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增值税犯罪是涉税犯罪中一种主要的形式。增值税犯罪往往具有案值大、社会危害性大的特性,因此,我们应该高度关注此类犯罪。通过对增值税犯罪的形式、特点和原因的分析,寻求如何有效防范这种危害的发生。  相似文献   

Abuse of children is not entirely a modern phenomenon but the definition and classification of abusive practices has changed. Modern concepts of child abuse date only from the 1880s in France. Child abuse in twentieth-century terms of emotional and physical assault, neglect, abandonment, and sexual molestation was not considered a crime during most of the past century. Prior to the 1880s, only two acts, abortion and infanticide, constituted crimes against children. Child abandonment, rather than a crime, was the state supported, societally acceptable alternative to abortion and infanticide. After abandonment, malnourishment and neglect of these children, even to the point of death, likewise were not crimes. With changes in attitudes of the 1880s, parental neglect, assault, and starvation of children became defined as child abuse as did perceived immoral behavior of the parents such as habitual drunkenness and debauchery. Under these new definitions of abuse, state officials could deprive parents of their legal rights and make the children wards of the state for their own protection. The state becamein loco parentis. This essay explores the changing perceptions of child abuse, and the increasing state intervention for the care of abused children after the 1880s.  相似文献   

赵国玲  王海涛 《河北法学》2007,25(11):22-30
在对1387例自然人和591例法人进行调查的基础上,探讨著作权犯罪被害人的相关被害特征、被害人与犯罪人的互动关系、被害人对被害发生的促成性因素、被害人对其自身责任的认知状况、被害人被害之后的权利维护等问题,并从对被害进行控制的角度检讨现行的知识产权政策,力图以被害人为中心构筑控制著作权被害和保护著作权权利人合法权益的对策体系.  相似文献   

从1979年第一部《刑法》出台到1997年新《刑法》修订,再到2011年《刑法修正案(八)》)颁布,中国环境犯罪刑法立法不断补充修正,形成了中国环境刑法的基本规范与格局。目前,中国环境犯罪刑法立法在立法体例、罪名体系和刑罚处罚等方面都存在一些不足,亟待立法的进一步完善。首先,要确立科学的环境犯罪刑法立法体例,将刑法典分则第六章第六节规定的环境犯罪罪名从该章中独立出来,单独成立一章,并将分散在刑法典各章节中有关环境犯罪的规定纳入其中;其次,中国环境犯罪急需增设以下5个罪名,以完善环境犯罪的罪名体系,即破坏草原罪、破坏湿地罪、虐待动物罪、破坏自然保护区罪和抗拒环保行政监督管理罪;再次,应完善环境犯罪罪名的构成要件要素,扩张环境犯罪对象的范围、扩展危害行为的类型。最后,应完善环境犯罪的刑罚适用原则和刑罚适用种类。  相似文献   

朱效平 《法学论坛》2008,23(2):102-109
目前侵犯企业国有资产犯罪有着特殊的体制背景和制度背景.由于国家所有权固有的特性导致国有资产管理与运营责任主体虚位,加之市场化、现代化转型中,法律体系建设与法制统一建设存在缺失弱化了刑罚功能的发挥.而道德与财产观念的嬗变不能及时回应社会发展与制度的变迁,侵犯企业国有资产犯罪呈现难以遏制的发展趋向.通过立法明确责任主体及其责任,完善国有资产刑事立法保护体系,辅之以财产观念与公益观念的重塑,是预防侵犯企业国有资产犯罪的现实选择.  相似文献   

张长在 《河北法学》2008,26(4):194-197
武警部队处置恐怖事件,必须注重运用法律武器,彰显法律的力量。由于恐怖主义活动是一种严重的刑事犯罪,所以在对恐怖分子进行法律战时,刑法是一部必用的法律。在反恐法律战中,如果能够运用好刑法,完全可以为我方赢得战机,以期达到"不战而屈人之兵"的目的。  相似文献   

犯罪是加害与被害之间互动的产物,对知识产权犯罪的研究应当引入被害人责任的视角.通过对知识产权犯罪单位被害人的调查,分析被害人对被害现象产生的影响,指出通过被害预防实现知识产权保护的可行性.  相似文献   

