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国际社会与国际体系概念的辨析及评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际社会这个概念现在用得非常普遍 ,但是 ,国际体系这个概念并没有消失。国际社会是英国学派创立的 ,其中又分成强调规则和规范与共享文化价值两派。他们认为 ,国际体系是条件 ,是源泉 ,是最先存在的一种概念 ;国际社会则是国际关系发展的一个高级阶段 ,一种结果。中国学者在划分国际社会和国际体系界限时具有模糊性 ,实际上两者的发展关键是内涵指标不一样。学者布赞提出的国际社会是由异质性和同质性社会互动后产生的理论突破了西方文化统一全球的囿见。但是 ,国际社会作为一种分析框架有其先天性的弱点 ,过分相信和依赖规范、理性的大国间均势和统一的价值观的力量 ,无法重点性地构建和反映现实的力量互动关系。  相似文献   

论国际政治社会化对国际社会发展的推动作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际社会化主要是指不同民族国家由于足够的交往,形成了某种国际政治文化,而这种文化反过来又从发源地向周边其他国家扩大传播的过程.国际政治社会化是人类历史进步在国际政治层面上的基本表现,也是国际社会发展的基本推动力量.它首先导致了国际体系的产生,接着催生了现代意义上的国际社会,而在当代国际政治中促成了许多安全共同体.笔者认为,未来世界社会时代的到来,也有待于国际政治社会化的深入发展.  相似文献   

赵可金 《国际观察》2006,30(4):25-32
随着经济全球化在社会各方面的展开,全球正义逐渐成为学术界全球范围内的话题.通过剖析思想家们对于全球正义的理论和逻辑,我们发现,对全球正义的理解必须从历史演变的社会生产和交往结构中去加以说明,全球正义是历史的正义体系.在全球化背景下,全球公民社会的发展是理解未来全球正义秩序实现的关键.因此,在全球公民社会创造的平台上,积极推进全球政治民主化,谋求实现全球正义,是当今时代的一个极其重要的历史任务.  相似文献   


The article makes the case for scrutinising international organisations (IOs) as key sites and agents of inequality reproduction and transformation in international society. Drawing on sociological inequality research and institutionalist approaches to International Relations, we argue that IOs reproduce and transform broader stratification patterns in their global social environment through intertwined processes of categorisation and distribution. We propose to capture these twin processes from three observation points, which highlight different material and symbolic practices operating within IOs and at the interface between IOs and their environment.  相似文献   

以中国为中心的传统东亚国际社会解体以来,东亚地区并未完成具有主体性意义的现代东亚国际社会建构。地区性国际机制繁多却缺乏整合,虽在功能性机制建设方面取得了一定成就,但在共同意识建设方面却无明显进展。此外,各方对于建构过程中的主导权问题也存在争议。然而东亚国际社会的形成有助于维持地区稳定与促进区域内合作,推动东亚国际社会建构符合中国的国家利益,中国有必要基于地区共同利益从功能与意识层面开展外交活动。  相似文献   

全球市民社会与当代国际关系(上)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
全球市民社会是 2 0世纪 80年代以来人们在应对日益严重的全球性危机、克服日益突显的全球化弊端以及探寻冷战后世界新秩序的重建过程中迅速兴起的。自产生之日起 ,其在经济与社会、国际和平与安全及环境人权等国际政治领域的活动和网络密度就不断增强。全球市民社会的兴起及其广泛活动对于推动国际关系朝着整体化、民主化、法治化和多中心的方向发展具有重要作用 ,同时 ,它也意味着国际政治中伦理价值的回归。当然 ,目前全球市民社会对国际关系的影响还只是一种趋势 ,其作用的充分发挥有赖于在自身能力建设、民主化建设和管理制度等方面的不断完善。此外 ,发展中国家还要大力推动自身社会力量的发展 ,以防止全球市民社会成为西方的意识形态和霸权工具。  相似文献   


This article examines the participation of civil society organisations (CSO) in the various arenas of global governance with focus on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). While diverse studies recognise the difficulty of CSOs’ participation despite the growing importance of standards in the organisation of markets, little attention has been paid to how such involvement is likely to be reinforced in what we call “technical diplomacy”, the negotiating processes involving states and non-state actors geared toward setting specifications claiming to be based on scientific knowledge. Drawing upon scholarship in new forms of regulation in organisational studies, international relations, and science and technology studies, the paper argues that CSOs’ participation depends on multiple translation practices between lay- and expert-knowledge. Findings are based on an action-research project, INTERNORM, pooling academic and CSO participation in ISO technical committees. It suggests some promising directions for addressing the democratic deficit of technical diplomacy.  相似文献   

<正>Organised by China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE),the international seminar on"Enhancing International Civil Society Solidarity and Cooperation to Build a Better World for All was held both online and offline.The seminar aimed to promote comprehensive understanding of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) for the international civil society,  相似文献   

