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<正>The dual-track approach emphasizes peace for resolving the South China Sea disputes When it comes to the South China Sea,China aims to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maintain regional stability.Accusations that China is taking advantage of the situation to accelerate its naval buildup in an attempt to control the Western Pacific are unfounded and irresponsible.Parties directly involved in the disputes include China,Viet Nam,the Philippines,Malaysia,Brunei,Indonesia and China’s Taiwan.Therefore,  相似文献   

<正>China unveils its military approach in landmark white paper On May 26,China issued its new white paper on national defense,once more stressing the active-defense strategy adopted by its armed forces and pledging to continue to contribute to regional and world peace.The white paper,titled China’s Military Strategy,is the ninth defense white paper  相似文献   

ZHEJIANG Province in southeast China borders the East China Sea to its east, Fujian Province to its south, Anhui and Jiangxi Province to its west, and Jiangsu Province and Shanghai to its north. Its 101,800-sq-km land area is home to 44.22 million people. Zhejiang has a coastline measuring 6,486 kilometers, the longest in China. Across its vast sea area are scattered over 3,000 islands of a total area of 1,670 square kilometers.  相似文献   

Central and western China is seeking to stimulate economic growth through its advantages in labor, resources and geography and its regional planning policies. Meanwhile, eastern China is feeling the pressure brought by economic restructuring and aims to release it using resource integration and institutional reform.  相似文献   

A Moment Seized     
正China should demonstrate the same courage in furthering reform and opening up as in accession to the WTO China has comprehensively fulfilled its commitments to the World Trade Organization(WTO),substantially opened its market to the world,and delivered mutually beneficial and win-win outcomes on a wider scale,according to a white paper titled China and the World Trade Organization,released by the State  相似文献   

<正>An ambitious plan is unveiled to revamp the sport of football in China With China seeing its economy take off and its national strength grow,it is now turning its sights to something else close to its people’s hearts—football.On March 16,the State Council,China’s cabinet,issued an ambitious reform plan aiming to overhaul the country’s football management system in the hopes that the middle kingdom  相似文献   

<正>It seems that the bulk of foreign media reports about China’s reforms have limited their focus to changes in China’s economic setup with little mention paid to its political reform.Actually,since China carried out the reform and opening-up policy in 1978,it has not only made fundamental changes to its economic system but also implemented a series of important reforms to its political institutions  相似文献   

<正>China’s central bank is trying to manage surging liquidity, reflecting its resolution to curb inflation and its orientation toward macro-prudential regulation.  相似文献   

<正>China’s growth will continue on the strength of"the Four Pillars" From the vantage of 2017 we can look back and see that China has followed the path set out by its leadership to create a new and viable economic model,unique to China,and beat the odds to achieve what was  相似文献   

<正>China and its Southeast Asian neighbors need to enhance industrial cooperation In 2019,TCL,a Chinese consumer electronics company,began to build its new manufacturing base in Viet Nam and brought its suppliers with it to the country.The new base has improved TCL’s production capacity with its products selling not only in Viet Nam but also to other markets in Southeast Asia and beyond.  相似文献   

<正>China’s diplomatic achievements in 2016 and its priorities in 2017 2016 was eventful for both China and many other countries.In addition to growing regional conflicts and incessant terrorist attacks,the U.S.presidential election,Britain’s referendum vote to leave the EU(Brexit),disputes between China and  相似文献   

Gastronomic Tour     
CHINESE cuisine is renowned for its eight major distinctive styles: the cuisines of Shandong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu in eastern China; Anhui and Hunan in central China; Sichuan in western China; and Fujian and Cantonese cooking in southern China. Each style has anything from dozens to hundreds of delicacies developed over many centuries.  相似文献   

WHEN looking at the map of China, its shape appears uncannily similar to that of a rooster. Its head is in the Northeastern provinces, its magnificent tail includes Xinjiang and Tibet and its wings spread over the resource-rich basins of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers. The belly of this cockerel is in the southeast, and Hainan and Taiwan islands are its feet. The tour guide on the Yangtze River cruise who pointed out this similarity to me explained: "This shows that Taiwan is definitely an inalienable part of China; a rooster  相似文献   

North Korea explores ways to boost its ailing economy During his unofficial visit to China January 10-18, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il traveled extensively in the country, touring about a dozen enterprises and institutes in the fields of industry, agriculture, science and technology, and education. While congratulating China on its achievements, Kim sent an encouraging signal: North Korea also attaches great importance to economic expansion and is ready to enhance its exchanges and cooperation with China so as to explore a development path in line with North Korea's national situation, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.  相似文献   

Limiting Output     
<正>To protect the environment and its domestic industries from excess production,China must guide the non-ferrous metal industry In an effort to save energy and curb carbon emissions, in addition to reorganizing a currently disorderly industry, China will continue to control the  相似文献   

<正>It is undeniable that China has experienced an unprecedented modernization boom since the implementation of its reform and opening-up policy in 1978.By connecting with the world through trade,China has gained the economic power to transform its own internal regions and rural areas.Peaceful integration into the world economy as a producer,consumer,builder and,more recently,a technological innovator,has allowed China to achieve remarkable economic growth rates and aggregate national power...  相似文献   

A World of Help     
China deepens its commitment to the UN during a visit by Ban Ki-moon UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon con- cluded on June 21 his sixth visit to China since taking office in 2007 and the first since China’s leadership transition this March. During the four-day visit, the UN’s top official commended both China’s commitment to mul- tilateralism and its contributions to the largest  相似文献   

<正>The CPC’s strong leadership is the key to China’s success The Communist Party of China(CPC)draws its strength from the people,who fought alongside it to achieve national independence and helped it win the domestic war against the Kuomintang.Nonetheless,the Party had at one point lost its course due to misjudgments and miscalculations,resulting in tragic outcomes  相似文献   

Balancing Act     
China doesn't want a trade surplus and aims to slow its growth Encouraging imports and further opening the Chinese market are becoming new ways for China to target its burdensome trade surplus.On December 13, 2006, just one day  相似文献   

<正>China plans to overhaul its state-owned enterprisesOn September 13,China unveiled longawaited details of how it would reform its state-owned enterprises(SOEs),the latest move to invigorate the country’s torpid public sector by shaping a more pragmatic management system and nurturing more competitive public enterprises.According to the guidelines released by the Central Government,China will modern-  相似文献   

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