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基因隐私权的主旨在于公民有权对自己的基因信息予以隐瞒和维护,不被外界非法知悉。而基因知情权则是相关权利主体有权依法知悉和了解基因信息,保障其知情的权利。文章通过对两者在理论和实践中的冲突进行分析研究,指出其利益均衡点,从而实现维护整个社会公平正义的目的。  相似文献   

隐私权是公民一项独立的人格权,网络隐私权是传统隐私权在网络空间中的延伸,仍然属于人格权的范畴.为适应社会、技术的发展和公民对个人隐私信息保护的需求,应通过立法、行业自律、国际合作、技术保护以及提高公民隐私权保护意识等系统化的保护措施来保障个人在网络社会的隐私权,建立健全网络隐私权保护体系.加大保护公民网络隐私权的力度,尤其是要加大和明确企业在保护公民网络隐私权方面的责任与义务,以保护公民在网络时代的基本权益.  相似文献   

法庭科学DNA数据库是打击犯罪的有力武器,但其同时对公民的隐私权构成了严重威胁。为保护公民隐私权,西方国家在建立和运用DNA数据库时普遍遵循以下规律:在立法模式上,遵循先立法、后建立数据库的路径;在价值取向上,关注对公民隐私权的保护;在制度建构上,强化对数据库的监督和制约。我国在推进法庭科学DNA数据库建设的过程中存在很多问题,应当借鉴西方国家的成功经验进行改革与完善。  相似文献   

近年来,出于对公共安全的重视,各国(地)行政当局争先恐后地推出了各种采集公民指纹的政策。除引起社会上的莫大轰动以外,这种行为的合法性目前仍是社会舆论的焦点所在。一方面,这无疑是行政机关本着维护公共秩序,保障公众安全的精神而展开的行动;然则另一方面,收集指纹的行为难免会牵涉到公民的隐私权问题。行政机关采集公民指纹的依据何在,需要得到法律的积极回应。  相似文献   

靳爱国 《法制与社会》2011,(23):221+242-221,242
公共场所视频监控装置的增多,一方面维护了公共安全,另一方面也引起了有关对公民隐私权侵犯的争议。本文阐述了公民在公共场所是否享有隐私权,以及公共场所视频监控系统下如何对公民隐私权进行保护的问题。  相似文献   

谭韵珊 《法制与经济》2009,(2):47-48,50
近年来,出于对公共安全的重视,各国(地)行政当局争先恐后地推出了各种采集公民指纹的政策。除引起社会上的莫大轰动以外,这种行为的合法性目前仍是社会舆论的焦点所在。一方面,这无疑是行政机关本着维护公共秩序,保障公众安全的精神而展开的行动;然则另一方面,收集指纹的行为难免会牵涉到公民的隐私权问题。行政机关采集公民指纹的依据何在,需要得到法律的积极回应。  相似文献   

1997年刑法实施十年来,在维护国家安全、维护社会稳定、促进经济发展、保障公民合法权利等方面发挥了重要作用,同时在一定程度上也实现了刑法规范内容和立法技术的发展进步。可以说,1997刑法在服务中国特色社会主义事业和推进国家民主法治  相似文献   

视频监控技术是一把"双刃剑",它在给社会带来便利与安全的同时,也将在一定程度上影响到相关人的私生活,尤其是滥用公共视频监控信息必将构成对公民隐私权的侵害。本文从相关的基本范畴谈起,尤其结合中西方的相关法律规定,深入分析和探讨我国在公共场所安装、使用视频监控系统对公民隐私权的影响,  相似文献   

马文政 《刑警与科技》2007,(8A):112-119
目前,随着我国各城市安全防范系统的逐步建立、完善,摄像头,又称“电子眼”,如雨后春笋般出现在各公共场所的每个角落,被老百姓形容为“满城尽是电子眼”,“探头城市”。摄像头是一把“双刃剑”,它在致力于维护公共安全的同时,也为不法侵害公民隐私权的行为提供了便利途径。一时间,社会上侵害隐私权的事件层出不穷。在此背景下,公共场合下公民的隐私权的保护成为社会上的热点话题。笔者针对实地调研中发现的问题来论述公民在公共场合下的隐私权,并分类对隐私权与相关权利间的冲突及价值衡量的标准进行研究。[编者按]  相似文献   

辩证地对待公众人物的隐私权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公众人物是公民,是民法规定的民事主体中的自然人。公众人物作为社会大众中的一员,无可争议地享有隐私权。但公众人物有是特殊的社会成员其隐私权不能无条件地对抗社会公众的知情权,公众人物隐私权的保护范围要受到公共利益、公众知情权、权利人同意及公共场所等必要限制.同时,不同类型公众人物隐私权的保护范围也应有所区别。本文就此问题作了概述,并提出了一些看法和建议。  相似文献   

Data protection and privacy gain social importance as technology and data flows play an ever greater role in shaping social structure. Despite this, understanding of public opinion on these issues is conspicuously lacking. This article is a meta-analysis of public opinion surveys on data protection and privacy focussed on EU citizens. The article firstly considers the understanding and awareness of the legal framework for protection as a solid manifestation of the complex concepts of data protection and privacy. This is followed by a consideration of perceptions of privacy and data protection in relation to other social goals, focussing on the most visible of these contexts–the debate surrounding privacy, data protection and security. The article then considers how citizens perceive the ‘real world’ environment in which data processing takes place, before finally considering the public's perception and evaluation of the operation of framework against environment.  相似文献   