This article brings together the English School literature, postcolonial approaches to culture, the historical sociology of sport, and IR's own tentative engagement with sport to argue that world cricket constitutes a sui generis postcolonial international society in the sporting sector. The international society tradition within IR has been criticised for its failure to take sufficient note of the history of imperialism, and contributions from postcolonial scholarship can provide a necessary corrective here. However, the adoption of cricket in colonial societies involved a complex mixture of acceptance of and resistance to elements of British imperial culture, as has been documented in the work of some historical sociologists of sport and of philosophers of cricket such as C.L.R. James and Ashis Nandy. Contemporary world cricket is an arena in which the former imperial centre and a number of postcolonial states compete with each other within a framework of quasi-legal provisions (the Laws of Cricket), associated normative expectations (“The Spirit of Cricket”), and an international/transnational sporting organisation (the International Cricket Council). The concept of a geographically (but not regionally) limited, historically specific, and sectoral international society therefore still has some purchase here. This sphere is currently being shaped not by a clash between imperial values and postcolonial resistance, but by tension between the routinisation of international cricket and a shift of wealth and power within the game towards India. World cricket can be characterised as a sphere of non-violent sporting competition which may, perhaps, function as a source of international civility in relations between regions of the world influenced by British imperialism.  相似文献   

The Joint Declaration of the International Civil Society on Working Together to Implement the Global Development Initiative has witnessed warm welcome and active participation since its launching.By August 12th,2022,over 1280 NGOs,think tanks,media,business communities,international organizations,government agencies and leading personages from all sectors had signed up for the Declaration,covering 106 countries in six continents and eight major areas of the Global Development Initiative,which de...  相似文献   

Aeron Davis 《政治交往》2013,30(2):181-199
This piece investigates the role of news media and journalists in setting political agendas. It presents evidence to challenge the agenda-setting paradigm most often adopted in such research. Instead it argues for greater employment of methods and perspectives more usually employed in media sociology. It then presents findings from research on Members of Parliament (MPs) in Britain. The findings, based mostly on semistructured interviews with 40 MPs, offer some interesting perspectives on the relationship between political journalism and the political process at Westminster. The overall conclusion is that intense media attention on issues can shift political agendas and policy development, but not according to the simple stimulus-response model of agenda-setting commonly employed. More often, news content and journalists play a significant role in setting agendas because politicians use them, in a variety of ways, to promote or negotiate agendas and policy options among themselves. In other words, journalism and journalists have a significant social and cultural role in helping MPs, consciously or unconsciously, to reach agreed agendas and positions.  相似文献   

一贫困和收入分配态势逆转 受全球金融危机和拉美经济负增长的影响,2009年拉美的贫困率6年来首次出现反弹.根据拉美经委会的最新报告,2009年拉美的贫困率将比2008年增加1.1%,赤贫率增加0.8%.  相似文献   

我受常务理事会的委托,就学会第五届年会以来的工作,向新一届理事作一简要汇报。第五届理事会(年会)是2000年5月在外交部培训中心召开的。这4年多来,学会着重就俄罗斯东欧中亚各国国内体制转轨与对外关系等问题研究,作了一些学术交流的推动工作。一四年多来学会的主要工作与以往一样,作为群众性学术团体的学会,一项首要的工作是推动学术交流。4年多来,这方面的主要活动有:第一,围绕俄罗斯东欧中亚国家体制转轨与发展趋向召开了一些学术讨论会,重点是分析这些国家的转轨进程和存在问题。第二,对这些国家的政治、经济、社会、文化与对外关系现…  相似文献   

国际机制理论与国际法的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际机制理论与国际法有密切关系。本文在对国际关系理论与国际法研究关联性 进行分析的基础上,重点剖析了国际机制"法制化"趋势和国际机制理论对国际法发展的影响。  相似文献   

社会发展遭遇阻力 社会政策面临挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一 社会形势的两个基本特点 (一)社会指标延续改善态势,但幅度减缓 2008年,拉美和加勒比地区(以下简称拉美)经济继续保持中速增长,但国内生产总值和人均国内生产总值的增幅均低于2007年,是2003年以来表现最差的一年.  相似文献   

非政府国际组织发展现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
非政府组织(Non-Government Organization,简称NGO)主要是相对于政府组织而言,在国际社会,非政府组织相对于政府间国际组织(Intergovernment Organization,简称IGO)而言。非政府组织的兴起是20世纪后期重要的政治和社会现象之一,非政府间国际组织的兴起则是20世纪后期国际社会的重要现象之一。NGO在国际舞台上正扮演日益重要的角色,在国际事务中发挥日益重要的作用。20世纪90年代以来NGO在许多国际组织和  相似文献   

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