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正十八大以来的中国外交进一步强调外交的战略谋划、主动塑造、开拓创新和积极运筹的思维和意识,开启了中国外交的新征程,也赋予主场外交更重要的地位和作用。主场外交的"东道主效应"根据一些学者的研究,主场外交被定义为"在一国国(境)内开展的,由东道主扮演重要角色,并能对维护和拓展该国国家利益发挥积极影响的各类重要外交活动,包括双边和多边外交  相似文献   

马亮 《公共管理学报》2013,(2):28-39,138
本文旨在实证分析官员的晋升激励对政府绩效目标设置水平的影响,着重考察官员任期和来源的直接作用及二者的交互效应。以省长(市长、自治区主席)为研究对象,采用中国31个省份的面板数据(1999—2011),本文系统收集了各省政府工作报告中的预期经济增长率数据并将其作为绩效目标设置水平。研究显示,政府官员的任期和来源都会影响其设置的预期经济增长目标。官员任期与政府绩效目标设置水平呈U型曲线关系,本地升迁的政府官员往往会设置较高水平的经济增长目标,而中央调任和外地平调的政府官员在目标设置方面没有显著差异。本文还发现,官员来源对任期同政府绩效目标设置产生调节效应,说明不同来源的政府官员在不同任期会设定不同的政府绩效目标水平。作为最早考察这一问题的研究之一,本文深化了人们对政府绩效目标设置逻辑的认识,也为干部人事管理制度改革提供了理论启示。  相似文献   

本文旨在实证分析官员的晋升激励对政府绩效目标设置水平的影响,着重考察官员任期和来源的直接作用及二者的交互效应。以省长(市长、自治区主席)为研究对象,采用中国31个省份的面板数据(1999—2011),本文系统收集了各省政府工作报告中的预期经济增长率数据并将其作为绩效目标设置水平。研究显示,政府官员的任期和来源都会影响其设置的预期经济增长目标。官员任期与政府绩效目标设置水平呈U型曲线关系,本地升迁的政府官员往往会设置较高水平的经济增长目标,而中央调任和外地平调的政府官员在目标设置方面没有显著差异。本文还发现,官员来源对任期同政府绩效目标设置产生调节效应,说明不同来源的政府官员在不同任期会设定不同的政府绩效目标水平。作为最早考察这一问题的研究之一,本文深化了人们对政府绩效目标设置逻辑的认识,也为干部人事管理制度改革提供了理论启示。  相似文献   

马超  顾海  孙徐辉 《公共管理学报》2015,(2):106-118,157,158
在一份最新的研究中,有学者发现相比于没有医保,参合城镇居民医疗保险能显著提高个体的健康水平。在我国医疗保险已基本做到全覆盖的背景下,研究居民自由选择参合不同类型的基本医疗保险是否能促进其健康水平,将更具有现实意义。因此,本文借助太仓市和宜兴市医保统筹进程中的一次自然实验,利用微观调研数据对该问题进行了实证研究,结果如下:局部平均处理效应显示,依从者由居民医保(低档次医保)转为参合职工医保(高档次医保)显著提高了居民的健康水平;进一步,工具变量分位数处理效应显示,参合更高档次医保对健康的促进效应随着健康分位点的提高而提高。该结论表明参保自选政策具有正健康效应。由此,本文提出在城乡医保统筹进程中,应给予居民更多自由选择空间。不过,在本文识别过程中,工具变量的排他性可能并不是完美满足的。  相似文献   

医疗保障扶贫要坚持基本医保、大病保险、大病补充医疗保险、医疗救助等各项制度协同配合,形成保障合力,既要重点关注农村贫困人口,发挥"济贫"效应,又要兼顾贫困边缘人口,发挥"防贫"效应。目前,农村医疗保障制度反贫困面临以下困境:基本医疗保险及大病保险的分配偏见困境、医疗救助的目标人群覆盖扩大及补偿水平提升困境、补充性医疗保障制度的充足性发展困境、不同层次医疗保障制度之间的衔接困境。基于不同层次医疗保障制度的反贫困功能定位及面临的现实困境,增强农村医疗保障制度反贫效应的协同配合,要强化基本医疗保险对低收入者的分配偏好,加大大病保险对贫困人口的倾斜支付力度,进一步增强医疗救助的托底保障效应,提高补充性医疗保障制度的规模效应。  相似文献   

程诚 《青年研究》2015,(2):1-9,94
大学生的消费行为及水平极易受同辈群体的影响,这一现象已受到广泛关注。但由于社会交往的选择性,极少有研究进行经验验证。已有研究对该效应条件性问题的考察也相对薄弱。本研究利用抽样调查数据,在排除选择性问题的基础上,验证了大学生的消费行为及水平具有同群效应。具体表现在,大学生室友的平均消费水平每增加100元,该学生的消费支出就会增加21.50元。进一步分析发现,这一效应随着室友之间关系强度的增强而扩大,但未随着室友之间家庭社会经济地位差异性的增强而减弱。本研究对高等学校的教育及管理具有一定的政策启示。  相似文献   

