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目的为我国酒后驾车立法方面的后续工作提供参考与借鉴。方法对不同国家酒后驾车的血液乙醇浓度界值、检测方法选择以及相应处罚等进行比较。结果目前世界各国此方面立法的变化趋势为:(1)1BAC界值普遍下降。(2)对不同驾驶员的具体BAC值作出不同规定。(3)对酒后驾车的处罚越来越严厉。结论建议我国有关立法机构:(1)广泛开展道路交通安全教育;(2)规定最小饮酒年龄和驾车年龄;(3)对不同驾驶员规定不同的BAC酒后驾车和醉酒驾车界值;(4)政府给交警部门配备合适的检测仪器;(5)加大处罚力度。  相似文献   

我国酒后驾车BAC标准及检测程序等问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酒后驾车,是全球引起交通事故的重要原因,国外对此的检测、处罚等都已有相当成熟的管理。但目前我国对酒后驾车引起的交通事故的处理,还没有统一的标准,即使实行了血液或呼气酒精检测的省市,其操作和检测等也很不完善。已颁布的新的《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》对酒后驾车的处罚做了修改,但关于确定酒后驾车酒精检测值标准及如何实施酒精检测等诸方面的工作,尚缺乏可操作性,本文就酒后驾车认定标准、呼气检测证据价值、事故发生时血液中酒精浓度推算、血液检测程序及注意事项等相关问题进行探讨,以期规范化此方面的工作。  相似文献   

霸州市位于津京保三角地带,交通非常发达,由于一些驾驶员法律观念淡薄,时有酒后开车造成交通事故。本文收集280例案例,对酒精检验情况作一分析。  相似文献   

血液中乙醇检测结果的法医学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的对交通事故中血液中乙醇检测结果进行法医学分析。方法从检测方法、血液采集方法、采集时间、血液保存、尸体腐败、饮酒量与血液中乙醇质量浓度关系等方面进行血液中乙醇检测结果的法医学分析。结果检测方法、血液采集方法、采集时间、血液保存、尸体腐败等因素直接影响血液中乙醇检测结果。结论为保证交通执法的公正性,对血液中乙醇检测结果应当作法医学分析。  相似文献   

成都地区酒后驾车交通事故的流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解成都地区酒后驾车交通事故的流行病学特点,为预防酒后驾驶提供科学依据。方法回顾性分析2004—2008年成都市交通事故档案资料,酒后驾车组为病例组,非酒后驾车组为对照组,对其驾驶员性别、年龄、交通方式、事故发生的时间、事故特点及损害后果等进行统计学分析。结果酒后驾车交通事故发生时间主要集中在14:00-8:00及20:00-01:00,一年中1月、2月酒后驾驶交通事故较其他月份高;发生单车事故、碰撞固定物、追尾、翻车事故及发生事故后逃逸病理组明显高于对照组:对他人及驾驶员本人造成的伤害病理组均明显较对照组严重。结论酒后驾驶对社会的危害性很大,应针对其流行病学特点.采取相应措施,预防酒后驾驶交通事故。  相似文献   

乙醇、乙醛慢代谢与酒后驾车肇事   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在体内乙醇代谢过程中起重要作用的酶有乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)、乙醛脱氢酶(ALDH)和细胞色素P4502E1酶(CYP2E1),它们均具有基因多态性,不同基因型个体对乙醇的耐受性存在差别,表现为酒后的行为反应能力不同。司机若为慢代谢型,乙醇、乙醛代谢速率低下,即使少量饮酒,酒后开车也可造成交通肇事。通过对ADH、ALDH和CYP2E1基因多态性与乙醇、乙醛代谢能力的关系进行综述。  相似文献   

<正>1案例1.1简要案情案例1:2016年2月某日零时许,杨某驾车在某地与赵某发生交通事故,抽取杨某静脉血,对乙醇含量进行检测。案例2:2016年2月某日7时许,某村发现一具男性尸体,提取死者心血进行乙醇含量检测。两个案例中血液均保存于抗凝管中,无血凝块,未腐败。1.2检测方法  相似文献   