我国犯罪对策的战略选择   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
我国现行犯罪对策的基本评价 迄今为止,人类社会的犯罪对策概括起来只有两种:一种是单纯的打击,没有预防;另一种是打击和预防相结合,以预防为主.  相似文献   

In the United States water pollution is a serious problem criminalized not only by the federal government, but by all states. These laws vary greatly in content, but are widely disobeyed and universally under-enforced. Statutes, case law, histories and journalism show “law in action” typologies of non-enforcement efficacious for analysis including: (1) jurisdiction issues like federal pre-emption, inter-state compacts, and constitutional limitations; (2) legislative issues such as failure to legislate, or legislating ineffectively; (3) agency issues, including administrative obstacles, delegation, power vacuums, procedure, and “agency capture”; (4) policing issues like apathy, under-funding/training, jurisdictional confusion, and “following the path of least resistance”; (5) prosecutorial issues, including isolation, intimidation, and ideological priority bias; (6) trial and appellate court issues, including unclear culpability, erroneous holdings, bias, and lack of judicial independence; and (7) citizen, victim, and defendant issues, including legal intellectual influence, environmentalist criminalization apathy, industry lobbying, environmental justice, reporting failures, self-policing, ethics and flight. The conclusion is non-enforcement in this area of criminal law shows that while federally there may exist a relatively consistent, content neutral enforcement system, at the state level resistance to enforcement is seen across a number of fronts. Ultimately, states can be seens as colonized frontiers servicing venture capitalism, consistent with a “race to the bottom.”  相似文献   

近年侵害医护人员、扰乱医疗秩序的涉医犯罪持续高发。我国刑事法律面对涉医犯罪时的疲软,难辞其咎。实体上,能够适用的罪名不全而且门槛高;既有罪名在适用上亦存在诸多盲区;对罪数问题在认定上粗糙、不充分;量刑倾向存在政策从严、实务从宽之冲突。程序上,执法不严,对涉医犯罪的处置呈现行政、民事甚至私人化现象;滥用刑事和解,忽视涉医犯罪的外部性;刑事自诉被闲置,控诉补充功能缺位。顺应我国刑事立法的功能转型与立法走向,针对具有公共性和特殊性的医疗领域增设专门之犯罪类型,强化对公众行为的规制与引导,确有必要;但在各罪设置中,尚有诸多立法议题需要明确。现时,则应充分运用既有罪名实现梯队补给;执法、司法亦要始终配套运行。  相似文献   

罪刑法定与生命科技犯罪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生命科学技术的发展促生了生命科技犯罪。而由于受罪刑法定原则的制约,现行刑法还无法很好地规制这类新型的犯罪。这对我国刑法构成了挑战,需要采取适宜的应对策略。  相似文献   

论香港打击黑社会有组织犯罪的立法与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港《有组织及严重罪行条例》为打击香港地区有组织犯罪提供了重要的法律依据。香港地区在实施加重刑罚、打击洗黑钱犯罪及要求披露犯罪财富等方面的司法实践亦已趋于灵活,并在防止、侦查和打击有组织犯罪的各环节上都已渐见成效。但香港打击黑社会有组织犯罪的立法仍有值得改进的空间,主要是应当提高立法的预防性、前瞻性、完备性和针对性。具体而言,可以从打击黑社会主要犯罪、增设黑社会犯罪新罪名、修改刑法中对黑社会的定义以及考虑充公黑社会财富的特别立法等方面予以完善。  相似文献   

