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<正>2024年是京津冀协同发展上升为国家战略十周年。这十年,京津冀牢牢牵住疏解北京非首都功能这个“牛鼻子”,让资源合理流动和配置,并通过协同创新实现生产力再造。十年来,千年古都减量“瘦身”,实现人口控制目标,天津和河北发展更有活力。新华社记者近日深入一线调研采访,感受到扑面而来的新变化。在疏解发展中构建新格局驱车从北京大兴国际机场进入城区,映入眼帘的便是南中轴线。北京市丰台区南中轴地区建设办公室副主任史长谊感慨万千:“这里曾坐落着几十座服装批发市场,如今已全部疏解完毕‘变身’科创中心。”  相似文献   

跨入新世纪时的激情犹在,不觉十载倏然飞逝。过去的十年喜忧参半,辉煌与祸殃同在,创新与危机并存。这是变革频仍的十年,纷乱丛生的十年,治理注力的十年,世界史上将赫然书写“变”、“乱”、“治”三个大字。  相似文献   

苏联解体后,俄罗斯同美国的关系发展已经走过了十个年头。从布什到克林顿推行“消化”和“转化”并尽可能削弱俄罗斯的政策,目的在于使它融入西方社会。俄罗斯领导人为了巩固自己的政治统治、摆脱国内政治、经济和社会困境,谋求美国的全面支持。俄罗斯曾一度推行完全倒向西方、特别是美国的外交政策。美俄关系出现短暂的和谐。 美国损人利己的政策引起了俄罗斯的警觉。俄罗斯逐渐认识到维护国家利益和尊严必须制定和实行独立的外交政策。美国不断挤压俄罗斯的战略空间、损害其国家与战略利益。俄罗斯对此进行了适度的抗争。美俄关系进入合作、竞争乃至僵冷状态。 “9.11”事件为美俄关系的调整与改善提供了机遇。反对恐怖主义的共同利益使美国和俄罗斯迅速接近。两国关系出现了积极发展的良好的势头。但是,反恐斗争中的合作并不能弥合两国在国家和战略利益上的分歧。美俄关系的发展仍然面临着许多难题。  相似文献   

人工智能的广泛应用推动着人类社会进入智能时代,未来十年左右的国际关系也会随之发生变化。在世界经济发展层面,人工智能既顺应了2017年以来全球经济缓慢复苏的趋势,为新一轮世界经济增长注入新动力,也给全球经济带来新的挑战,非但无法改变全球资本主义体系内在矛盾所引起的问题,甚至会进一步激化这种矛盾,助推一次破坏程度更大的经济危机产生。在全球武装冲突层面,人工智能虽然暂时不能让全球军事力量对比产生根本变化,但是会在各国掀起新一轮军备竞赛,刺激西方国家对中小国家发动战争的意愿,加剧世界范围内的武装冲突与战争,恐怖袭击与核扩散的风险同样会进一步加大。在国际政治互动层面,人工智能能够大幅提升政府运转效能,使国家之间的外交活动更为便捷和有效,使国际权力角逐的面貌发生巨大变化,同时,西方国家与其他国家之间的宣传战也会出现新形式。  相似文献   

李盛  彭程 《工会博览》2023,(3):45-47
<正>世界运营里程最长的高铁——京广高铁已经安全运行十个年头。京广高铁北起华北平原,南至珠江岸边,车流疾驰、不舍昼夜,在“贴地飞行”的运行速度中与时代发展的脉动同频共振,守护着百姓出行的“诗与远方”,擘画出了一幅“人享其行、货畅其流”的美丽画卷。京广高铁全长2298千米,全程仅8小时左右。从北京到石家庄,从武汉到广州,从北向南,一路风景如画。而同样美丽的是守护这条高铁线路的铁路人,他们在平凡的岗位上做出了非凡的业绩,用实际行动展现了铁路人的服务本色、奋斗精神。  相似文献   

十年前,1986年6月29日上午,广州文化公园门口,熙熙攘攘的人群争着抢着一张张表格,这不是今日广州随处可见的什么抽奖摸奖,而是“评选广州地区‘十大杰出公仆’活动民意测验问卷”。 别小看这一张小小的问卷,在当时,这不啻是一颗小小的卫星,在广州这个刚刚接受了“开放”“改革”新观念的地方,拓开了一方探寻民意的天空。 三个月后,十位“杰出公仆”经过“民提”“民评”“民选”应运而生。他们中,有当时的广州市市长、市委书记,有企业家,有专栏作家,还有工会主席、民办福利机构的负责人……  相似文献   

一个是洗脚上田的农民,一个是经历颇丰的乡镇技术员,当他们申请的一项专利被批准后,没料到收获的却是数不清的烦恼……  相似文献   

引言:“戒急用忍”的10年挽歌未来,台湾经济的发展要把大陆列为腹地。这句话曾经以白纸黑字写入李登辉1995年发表的《两岸关系六点主张》,一年之后,他却自食其言,为使两岸渐行渐远,李登辉从古人泛黄的故纸堆里,翻出“戒急用忍”来冷却两岸经贸交流,严管台商西进。但人往高处走,钱往利处流。10年来台商和资金络绎于途、绵绵不绝。百万台商成了世界上最弱势的商人,他们在政治对峙的夹缝中寻找商机,在台独寒冰下破冰“登陆”。百万台商又堪称世界上最强势的商人,他们翻过“戒急用忍”的高墙,以中国人的坚韧和精明,与台当局打起金融地道战,每年…  相似文献   