The advent of DNA databanks: implications for information privacy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genetic identification tests -- better known as DNA profiling -- currently allow criminal investigators to connect suspects to physical samples retrieved from a victim or the scene of a crime. A controversial yet acclaimed expansion of DNA analysis is the creation of a massive databank of genetic codes. This Note explores the privacy concerns arising out of the collection and retention of extremely personal information in a central database. The potential for unauthorized access by those not investigating a particular crime compels the implementation of national standards and stringent security measures.  相似文献   

浅析突发事件中的信息自由与信息管制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息自由作为一项基本人权理当受法律保护,但基于个人隐私、国家利益、社会安全等法理,对信息的搜集、传播、公开,进行一定限制也是必要的。以我国突发事件中政府保障信息自由和限制信息流动的实际为出发点,透过比较法的视角,对政府在突发事件中保障公众信息自由的适宜路径,政府实施信息管制的正当性法理、具体标准以及程序要求等法律问题进行探索,具有实际意义。  相似文献   

An imaginary lawsuit is discussed wherein the issues involved in public abortion-funding and population control are brought out. Issues raised are: 1) the public hospital's charter which authorizes "medically necessary" abortions; 2) the constitutionality of state action providing free medical treatment for indigent women seeking abortions but not providing free antenatal and childbirth services; and 4) the individual rights of privacy, due process of law, and equal protection under the law.  相似文献   

为应对现代化进程中的社会风险,安抚公众对风险的恐慌情绪,公共空间大规模监控随之诞生,并迅速在现实社会和网络空间中全面运用。公共治理不能取安全保障而舍隐私保护,公共空间大规模监控的运用并非以牺牲隐私权为代价,而是在保障安全法益的同时兼顾隐私法益的保护。在此"既保障安全,又保护隐私"的法理念下,公共空间大规模监控的运用体现了风险治理从个人本位走向社会本位的转变趋势,并促进了个人信息保护从自主支配到有序共享的逻辑转换。为寻求安全保障与隐私保护之间的平衡路径,在公共空间合理运用大规模监控措施,就必须加强信息收集、存储、使用的阶段性控制,建立个人信息合理使用制度,实现个人信息的有序共享。  相似文献   

The Smart Meter Implementation Programme is the Government's flagship energy policy. In its search for solutions to address privacy dilemmas raised by smart meters, the Government has been content with using data protection principles as a policy framework to regulate the processing of consumers' personal information. This is worrying since the question of who has access to what type of information and how it is used cannot simply be regarded as raising information security, authenticity and integrity issues. If we are to go beyond the rhetoric of protecting the privacy rights of energy consumers we must scrutinise the context in which legitimate interests and reasonable expectations of privacy subsist. To remedy this apparent policy oversight, the paper undertakes two tasks: first, to clarify the content and application of data protection and privacy rights to smart meters; and second, it outlines a policy framework that will address the lack of specificity on how best innovation and privacy issues can be better calibrated. More importantly, it calls for targeted substantive reforms, development of accessible privacy policies and information management practices that promote transparency and accountability and deployment of technological solutions that will help reduce emerging fault lines between innovation and privacy in this sphere of energy policymaking.  相似文献   

Technology invades a person's privacy but this has been justified in law on public security grounds. The more technology advances, the more difficult it is to control its privacy intrusive use. This paper argues that there are a number of difficulties posed by such use concerning the respect of one's privacy. The meaning of ‘public security’ is not entirely clear and there are various laws which authorise the invasion of privacy for public security reasons. Technology is developing at such a fast pace and in a more diffused manner without taking on board its privacy implications whilst technological privacy enhancement mechanisms are not catching up. The law of privacy is not sufficiently elaborate and is slow in coming to terms to deal with these novel situations posed by rapid technological advances. The paper thus develops universally legally binding minimum core principles that could be applied indiscriminately to all privacy intrusive technology.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on privacy and security concerns in Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems and paves the way towards a roadmap for solving security and privacy concerns in RFID systems. RFID systems have captured much interest around the World. The technology has many advantages and applications in a real world situation. Examples of such scenarios will be discussed in this paper.This paper reviews privacy and security concerns within the context of the advantages the technology offers and reviews solutions to overcome the privacy and security challenges. However, this research found that many proposed technological solutions are not “bullet proof” and policy regulations have to be employed as well. Few such RFID policies have been proposed. However, this paper argues that users/consumers of RFID systems should be given the mandate to have control over their products and systems and in order to fully address solution to the security concerns.  相似文献   

胡玉桃 《时代法学》2014,12(5):108-113
宪法解释是法院依照宪法审理案件、体现对社会动态合宪性评价的重要方式。通过对有关种族隔离案件的裁决,美国最高法院在推翻种族隔离、发展民权运动的历程中扮演着重要角色。本文选取三个典型案例——使"平等隔离"理论合宪化的"普莱西案"、推翻"平等隔离"理论的"布朗第一案"和将"平等保护"条款适用于联邦政府的"特区学校第一案"——阐述原旨主义与非原旨主义的论争以及历史解释和结构解释等宪法解释方法的运用。多种宪法解释方法时常结合使用,在具体案件审理中可能需要综合予以考虑。  相似文献   

市民社会理论早已突破了国家与市民社会"二元对立"的传统范式,实现了重大发展并对当代法治变革具有重要意义.它不仅是西方的经验和逻辑,也展现了对人类现代性命运和前途的深层关怀.中国的改革开放和市场经济发展同样展现了国家与社会分离的现实进程,这说明市民社会理论可以用于中国的分析,培育和构建中国市民社会也是可能和必要的.法治的历史发展和当代变革表明,市民社会是法治得以生成和运行的必要社会土壤,依法治国进程中法治"表面化"倾向的根本症结就在于忽略了这一土壤,因此,必须把市民社会的培育和构建确立为中国法治进路的根本面向和社会根基.  相似文献   

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