Given that the Rome Statute does not provide jurisdiction totry corporations for breaches of international criminal law,it has been suggested that national jurisdictions might be usedto fill this impunity gap. The author presents several arguments.First, the international criminal law system, including theRome Statute — and particularly the principles of universaljurisdiction and complementarity — provides the theoreticalgrounding for states to assert jurisdiction over internationalcrimes wider than the International Criminal Court (ICC). Second,Canada, owing to interactions between its domestic legislationimplementing the ICC Statute and existing national criminallaw, is now able to prosecute corporations for breaches of internationalcriminal law. Finally, this increased jurisdiction of Canadiancourts is consistent with the current status of corporationsunder international criminal law. What is really interestingabout Canada's approach, however, is not so much that it hascreated a new legal principle, but rather that it is one ofthe first countries to establish jurisdiction over internationalcrimes committed by corporate entities which were previouslycommitted with impunity.
By stating that I could not guaranteethat the army is not using forced labour, I certainly implythat they might, (and they might) but I am saying that we donot have to monitor the army's behaviour: we have our responsibilities;they have their responsibilities; and we refuse to be pushedin to assuming more than what we can really guarantee. Aboutforced labour used by troops assigned to provide security onour pipeline project, let us admit between Unocal and Totalthat we might be in a grey zone.1

Indirect Crimes     
Both law and morality routinely distinguish between direct wrongs of causing harm oneself and indirect wrongs of contributing to another’s harmful actions. This article asks whether this distinction matters for the purposes of a theory of criminalisation. It argues that, in some respects, the distinction matters less than is often supposed: generally, the potential future actions of others have at least some relevance to what we ought to do. However, it is morally significant that criminal liability for indirect wrongdoing can make our freedom to do valuable things contingent upon others’ failure to comply with their moral obligations. This raises substantial concerns of autonomy and fairness that tell against the creation of some – but by no means all – indirect crimes.  相似文献   

李琪  姜俊鹏 《犯罪研究》2021,(1):95-102
从网络到现实,双层社会迅速形成,相关犯罪亦从现实社会迁移至网络社会。如何应对伴生的新型犯罪形态,关键在于能否全面、清晰认知双层社会的链接点——数据。数据犯罪随双层社会固化而持续扩张,立法、司法均提出各自的应对思路,但规制现状并不乐观。以数据犯罪为核心,分析该犯罪形态在立法与司法领域的表征,并结合其技术与社会的双重价值属性,针对受损法益展开分析,最终实现对相关罪名适用的逻辑化探索。  相似文献   

<正>2004年9月12日-19日,第17届国际刑法学大会在中国北京召开,这是国际刑法学协会成立100多年来首次在亚洲国家召开大会,也是国际刑法学界在本世纪召开的第一次盛会。国际刑法学协会(AIDP)的前身是国际刑法联盟,成立于1889年,1924年更名为国际刑法学协会,是现今国际刑事法学领域最重要的学术团体之一,在国际社  相似文献   

卢有学 《现代法学》2012,34(1):125-134
国际犯罪是指由国际法创设或者推动因而被国际社会普遍确定为犯罪、严重危害国际社会共同利益的行为,跨国性、涉外性、违反公约性都不是国际犯罪的基本特征。国际犯罪不是从国内犯罪发展而来的,它们是两个互不隶属的并列范畴,是"犯罪"这一共同上位概念之下的子概念,从渊源上讲,两者基本上分属国内法与国际法两大法律体系。国际犯罪与国内犯罪之间有明确的界限,主要体现在犯罪危害的性质、针对的法律关系和法律制定者不同三方面。  相似文献   

On 20 April 1994, in Versailles France, Paul Touvier was convicted of complicity to commit crimes against humanity for his role in the killing of seven Jews during World War II. At the time of the crime Touvier was an oficer of the Milice, a special military force established to combat the Resistance and other enemies of the Vichy government. When Touvier's trial was finally held in spring 1994, it was the subject of enormous media attention in France and became the vehicle for a debate on the legitimacy and activities of the Vichy Regime, becoming popularly identified as a trial of the Vichy government. This essay, after tracing the historical and legal background of Touvier's prosecution, concludes that Touvier's conviction some 50 years after his crime, was legally and morally justified. Touvier's evasion of the law was remedied; his victims and their descendants were honored; the Nuremberg principles were resurrected and applied. The author is skeptical, however, about using his trial to reexamine the Vichy period and suggests that its attempted transformation by the media into an event that would produce an authoritative resolution of the various public discourses concerning Vichy France was and could only have been a disappointment.  相似文献   

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