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Behavioural case linkage assumes that offenders behave in a similar way across their crimes. However, group offending could impact on behavioural similarity. This study uses robbery data from two police forces to test this by comparing the behavioural similarity of pairs of lone offences (LL), pairs of group offences (GG) and pairs of offences where one crime was committed alone and the other in a group (GL). Behavioural similarity was measured using Jaccard's coefficients. Kruskal–Wallis tests were used to examine differences between the three categories within the linked samples. No statistically significant differences were found for linked GG compared to linked LL pairs. However, differences emerged between GL and the other categories for some behaviours (especially control) suggesting caution should be applied when linking group and lone offences committed by the same perpetrator. Differences between linked and unlinked pairs were assessed using receiver operating characteristic. The results suggest it is possible to distinguish between linked and unlinked pairs based on behaviour especially within the GG and LL categories. There were, however, fewer significant findings for the GL sample, suggesting there may be issues linking crimes where the offender commits one crime as part of a group and the other alone.  相似文献   

在我国药品、食品公共卫生事件处理过程中,行政执法和刑事侦察衔接不畅通,刑事制裁真空,是该类事件频发的主要原因。新形势下,进一步明确和落实行刑联动机制是提高政府公共危机管理能力,严惩犯罪分子,防范类似公共卫生事件再次发生的体制保证。本文对行刑联动机制进行制度分析和实践分析,剖析其现存的问题,并借鉴美国的相关制度提出解决方案,进一步完善食品药品行刑联动机制。  相似文献   

涉毒案件中毒品的数量和含量是决定犯罪行为社会危害性大小的一个十分重要的因素,也是司法机关对犯罪分子课以刑罚的重要依据。毒品数量和含量认定的正确与否,关系到犯罪嫌疑人的犯罪的主观故意与案件量刑。当前,司法机关在办理的许多毒品犯罪(特别是可能判处15年以上刑罚)案件缺乏毒品定量鉴定结论,影响案件审理。笔者从法律和公平公正等方面探讨毒品含量分析的重要性。  相似文献   

重庆地区324例司法精神病鉴定分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解重庆地区司法精神病鉴定的现状与特点。方法采用自制调查表对324例司法精神病鉴定资料的人口统计学特征和犯罪学特征进行分析。结果既有医学结论又有法学结论的共322例。精神分裂症145例(45.03%),精神发育迟滞51例(15.84%),其余几种精神障碍78例(24.22%),三者共占85.09%;无精神病48例(14.91%)。责任能力211例(65.53%),性防卫能力41例(12.73%)。结论有精神病者占绝大多数,反映出司法精神病鉴定的重要性和必要性;法学结论的种类多,表明鉴定案件的多样化与复杂化。  相似文献   

目的本课题收集真实案例进行回顾性研究、比对,寻找常州市武进区命案特征,总结命案现场的法医学检案重点、难点和相关实践经验。方法收集江苏省常州市武进区2006~2010年94例已破命案资料,应用Microsoft Excel软件进行一般描述性统计分析。结果 2009年、2010年案件数量略有上升,而每年的第一、三季度为命案高发季度。受害人及嫌疑人多为流动人口,男性显著多于女性,以青壮年为主。嫌疑人均学历较低,多从事打工、务农,或无业,多由纠纷升级为命案。以锐器伤及钝器伤多见,死因基本为机械性损伤和机械性窒息。结论命案发生与人口数量呈正相关。受害人及犯罪嫌疑人基本情况、作案动机、致伤工具、损伤分布、死因等均反映出了命案现场法医工作的基本内容、工作重要性及未来的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

This article asserts that the deviant case method offers a potential avenue for enhancing theory directed at explaining crime by using more available information to better connect the process of analyzing cases with that of explanatory refinement and elaboration. This approach has facilitated theoretical development in other social sciences and has proven useful where applied in criminological inquiry. Extant research is reviewed, and an empirical example is presented to demonstrate how this approach might be operationalized in criminological inquiry using quantitative methods. Conclusions relevant to future research are considered.  相似文献   