血液中乙醇质量浓度是分析评价机体内乙醇水平的重要证据,由于尸体内检测到乙醇可能受死后生成、乙醇扩散等因素影响,尸体血液中乙醇质量浓度检测结果未必能反映其死亡时机体内乙醇的真实水平。鉴别尸体内乙醇是否为原始浓度是分析评价的关键。本文对乙醇在体内的分布特点、如何合理取材及死后乙醇扩散、尸体腐败产生的乙醇对乙醇质量浓度分析的影响进行了综述,并对死后乙醇质量浓度检测的分析评价策略进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的探讨涉嫌酒后驾驶所致道路交通事故中人体损伤情况与驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度关系,为预防、控制道路交通事故及人体损伤提供依据。方法对467例涉嫌酒后驾驶机动车的道路交通事故损伤人员相关鉴定资料与肇事驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度进行系统分析性研究。结果涉嫌酒后驾驶发生道路交通事故的损伤人员中,以20~39岁男性居多;事故中驾驶员损伤机率最高;酒后交通事故以长头小车及摩托车最多,而驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)为0.1~20mg/100mL浓度的摩托车驾乘人员伤亡构成比最高;酒后驾驶机动车肇事导致的人体致命性损伤及人员死亡的饮酒组危险程度均高于未饮酒组,在驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)为0.1~20mg/100mL组与20.1~80mg/100mL组比较无明显差异。结论酒后驾驶肇事导致的人员伤亡比未饮酒驾车交通事故严重;未达酒后驾车组(BAC为0.1~20mg/100mL)和酒后驾车组(BAC为20.1~80mg/100mL)交通事故导致的人员伤亡无明显差异。研究结果提示,应降低饮酒后驾车血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)法定标准阈值,进一步控制和减少道路交通事故人身伤亡率。  相似文献   

目的通过比较内标法和外标法对血液乙醇含量检测结果,探讨外标法在法医学实践中的应用价值。方法通过收集2005年10月~2006年12月间本中心符合检测要求的血液样品263例,每例分别采用内标法和外标法进行血液样品乙醇含量检测,比较其检测结果。结果外标法检测时间短(2.5min),用量0.5ml,而内标法检测时间长(6.5min),样品量1.0ml;外标法检测血乙醇平均浓度为89.30mg/100ml,内标法检测血乙醇平均浓度为92.37mg/100ml,P=0.001。结论外标法检测时间短(2.5min),用量少,节约检材,可作为大量待测血液样本的筛选检查手段。  相似文献   

Legal driving limits are set coequally with 0.5 g/L blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or 0.25 mg/L breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) in Austria as well as in other European countries. As mostly some time elapses between BrAC measurement and driving offence, a back calculation of alcohol concentrations is often required. The calculation of hourly BrAC elimination rates can thereby help to avoid unnecessary variances. A study with 59 participants was performed under social conditions. BrAC was determined with the legally accredited Alcotest 7110 MK III A every 30 min, and concomitantly venous blood samples were drawn. Five hundred and four BrAC/BAC value pairs were evaluated. The overall mean peak BrAC was calculated with 0.456 mg/L (±0.119 mg/L standard deviation). The mean hourly BrAC elimination rate was overall determined with 0.082 mg/L per h (0.050–0.114, 95% range). Mean rate of females (0.087 mg/L h−1) and the according 95% limits were statistically significantly higher than of males (mean rate 0.078 mg/L h−1, p < 0.04). Our results confirm the possibility to implement hourly BrAC elimination rates, provided that adequate statistical ranges and basic forensic scientific rules that have been set up for alcohol back calculations are observed.  相似文献   

This study aims to contribute to the analysis of the impact of alcohol consumption on road traffic safety in Slovenia and to evaluate the effectiveness of the changes in road traffic safety legislation concerning this issue within the period 1980–2006. For this purpose we have performed a retrospective analysis of 1913 autopsy reports on traffic casualties, with an emphasis on their blood alcohol concentration (BAC), mode of participation in traffic (drivers, pedestrians, etc.) and the impact of legislation changes. In addition, we have analysed the relations between BAC, the time and day of death and the gender of victims. Changes in the legislation were made in 1981, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1998 and 2005, yet only those made in 1981, 1990 and 1998 resulted in the increase of the actual fines. Within the observed period there was a substantial reduction in the average BAC in almost all of the categories of traffic participants (pedestrians: from 1.20 to 0.73; passengers: from 1.08 to 0.56; cyclists: from 1.11 to 0.56; motorcyclists: from 0.68 to 0.33) except in the category of drivers (negligible reduction from 0.81 to 0.76). Insufficient improvement in the latter category is extremely important, because many sober vulnerable traffic participants become victims of drunk drivers. Further concern arises from the finding that heavily drinking drivers are not responsive to penalty increases. We came to the conclusion that, in addition to raising fines and expanding penalty points, the introduction and effective enforcement of complex legislative measures together with wide community action are necessary to resolve DUI problems in Slovenia.  相似文献   

目的探索饮酒后人体内血醇浓度(BAC)变化及其影响因素,建立BAC代谢的数学模型。方法采用顶空气相色谱氢火焰离子化检测器和内标曲线法测量酒后人体内的BAC,利用SPSS20.0和R软件对数据进行相关性分析并建立数学模型。结果女性的平均BAC消除速率为9.54mg/100m L/h,男性的平均BAC消除速率为12.19mg/100m L/h,女性消除速率小于男性,并且BAC消除速率与性别中等相关,与体重强相关,与年龄无关。通过构建混合效应模型可以准确的预测BAC,该模型的平均绝对误差(MAE)为1.60mg/100m L,其次利用决策树分析数据,其MAE为9.99mg/100m L。结论饮酒后人体内BAC消除速率与性别、体重有关,通过时间、饮酒量、性别、体重建立混合效应模型可以准确推断BAC。  相似文献   

