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论现代官僚制的双重困境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
官僚制作为一种政府组织体制,奉行效率优先,体现了时代的工具理性精神.然而它面临着内外双重困境.在官僚政府内,有官僚体制与行政人员之间、行政目的与行政手段之间、政务官与常务官之间、官僚体制内部结构矛盾等四大矛盾;在外部环境上有官僚制与民主政治体制的矛盾、官僚制与资本主义社会之间的矛盾、官僚价值与民主价值的矛盾等三大矛盾.官僚制政府改革必须同整个政治体制的改革联系起来才有望成功.  相似文献   

公共管理制度建构是人类的一种典型的理性化活动。制度的理性作为制度本身内蕴的理性品质,既体现着人的理性认识与能力,也反映着制度化建构的公共理性成就,而工具理性与价值理性便是惯行的两个核心解释维度。公共管理制度的工具理性至上观在造成工具理性与价值理性断裂的同时,也加剧了其科学精神与人文精神之间的矛盾冲突。因此,有必要立足整合思维,超越以工具理性为主导的公共管理制度的一元理性化思维,探索出工具理性与价值理性有机融通的制度结构的理性表达模式。  相似文献   

哈贝马斯的“交往理性”及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代以来主客二元对立的思想方式导致理性分裂为工具理性与价值理性,工具理性压灭价值理性使社会交往陷入困境。哈贝马斯立足于交互主体的基础,构建具有语言性、主体间性的交往理性,对于我们摆脱现实交往困境,化解人与人的冲突,抵制系统对生活世界殖民,在当代社会多元分化态势中达成价值共识,实现社会和谐,富有启示意义。  相似文献   

工具理性与价值理性在公共行政发展中交替成为关注的焦点。以效率主义为核心的工具理性,在行政学建立之初就被确定为行政业务追求的主要价值。新公共行政剖析到效率主义的弊端,呼唤价值理性的回归,主张行政学应更多的关注公平、公正、民主等价值。以市场化和工商管理手段为主要特征的新公共管理似乎又回到了“效率中心主义”。如何找准工具理性与价值理性在公共行政发展中的平衡点,规范行政学科学地发展,给我们提出了现实的问题。  相似文献   

本文以公平与效率为视角,论述并分析了我国公共政策选择过程中,主体选择的工具理性偏好,及其造成的严重社会后果,指出公共政策选择应该做到工具理性和价值理性的和谐统合,呼唤价值理性在公共政策中的复归。  相似文献   

马晓星 《理论导刊》2020,(1):102-107
"循吏"与"清流"的历史之辩是中国古代政治文化中的独特现象,也是我国传统政治理性的一种表现形态。这一问题表面上是两种不同官员形象的对比,实际上是中国传统政治理性内在张力的外显,是两种不同政治理性观念的博弈。其发生逻辑在于政治理性自身的价值性,在于价值评价的差异性。它的实质是工具理性与价值理性的分野,其中"循吏"是工具理性的表征,"清流"是对价值理性的彰显。新时代"循吏"与"清流"历史之辩的本质启示是国家治理现代化需实现工具理性和价值理性的融合,执政党要实现执政能力与执政道德的统一。同时,各级领导干部要以廉政为先、勤政为本、善治为要,进而实现执政自觉。  相似文献   

现代理性批判对价值理性与工具理性的二分法存在诸多问题。理性的本质是"有我之思",理性对世界的认知内容可以分裂,但理性自身不能分裂,也从未分裂。价值理性与工具理性只是同一理性的两种属性,价值理性支撑工具理性,工具理性实现价值理性,二者本质同一。现代性问题的根源不是理性的分裂,而是资本的统治,解决之道只能是回到马克思的社会批判之路,变革资本主义制度,消灭资本的统治。  相似文献   

