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This study is one of the very few, and the most extensive to date, which has examined deceptive behavior in a real-life, high-stakes setting. The behavior of 16 suspects in their police interviews has been analyzed. Clips of video footage have been selected where other sources (reliable witness statements and forensic evidence) provide evidence that the suspect lied or told the truth. Truthful and deceptive behaviors were compared. The suspects blinked less frequently and made longer pauses during deceptive clips than during truthful clips. Eye contact was maintained equally for deceptive and truthful clips. These findings negate the popular belief amongst both laypersons and professional lie detectors (such as the police) that liars behave nervously by fidgeting and avoiding eye contact. However, large individual differences were present.  相似文献   

To investigate socioemotional influences on children's eyewitness accuracy, we examined children's reports for activities they were motivated to conceal. Forty-eight 3–6-year-old children participated in a standardized play session with their mothers. Half of the children were told by an experimenter not to play with certain toys, but did so at the urging of their mothers, who told their children to keep the play activities secret. The remaining children were not restricted from playing with the toys, nor told by their mothers to keep the play activities secret. Later, all children were interviewed about the activities with free narrative and detailed questions. Half were given an interview that consisted of highly suggestive questions; half were given an interview consisting of specific, less suggestive questions. Results indicated that older children who were instructed to keep events secret withheld more information than did older children not told to keep events secret. Younger children's reports were not significantly affected by the secret manipulation. There were no significant effects associated with interview type. We discuss implications for understanding the development of children's knowledge and use of secrecy, and applications of the research to issues that arise when child witnesses give reports in legal contexts.  相似文献   

Confrontational interrogation techniques seek to produce a confession, while investigative interviews focus on information gathering and/or catching suspects in lies. Confessions obtained during interrogations are potent for securing a defendant’s conviction. However, the goal of investigative interviews is not to produce a confession, yet it is unknown if their outcome (e.g. exposed lies) is as effective in court as that of an interrogation (i.e. a confession). In two studies, mock jurors read case summaries wherein a defendant was accused of murder and terrorist activities. In both cases, the statement a defendant made during a police interview was manipulated: The defendant either lied or not and either confessed or not. Participants then rendered a verdict and were asked about the probative value of several pieces of supporting evidence. Results were similar across both studies with more convictions when the defendant lied, confessed, or did both relative to when the defendant produced a statement without lies and without a confession. Furthermore, we found that perceptions of supporting evidence mediated the effect of exposed lies on culpability, but this was not the case for confessions. These findings illustrate the positive qualities of presenting exposed lies in court, diminishing the need for a confession.  相似文献   

当前我国正处于社会转型期,存在多种诱发未成年人违法犯罪的不良因素,而未成年人正处于身体和智力的发展时期,他们什么都想知道,什么都想学,什么都想亲自去做,但由于他们的社会知识和生活经验所限,他们的认识能力具有很大的片面性和表面性,容易养成不良品质和恶习劣迹,最终导致违法犯罪。对于未成年人犯罪问题,考虑到对他们未来的发展,为了让他们既能改过自新又能健康成长,在对他们进行惩罚的同时,更重要的是对他们进行教育、启发、感化以教育为主,处罚为辅的政策,这就是所谓寓罚于教。在管理过程中始终贯穿教育、感化、挽救的精神,从而达到治其心、治其本的目的。  相似文献   

谭建华 《河北法学》2007,25(9):140-142
早期罗马法极重形式主义,凡为法律行为必依一定形式进行,否则不具法律效力.形式重于实质内容是早期罗马法形式主义的一个重要特征.但随着罗马社会的发展,罗马法的形式主义经历了一个由盛及衰的过程.从罗马社会经济的发展、自然法对罗马法的影响及罗马民族的务实精神等方面对其衰落的原因作了系统的探讨.  相似文献   