Traditionally, research on offender profiling has investigated the relationships between offender behaviour and offender characteristics. However, evidence about offender behaviour is not the only evidence available at a crime scene. This study extends previous collaborative research between forensic scientists and psychologists (e.g. Bond & Sheridan, Journal of Forensic Science, 52, 1122–1128, 2007) to investigate how forensic science can assist in the psychological process of offender profiling. Specifically, the potential utility of footwear impression evidence in the task of offender profiling is investigated. Using 155 domestic burglaries, the consistency and homology assumptions underlying offender profiling were tested. Evidence supportive of both assumptions is reported. A multiple regression analysis identified significant relationships between cost of footwear and employment status, age of offender, and the relative deprivation of his/her residence.  相似文献   

论案例指导制度的法律定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郜永昌  刘克毅 《法律科学》2008,26(4):135-141
将案例指导制度定位为法律适用机制,就是意图在现行的司法体制框架里,通过指导性案例具体化、细化法律原则,使其可以像法律规范(规则)那样可以发挥裁判准则、行为规则以及(裁判结论的)评价准则的功能,以恰当、公正地处理纠纷。但这一定位没有看到以成文的制定法为核心,根据依法裁判原理构建起来的现行司法制度、诉讼程序制度的特点,没有看到指导性案例法律效力的特点,以及依法律规则裁判与依指导性案例(法律原则)裁判所要求的不同的裁判方式和运行条件,从而极有可能忽视相应的司法程序制度建设。  相似文献   

潘国南  吕凌 《法医学杂志》2009,25(5):370-372
目的探讨脑弥漫性轴索损伤(diffuse axonal injury,DAI)与脑挫裂伤和原发性脑干损伤的关系。方法分析112例DAI伤者的法医临床学资料和影像学特点,对原发性脑损伤的特征进行比较。结果112例DAI伤者中70.5%为交通事故致伤,多次暴力致伤比较多见(60.7%),伴脑挫裂伤者80例(71.4%)。CT或MRI发现出血灶者90例。结论DAI多伴有脑皮质挫裂伤和原发性脑损伤,CT或MRI有助于法医学死因分析和伤残程度鉴定。  相似文献   

目的分析总结扼颈损伤的一般规律,归纳损伤程度鉴定的要点,为法医临床学司法鉴定实践及制定、修改相关鉴定标准的条款提供参考。方法对襄樊地区1963年1月—2004年1月因扼颈致伤的案例,按性质、症状、鉴定结论进行总结和分析。结果颈部扼伤加害者多为青壮年男性,加害者身上多有抵抗伤;被害人颈部多有扼痕反应,主要症状、体征以喉挫伤、眼部窒息征象表现为主。结论损伤程度以轻伤与轻微伤为主,现行鉴定标准有一定的不适应性。  相似文献   

舒洪水 《法学杂志》2012,(1):122-126
案例指导制度是一项既区别于英美法系判例法制度又不同于大陆法系判例制度的中国特色产物,是我国司法观念变革与制度变革相结合的一项新制度,是一种能够体现中国特色、并顺应世界两大法系逐渐融合发展大趋势的制度变革措施。本文指出了消除相关障碍是建构案例指导制度的前提,论证了案例指导制度在我国建构的必要性和可行性,同时从指导案例的选择标准与要求、指导性案例的产生程序、案例指导制度的监督机制、案例指导制度的修缮机制等四个角度,提出了构建刑事案例指导制度的具体路径。  相似文献   

案例指导制度是一项既区别于英美法系判例法制度又不同于大陆法系判例制度的中国特色产物,是我国司法观念变革与制度变革相结合的一项新制度,是一种能够体现中国特色、并顺应世界两大法系逐渐融合发展大趋势的制度变革措施。本文指出了消除相关障碍是建构案例指导制度的前提,论证了案例指导制度在我国建构的必要性和可行性,同时从指导案例的选择标准与要求、指导性案例的产生程序、案例指导制度的监督机制、案例指导制度的修缮机制等四个角度,提出了构建刑事案例指导制度的具体路径。  相似文献   