浅析公共政策执行中价值理性与工具理性的冲突   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前我国在公共政策执行方面存在着价值理性与工具理性的冲突 ,具体表现为政策理想与具体骤间的冲突、现代理念与传统办法的冲突和“公仆的责任”与执行者利益的冲突。而要减少这类冲突 ,将其带来的损失降到最低程度 ,关键在于提高社会成员的素质。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,面临世纪交替、体制转换、社会转型的挑战,面对思想观念、行为方式和价值取向发生显著变化的现实,思想政治教育开始了从"物本"到"人本"的转变. 一、价值诉求:从工具理性向价值理性转变 "工具理性"是法兰福克学派批判理论中的重要概念,是指行动只由追求功利的动机所驱使,行动借助理性达到效果最大化的目的.在单一化.  相似文献   

论官僚制的实践困境   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
韦伯在总结官僚制发展的经验的基础上,提出了现代官僚制的合理性设计问题.但是,这个具有合理性的官僚制体制所体现出来的却是片面的形式合理性.所以,存在着理论上的悖论,而这一理论上的悖论又必然导致官僚制在公共行政实践上的困境.在20世纪官僚制的实践中,集权与授权、效率与责任、科学与价值的冲突都达到了空前的地步,特别是官僚主义的问题引致了政府结构及其运行中的诸多问题,以致于政府及其公共行政经常性地陷入困境.因此,自70年代以来,行政改革的运动提出了告别官僚制的目标.  相似文献   

It is argued that the role of the public bureaucracy must be analysed along at least two dimensions. One dimension concerns the relationship between politicians and bureaucrats, i.e. the possible conflict between political loyalty and autonomy. The other dimension concerns the relationship between citizens and bureaucracy, i.e. the possible conflict between openness towards citizens and bureaucratic closedness. With the aid of data from a survey of 407 agency heads in Norwegian municipalities, it was possible to group different bureaucrats along the two dimensions. Four categories emerged from the analysis; a political bureaucrat, an autonomous bureaucrat, the "classic" administrator and the "linking pin". An attempt to predict group membership was made using variables on the societal, organizational as well as individual levels. This attempt was only partially successful, indicating that there is a need for other independent variables to explain group membership.  相似文献   

刘圣中 《公共管理学报》2005,2(2):40-45,54,94
当代中国公共行政的基本模式是在中国共产党的领导下由官僚机构实行国家管理的结构.党是国家管理的核心.因此,党的组织行为方式明显地影响了官僚制行政的方式,具体来说使得公共行政表现为三方面的特征公共行政的政治化、意识形态色彩和人格化.这些特征在一定程度上造成了公共行政的失范和无序,党必须严格规范其行为,才能够保证官僚体系程序化、理性化和公正化的实施管理.  相似文献   

公共管理的理论源流与变革   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过“新公共管理运动”而从传统公共行政理论范式中分化出来的“公共管理”,体现了一种新的理论范式整合。传统的公共行政,以韦伯的官僚制来破解庇护主义,以政治/行政分开来化解政党分肥,以官制度来建构行政组织的基本规范,以泰勒主义来保证效率行政的主导地位。这种行政改进逐渐变成公共行政中的教条主义。结果,官僚制成了官僚主义的代名词,政治/行政两分成了“两张皮”,官制度变成了族主义,效率主导变成了缺乏效果的效率。求解这些疑难导致了传统公共行政范式向“新公共管理”范式的转移。而突出公共性、现代性和综合性的公共管理的理论建构,就是以公共行政为底色而对新公共管理或管理主义、政策分析以及20世纪80年代兴起的公共治理理论的一次理论整合。  相似文献   

A Mixed Relationship: Bureaucracy and School Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We argue the negative relationship between school bureaucracy and school performance that is commonly reported in the bureaucracy and educational policy literature is theoretically and empirically incomplete. Like most public agencies operating in complex task environments, we suggest that schools have to make trade-offs between the multiple outputs they are expected to produce. Bureaucracy plays an important role in determining the nature of these trade-offs: one that is more multidimensional than it is portrayed in the existing literature. We find bureaucracy's relationship with school performance depends on how performance is measured. It is negatively associated with test scores but positively associated with other performance measures such as attendance and dropout rates. This is consistent with an economies-of-scope perspective of bureaucracy, which emphasizes bureaucracy's role in managing the trade-offs inherent in pursuing multiple goals.  相似文献   

