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法律语言中模糊语的语用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董光音 《河北法学》2005,23(9):155-156
模糊语客观地存在于法律语言中,并发挥着各种各样的作用。从语用学的角度探讨模糊语在法律语言中的语用功能。  相似文献   

Joseph Raz's famous theory of authority is grounded in threeclaims about the nature and justification of authority. Accordingto the Preemption Thesis, authoritative directives purport toreplace the subject's judgments about what she should do. Accordingto the Dependence Thesis, authoritative directives should bebased on reasons that actually apply to the subjects of thedirective. According to the Normal Justification Thesis (NJT),authority is justified to the extent that subjects are morelikely to comply with right reason by following the authority'sdirectives than by following their own judgments about whatright reason requires.1 In this article, I consider a number of ways in which NJT mightbe construed as a justification for authority. First, I evaluateNJT construed as a principle that would provide a practicaljustification for an individual to accept or recognize a particularperson or persons as a preemptive authority. Second, I evaluateNJT construed as a principle that describes the conditions underwhich a state or legal system is morally legitimate. I arguethat NJT is true under none of these interpretations.2  相似文献   

The longstanding connection between criminological theory, research and the design and delivery of criminal justice policy has been challenged in the last 3 decades by a variety of constraints such as the rise of neoconservative attitudes, symbolic public discourses about crime, and the proliferation of capture, monitor, and detect strategies brought about by technological innovation. Building on Kevin Haggerty’s (2004. Displaced expertise: three constraints on the policy-relevance of criminological thought. Theoretical Criminology, 8(2), 211–231.) exploration of the external factors that challenge the transition from criminological theory to criminal justice policy and practice, this paper considers internal challenges that may also be relevant. By examining two recent critical criminological orientating strategies, namely left realism and constitutive criminology, the paper concludes by suggesting that an integrated perspective which draws strengths from each of these approaches could assist critical criminologists to better influence policy in the future.
Johannes WheeldonEmail:

This paper sketches a new theoretical approach to the study of professions and uses that approach to analyze differences that have emerged between the American and English legal professions since the late nineteenth century. Earlier studies have generally emphasized professional structure and organization while ignoring work and its control. I argue that control of work is central to professional development. Since work is central and since professions compete for it, interprofessional competition is the determining fact in the history of professions. This paper analyzes the work available to the legal profession, the numbers and types of legal personnel available to do that work, and the various competitors contesting it. Studying in detail complaints of unqualified practice in England (1870–1940) and two American states (1910–50), I locate the types of contested work and the competitors involved, using these to explain important aspects of the two legal prof essions today. Throughout, a variety of theoretical concepts are developed and applied to the particular case. One striking discovery is the contrast in competitors; American lawyers & rsquo;chief competitors were corporations, while British lawyers'chief competitor was the state. I close by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the particular methodology here used—the study of conflicts—and suggest alternative methods using the same theoretical framework.  相似文献   

This paper aims at clarifying some of the most common issues that legal translators have to face when dealing with the translation of private normative texts, such as contracts or wills, which naturally emerge as the consequence and expression of legal or juristic acts in the scope of private law, in Spanish and English. To comprehend the differences and subtleties regarding legal communication between the common law and the continental law countries (specifically the United States and Spain, respectively), we must unveil some essential clues for their translation and application in the global scope of professional interactions, thus creating a process of inter-legal communication, which takes place through the mutual interpretation and application of two, or more, legal traditions. Through the deployment of a generic or pragmatic analysis at textual or discursive and formal or superficial, strata, of two types of genre within the domain of private law (namely wills and tenancy agreements, or leases) this work aims to prove that both the civil law and the common law private instruments are translatable with respect to each other. An important proviso, however, is that their legal traditions and the genres that constitute the communicative tools of their specialised communities must be duly respected and kept in equilibrium, so that one does not overshadow and obliterate the other. Only in that way can the ??convergence?? of the two traditions truly enrich and strengthen national and international legal culture.  相似文献   

The study assesses the impact of a theory-based school violence program though a survey of 1,500 middle and high school students. It is the first to apply the concept of optimistic bias within the school violence context. Despite high profile school shootings, the students maintained the belief that violence was less likely to happen to them (personally) or in their schools than elsewhere in the country. Findings indicate that optimistic bias can be reduced through educational campaigns, and suggest a means of reducing violence by first reducing optimistic bias.  相似文献   

In this article, we use case‐to‐case citation networks to explore the force of precedent in EU law. We introduce a novel methodology to analyse the extent to which references to past decisions act as reasons for decisions in subsequent cases and illustrate the approach on the European citizenship case‐law citation network. We conclude that the cohesive pull of precedent in EU citizenship case‐law is too weak to generate a coherent judicial doctrine, thereby confirming qualitative research on the subject. However, the incursions into competences of the Member States in areas, found only tangential to EU citizenship, form a more consistent underlying story.  相似文献   

根据我国现行个人信息相关立法,知情同意是个人信息收集和使用的普遍前提。通过对个人信息需要保护的利益分析,我们发现,个人信息上不仅附着了信息主体的人格尊严和自由利益,个人信息使用者的利益和公共利益也是个人信息法律制度需要保护的重要利益。基于此,本文认为,知情同意不是且不应成为个人信息处理的唯一合法性基础,在个人信息保护法制定中应首先明确个人信息上的利益,然后根据个人信息上的利益之间的平衡建构个人信息的使用规则,建立多元的合法性基础。  相似文献   