与两大法系判例制度比较,案例指导制度有鲜明的国情和时代特色,其中最核心的特点是承载司法管理职能和以行政化方式运行。这使案例指导制度内含着难以化解的逻辑难题:统一司法与司法创新、司法多样性及适用案例要旨的冲突;立法权威与指导性案例实践效力的冲突;司法行政化的弱化与强化之困;实施控制措施内部化的硬性与脆性共存;指导性案例与司法解释混同之虞;指导性案例质量与效益不确定等,这些难题加大了推进案例指导的难度,妨碍案例指导制度的落实。减弱现行案例指导的刚性,建立更好地平衡约束和尊重司法自由裁量权为核心的、符合案例作用规律的、更柔性的案例作用机制,有利于案例指导制度走的更好。  相似文献   

An emerging forensic service is that of conducting a work product review of a court‐appointed child custody evaluator's evaluation and report. If the reviewer determines there are serious deficiencies in the work product, then the reviewer will provide consultation to the retaining attorney and expert testimony. The reviewer usually is in a hybrid role of consulting/advising the retaining attorney, testifying, and educating the court. Ethical issues in providing forensic services and rebuttal testimony as a reviewer are discussed. Both reviewers and evaluators have a duty to be objective and balanced in their analyses of data and issues. Both types of experts should strive to be helpful to the court and try to serve the best interests of children. Ethical nuances involving review work are discussed. Evaluator and reviewer share the same dataset. Evaluators need to take care to keep a high quality case record with legible interview notes. Reviewers provide a monitoring function for the court or a function of forensic quality control so the court will not be misled by expert testimony of evaluators that is based on flawed data collection and/or analysis. A list of questions is presented for reviewers to use in scrutinizing the quality of the custody evaluation. A list of questions is presented for examining the quality of the reviewer's own work product. The importance of a case analysis and use of conceptual frameworks by evaluators and reviewers is discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop actionable strategies designed for law enforcement agencies seeking to reduce fear of crime among those living within their jurisdictions. A conjunctive analysis of case configurations is conducted on data collected from residents living in southeast Queensland (Australia) (N = 713) in order to identify context-specific typologies of victimization worry. Main effects for each component of the typologies are examined in order to identify the impact each has on reducing negative attitudes towards crime. Current findings suggest that agencies will likely reduce fear of crime among community residents the most by focusing on decreasing concerns related to the consequences of victimization. Results are consistent for both crimes against persons and property offenses.  相似文献   

申君贵 《河北法学》2006,24(3):18-21
自我国刑法明确单位可以成为犯罪主体以来,单位犯罪呈不断上升的趋势,追究单位犯罪行为,是我国刑事诉讼法的重要任务之一.但我国刑事诉讼法并没有规定单位犯罪案件的诉讼程序,更没有明确单位犯罪案件的管辖问题.而要追究单位犯罪,首先就应当解决管辖问题.根据单位犯罪的特点,就单位犯罪案件的立案管辖和审判管辖问题进行探讨,明确单位犯罪案件的管辖分工.  相似文献   

我国学者对何为刑事错案的问题存在着认识上的严重分歧,这显然不利于发挥理论对司法实践的明确指导作用。鉴于此,有必要厘清人们对刑事错案的模糊认识,探讨刑事错案产生缘由及其应对之策,为司法实践提供理论上的支持,尽可能地减少错案的发生,确保司法公正得以最大限度地实现。  相似文献   

最高人民法院和最高人民检察院在2010年分别出台了《关于案例指导工作的规定》,标志着我国案例指导制度的正式建立。案例指导制度是具有我国特色的判例制度,它的建立使我国形成了法律—司法解释—案例指导规则这样一种多元的法律规则体系。本文对我国案例指导制度中的案例的性质、形成机制以及与国外判例的界分等问题作了论述,并期待着案例指导制度在司法实践中发挥应有作用,从而使案例指导规则成为我国除法律、司法解释以外的一种规则形成机制。  相似文献   

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