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Economic sanctions are frequently used as a tool of foreign policy, described by some as falling between diplomacy and military force. An important question regarding the use of sanctions is whether they can function as an alternative to military force by demonstrating the sender's resolve and making military force unnecessary, or if their use tends to result in an increased probability that military force will be used. Based on a theory of sanctions as costly signals, the authors develop and test hypotheses regarding the relationship between sanctions and military force. The results show that after a sanction occurs, there is a significantly increased probability of a use of military force. Democracies, because of their propensity to tie their hands with audience costs, while at the same time facing domestic pressure to devise sanctions to be costless to the sender, are highly likely to be involved in a militarized dispute after using sanctions.  相似文献   

Beginning with two prominent explanations of international conflict—one based on contiguity and the other on territory—I develop a new joint account that provides two important advancements over the prior explanations. I then test the expectations of this joint account on dispute and war onset for all dyad years from 1919 to 1995. I find strong support for its predictions at the dispute stage and partial support at the war stage, including marked evidence of contingency between contiguity and territory. The results also show territory to be a more consistent engine of conflict than contiguity, especially at the war onset stage. Further, the findings provide insights into the effects of contiguity among nonterritorial disagreements, as well as the effects of territorial strife among noncontiguous pairs. Thus, this investigation clarifies the relative importance of both territory and contiguity within any geography-based explanation of conflict behavior, and therefore has broadly interesting implications.  相似文献   

社会稳定是当代中国的最高利益,是压倒一切的大局.建设高度的社会主义民主政治,是维护和发展稳定的基础.而稳定是社会主义民主政治建设的条件.将民主和稳定有机地结合起来,以民主来促进稳定,以稳定来保证民主,使它们相互制约,协调一致,形成"民主--稳定"良性循环系统,这是进行社会主义现代化建设的最佳环境.  相似文献   

The determinants of outsourcing in local government are widely studied from a variety of frameworks. One concept consistently used to explain local government outsourcing is fiscal condition, with many noting that outsourcing is more likely when a local government’s fiscal condition declines into fiscal stress. Despite the ubiquity of this expectation in the outsourcing literature, several articles reviewed suggest that the findings for this relationship remain uncertain. As a result, the research presented in this article sought to examine and extend what is known about the relationship between fiscal stress and outsourcing in U.S. municipalities. The research includes previous measures of fiscal stress and adds new measures. In addition, it tries to overcome the limited theoretical testing of the relationship between fiscal stress and outsourcing by examining both direct and indirect effects of fiscal stress on outsourcing. It finds that municipalities in the United States that are experiencing fiscal stress are more likely to engage in outsourcing, particularly municipalities that are experiencing fiscal stress and have a positive evaluation of the external market to provide services.  相似文献   

史小凤 《学理论》2011,(30):72-73
生育权乃一项基本人权且属于人格权的范畴,不受他人的支配和干涉,生育请求权之说存在法律逻辑错误。夫妻双方享有平等的生育权,应充分协商,共同行使。夫妻因生育问题发生冲突,不能简单以侵权论,若导致感情确已破裂,一方可诉请离婚。  相似文献   

廉政文化与廉政制度关系辨析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
当前对廉政文化与廉政制度关系的理解存有一定争议,不利于反腐倡廉建设的深入开展。廉政制度与廉政文化既相互区别又联系密切。二者的区别主要表现于形成机制的理性与非理性、变迁的快与慢、强制约束与非强制约束、作用机制的外在与内在、功能的抑与扬等方面,二者的联系主要表现为融为一体、相辅相成的统一性。因此,在建设廉政制度与廉政文化时,既要看到二者的联系,做到互相促进,事半功倍;也要看到二者的不同,区别对待,重点突出,从而把预防与惩治、自律与他律、文化与制度有机地统一于反腐倡廉工作中。  相似文献   

McGarry, J. and O'Leary, B. (2004) The Northern Ireland Conflict: Consociational Engagements . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Roeder, P. G. and Rothchild, D. (2005) Sustainable Peace: Power and Democracy after Civil Wars . Ithaca NY and London: Cornell University Press.
O'Leary, B., McGarry, J. and Salih, K. (2005) The Future of Kurdistan in Iraq . Philadelphia PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.  相似文献   

Carlsson  Fredrik  Lundström  Susanna 《Public Choice》2002,112(3-4):335-344
Most studies of the relation between economic freedom andgrowth of GDP have found a positive relation. One problem inthis area is the choice of economic freedom measure. A singlemeasure does not reflect the complex economic environment anda highly aggregated index makes it difficult to draw policyconclusions. In this paper we investigate what specific typesof economic freedom measures that are important for growth.The robustness of the results is carefully analysed since thepotential problem with multicollinearity is one of thenegative effects of decomposing an index. The results showthat economic freedom does matter for growth. This does notmean that increasing economic freedom, defined in generalterms, is good for economic growth since some of thecategories in the index are insignificant and some of thesignificant variables have negative effects.  相似文献   

税收法定主义与税收公平主义是世界多数国家税法奉行的基本原则,也是我国税收立法所追求的价值理念,反映了法治国家形式法治与实质法治的要求.本文通过分析压力型税收征收管理体制与税法价值理念的冲突,旨在促进我国征收主义税收征收管理体制向法定主义税收征收管理体制变革.  相似文献   

