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Transnational investments are a growing engine of globalization and have transformed world economic landscapes. They are also a crucial element of international exchanges and cooperation. The economic interdependence fostered by globalization has turned many old foes into mutually reliant trading partners.  相似文献   

Areport released by the World Bank in July 2008 acknowledged that China's mass investment has helped reducepoverty in Africa.  相似文献   

ON March 5, 2014, Premier Li Keqiang delivered the government work report, which promises to initiate anew phase of openness and high per- formance. The government will foster a new open-economy system and advance a new round of opening up to embrace the international market. The govern- ment will also open China to the out- side world in all areas. Further, the re- port promises to level the playing field for domestic and foreign enterprises soas to ensure that China remains a top choice for foreign investment.  相似文献   

Sansha City, founded on July 24, 2012, has jurisdiction over an area of more than two million square kilometers in the South China Sea. It has the largest territory among all Chinese cities, but the smallest land area and population.  相似文献   

THE last sleeper was laid at Lhasa Railway Station on October 15, 2005. sig naling completion of the world's highest railway.According to a project spokesman, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway's trial operation is set for July 1, 2006, and its formal in- auguration is scheduled to take place a year later, on July 1, 2007. Tibetan peo- ple living on the "roof of the world" will then have access to railway transporta- tion for the first time ever. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway stretch- es 1.956 kilome…  相似文献   

DEMOCRACY is a topic often mentioned when certain Western people talk about China. China has chosen to practice a form of democracy that is different from that in Westem countries. As early as in 1987 Deng Xiaoping said, "In the West, democracy means separation of the three powers and multi-party elections. We have no objection to their doing so, but in the Chinese mainland we don't practice multi-party elections, separate the three powers, or use a bicameral system. We practice the monocameral system - the National People's Congress. This bests suits China's realities."  相似文献   

Today, the statistic that most polarizes world attention is that of China's annual GDP growth. It was certainly the focus of the recently concluded annual NPC and CPPCC ses- sions. American and British reporters at the press conference Premier Li Keqiang held for domestic and foreign journalists took the opportunity to express their concerns on this topic, asking Premier Li: will China realize its annual growth target of 7.5 percent, and if so, how?  相似文献   

IN March 2009, China's top 10 seaside tourist cities were unveiled in an online survey conducted jointly by sohu.com, a leading Chinese Internet portal, and Enjoy World, a popular electronic tourist magazine. Tourism experts, journalists, independent travelers, and more than one million netizens voted Sanya, Qingdao, Qinhuangdao, Zhuhai, Rizhao, Xiamen, Beihai, Dalian, Haikou and Ningbo as their favorite seaside destinations.  相似文献   

正THE launch in 1984 of the Xiangyanghong No.10 marked China’s first Antarctic survey tour.As the ship was not able to break ice,it was a tough start to the country’s Antarctic explorations.But after 30 years of effort,Chinese scientists have successfully sailed from Shanghai to the Southern Hemisphere and beyond to the earth’s southernmost continent.China has since witnessed great achievements in its scientif ic expeditions to the  相似文献   

According to the China Internet Development Report, issued by the China International Network Information Center, China's broadband users account for 85.9 percent of the country's domestic network users, with ADSL responsible for 46.5 percent of that figure. In 2007, nearly 40 percent of newly registered users were rural dwellers, while the total number of China's Internet users reached 210 million people in the same year, setting China on a course to surpass the U.S. in early 2008. in addition, the number of Chinese domain names reached 11.93 million with an annual growth of 190.4 percent, and .CN domain names increased fourfold over 2006, to 9 million,  相似文献   

正SINCE the policy of reform and opening-up in 1978,China has traveled a course of high-speed development on its way to becoming the economic power it is today.In 2013,as the world’s second largest economy,China not only ranked second in receiving foreign  相似文献   

China's new Food Safety Law was in effect on June 1, 2009. Essentially, it set up a recall system, while scrapping an earlier system that allowed some larger companies to be exempt from inspection. Heavier penalties were also in line for people who break the law.  相似文献   

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are a major force in promoting modern human rights cause. NGO plays an important and indispensable supplementary role in the system of human rights protection led by the government. In developing human rights, it is imperative to display the advantages of NGOs in protecting and developing the right to survival and development.  相似文献   

THE State Council passed a comprehensive plan to set up a free trade experiment zone in Shanghai. On August 26,the Standing Committee of the Na- tional People's Congress, China's top legislature, discussed the plan and its ramifications on fiscal policy. And on September 29, the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone hung out its shingle.  相似文献   

CHINA, as an emerging economy, has experienced slowing economic growth since 2013. For the first eight months of 2014, foreign direct investment (FDI) into non-financial sectors edged down 1.8 percent from the same period in 2013. Certain domestic and overseas media have come to the conclusion that the frenzied influx of foreign capital into China is eooling down. But are they right?  相似文献   

正CHINA is the world’s second-largest economy,and how its economic growth progresses will inevitably influence that globally.The outside world has followed closely the sustainability of China’s economic growth.Such interest was the basis for the BBC documentary How China Fooled the World.The documentary is centered around China’s economic growth having been driven by vast amounts of credit from the banking sector over the past few  相似文献   

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