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This article serves to introduce this special issue of Crime, Law, & Social Change on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). It provides a primer on the history and purpose of FATF and lays out some of the central debates over FATF and the anti-money laundering (AML) regime. Finally, as a way of giving readers an overview of the articles in the special issue, it proposes a series of themes that academics and practitioners should consider in future research and work with FATF.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the global anti-money laundering (AML) regime from the perspective of security governance, examining the creation of a transnational security space by the FATF. Security is often mentioned as relevant context for AML measures, and the Financial Action Taskforce (FATF) as its central institution. Yet, most analyses – implicitly or explicitly – present the FATF as an important banking regulator. Arguing that this perspective on the FATF is too limited, the article outlines the changing security context in which AML emerged as an important tool for governance. Unlike traditional ideas of international security, the idea of security governance emphasizes new forms of cooperation to ensure safety and security across multiple levels. Based on International Relations (IR) and criminological research, the article develops a framework with five dimensions of security governance: a comprehensive security concept, multi-purpose rationalization, public-private cooperation, multi-nodal governance, and transnational security spaces as a result. Unlike other efforts of global crime governance, the global AML regime provides a prime example of security governance in all of these dimensions. At the same time, the link to security also explains why the global AML regime expanded in some areas more than in others: AML is still a weak governance instrument for regulating financial crimes such as tax evasion or corruption, but it is a strong one for security-related crimes. While the FATF remains a special case in global governance, the creation of transnational security spaces in AML – caused by FATF activities – is likely to be a model for future security governance in other fields.  相似文献   

行政行为对民事审判的拘束力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
法院在民事诉讼中应当如何对待相关联的行政行为,涉及司法审判的自主性和行政行为的拘束力。两大法系解决此类问题的制度背景和基本思路不同,但面对相同的价值冲突,实际处理方法有相通之处。在中国的法律实践中,出现了多样化的解决方案,开始形成自己的路径。文章借鉴域外经验并总结中国实践,提出解决中国问题的思路。文章倡导尊重司法审判的自主性,并指出行政行为对民事审判的拘束力是相对的、多样的、情境性的。  相似文献   

The Association of Family and Conciliations Courts (AFCC) Task on Brief Focused Assessment was convened in 2007 to study the issues inherent in the use of brief focused assessment models in family courts. The resultant “Guidelines for Brief Focused Assessment” were approved by the AFCC Board of Directors in 2009 and are presented here to prompt discussion and further dialogue about this clearly needed practice.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community
  • Issue‐specific assessments are increasingly requested by family court judges
  • Practice guidelines for clinicians conducting brief focused assessments (BFAs)
  • Types of issues/questions appropriate for BFAs
  • Advantages and pitfalls of BFAs
  • Comparison of BFAs and comprehensive child custody evaluations

Post 9/11 we have witnessed the introduction and further strengthening of a range of trans-border security programs designed to protect international supply chains against acts of unlawful interference. In some cases compliance with these programs is mandatory. In other cases compliance results in a preferential treatment by appropriate authorities. To a great extent, these programs comprehend the introduction of situational measures. In most instances, however, operators within the supply chain—being made responsible for their actual implementation—are left with limited guidance. In this paper it is argued that a lack of guidance may result in measures being introduced without taking full account of their potential consequences. Based on an analysis of previous research findings and on the outcome of a literature review, direct and indirect implementation costs have been differentiated from a range of (consequential costs provoked by) potential reverse effects, and from a series of generic preconditions, enabling practitioners in industry to conduct a proper cost analysis and come to an informed decision on what particular measure(s) best to implement. It is argued that criminology and management science can support this decision making process, provided that policy makers allow operators a certain freedom of choice between alternative measures and approaches.  相似文献   

国际金融危机与新巴塞尔协议修改:动向与行动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩龙 《法治研究》2010,(3):5-11
当下在对金融危机的反思中,国际社会对金融监管制度进行了广泛而深入的审视,其中对新巴塞尔协议的审视尤为突出。目前,国际社会对于通过修改新巴塞尔协议来防范金融风险和危机主要有以下动向和行动:通过修改新巴塞尔协议的资本框架降低助周期性,改革和提高交易项目的资本要求,加强对证券化的风险监管,提高规制资本的质量和数量,改革国际规制的组织框架等。这些改革对包括我国在内的各国金融业具有重要影响.我国应进行深入的跟踪研究并审时度势地确定自己的策略。  相似文献   

This report is based on a concensus building process. The contents do not necessarily reflect the standards or opinions of sponsoring organizations.  相似文献   

This essay makes the case for a transformative critical feminist criminology, one that explicitly theorizes gender, one that requires a commitment to social justice, and one that must increasingly be global in scope. Key to this re-thinking of a mature field is the need to expand beyond traditional positivist notions of “science,” to embrace core elements of a feminist approach to methodology, notably the epistemological insights gleaned from a new way of thinking about research, methods, and the relationship between the knower and the known. Other key features of contemporary feminist criminology include an explicit commitment to intersectionality, an understanding of the unique positionality of women in the male dominated fields of policing and corrections, a focus on masculinity and the gender gap in serious crime, a critical assessment of corporate media and the demonization of girls and women of color, and a recognition of the importance of girls’ studies as well as women’s studies to the development of a global, critical feminist criminology.  相似文献   

近年来制定《海洋基本法》的呼声渐隆。综合各方面情况而言,《海洋基本法》的立法内容尚未形成共识,改进现行海洋法体系并不必然需要《海洋基本法》,提高海洋法律意识及促进海洋法律研究与《海洋基本法》亦无直接关系,而且,制定《海洋基本法》并非世界海洋法发展潮流。因此,《海洋基本法》立法时机难言成熟。  相似文献   

面对严峻的金融危机影响,面对成功举办全运会的考验,“保增长、保民生、保稳定、保全运”成为今年我省的中心任务。作为司法行政机关,必须坚持围绕中心、服务大局,紧紧围绕党委、政府关于“四保”中心任务的部署要求,全力做好法律服务、法律保障和法制宣传工作,为依法促进经济社会平稳较快发展作出积极贡献。  相似文献   

比较法视野下的司法鉴定制度的反思   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
司法鉴定是依据科学的基础原理由专业的鉴定人员做出结论的实证技术活动。它是科学的产物,但是不一定等于科学。如果不能对错误司法鉴定进行区分、鉴别的话,其结果只能是一个盲人领着一群盲人。司法鉴定制度有其独特的运行规律,也有其异域的可以借鉴之处,这些也是保证司法鉴定科学、合法、准确必须抓住的要素。  相似文献   

沈岿 《中国法学》2006,8(5):70-78
几近二十年发展,行政行为公定力理论,始终未脱离国内行政法学者视野。然对于这个舶来品,学界一直有两种倾向:一是在理论移植和自构的关系上倚重移植,二是在原理和技术的关系上偏于原理叙述。其实,该理论不仅可以得到重解,在价值规范上与民主政制达成契合,而且,其主张的“违抗具有假定效力的行政行为可能构成妨害公务”的观点,也可以在技术规范上得到刑法学妨害公务行为构成要件学说的支持。因此,如何摆脱对移植的倚重、对技术规范的轻忽,是该理论获得新生的必由之路,甚至也是决定该理论是否应当摈弃之前需要努力的方向。  相似文献   

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