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“到现场去”不仅仅是新闻格言在新闻报道中有这样一句名言:“到现场去。”说的是新闻记者只有到了新闻现场,才能更好地把握事实。这句话对于司法调查人员来说具有同样重要的意义,因为犯罪现场往往都留有揭开案件真相的线索。法庭科学的先驱性人物埃德蒙德·洛卡德曾经提出过著名的证据交叉原理:每一次接触总会带走一些东西,留下一些东西。也就是说,一个犯罪行为发生后,犯罪分子总会在犯罪现场留下蛛丝马迹。侦破人员只要循着这些蛛丝马迹,必定可以找到犯罪分子。洛卡德的这个格言意味着所有案件在理论上都是可以侦破的,真正的超完…  相似文献   

周文峰 《检察风云》2004,(13):58-59
目前市面上正流行一部由克拉克·约翰逊执导的DVD影片:《S.W.A.T》,其中文译名有多种,比如《反恐特警组》和《洛城特警》等。这张DVD碟片由美国八大影业之一的哥伦比亚/三星(Columbia/TriStar)公司于2004年6月1日正式发行。很多人看过后都说很过瘾,故事情节当然是虚构的,不过,原型却是真实存在的,那就是位于洛杉矶东六街251号的洛杉矶警察局特别武器战术小组。S.W.A.T实际上是SpecialWeaponsAndTactics的首字母缩写,意思就是“特别武器和战术小组”。影片根据20世纪70年代的同名电视剧集改编而成,正是这部电视剧让洛杉矶警察局特别…  相似文献   

C.E.R.A. (Continuous Erythropoietin Receptor Activator) is a new third-generation erythropoiesis-stimulating agent that has recently been linked with abuse in endurance sports. The anti-doping community rapidly reacted by releasing a high-throughput screening ELISA allowing the detection of C.E.R.A. doping in athletes' blood. In order to return adverse analytical findings, anti-doping laboratories, however, need, as far as possible, to confirm the presence of the drug in athletes' samples through orthogonal methods. This article focuses on the comparison of 2 proposed confirmation assays based on gel electrophoresis that were coupled with a new sample immunopurification method. IEF, the classical method used to target erythropoietin (EPO) and its recombinant analogues in athletes' samples, and SARKOSYL-PAGE were applied to the plasma samples of subjects having received a single injection of C.E.R.A. It was demonstrated that SARKOSYL-PAGE was at least 6 times more sensitive than IEF, with comparable specificity. A longer detection window coupled with easier interpretation criteria led us to recommend the use of SARKOSYL-PAGE to confirm C.E.R.A. presence in athletes' blood.  相似文献   

Adrian A. S. Zuckerman.法律、事实抑或司法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴小军 《研究生法学》2004,19(3):97-112
作为裁判的基础,法律和事实之界分,具有重要的含意。法律必须适用于案件事实。案件事实要么由当事人承认,要么由法院确定:其中的任何一种(事实认定)方式均不受法律的规制。法律决定何种类型的事实产生权利和义务;个案事实本身并不是由法律创设的,而是存在于法律之外的(客观)世界之中。当案件事实发生争议时,  相似文献   

公元1993年11月8日,南国郴州秋风瑟瑟、细雨蒙蒙。上午9点20分,郴州地区打击经济犯罪宣判大会召开,法官宣判原郴州地区化工局副局长兼郴州地区桥口氮肥厂厂长、党委书记李富生被判处有期徒刑5年。这时的李富生苍白的脸颊上流下了悔恨的老泪。他脑袋低垂,眼睛望着手中的镣铐,似乎在追忆着那一幕幕曾使他狂喜不已而又最终使他悔恨终身的往事,回忆着他那“花环·权力·镣铐”的人生三部曲。  一  1990年初秋,李富生带着简单的行装,撇下妻子女儿,风尘仆仆地来到了离郴州市30多公里的山沟里的郴州地区桥口氮肥厂就任厂长。刚上任时…  相似文献   

