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冬日,一声尖叫打破了村庄的宁静,粪堆里藏着死人的胳膊,数日之后又陆续发现同一个被害人的其他尸块。警方发现,与精确的分尸手法不同,死者脸皮被残忍地剥去,刀法杂乱无章。不久,城里又接连发生了护士裸死案、女教师坠楼  相似文献   

In this study, the concentrations of 11-nor-Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (THCCOOH) in pubic, axillary and beard hair were measured and the correlation between the concentrations of THCCOOH in head and pubic hair from same cannabis users were evaluated. The papers on body hair analysis for THCCOOH were rarely found although police officers submit body hair as a complimentary specimen to forensic laboratories in case cannabis users had no hair. Head, pubic, axillary, and beard hair were collected. All hair samples were cut into 0.5mm segments and decontaminated with methanol, digested with 1 mL of 1M NaOH at 85 °C for 30 min and extracted in 2 mL of n-hexane:ethyl acetate (9:1) two times after adding 1 mL of 0.1N sodium acetate buffer (pH = 4.5) and 200 μL of acetic acid followed by derivatization with 50 μL of PFPA and 25 μL of PFPOH for 30 min at 70 °C. The extracts were analyzed using gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry operating in negative chemical ionization mode (GC/MS/MS-NCI). We determined the concentrations of THCCOOH in both pubic and head hair. The concentrations of THCCOOH in pubic hair were higher than those in head hair. We also evaluated the concentrations of THCCOOH in body hair (pubic, axillary and beard hair) and head hair according to the positive/negative urine test results. There was no statistically significant difference in the concentrations of THCCOOH in head and body hair according to urine results.  相似文献   

第四章 路远东发现李阿牛在跟踪他们,金云霞怒不可遏,上前一把揪住李阿牛生气地斥责他。路远东拉着金云霞回到旅馆,无意中看见电视上播出的康成的死讯,心里顿生疑云,为何警方称康成是死在小金山的呢?他明明看见康成是在大金山被李阿牛等人抓走的。他打电话给《达宁报》的马总编,称有康成的遗物交给他,并约好在街头的花园接头。然而当他们刚见面,就有一只手枪顶在了路远东的腰间。  相似文献   

秦明 《江淮法治》2014,(22):53-55
正尸语者,与死者朝夕相处的神秘职业即将剖开震撼人心的心灵之声,残忍、变态、惊悚、刺激、震撼!最重口味的案发现场,挑战最强悍的心理底线法医首度以"尸语者"身份登场,替深渊中的万千亡灵伸张正义,发出最后的哀鸣与呐喊!这天天气晴朗,万里无云。在刑警学院养成了早睡早起的习惯之后,我的生物钟一时半会儿还改不过来,于是早早起床,在市局的操场上跑了几圈,便来到了病理实验室,打开显微镜,开始观察几张组织病理学的切片。看了两个小时,快到8点的时候,胡科长揉着惺忪的睡眼,走进了实验室。"去你的宿舍不见人,估计你来这里了。不错,挺好学。"胡科长是一个40多岁的老帅哥,举手投足间散发着一股成熟男  相似文献   

~~风云大观园(9)@邹勤  相似文献   

This paper addresses the suitability of ethyl glucuronide in hair (EtGH) strands other than 3cm for alcohol consumption. This issue will be addressed (a) by statistically comparing the distribution of EtGH results for 3cm hair strands to other hair strands analysed from 4126 cases and (b) by examining the stability of EtGH in an 8cm hair strand and two 12cm hair samples of two volunteers and a post-mortem case using 1cm segmental analysis. For 3464 driving license re-granting Medical and Psychological Assessment (MPA) cases, the detection of alcohol consumption using hair lengths longer than 3cm was never significantly less than for 3cm hair lengths, even up to 12cm hair lengths analysed non-segmented. For 662 non-MPA cases, where, in contrast to MPA cases, generally no abstinence was required, an increase in the EtGH positivity rate was observed with increasing hair length analysed up to 9cm, indicating that EtG-washout effects seem to play a minor role if any. For both MPA and non-MPA hair samples less than 3cm, a drastic, significant increase in the number of positive EtGH samples were observed, compared to 3cm hair lengths, strongly supportive of EtGH incorporation from sweat after a recent alcohol consumption. Segmental studies indicated that EtG is stable in the hair matrix up to 12cm long, hence supporting the above results. Even though both the statistical and the stability studies are preliminary results which need to be confirmed by other studies, they both provide evidence for the determination of alcohol consumption using EtGH in hair lengths longer than 3cm. Amendments to the Consensus of the Society of Hair Testing, the German driving license re-granting guidelines and EWDTS hair guidelines with respect to testing for abstinence and/or alcoholism are proposed for the benefit of the donors.  相似文献   

