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Suzanne Uniacke, Permissible Killing: The Self-Defence Justification for Homicide , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, ix + 244 pp, hb £35.00.  相似文献   

网络攻击往往由非国家行为体发起,实践中亦罕见有国家主动承认对网络攻击负责的实例。相应地,由于网络攻击的溯源存在技术、政治和法律方面的难题,受害国很难在传统自卫权的框架下对来自他国的网络攻击行使自卫权。非国家行为体尚不能构成传统武力攻击情境下的自卫权行使对象,更不宜成为网络空间自卫权的行使对象。作为替代,近年来将"不能够或不愿意"理论适用于网络空间自卫权的主张"甚嚣尘上"。"不能够或不愿意"理论表面上具有一定的正当性,但从既有国家归因标准和常规的自卫必要性的角度来看,该理论本质上缺乏实然法层面的法律依据,而且在适用时将面临一系列的法律不确定性。中国在参与网络空间国际造法的进程中,应当警惕将非国家行为体作为网络空间自卫权行使对象的主张,并应努力防止"不能够或不愿意"理论的引入和滥用,以遏制网络空间的军事化。  相似文献   

赵霞 《法学评论》2020,(2):185-196
相比于中国正当防卫的理论与实践,普通法的正当防卫制度似乎能更全面、更有效地保护公民合法权益。首先,其防卫必要性要件采主观标准;紧迫性并不是独立于必要性之外的要件,且防卫人没有退避义务。其次,其合理性要件采客观标准,以防卫人主观上认识的事实为基础,引入理性一般人的判断标准。再次,如果起初的受害者使用不相称之武力反击起初的攻击者,以致二人角色反转,那么起初的攻击者可以援引正当防卫。最后,合意互殴的参与者只有在有效退出互殴并且将退出意愿明确传达给对方的情形下,才能重获正当防卫的权利。本文认为,防卫过当可作为部分之可宥辩护事由。  相似文献   

“集体自卫权”是现代国际法给予主权国家的一项固有权利,也是维护本国利益和同盟安全的重要法律制度.由于“二战”的历史原因,日本现行《宪法》第9条中明确规定禁止行使集体自卫权.但因冷战影响、日美同盟以及近年来日本政坛“向右转”,这一所谓的和平宪法原则遭到持续践踏和严重挑战.本文通过对日本现行宪法相关内容成因和沿革的分析,力求阐释其对日本国内政治、亚州国家及国际秩序的重要影响,以期引起包括中国在内的国际社会更加高度的重视和警惕,并运用相应举措对日本右翼势力的修宪图谋给予必要的国际制约.  相似文献   

Despite extensive debate, accounts of the Rule of Law remain strikingly vague and imprecise. This paper begins the task of remedying this situation through the development of an analytically rigorous theory of the Rule of Law. First, it offers a preliminary sketch of a concept of law; second, it shows how the principles traditionally associated with the Rule of Law can be intrinsically connected with this concept of law; and third, it shows how these principles place meaningful restrictions on what states can and cannot do. Further components of the overall project are gestured toward in the paper's conclusion. Apart from advancing the broader goal of developing a complete theory of the Rule of Law, a paper of even this limited scope will be helpful in imposing some much-needed conceptual discipline over the Rule of Law debate.  相似文献   

In its recent Wall Opinion, the International Court of Justicegave rather short shrift to Israel’s claims that the constructionof the wall could be justified as an act of self-defence inthe sense of Article 51 United Nations Charter. This articleassesses the Court’s approach and places it in the broadercontext of ICJ pronouncements on the use of force. It suggeststhat the Court failed to appreciate the complex legal problemsto which Israel’s claim gave rise, in particular the problemof self-defence against attacks by non-state actors. It showsthat the Court’s restrictive understanding of self-defence,while following the 1986 merits judgment in the Nicaragua case,is difficult to bring in line with modern state practice, andincreases the pressure to admit other, non-written, exceptionsto Article 2(4) of the UN Charter.  相似文献   

Interest in legal innovations, particularly in the criminal law realm, often centers on an innovation's emergence, but not its subsequent diffusion. Typifying this trend, existing accounts of the prison's historical roots persuasively explain the prison's “birth” in Jacksonian‐Era northern coastal cities, but not its subsequent rapid, widespread, and homogenous diffusion across a culturally, politically, and economically diverse terrain. Instead, this study offers a neo‐institutional account of the prison's diffusion, emphasizing the importance of national, field‐level pressures rather than local, contextual factors. This study distinguishes between the prison's innovation and early adoption, which can be explained by the need to replace earlier proto‐prisons, and its subsequent adoption, particularly in the South and frontier states, which was driven by the desire to conform to increasingly widespread practices. This study further attributes the isomorphic nature of the diffusion to institutional pressures, including uncertainty surrounding the new technology, pseudoprofessional penal reformers and their claims about competing models of confinement, and contingent historical factors that reinforced these institutional pressures. This study illustrates the importance of distinguishing between the motivations that initiate criminal law innovations and those that advance their diffusion.  相似文献   

进入90年代以来,以数字化为代表的电影艺术的技术性革命对电影化产生至关重要的影响。电影本体、电影机制、影像的美学意义、电影接受心理等理论课题都必须放置在崭新的技术语境中讨论才有意义。面对日新月异的数字化技术的迅速发展,我们既要考虑到以数字化技术为代表的科技发展对电影的促进作用,又要清醒地认识到高科技对电影艺术的负面影响,从而完成电影化对物质化的整合和超越。  相似文献   

ROBERT ALEXY 《Ratio juris》1992,5(3):231-251
Contemporary discussions about practical reason or practical rationality invoke four competing views which can be named as follows by reference to their historical models: Aristotelian, Hobbesian, Kantian and Nietzschean. The subject-matter of this article is a defence of the Kantian conception of practical rationality in the interpretation of discourse theory. At the heart, lies the justification and the application of the rules of discourse. An argument consisting of three parts is pre sented to justify the rules of discourse. The three parts are as follows: a transcen dental-pragmatic argument; an argument which takes account of the maximisation of individual utility and an empirical premise about an interest in correctness. Within the framework of the problem of application, the article outlines a justification of human rights and of the basic institutions of the democratic constitutional state on the basis of discourse theory.  相似文献   

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