声音一毛钱能买什么东西!———因为对方只给了一毛钱,乞丐接过之后就将钱撕成了两半。就算离婚,现在还是夫妻,不好管。——26岁的北京女子董珊珊被丈夫王光宇虐待致死,案发前她曾8次报警,却因警察的无奈最终没逃过劫难。  相似文献   

As our healthcare system becomes further managed, delivery organizations are reincreasingly relying upon physician executives to administer the delivery of care by other individual providers. In both the United States and the United Kingdom, this has led to instances in which physician disciplinary procedures have been invoked with respect to physicians who are perceived to be responsible for institutional defiiciencies. The author examines and analyzes the contrasting approaches taken in the two countries, and recommends an activist approach for disciplinary agencies faced with these circumstances.  相似文献   

《Criminal justice ethics》2012,31(3):262-286

In the last 20 years the ruthless competition for natural resources, political instability, armed conflicts, and the terrorist attacks of 9/11 have paved the way for private military and security companies (PMSCs) to operate in areas which were until recently the preserve of the state. PMSCs, less regulated than the toy industry, commit grave human rights violations with impunity. The United Nations has elaborated an international binding instrument to regulate their activities but the opposition of the U.S., U.K., and other Western governments—and from PMSCs, which prefer self-regulation—have prevented any advancement.  相似文献   

H.L.A. Hart’s jurisprudence seems antithetical to Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalysis. Professor Schroeder argues that, in fact, Hart’s concept of law has surprising similarities to Lacan’s ‘discourse of the Master’. Both reject a command theory of law: subjects do not obey law out of fear. Moreover, both insist that the authority of law is completely independent from its content. Anyone seeking to develop a psychoanalytically sophisticated critical legal theory should reconsider Hart. As insightful as his concept of the symbolic is, Lacan has no expertise in legal systems and does not discuss positive law per se. Although he posited a theory of ethics in his Seventh Seminar and the seeds of a jurisprudence are implicit within his theory, he offers no account of legal right, justice or what Hart misleadingly calls ‘morality’. A Lacanian jurisprudence must, therefore, be supplemented by other sources. Moreover, legal positivists should not dismiss psychoanalysis. As insightful as Hart’s jurisprudence is, his theories of legal subjectivity and linguistics are simplistic and his concept of law too narrow. He describes only one aspect of legal experience: obedience to law. He ignores what most legal actors do: Hart’s concept of law excludes the practice of law. Although Lacan’s ‘master’s discourse’ surprisingly parallels Hart’s jurisprudence, Lacan does not restrict the symbolic to the master’s discourse. It requires three other ‘discourses’. Lacan, therefore, supplements Hart. Specifically, Lacan’s fourth discourse describes the excluded practice of law and provides the mechanism by which ‘morality’ can critique law.
Jeanne L. SchroederEmail:

按照性质划分,权利要求有两种基本类型,即物(entity)的权利要求和活动(activity)的权利要求,或者简单地称为产品权利要求和方法权利要求(这里所说的产品权利要求和方法权利要求应当做广义理解)。第一种基本类型的权利要求包括人类技术生产的物(产品、设备);  相似文献   

This is the first quantitative study to examine Canada’s only Integrated Domestic Violence Court. The methodology used a quasi-experimental design with parallel groups with baseline equivalence. Results demonstrate that when support services are provided to victims of domestic violence during family separation, children benefit from greater involvement with both parents. There was more compliance with child support in the integrated court than the comparison group and compliance in custody and access were two variables that predicted the type of final custody orders. There were fewer judges involved in the IDVC court than comparison group; however, there were no differences in the number of court appearances between groups. The IDVC demonstrates a promising intervention to address domestic violence that involves both criminal and family law courts. Future research is needed to explore the views of children, victims and offenders about their experiences with the IDVC.  相似文献   

The most significant change to law licensing in the United States is the recent1 reliance on computer-based testing for the bar exam in all of the fifty states. The following comment piece is meant to inform the computer and technology law community how the use of testing software must necessarily be accompanied by additional procedural protections and corrective processes that may not have existed previously. Chief among these is the availability of discovery of the item in question, namely in this case the essays in a computer-based bar exam, which constitutes evidence that is essential to vindicating one's rights when a software failure occurs.  相似文献   

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