The prevalence and types of crime offences, as well as predictors of relapse, among drivers suspected of driving under influence (DUI) were investigated. A total of 1830 Swedish DUI drivers responded to the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test — AUDIT. Information about previous DUI offences, other traffic offences along with other types of criminal offences was taken from a crime register. A total criminality (including all traffic offences) of 64% in the period of five years before investigation was analyzed. 40% of the sample had other criminality besides traffic violations during that period. 14.3% of the drivers relapsed to DUI in the two-year period after the investigation. In terms of DUI relapse, the following factors were the main predictors: previous traffic violations, previous DUI offences, previous other criminality (frauds or other acts of dishonesty) and detection hours between 12.00 and 19.00. Detection in general traffic controls and high BAC (blood alcohol concentration) when detected were the strongest factors with negative correlation to DUI re-offence.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that sleep deprivation (SD) produces cognitive impairment similar to that caused by alcohol intoxication. Individual studies suggest that SD also causes deficits in motor skills that could be mistaken for intoxication. Consequently, SD often is used as a defense when an impaired driver is charged with driving while intoxicated. Twenty-nine adult subjects participated in two test sessions each, one after a full night's rest and the other after wakefulness of at least 24 h. Subjects consumed prescribed amounts of alcohol during each session. Law enforcement officers conducted field sobriety tests identical to those with which a driver would be assessed at roadside. Researchers also measured clinical responses of visual function and vital signs. The presence and number of validated impairment clues increase with increasing blood alcohol concentration but not with SD. Thus, SD does not affect motor skills in a manner that would lead an officer to conclude that the suspect is intoxicated, unless intoxication also is present.  相似文献   

Blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) and corresponding breath alcohol concentrations (BrAC) were determined for 21,582 drivers apprehended by New Zealand police. BAC was measured using headspace gas chromatography, and BrAC was determined with Intoxilyzer 5000 or Seres Ethylometre infrared analysers. The delay (DEL) between breath testing and blood sampling ranged from 0.03 to 5.4 h. BAC/BrAC ratios were calculated before and after BAC values were corrected for DEL using 19 mg/dL/h as an estimate of the blood alcohol clearance rate. Calculations were performed for single and duplicate breath samples obtained using the Intoxilyzer (groups I-1 and I-2) and Seres devices (groups S-1 and S-2). Before correction for DEL, BAC/BrAC ratios for groups I-1, I-2, S-1, and S-2 were (mean+/-SD) 2320+/-260, 2180+/-242, 2330+/-276, and 2250+/-259, respectively. After BAC values were adjusted for DEL, BAC/BrAC ratios for these groups were (mean+/-SD) 2510+/-256, 2370+/-240, 2520+/-280, and 2440+/-260, respectively. Our results indicate that in New Zealand the mean BAC/BrAC ratio is 19-26% higher than the ratio of the respective legal limits (2000).  相似文献   

It is common for forensic practitioners to calculate an individual's likely blood alcohol concentration following the consumption of alcoholic beverage(s) for legal purposes, such as in driving under the influence (DUI) cases. It is important in these cases to be able to give the uncertainty of measurement on any calculated result, for this reason uncertainty data for the variables used for any calculation are required. In order to determine the uncertainty associated with the alcohol concentration of beer in the UK the alcohol concentration (%v/v) of 218 packaged beers (112 with an alcohol concentration of ≤5.5%v/v and 106 with an alcohol concentration of >5.5%v/v) were tested using an industry standard near infra-red (NIR) analyser. The range of labelled beer alcohol by volume (ABV's) tested was 3.4%v/v – 14%v/v. The beers were obtained from a range of outlets throughout the UK over a period of 12?months. The root mean square error (RMSE) was found to be ±0.43%v/v (beers with declared %ABV of ≤5.5%v/v) and ±0.53%v/v (beers with declared %ABV of >5.5%v/v) the RMSE for all beers was ±0.48%v/v. The standard deviation from the declared %ABV is larger than those previously utilised for uncertainty calculations and illustrates the importance of appropriate experimental data for use in the determination of uncertainty in forensic calculations.  相似文献   

The State of Michigan uses the Datamaster as an evidential breath testing device. The newest version, the DMT, will replace current instruments in the field as they are retired from service. The Michigan State Police conducted comparison studies to test the analytical properties of the new instrument and to evaluate its response to conditions commonly cited in court defenses. The effects of mouth alcohol, objects in the mouth, and radiofrequency interference on paired samples from drinking subjects were assessed on the DMT. The effects of sample duration and chemical interferents were assessed on both instruments, using drinking subjects and wet-bath simulators, respectively. Our testing shows that Datamaster and DMT results are essentially identical; the DMT gave accurate readings as compared with measurements made using simulators containing standard ethanol solutions and that the DMT did not give falsely elevated breath alcohol results from any of the influences tested.  相似文献   

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