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India, a large developing country with a population of 1.1 billion,has experienced robust economic growth in recent years. As its economic power steadily builds, its military might, diplomatic the ac-tivities and even its cultural influence are expanding, resulting in its strategic rise. The international community universally believes that India has set foot on the path to become a major power.  相似文献   

Japan's diplomacy related to the United Nations can be traced back to 1956 when it formally joined the United Nations. After raising the goal of becoming a "political power" in the 1980s, Japan, in order to boost its international status, has spared no efforts on enforcing its diplomacy toward the United Nations. Boasting the world's second largest economy, Japan, after the end of the Cold War, openly declared its pursuance of permanent membership of the UN Security Council and competed for a permanent seat on the Council respectively during the 50th and 60th Sessions of the UN General Assembly held in 1995 and 2005. Besides, by rallying G4, Japan also aligned with Germany, India and Brazil in jointly claiming permanent seats on the UN Security Council. Though suffering repeated setbacks, Japan has never given up its attempt in this regard.  相似文献   

China’s rise is accompanied by a corresponding growth in its international influence. Not only does this kind of influence have its roots in history and imagination,but it is also an inevitable result of China’s growing strength and economy over the past few decades.It is difficult to accurately quantify a country’s international influence.China’s growing international influence has its own distinct characteristics,marked by the country’s unique national interests.A more influential China is not only good for China’s own development;it is also good for the world.  相似文献   

The RMB's current international status is not fitting for the currency of the world's second largest economy,hence China has made RMB internationalization a key objective to support economic growth and a clear foreign strategic goal.Europe is home to many developed economies and is the cradle of modem finance.It uses a number of currencies including the euro,the pound sterling and others,but it has also strongly supported China's RMB.Indeed,Europe has acted a "breakthrough"2 for the currency's internationalization.The factors behind this merit further analysis.This article summarizes the main progress achieved by RMB internationalization,delves into why Europe has supported this and also elaborates on the future direction of RMB internationalization in a post-Brexit Europe.  相似文献   

Since the general election on May 20, 2004, the United Progressive Alliance led by the National Congress has rearranged Indian political stage, namely starting to decide the road for development. On July 8, the National Congress government published a new budget, which put the stress on assisting the poor, agriculture and education, and at the same time slowing down the process of privatization. The international community has showed low-key reflections on the budget but optimism for the economic prospect of India. The BJP government hoped to see a 7-8% economic growth rate in the fiscal year of 2004/05, but the Reserve Bank (Central Bank) of India expected a 6.5% increase. Since the National Congress took power, the economic growth rate remained at 7-8% till August, but the percent dropped to 6-7% as of September. No matter what growth rate, Indian economic development will produce an influence not only on the region but also on the world as well. Then how should China see and develop its economic/trade relations with India?……  相似文献   

Dao: As India always astonishes the world in many ways, the fi-nal result of the May election in India also makes people surprised. Weknow that while Bharatiya Janata Party (hereinafter refers to as BJP)took power, India's economy grew steadily, political situation remainedstable, its international status was on the increase, and India took on amomentum of "quick rise. " It is generally believed that the politicalachievements especially India's remarkable economic growth achievedunder BJ…  相似文献   

Just as President Boris Yeltsin needs recuperation this year after his heart by-pass operation last November, his country is also in need of recovery of its econom-ic and military strength for keeping social stability and Russia' s image as a big pow-er after a five-year-long continuous decline in the comprehensive national strength. The government budget has set the goal of a 2% GDP growth for 1997, cou-  相似文献   

As a consequence of rapid advancement of science and technology and economic globalization proceeding in depth in recent years, significant changes are taking place in the structure of the world economy. Most salient of all is the surge of emerging economies. The "BRIC"--Brazil, Russia, India and China--are experiencing rapid economic development and integrating themselves with the global economic system at an accelerating pace. This will not only have a powerful impact in the fields of economy, trade, finance, science and technology and culture across the world, but also significantly transfot-m the global balance of national economies. In his article carried in a recent issue of the U.S. Newsweek, Fareed Zakaria, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine's overseas edition, describes the three great power shifts over the past six centuries: The first one was the rise of the Western World around the 15m century; the second one, which took place in the closing years of the 19th century, was the rise of the United States; and the third is the current shift characterized by the rise of emerging powers other than the United States, which will usher in a "post-U.S. era".  相似文献   

India, a large developing country with a population of1.1 billion,has experienced robust economic growth in recent years. As its e-conomic power steadily builds, its military might, diplomatic the ac-tivities and even its cultural influence are expanding,…  相似文献   

Peripheral diplomacy tops China's overall diplomatic layout. Economic diplomacy has also increasingly become an importantpart of Chinese diplomacy. Therefore, it is of important strategic significance to promote economic diplomacy in the surrounding areas. For China, now is a conflict-prone period in relations with its neighboring countries, a sensitive time of American rebalancing to Asia Pacific and a period of development bottlenecks in the peaceful rise of China. It is an important strategic issue for China to figure out how to join neighboring countries to achieve an inclusive growth and symbiotic development, to translate its economic influence in the surrounding areas into political influence, and to better safeguard national interests and improve diplomatic influence.  相似文献   