该是大力推选股份制的时候了纪尽善目前,中国股份制改革仍处于试行阶段,正确决策须解决好思想路线和政策问题。社会主义主场经济新体制要求建立的现代企业制度就是股份制或公司制企业制度,大力推行股份制是中国建立现代企业制度主要的现实选择。一、在中国出现股份制改...  相似文献   

基于高校学生留守经历的回溯性资料,建构留守经历的不同类型与模式,比较留守时间的"长短"效应和"早晚"效应,研究早期留守经历对个体的持久性影响。实证分析表明:留守经历显著降低了青年群体的主观福祉,且留守时间的影响具有差异性。从留守时间的"长短"效应来看,留守时间越长,青年大学生的幸福感与心理健康水平越低。从留守时间的"早晚"效应来看,幼儿阶段的留守经历负向冲击最大。进一步分析发现:"早晚"效应强于"长短"效应。倾向值匹配和异质性干预效应模型的结果则表明,上述负向影响具有稳健的因果效应。  相似文献   

康伟  陈茜 《行政论坛》2015,(1):14-17
公共危机协同治理视角下的组织合作以实现应急系统整体功能效应的最大化为出发点,强调整合不同主体的利益,协调不同组织间的行动。应用协同学原理和治理理论分析探讨公共危机管理过程中存在的问题在于:组织合作意愿及合作水平低,组织功能及合作定位模糊,组织自身发展不均衡和组织合作缺乏配套制度支持。对策建议包括:从自组织和群组织双层面提升组织服务能力及合作质量,从法律制度与机制体制层面优化组织合作的外部环境。  相似文献   

阿源 《瞭望》2001,(15)
经过两年的虚席以待,美国的 达拉斯小牛队终于得到了 中国优秀篮球选手王治郅,王治郅因此成为中国球员进入世界篮球最高水平的美国NBA联赛的第一人。 王治郅能够成行,八一火箭队的胸襟令人激赏。作为一支在国内夺得职业篮球联赛六连冠的球队,放走了自己的顶梁柱,这是需要魄力的。由于军旅球队的特殊性,八一火箭队不能请外援。王治郅走后所留下的空缺,短时间内将无法弥补,八一火箭队因此实力大损已是铁定的事实,在今后的赛季能否继续称霸国内篮坛,圈内外人士也大都心存疑虑。但八一火箭队从中国篮球的大局出发,从提高我国优秀…  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to study political representatives in a multilevel government system and their level of political trust in relation to institutions in their own and other tiers of government. The results show that two factors are essential for understanding variations in their trust: Representatives tend to trust institutions in other tiers less than those in their own tier (the tier‐association effect), and they trust institutions more where their own party is in a governing position (the home‐team effect). Of the two, the home‐team effect is by far the most dominant factor. Multiple mandates serve to increase inter‐level trust, but divided loyalties possibly make representatives with multiple mandates less trusting towards political institutions in their own tiers than more partisan single mandate representatives. The study builds on data from surveys conducted among all elected representatives in Sweden in 2012 (local and regional councillors) and 2014 (national MPs).  相似文献   

张敦福 《青年研究》2012,(1):57-70,95
近些年,团购的出现改变了中国城市购物和消费形式的总体图景。越来越多的都市居民(以年轻白领为主)在网络媒体公司组织下,参加砍价师与供应商的集体砍价活动,获得比一般市场零售更优惠的价格和服务。基于实地研究和问卷调查,本文认为,团购是一种新的消费形式,但其内涵不同于西方消费者社会中流行的、意义消极的"新的消费形式"。赶集、集体砍价活动等显示出消费者参与、多方互动、个性化的特征,重新赋予"祛魅"的消费实践以魅力。团购不同于单位制下的集体主义,也有别于日本和法国的消费者运动,消费者更多的是在网络传媒等商业公司组织下"多快好省"地满足自身需求的相对弱者。团购中人际合作与信任的形成,对民间组织、公民互助合作、民间自治的积极推动,目前尚不明晰。理解和认识团购需要综合新的"消费的社会形式"的视角。  相似文献   


In this study, we explore how leadership affects team performance from a team and follower competence perspective. We base our study on the Full Range Leadership (FRL) model, which proposes three different leadership styles: passive/avoidant, transactional, and transformational. The FRL has been well-studied outside the public administration environment, but rarely considering the three leadership styles simultaneously, or with team level outcomes. We propose a sequential mediation model in which leadership styles relate to follower competencies, which in turn relate to team competence, and then team performance. Our research design is distinctive in that we study all three FRL styles simultaneously, examine team performance as opposed to individual performance, and utilize data from three levels of a municipal government IT department. We found that transformational leadership was directly and indirectly related to team performance in the expected positive directions. Transactional leadership was mostly ineffective, while passive/avoidant leadership had complicated relationships with team performance that were both positive (direct) and negative (indirect through competence). We conclude that the three FRL styles have varying degrees of effectiveness as direct and indirect predictors of team performance. We discuss the implications of our results for leadership of public administration organizations.  相似文献   