The study of public administration in developing countries requires that we look beyond the Weberian model as the only ideal type of bureaucracy. When we assume that there exists only one gold standard of public administration, all other organizational forms that do not conform to the Weberian ideal are dismissed as corrupt or failed. Drawing on neo‐institutional economics, I introduce an alternative ideal type of bureaucracy found in contemporary China. This model, which I call bureau‐franchising, combines the hierarchical structure of bureaucracy with the high‐powered incentives of franchising. In this system, public agencies can rightfully claim a share of income earned to finance and reward themselves, like entrepreneurial franchisees. Yet distinct from lawless corruption, this self‐financing (or prebendal) behavior is sanctioned and even deliberately incentivized by state rules. Although such a model violates several Weberian tenets of “good” bureaucracy, it harnesses and regulates the high‐powered incentives of prebendalism to ameliorate budgetary and capacity constraints that are common in developing countries like China.  相似文献   


This article examines integrity management initiatives designed to introduce more value-based elements in public bureaucracies. Incorporating value-based practices, which emphasize the personal ethical responsibilities of individual public servants, into a hierarchical, rule-based system may present difficult organizational problems. A central issue is to determine whether any change has actually occurred or whether the organization is simply functioning as it did previously. In addition, there are problems of implementation: new value-based initiatives may conflict with the pre-existing system; they may not be adequately reflected in training programs; and there may be differential impacts on departments and agencies. We analyze problems in this new organizational mix in a classical Weberian bureaucracy, the Hong Kong civil service. The findings are based on a 2011–2012 administrative ethics survey of 355 senior public servants, a separate survey of 70 Ethics Officers, and semi-structured interviews with 32 senior public servants.  相似文献   

官僚主义不仅严重腐蚀党和政府的健康肌体,而且损害党同人民群众的血肉联系。习仲勋在建国初期就察觉到领导干部中存在的官僚主义现象,认识到官僚主义的严重危害,并在实践中探索克服官僚主义的有效举措:整顿干部思想作风,加强干部的理论教育;贯彻党的群众路线,发动广大人民群众广泛参与;精简机构,提高政府机关工作效能;不采取"暴风骤雨"的方式,而是采取"和风细雨"的方式。习仲勋在建国初期反对官僚主义的思想及实践,在新的历史条件下仍然有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

部门行政在本质上是一种利益冲突,即部门利益与公共利益相冲突的过程。部门利益是部门行政的内在根源。从对公共利益的占有程度和表现形式来看,部门行政可以分成三个阶段:利益驱动阶段、利益攫取阶段和利益定型阶段,这三个阶段分别对应于权力部门化、部门利益化和利益法制化三个环节。从利益冲突角度来分析部门行政的阶段性特征有利于深入理解部门内集体腐败的发生规律。  相似文献   

The literature on the implications of electoral "bureaucracy bashing" for public management is thin. This is partly because of the difficulty of defining basic terms and measuring results in meaningful ways. Using focus group data, this article explores how senior federal managers perceive campaign bureaucracy bashing and assess its consequences. The participants perceive that candidate-based bashing affects federal management on two levels: one emotional, the other programmatic. The emotional impact is pronounced, producing frustration and hostility from senior managers toward political candidates, political appointees, and the media. Senior managers report that bashing adversely affects policy implementation through low morale, poor recruitment, and training and by fostering an environment of distrust toward bureaucracy. Grounded in a diverse literature relating to public administration, the presidency, campaigns and elections, and political communication, this inquiry finds that senior managers confirm many of the speculations these works raise about how bashing affects public employees and public policy.  相似文献   

Scholars and practitioners have long questioned whether the race, ethnicity, and gender of public bureaucrats matter to the efficacy and legitimacy of public services. Representative bureaucracy theory and research provide a growing body of empirical evidence that it does. This article examines some of the rich scholarly work that has been generated on representative bureaucracy and its implications for practice. A significant aspect of recent research focuses on the notion of symbolic representation, whereby the mere existence of a passively represented bureaucracy can itself improve outcomes by influencing the attitudes and behaviors of clients, regardless of bureaucratic actions or results. This article is intended to help both students and public managers understand the importance of representativeness in public organizations for a broad spectrum of practices and goals, from the coproduction of services to democratic rule.  相似文献   

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