.形势点击日本首相福田访华联合国气候变化大会中国外交:开局新篇·……‘··…’‘’‘““‘‘’“‘‘‘‘日出东方—中国改革开放30周年感怀中国:迈向改革开放的新征程—“两会’感言··tt‘正义之光永恒不灭抗展救灾,世界与中国同在冷眼向佯看世界—国际形势与中国外交  相似文献   

本文作者曾慧燕获选为“世界十大杰出青年”,于十月十七日在哥伦比亚的波哥达接受由哥伦比亚总统亲授的颁奖。此项活动是由世界青年商会举办的,候选人应是:通过自学成才、自我奋斗获取成功,对他人,社会有贡献,其贡献具有世界  相似文献   

2011年6月15日,上海合作组织创立十周年纪念峰会在阿斯塔纳举行。峰会期间,成员国元首一致盛赞上海合作组织在各领域取得的巨大成就,强调当初关于成立上海合作组织的决定是“历史性的战略抉择”。上海合作组织的创立顺应了时代潮流,她的全面顺利发展反映了成员国的利益诉求,  相似文献   

焱焱 《当代世界》2011,(5):54-56
纵观历史,20世纪头二十年世界形势发生了巨大转折,而本世纪的头十年,世界已经见证了一系列惊人变化的产生。按照马丁·沃尔夫的说法,本世纪头十年历史性的转折已经出现,而未来十年还将按照这种趋势发展下去。  相似文献   

In February 2010, the Australian government released its second Counter-Terrorism White Paper, claiming that terrorism continues to pose a serious security challenge to Australia. The article critically re-examines the terrorist threat to Australia and explores the threat posed by the traditional Al-Qaeda leadership, by regional organisations like Jemaah Islamiyah and by so-called ‘home-grown’ terrorists. Arguing that it is imperative to differentiate clearly between the threat to Australia and Australian interests abroad, the article identifies the sources of threat in the Australian context. It concludes that neither Al-Qaeda nor Jemaah Islamiyah nor home-grown terrorism poses any significant objective threat to Australia. At the same time it is acknowledged that the subjective perception of the terrorist necessitates the government to develop an effective counter-terrorism strategy. However, given that the terrorism threat is objectively low, policy measures addressing the threat ought to be carefully designed to meet the requirements of proportionality and (potential) effectiveness.  相似文献   

FOCAC is a successful and pioneering cooperation model jointly explored by China and Africa.The Forum has become an important platform for facilitating China-Africa relations since its founding 10 years ago.Within this framework the two sides have achieved great accomplishment through cooperation,and have created new development areas.Currently,the international system is experiencing deep adjustments,and the international political,economic and security situation is becoming increasingly complicated.Within such a context,the Forum continues to embrace new development opportunities as well as face new challenges.This paper will evaluate the achievements and the experiences of the Forum,and offer some proposals on promoting the sustainable development of FOCAC within the new context.  相似文献   

萧虎 《当代世界》2010,(2):11-12,18
21世纪头十年,国际形势进入大发展大变革大调整的时期,其主要特征是美国软硬实力双双走向弱化,引发各种国际政治思潮风生水起。总的看,新保守主义、新自由主义趋向衰落,发展模式多样性、世界多极化主张受到更多追捧,中国模式和中国地位被广泛推崇。  相似文献   

王娜 《当代世界》2010,(8):54-55
2010年是中国警察参加联合国民事维和行动10周年。然而不幸的是,1月13日,在海地发生的里氏7.3级强烈地震中,正在海地执行维和任务的朱晓平等8位中国维和警察殉职。在8位英烈极尽哀荣的悼念活动中,中国维和警察群体引起了亿万国人和国际社会的普遍关注。  相似文献   

The economic debate on the existence and definition of the middle class has become particularly lively in many developing countries. Building on a recently developed framework called the Vulnerability Approach to Middle Class (VAMC) to define the middle class, this paper tries to estimate the size of the Nigerian middle class in a rigorous quantitative manner and to gauge its evolution over time. Using the VAMC method, the middle class group can be defined residually from the vulnerability analysis as those for which the probability of falling into poverty is below a certain threshold. The results show the size of the Nigerian middle class from is around 20 percent of the total population in 2012/13. However, the rate has been slower than expected given the high growth rates experienced in the country over the same period. The results also paint a heterogeneous picture of the middle class in Nigeria with large spatial differences. The southern regions have a higher share and experienced more growth of the middle class compared with the northern regions.  相似文献   

《Third world quarterly》2012,33(6):1001-1017

The first decade of the 21st century has been characterised by complex and interrelated changes that have affected development. Development studies as a discipline has traditionally been concerned with the impact of colonisation and neocolonialism, and with neoliberal-related growth models. This paper argues that, since around the turn of the century, there has been a major shift in development, driven by a series of fundamental changes, including the relative failure of the neoliberal project in the 1980s and 1990s, which by the 2000s was partly replaced by a greater concern with addressing security issues with aid; the rise of China and other middle-income countries as large resource providers for development; and the rapid increase of remittance flows to lower and middle income countries. The paper looks at how both development studies and aid policy in Australia and elsewhere have been relatively slow to engage with this rapidly changing context. The big challenges for development studies will be: engaging with developing countries as development donors with different agendas for development; the decline of much of the current neoliberal paradigm; alternative sources of development finance; and the securitisation of Western aid.  相似文献   

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