《经济法论坛》系西南政法大学经济法学科点为了推动经济法学的理论研究和学科建设,加强经济法学界的学术交流,编辑出版的连续性论文集刊,已经被CNKI数据库全文收录。设置的栏目有:基本理论、制度研究、农村法制、国际视窗、人才培养等。该《论坛》每年推出1卷,由群众出版社出版。自第1卷于2003年出版以来,至今已经出版8卷,引起了经济法学界的广泛关注。现就《论坛》第9卷的组稿事宜提出如下稿约,欢迎国内外专家不吝赐稿投稿!一、向《论坛》所投稿件,应属于经济法领域或与经济法相关的作品,且未曾公开发表或主体部分未曾公开发表。论文体裁不限,论文、译文、调研报告、学术随笔等均  相似文献   

人身自由 人身自由是指公民的人身自由不受非法侵犯的自由.人身自由是公民参加国家政治生活、社会生活的基础,是以人身保障为核心的权利体系.《宪法》第37条规定:“中华人民共和国公民的人身自由不受侵犯.任何公民,非经人民检察院批准或者决定,或者人民法院决定,并由公安机关执行,不受逮捕.禁止非法拘禁和以其他方法剥夺或者限制公民的人身自由,禁止非法搜查公民的身体.”  相似文献   

1999年12月29日发布施行的《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国合同法>若干问题的解释(一)》(以下简称《合同法解释(一)》第9条第1款规定:“依照合同法第四十四条第二款的规定,法律、行政法规规定合同应当办理批准手续,或者办理批准、登记等手续才生效,在一审法庭辩论终结前仍未办理批准手续的,或者仍未办理批准、登记等手续的,人民法院应当认定该合同未生效;法律、行政法规规定合同应当办理登记手续,但未规定登记后生效的,当事人未办理登记手续不影响合同的效力,合同标的物所有权及其他物权不能转移。”对在…  相似文献   

For the reliable quantification of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid A (THCA-A), the biogenetic precursor of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), in biological matrices by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS(/MS), an isotopically labeled internal standard was synthesized starting from Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol-D(3) (THC-D(3)). Synthesis strategy was based on a method reported by Mechoulam et al. in 1969 using magnesium methyl carbonate (MMC) as carboxylation reagent for the synthesis of cannabinoid acids. Preliminary experiments with THC to optimize yield of the product (THCA-A) resulted in the synthesis of the positional isomer tetrahydrocannabinolic acid B (THCA-B) as a byproduct. Using the optimized conditions for the desired isomer, THCA-A-D(3) was prepared and isolated with a yield of approx. 10% after two synthesis cycles. Isotope purity was estimated to be >99% by relative abundance of the molecular ions. The synthesized compound proved to be suitable as an internal standard for quantification of THCA-A in serum and hair samples of cannabis consumers.  相似文献   

A gas chromatography-negative ion chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometric (GC-NCI-MS/MS) method was developed and validated for the determination of 11-nor-Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (THC-COOH) in human hair. After decontamination, hair samples were weighed (25mg), mechanically pulverized with a bead mill, and incubated in 0.7 mL of 1.0M sodium hydroxide at 95 °C for 30 min. Bead-assisted liquid-liquid extraction was performed with n-hexane:ethyl acetate (9:1, v/v), a method developed in our laboratory. The extract was evaporated to dryness, derivatized with pentafluoropropanol and pentafluoropropionic anhydride, and analyzed by GC-MS/MS in the negative ion chemical ionization mode using methane as the reagent gas. The linear ranges were 0.05-10.0 pg/mg for THC-COOH with the coefficient of determination (r(2) = 0.9976). The intra-day and inter-day precisions were within 1.7 and 13.8%, respectively. The intra-day and inter-day accuracies were -4.8 to 10.0% and -3.9 to 3.8%, respectively. The limit of detection and quantification were 0.015 and 0.05 pg/mg, respectively. The recoveries were in the range of 79.4-87.1%. The results indicate that the proposed method is simple, rapid, accurate, and precise for determination of THC-COOH in hair. The method identified THC-COOH in hair specimens from suspected marijuana abusers.  相似文献   