Southeast Asia is an important region in China's neighboring diplomacy and the focus has been on its good neighbor policy.After China andASEAN set up a dialogue-partnership in 1991, their relations have progressed substantially.China now has a strategic partnership with ASEAN and has also taken the initiative in building good economic, trade,security and cultural ties with ASEAN member states.China is currently ASEAN's largest trading partner, while ASEAN is China's third largest trading partner.Beijing, however, has mostly ignored security ties and cultural exchanges with the region over economic cooperation.This has led to a number of security issues and perception problems that have gradually hindered bilateral ties.Most recently, China changed its Southeast Asia policy after holding the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the Neighboring Diplomacy Work Conference, and recent visits by China's top leaders to regional countries.These changes will form the foundation of a grand blueprint for the future development of Sino-ASEAN relations.  相似文献   

The United States is the world's largest economy and China is ranked number four; together the two countries comprise one third of the global economy. 40% of the international economic growth is sustained by the two countries. In terms of international trade, the United States and China are the first and the third largest trading nations respectively. Trade developments of these two countries have a huge impact on international imports and exports.  相似文献   

As world consumption of energy grows fast, the proven petro- leum reserves are limited in today's world, and the oil price fluctuates and most often soars up sharply, energy has become a most crucial factor in the world economy and the energy security problem has increasingly become an important focus of attention for the international community. Owing to the big size and the fast growth-rate of China's economy, it is only too natural that China's energy situation, including its energy import, and its energy policy and strategy have been watched closely and discussed extensively by the whole world with wide-spread interest. It might be useful for this paper to give a brief account of the actual situation of China's energy production and consumption and China's relevant strategy for energy security.  相似文献   

The paper seeks to analyze the rise of state power in the light of spatial economic shifts and examines the historical context of China's rise and challenges facing it. In world history, only countries that were spatial economic hubs have been able to enjoy prosperity over centuries. China is not yet such a country, despite its persistent efforts. Nor is China likely to become an economic hub in the foreseeable future. China is under mounting pressure from new economic demands posed by shifts in the geo-economic status of the U.S.. The fact that the global economy thrives along coastlines also causes problems for China, a country with a long coastline and a vast hinterland, creating rifts between northern and southern China, central and local governments, and different provinces. All these factors might well hinder China's development in the future.  相似文献   

China’s economy has soared to be world’s second largest, while its peaceful rise has been increasingly constrained by the global economic order. Regionally, directed by the U.S.’s rebalancing policy in Asia, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) is changing the direction of economic cooperation in Asia.  相似文献   

The Chinese model has a fairly big influence in Africa. Ever since reform and opening-up, China has been focusing on the central task of economic construction, which brought rapid economic growth, strengthening comprehensive national power, improving lives of the people and extending international influence. The success of the Chinese model has aroused much interest in the world, especially Africa, and produced positive effects. It is the outcome of a combination of several factors, such as the attraction of China's development, the impetus produced by that development and the appeal of China's friendly policies. Nevertheless, China is not going to sell its model and ultimately Africa has to carve out its own way of development.  相似文献   

正In 2013,under the circumstance of meager recovery and continued sluggish economic growth of the whole world,China’s economy still maintained a growth rate of 7.7 per cent and the economic aggregate jumped onto a new stage-it was predicted that the share of China’s economy in the global aggregate could exceed 12 per cent compared with only 2% in 1980.The status of China as an important global economic power has been entrenched and the rise of the manufacturing  相似文献   

China’s surrounding areas are in a special transition period necessitated by China’s peaceful rise and the adjustment of its Asian strategy.In2014,these neighboring areas inherited the development trend of the previous three years,coaxing out changes that we are beginning to see.Changes in world economic growth,America’s rebalancing strategy,and alterations in Sino-Japanese relations are direct results of China’s rise,and other development trends are in the offing.The high-speed growth stage for Asian emerging economies has come to an end.Moderate growth in parallel with reform is the new norm in Asian economy.Due to the collective slowing of emerging economies,  相似文献   

Asia’s rise has caused waves in terms of both geopolitics and the global economy in the 21st Century. Its rise is also poised to heavily influence future global growth. Many scholars are talking about the eastwards migration of global power and debating who will emerge as a leading power in Asia. While the rise has caused rifts in regional cooperation mechanisms it has also created many channels for Asia’s development path. How should we look at Asia’s rise? How can we ride these changes and how can we create a win-win situation for all Asian countries? How do we ensure that Asia has a bright future? These questions merit the careful attention of academics in political and economic fields in China, Asia and the rest of the world.  相似文献   

Many Chinese scholars have described China as the world's second biggest power after the U.S.. This is based on two facts. First, China overtook Japan in total economic output measured by GDP in 2010 to become the world's second biggest economy. Some scholars argue that China still lags behind the U.S. in comprehensive national power and in this sense it is also ranked second) The other is that Sino-U.S. relations are frequently described as the rise and fall of big powers, especially when referring to the Asia-Pacific region. It is the latest example of how relations between a rising power and one struggling to maintain its status have been so complex in the long history of international relations. While many people talk about the possibility that China will overtake the U.S. in the future, others talk about a G2.2 If we look closely at global trends and changes to China' s international environment, if we examine what exactly we mean by power status, we will have a much deeper understanding of China' s current power status from which we can build a solid foundation for this country' s foreign strategy and diplomacy.  相似文献   

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