state violence, mass incarceration, militarized policing, poverty, racism, sexism, the War on Drugs, and other systemic inequalities, learn from and support one another. This article views spoken-word poetry as public testimonials that may add to transformative social justice models for structurally-oppressed communities. It seeks to understand critical criminological approaches and analysis that add to the growing scholarship centering structurally-oppressed communities without pathologizing them in order to inform programming, policy and funding toward transformative social justice initiatives focused on healing communities and their members.


Past research documents the extent that discrimination experiences and observations can undermine people’s health and performance. In addition to discrimination’s direct consequence for targets, discrimination implicates the morality of the larger community where it occurs. Perceptions of community morality could predict community identification that, in turn, could predict health and performance. To test this serial mediation hypothesis, 615 second- and third-year university undergraduates reported the frequency of discrimination observations and experiences. Students’ perceptions of the university community’s morality mediated the relationship between discrimination and the extent that they identified with the university. In turn, university identification mediated the relationship between university morality and students’ academic engagement and mental health. However, only university morality reliably mediated the relationship between discrimination and physical health. Discrimination can affect the health and engagement of all community members, even observers who are not part of the targeted group.  相似文献   

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