对于民法上土地与建筑物的关系问题,学术界长期以来众说纷纭。但通过一种形而下的还原性考察可以发现,罗马法及近现代范式民法其实既未采取绝对的一元主义,也不是纯粹的二元主义,而是以一元推定主义为共性,英美法亦不例外。我国立法尚有必要进一步契合一元推定主义的法理,妥善安排土地权利与建筑物权利的得丧变更,以保障秩序、自由、平等和效益等多元价值目标的协调。  相似文献   

对当事人不服仲裁裁决之救济,是指在仲裁裁决作出后,若有关当事人对裁决不服,则依照法定程序向有管辖权的法院提出审查申请,进而通过司法程序对裁决予以处理的一种机制。在我国现有法律框架下,仲裁机构作出裁决后,当事人可以通过向有管辖权的法院申请不予执行仲裁裁决和申请撤销仲裁裁决两种方式来获得救济。本文在对仲裁裁决救济机制确立之依据从理论上予以阐释的基础之上,对我国现有机制运行之机理加以析明,最终得出结论:申请不予执行之途与理不合,须予删除;申请撤销在适用上亦存在缺陷,须予改进。  相似文献   

“知青作家”对于他们“革”中的“知青”身份有着强烈认同,而对作为“知青”前身的“红卫兵”身份却着意回避,这一方面意味着他们在刻意“剥离”其历史身份中的“革命”内涵,另一方面也导致了历史反思的巨大局限,这一状况,与意识形态,历史转型以及他们的个人生命周期和身份认同历史均有重大关联。“知青作家”只有“正视”并且深刻反思其早期的“革命”身份,才能为他们这一代知识分子身份形象和话语体系的重建确立一个有效的前提。  相似文献   

论CAFTA争端解决机制的完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
若以中国——东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)的自身需求为依托,可以发现学界所认为的其存在的"缺陷"中有许多并非真正缺陷,如未将运用争端解决机制的主体扩展到私主体、临时仲裁庭的设计不合理、争端解决机制的执行力度及惩罚措施不适当等。而该争端解决机制在仲裁员回避、仲裁裁决形成方式及仲裁裁决的复核等方面确实存在不足,应当予以完善。  相似文献   

人民监督员制度的定位——从法律监督分类的角度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河 《行政与法》2006,(4):116-118
人民监督员制度是实践中的新生事物。从法律监督分类的角度,应当对人民监督员制度做出如下定位:一是人民监督员制度是对人民检察院自侦案件进行的外部监督;二是人民监督员制度是一种权力监督;三是人民监督员制度是人民监督员对人民检察院自侦案件进行的事后监督。  相似文献   

发挥政府的转移支付职能缩小贫富差距   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贫困是世界普遍存在的问题,缩小贫富差距是各国政府都极其重视的问题,充分发挥政府转移支付的职能,是缩小贫富差距的、有效的、基本的方式之一。转型期我国的财力还有限,在这种情况下,如何实现转移支付的效用最大化,调整政府财政支出结构,减少政府投资性支出,降低行政成本,向教育科技文化、公共卫生医疗、社保、农业等领域倾斜是唯一的选择。  相似文献   

In Israel, as in other democracies, there is no comprehensive definition of the job of its parliamentarians. This article explores the refusal to provide a comprehensive definition of the job, and the reasons why such a definition ought to be considered, both in Israel and elsewhere, even if the chances of doing so are slim. With regard to Israel, the main reason why a definition of the job of Knesset members (MKs) is required is related first and foremost to three provisions of the Knesset Members’ Immunity, Rights and Duties Law of 1951. The issue of remuneration for MKs and the problem of mistrust in the Knesset are additional reasons. The article explores those elements of the job that have nevertheless been defined in Israel in a piecemeal fashion – both in terms of what the job excludes and what it includes. Some of these partial definitions appear in laws, the Knesset Rules of Procedure, and the Rules of Ethics for Members of the Knesset. However, the most significant definitions have been provided within the framework of verdicts of the High Court of Justice, which has on occasion been called upon to deal with various issues connected with MKs’ rights and immunities.  相似文献   