公共管理与政治文明发展的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共管理是现代政治文明发展的产物,是政治文明的重要组成部分,因此必然受到政治文明的规制和导引,即它必须体现和弘扬现代政治文明的基本价值。而公共管理则是体现和促进政治文明发展的重要方式。当代中国政府管理现状与现代政治文明的要求还有较大的差距,因此必须在现代政治文明的规制和导引下重构中国公共管理,即它必须注重公共性、民主性、法治性、公平性和服务性。  相似文献   

群众路线是我们党的生命线和根本工作路线。在全党深入开展群众路线教育实践活动,是党的十八大作出的一项重大决策,是加强廉政文化建设的重大举措,对廉政文化建设具有重大作用。群众路线教育实践活动为廉政文化建设营造社会氛围、提供鲜活素材并指明前进方向。同样,廉政文化建设对群众路线教育实践活动具有重大价值。廉政文化建设为开展群众路线教育实践活动提供有益思想资源、有效实践路径和有力制度保障。因此,必须深刻把握这二者的关系,群众路线教育实践活动与廉政文化建设两者既相互依存、相互促进,又相互整合、相互交融,统一于执政党自身建设的伟大实践,统一于坚持和发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的"中国梦"的伟大实践。  相似文献   

2015年3月15日《中华人民共和国立法法》修改后,地方立法主体大幅扩容,造成央地立法规范的大量冲突.海洋环境是环境保护及城乡建设与管理的体系内容,涉海地方立法已成为常态.涉海部门规章与地方性法规的权限依据及效力范围不同,且所代表的利益不同,在湿地保护与海岛管理等方面均存在条文冲突,属于近位法律冲突,造成涉海法律体系融贯性阻滞.现有部门规章与地方性法规的冲突解决仍仅适用提请裁决机制,已然无法满足现存及未来大量规范冲突解决的现实需求.基于立法科学性立场与融贯性要求,应及时出台有关近位法律冲突解决的法律解释性文件,具体可以立法解释、司法解释、统一性指导意见作为基本形式构造.坚持国家利益优先,明确法律位阶高低,以地方立法特色作为原则指引,以沟通协调机制作为程序保障,从实质与形式两个方面保证涉海立法的融贯性.  相似文献   

女性与科学是研究科学及科学史问题的重要内容。国内外学者近年来,围绕女性与科学发表了大量的文章,本文着重从"人类发展的需要、社会进步和时代发展的需要、女性求知需要、自我实现需要"和"传统科学发展存在偏差、女性有未开发的智力和性别优势、女性有独特的关注内容、研究方法"等女性与科学关联的角度进行剖析,为女性进入科学提供一个新的合理性和内在逻辑可能。  相似文献   

连煦 《学理论》2012,(18):94-95
严格地说,族群是一个文化概念,而阶级主要是一个政治经济概念。但在现实中,族群和阶级经常是纠缠在一起的。阶级边界和族群边界都不是岿然不动的,在一定的社会历史条件下,族群和阶级的边界就会淡化、消解、或者镶嵌和嫁接在一起。  相似文献   

何玉叶  闻素琴 《学理论》2015,(7):143-145
近年来,暴力伤医事件频频发生,医患关系恶化。构建和谐医患关系,应增加卫生经费投入、合理配置医疗资源,从根本上解决群众看病难、看病贵问题,让公立医院真正回归公益;媒体应为建立和谐医患关系提供正能量,坚持正确的舆论导向;加强医患沟通,增进医患相互理解、换位思考;完善医疗风险分担机制,健全解决医患纠纷的相关法律法规,对暴力伤医行为零容忍。  相似文献   

Miller  Louise Byer 《Publius》1987,17(2):85-92
This article examines selected Burger Court cases concerningmunicipal antitrust immunity in order to determine whether theU.S. Supreme Court has a theoretical perspective on the relationshipbetween the states and their municipalities. After delineatingthe constitutional position of municipalities through an examinationof key Court cases and Dillon's rule, the study explores thederivative status of state-action immunity to municipalitiesin antitrust suits. In two significant cases, including oneinvolving a home rule city, the Burger Court has refused togrant municipalities the state-action exemption granted statesunder the Sherman Act. But, in reinforcing the unitary relationshipbetween the states and their municipalities, the Court has notaddressed Dillon's rule or the ambiguities inherent in denyingmunicipalities the residual powers of local self-government.  相似文献   

Reexamining the relationship between the on-line and memory-based information processing models, this study presents a theoretical basis for the co-occurrence of on-line and memory-based processes and proposes a hybrid model. The study empirically tests the hybrid model by employing real-time tracking of participants?? reactions to two candidates in a US presidential primary election debate. The findings confirm an independent, but complementary relationship between on-line and memory-based information processing in an individual??s candidate evaluation and vote choice. The co-occurrence of the two modes applies to an individual??s comparison of candidates as well. The implications of the hybrid model for the functioning of democracy are discussed.  相似文献   

牢记初心使命与推进自我革命互为前提、相得益彰。从理论逻辑来看,牢记初心使命与推进自我革命本质一致;从历史逻辑来看,牢记初心使命与推进自我革命相辅相成;从现实逻辑来看,牢记初心使命与推进自我革命互为动力。揭示牢记初心使命与推进自我革命的内在蕴涵,打开牢记初心使命与推进自我革命在理论维度、时间维度和空间维度相互联结的视野,既有助于全党深入开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育活动,也有助于增强新时代中国共产党人勇于刀刃向内、不断自我革命的精神力量,从而锤炼政治品格,锻造过硬本领,永葆党的本色,始终如一践行初心,勇担使命。  相似文献   

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