In the light of the current, increased interest in empirical legal studies, including the associated capacity limitations identified in the Nuffield Foundation's Inquiry on Empirical Research in Law , and in other arenas, this article seeks to contribute to the development of empirical legal studies by presenting in detail one approach to empirical research in the field of biosecurity (border controls and associated measures to protect human, animal, and plant life and the environment). The article focuses on the particular approach of grounded theory to legal inquiry in law, on the novel aspects of this research methodology, and on the potential, as identified by the present authors, for its application to biosecurity. The article examines some of the specific processes applied in the analysis of qualitative data, collected through the application of this methodology, focusing on the insights facilitated by the mixed-method approach to analysis developed by the authors. Finally, examples of the insights gained through both the application of grounded theory and the particular approach to data analysis are presented and evaluated.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来,西方社会的变迁为法理学提供了新的课题。豪埃克教授以哈贝马斯的沟通行为理论为指导,提出一种沟通视角的法理学。他认为,法律在本质上是基于沟通:立法者与国民间的沟通,法庭与诉讼当事人间的沟通,立法者与法官间的沟通等。这种沟通现在被认为是法律合法化的来源:法律人之间的理性对话是“正确”地解释和适用法律的最终保证。  相似文献   

The present research study carries out a contrastive analysis between two corpora of legal opinion columns as special types of genres, with a view to assess their opposing patterns of impersonality—authorial detachment—and attitude—emotion, judgment, appreciation, taking as a point of departure appraisal theory, or the interpretation of Halliday's Systemic-Functional Linguistics (1994/2004) by the so-called Sydney School. The long-established perspective is that legal genres are highly impersonal; authoritative instruments representing an intentional exercise of elitist and exclusionary practices. However, the hypothesis embedded in the present study is that some texts, such as news editorials and op-eds, constitute hybrid genres where the writer makes use of all kinds of inducement devices to support his/her theses with effectiveness and credibility (Dafouz in J Pragmat 40:95-113, 2008), nonetheless retaining one of the basic traits of monogloss legal discourse: impersonality. However, it is hypothesized that this hybridity is to take place in different degrees, in tune with the influence exerted by legal system that constitutes the background of each corpus. To prove such a point, 40 legal op-eds—roughly, a thirty-five-thousand-word corpus in English and Spanish overall—were scrutinized, having been extracted from the specialized legal sections of two national newspapers of undisputed prestige as opinion-formation media. Through a contrastive study, the purpose of the present work was set to describe, explain and assess how lexicogrammar devices unveil interesting differences between the expression of impersonality and attitude in legal opinion columns as genres in either language, hence reflecting different ways in which the law is envisioned in each of the particular legal systems they belong to.  相似文献   

法律解释的本体与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解释学经历了从方法转向本体的发展理路,在这一转向中,作为解释学核心概念的理解由人文科学的方法论转变为人的生存意义的创生方式。解释学的重心转换影响着法律解释理论的发展走向,传统法律解释理论将解释作为追寻立法者意图的方法消解了司法者的历史性,解释学的本体论转向使这一企图成为无法实现的乌托邦,但也由此强化了法律解释的创造性而解构法治的确定性;现代的法律解释理论将解释学的方法论纳入其本体论框架之中,实现了本体论解释学对法律解释的建设意义。因此,解释学的重心转换使法律解释处于方法与本体的张力之中。  相似文献   

马克斯·韦伯率先提出法律合法性和合理性论题,但由于其经验主义取向和价值无涉立场,只能得出实证论结论,即法律合法性就是法律的实际有效性或法律被人们所实际遵循,形式法律就是合理性法律。哈贝马斯在其交往合理性理论基础上提出了法律商谈论,认为法律是否合法的根据并不在于它是否实际有效,而在于它是否体现了一种以对话为前提要件的法律商谈精神。法律的合理化要旨在于将体现对话商谈精神的合法性法律要求进行具体社会实践式的兑现。  相似文献   

In the past thirty years legal practice changed so significantly that afundamental response was demanded of legal education. Making legalskills a compulsory component in the vocational stage was an incompleteresponse. It addressed the technical competence of lawyers but leftsignificant gaps in professional preparation in terms of content andmethodology. By focusing on the educational and pedagogic implicationsof the skills curriculum the clinical movement contributed to these gaps.The Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Legal Education andConduct has facilitated the consideration of a curriculum organizedaround a more imaginative integration of legal skills in order to beginto tackle these failings and prepare lawyers for the new economic andsocial challenges facing them. Solutions, however, must permeate everystage of legal education, requiring unprecedented levels of co-operationand interaction between the profession and the academy.  相似文献   

This introductory article overviews the articles in this special issue on emerging technologies in the legal system. The articles concern videotaped confessions, videoconferencing in criminal proceedings, animations and simulations, and immersive virtual environment technology. The article then highlights issues raised by the articles related to important policy and legal principles underlying our system of justice.  相似文献   

由于"启蒙"伴随着现代化的整个过程,对"现代性"的批判实质上就是对"启蒙"的批判.说"启蒙"存在着"辩证法",并非什么深刻的思想.若要深入地思考"启蒙辩证法"这一"现象",关键的就不是简单地从"启蒙"宣导者的立场跳跃到"启蒙"反对者的立场上,而在于如何"超越""启蒙"内在的局限,因为"辩证法"作为一种"思想方式"从根本上就是反对"非此即彼"的外在否定.而要完成对启蒙的"内在超越",我们的思想必须返回到"启蒙的经典作家"的经典论述.  相似文献   

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