王俊英 《河北法学》2008,26(6):193-196
在我国当前的刑事附带民事诉讼中,被害人的权利往往不能得到有效救济。列举被害人权利救济时出现的三个问题:侵财型犯罪的被害人的权利难得救济、被害人无法在刑事附带民事诉讼中提起精神损害赔偿,司法实践中的"先刑后民"原则存在的问题,并提出一些立法建议及完善措施。  相似文献   

"党性原则"是中国共产党党报理论的核心.中国共产党党报理论萌芽于党的初创阶段,成形于延安整风时期.建国后,随着计划经济年代向市场经济年代的转型,党报理论也开始进入了一个发展、充实的阶段,三贴近原则正是在这种条件下提出的.该原则是在市场经济条件下,党报理论对新闻规律、市场规律的一种适从,一种理性的调适.  相似文献   

宣传思想工作作为一种为统治阶级服务的思想传播性活动具有鲜明的阶级性和导向性。宣传思想工作过程中宣传者与受传者的相互运行状况和效果是一关键性环节,因此分析这二者在宣传思想工作中存在的矛盾及其根源,并有效地进行调节尤其重要,这种调节方式不仅包括自动调节,也包括社会调节。  相似文献   

论环境犯罪严格责任原则之有限适用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境犯罪是否适用严格责任是刑法理论界长期存在较大争议的一个理论难题。严格责任引入环境犯罪固然有助于严厉打击环境犯罪、减轻检控机关证明责任、提高诉讼效率等司法效益,但同时也必然带来扩大对环境犯罪的打击面、突破传统刑法罪过理论以及随意出入罪等司法弊端。而现代刑事法治的一个基本要求是要在惩罚犯罪和保障人权之间保持平衡,以牺牲人权保障来换取惩罚犯罪的司法成效是得不偿失的。环境犯罪中引入严格责任同样必须合理平衡惩罚犯罪和保障人权这两大诉讼目的,应当严格控制环境犯罪适用严格责任,即只能为了有效保护被害人和社会公共利益而在有限的范围内使用,必须受到法定条件的严格规范,且必须重视推定等证明方法的贯彻和运用。  相似文献   

犯罪论体系的核心内容是价值判断,如何实现合理性的价值判断是犯罪论体系构建的首要目标。对于价值判断,在大陆法系犯罪论体系的发展过程中存在过实证主义、新康德主义、现象学和目的论等解决途径,这些解决途径都难以在实质和形式两个方面保证价值判断的合理性。根据主体间性和法律论证理论,如果能够以法益保护原则、责任原则和罪刑法定原则作为犯罪论体系中价值判断的前提,并且遵循一定的程序要求就可以最大限度的实现合理性要求。  相似文献   

利用碎裂的长骨片段 ,计算长骨的总长。选择中国人长骨 5 0 0余例 ,取其骨性标志分段测量记录 ,将测得的数据输入计算机 ,用社会科学软件包 (SPSS)中全回归法进行统计学处理。在得出的 33个多元回归方程中 ,方程1、 9、 18、 2 6证明了骨性标志间各段长度与总长的正相关关系 ,其余 2 9个方程是在有选择的略去 1个变量和因长骨近端、远端或两端缺损使 1个或 1个以上变量缺失的情况下得出。根据碎裂长骨片段骨性标志间的长度测量值 ,应用多元回归方程 ,可计算出长骨的总长  相似文献   

医疗行为较之于其他业务行为具有更高的风险性。如果让医务人员对所发生的任何损害结果都承担刑事责任的话,必然不利于医疗行为的完成。为此,有必要通过被允许的危险理论和信赖原则对医疗过失刑事责任的成立范围进行限定,减轻医务人员刑事责任过重的负担,这对于患者的利益维护及医学的进步有着极为重要的意义。  相似文献   

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