Previous work suggests that δ(18)O values of human hair can be used to constrain the region-of-origin of unknown individuals, but robust assessments of uncertainties in this method are lacking. Here we assess one source of uncertainty - temporal variation in the δ(18)O value of drinking water - using a monthly tap water survey of δ(18)O to develop geospatial models (i.e., maps) of the intra-annual variation (seasonality) in tap water δ(18)O for the contiguous USA. Temporal variation in tap water δ(18)O was correlated with water-supply type, and was related to geographic patterns of precipitation δ(18)O seasonality and water residence time. The maps were applied in a Bayesian framework to identify the geographic origin of an unidentified woman found in Utah, based on measured δ(18)O of scalp hair. The results are robust in specifying parts of the western USA as the most likely region-of-origin. Incorporation of tap water δ(18)O seasonality in the analysis reduces the precision of geographic assignments, but other sources of uncertainty (e.g., spatial interpolation uncertainty) have an equal or larger effect.  相似文献   

第一章总则第一条本会是从事知识产权研究的全国性的学术性群众团体,是中国科学技术协会的组成部分。第二条本会团结广大知识产权工作者,坚持实事求是的科学态度,贯彻“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的方针,开展知识产权学术研究和交流,为加速我国社会主义现代化建设做出贡献。第三条本会的主要任务:  相似文献   

公诉机关山东省东营市人民检察院。被告人黄爱东,男,1957年8月8日出生于山东省安丘市,汉族,大学文化,中共党员,原系山东省农村信用社联合社东营办事处主任,住东营市东营区辉煌庄园25号楼西单元2楼西户。2007年3月30日因涉嫌犯受贿罪被东营市公安局  相似文献   

【要旨】编造、故意传播虚假恐怖信息罪是选择性罪名。编造恐怖信息以后向特定对象散布,严重扰乱社会秩序的,构成编造虚假恐怖信息罪。编造恐怖信息以后向不特定对象散布,严重扰乱社会秩序的,构成编造、故意传播虚假恐怖信息罪。对于实施数个编造、故意传播虚假恐怖信息行为的,不实行数罪并罚,但应当将其作为量刑情节予以考虑。【相关立法】《中华人民共和国刑法》第二百九十一条之一【基本案情】  相似文献   

The actual antidoping control rules applied in sports (as established by the International Olympic Committee and the International Sport Federations) state that a positive case is chemically established by the unequivocal detection of a forbidden parent molecule and/or any of its metabolite(s) in urine, no matter the amounts which were administered and when the drug was taken. Screening is accomplished most of the time by using GC-MS procedures. These have been optimized to detect most if not all of the forbidden compounds which are put on a list. Recently, attempts have been made on scalp hair to demonstrate the value of this matrix as a possible means for differentiating between therapeutic use and doping abuse. In particular, GC-mass selective detector and GC-high resolution MS were successfully applied to treated animals and body-builders for anabolic agents (steroids and beta-2-agonists) at high sensitivity detection (low ng/g level). Naturally occurring molecules, like testosterone and its metabolites, could also be differentiated from their synthetic counterparts. Positive cases are more often challenged in courts and retrospectivity in time of the drug(s) intake is becoming an important issue for evaluating the responsibility of the person. This is can be based on hair analyses if the drugs have been taken at regular intervals. Stimulants and narcotics are often used in sports like drug of abuse in the ordinary social contexts. On the other hand, anabolic agents, when taken to improve the physical performances, follow complex regimens with the mixing of various formulas and dosages. Scalp hair references ranges for these as well as for endogenous substances still wait to be established statistically for competing, well-trained athletes. The incorporation rate into blond or gray hair is poorer than that of dark colored hair raising the question of individuals equality against the controls, a very important matter of concern for the sport's governing bodies. The frequency of hair cutting and short hair cuts necessary to gain speed in specific sports like swimming are other critical factors. On the other hands, irregular hair growth, associated with the washout effect through multiple washing and staining processes over expanded time intervals can cause concentrating or diluting effects. So far, a minority of prohibited substances could be detected in scalp hair with the sensitivity and specificity required in the context of the sport's activities. From the above, clear limitations of the usefulness of hair analysis in doping control analysis are obvious until a lot more data relevant to this particular field have been collected.  相似文献   

今年1月,中国社科院文献信息中心确定了1999年度“中国人文社会科学核心期刊”,并出版了《中国人文社会科学核心期刊要览》。在《要览》《说明》中称:“鉴于许多高校和科研单位在社会科学论文的成果评价中,亟需确定社会科学核心期刊作为成果鉴定的参考依据,我们根据历年来的研究结果和数据分析,确定了1999年度的社会科学核心期刊范围”。“本《要览》所收集的506种人文社会科学期刊,是从全国3000多种人文社会科学期刊中,经过统计分析研究精选出来的。它基本覆盖了全国人文社会科学的重要学术期刊,反映了我国人文社会科学论文的学术…  相似文献   

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