Higher education requires best leaders and collaborative environment to stimulate staff and student because of facing more challenges and to make the educational institutions remain relevant in a competitive global context. Considering the fruitful academic outcome, ideal leadership style and collaborative work are essential among teachers and students. Therefore, an empirical study was performed to investigate the effect of transformational leadership and team communication on task performance. The proposed model was verified by quantitative study to clarify the complex relationship between predicators and outcomes. Research data were collected from a sample of 273 master students from the University of Science and Technology of China. The collected data were examined through partial least square analysis technique. The results suggested that team perception of transformation leadership has positive effect on team communication and team trust to measure high task performance. In addition, team communication has positive effect on team trust, whereas team trust has a significant effect on team creativity, which enhances the task performance.  相似文献   

Neighborhood condition is a public good in part provided by neighborhood residents’ private property maintenance. Considering neighborhood condition as an impure public good provides a theoretical basis for understanding how the level of neighborhood quality may affect residents’ home maintenance decisions. Empirical results in a low-income neighborhood, where formulating public policy to improve neighborhoods is of significant concern, indicate a positive substitution effect. When neighborhoods improve, residents respond by increasing exterior home upkeep. This result is robust to both changes in the neighborhood condition generated by other neighbors’ increase in maintenance and exogenous public investment in the neighborhood.  相似文献   

Chrik Poortman, an international civil servant, worked for the World Bank for more than three decades. This profile uses his career and experiences to illustrate the functions and roles played by World Bank staff at each level of its "flat" hierarchy and the capacities needed to face challenges that are unique to their ilk. Each section explores a different range of functions, including working as a country director, working as a vice president, and working as a member of the World Bank's senior management team.  相似文献   

A key concern among policymakers and community developers in recent years has been the extent to which lender-owned homes, often called real estate owned or “REO” properties, accumulate in different local housing markets during the mortgage crisis. This paper describes the accumulation of REO properties in 356 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) from August 2006 to August 2008. It examines differences in both changes and static levels of REO activity across MSAs and compares changes in REO levels to changes in home values over the same period. Special attention is paid to 12 large MSAs with substantial levels of REO as of August 2008. A model of REO volume at the metropolitan level is estimated that includes differences in state foreclosure legal processes and timing among the independent variables. Finally, cluster analysis is used to identify a simple typology of MSAs based on REO levels and home price changes.  相似文献   

Congressional districts create two levels of representation. Studies of representation focus on a disaggregated level: the electoral connection between representatives and constituents. But there is a collective level of representation—the result of aggregating across representatives. This article uses new measures of home styles to demonstrate that responsiveness to constituents can have negative consequences for collective representation. The electoral connection causes marginal representatives—legislators with districts composed of the other party's partisans—to emphasize appropriations in their home styles. But it causes aligned representatives—those with districts filled with copartisans—to build their home styles around position taking. Aggregated across representatives, this results in an artificial polarization in stated party positions: aligned representatives, who tend to be ideologically extreme, dominate policy debates. The logic and evidence in this article provide an explanation for the apparent rise in vitriolic debate, and the new measures facilitate a literature on home styles.  相似文献   

Radical right parties have become effective electoral competitors in many parts of Western Europe yet failed to achieve success in others. Much recent scholarship seeks to understand variation in radical right support. Here, we argue that local social cohesion boosts these parties’ vote shares. We use Swiss census data at the municipal level to measure local cohesion, drawing on indicators of residents’ commuting patterns, linguistic similarities and home ownership. Regression analysis shows that social cohesion is a positive predictor of local level support for the Swiss People’s Party, but not for any other major party. Hierarchical logit models combining aggregate cohesion measures with survey data demonstrate this contextual effect on individuals’ vote choices.  相似文献   

Prior work on political effects of personal asset ownership in the United Kingdom has found a causal link between home and share ownership and conservative political preferences and voting. These estimates appear to confirm the “ownership society” thesis tying privatization and asset ownership to improved prospects for conservative parties. This paper proposes a new identification strategy for testing this causal connection that improves on earlier research designs. I exploit temporal variability in panel data to better specify the definition of home ownership and control for unobserved confounders associated with ownership. Under this design, home ownership is found to have no or very weak effects on voting in the 1997 and 2001 General Elections. Where weakly significant results are found, they suggest a mixed effect on partisan outcomes at the ballot box. Finally, while extending this strategy to financial assets does support the “ownership society” hypothesis, doing so illuminates a very different set of identification problems, which point to underlying flaws in the “ownership society” argument itself.  相似文献   

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