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全球化与政府治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代以来,西方发达国家掀起了旨在构建适应经济全球化的政府治理范式运动以便提升国家竞争力。一场寻求新的政府治理范式的运动正在兴起,本文着重分析了经济全球化时期,政府治理范式创新的具体表现,这一运动的基本内涵、兴起的动因及其理念,目的是把握经济全球化时代政府治理范式创新的大趋势,为我国行政改革理论的完善和行政改革实践的推行提供有益的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

20世纪末期出现了一种新的经济形态——网络经济,伴随着网络经济的产生,人们开始探索新的政府治理范式。本文着重分析了网络经济的特征以及网络经济对政府治理能力、治理理念、治理体制以及公共服务理念的挑战。目的是把握网络经济时代政府治理范式创新的大趋势,以便为我国行政改革理论的完善和行政改革实践的推行提供有益的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

赵景来 《求知》2011,(7):37-39
世纪之交,全球化、信息化、市场化、民主化……一系列修辞表征着人类活动和社会关系的深刻变化,世界正在步入全新的治理时代。在全球化的背景下,世界各国政府纷纷通过行政改革来重新定位政府职能、提高政府行政效率和服务质量。近年来,我国学者围绕治理理论与公共行政范式反思、后金融危机时代的政府转型与政府创新等课题进行了广泛深入的探讨,现将各种观点综述如下。  相似文献   

善治语境下中国政府再造的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代,治理和善治理论在西方国家兴起,成为中国行政改革的全球语境和有效的分析范式。中国社会的转型变迁与治理结构的深刻变革,特别是社会转型期中国公共行政的官僚制范式面临着两难的困境,为治理和善治理论提供了生长土壤,为行政改革的善治取向提供了基础和条件。根据中国的行政现状和善治条件以及全球行政改革的时代背景,新时期中国的政府再造要努力解决行政官僚制的构建和行政治理方式创新这一共时性的行政发展压力,将治理和善治理论及其理念融入到官僚体制的构建中去,建立一种善治官僚制的行政体制和范式。这不失为新时期中国政府再造的路径选择。  相似文献   

善治语境下中国政府再造的路径选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪90年代,治理和善治理论在西方国家兴起,根据中国的行政现状和善治条件以及全球行政改革的时代背景,新时期中国的政府再造要努力解决行政官僚制的构建和行政治理方式创新这一共时性的行政发展压力,将治理和善治理论及其理念融入到官僚体制的构建中去,建立一种善治官僚制的行政体制和范式。这不失为新时期中国政府再造的路径选择。  相似文献   

官僚制:中国行政现代化的陷阱?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据韦伯的“官僚模型”建构的传统政府,受到市场化的经济改革浪潮的强烈冲击,从70年代末起,西方各主要国家兴起了一场声势浩大的行政改革运动,并一直持续至今。面对这一全球化的运动,处于社会转型时期的中国行政改革应作何回应?在对官僚制进行梳理和剖析的基础上,并对中国自身传统与现状的深层体认之后,该文认为建构与完善现代官僚制是实现中国行政现代化的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

政府职能范式是基于政府治理结构的职能规模和职能关系模式。政府职能范式演变的根本原因是政府行政生态的变化。每种政府职能范式的形成和运作都以一定的政治、经济、社会环境和理论为基础。从西方发达国家的政府管理来看,其中一定时期的主流政治、经济理论和管理思想对政府职能范式的选择产生至关重要的影响,因而西方政府职能范式呈现三个发展阶段和演变趋势:即基于古典自由主义经济理论的“放任型职能范式”;基于凯恩斯主义经济理论的“拯能型职能范式”;基于多种理论和改革实践探索的“共治型职能范式”。  相似文献   

改革开放四十多年,行政审批制度改革经历了四个历史阶段,即下放经济领域自主权、地方探索创新、全面开启行政审批制度改革、放管服改革战略实施中深化行政审批制度改革阶段。在演进过程中行政审批制度改革呈现不同维度的逻辑特征,包括政治逻辑、动力逻辑、技术工具逻辑,既体现了已有行政审批制度改革的重要经验,也反映了存在的一些问题。为实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,促使国家治理效能新提升,行政审批制度改革要继续坚持党的领导的政治逻辑,同时全方位转向依法治国和法律驱动改革的法治化逻辑,从注重数量到注重权力结构质变的运行逻辑,从经济效率导向转为政府治理现代化目标导向逻辑。  相似文献   

行政改革与制度创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王波 《理论探索》2003,3(2):71-72
行政改革处于中国体制改革逻辑发展全程结合部的战略地位。把行政改革定位在正确处理国家与社会、政府与公民的关系上 ,是适应全球化与民主化进程的必然结果。从总体上看 ,我国的制度变迁带有明显的政府主导性特征 ,从战略与理论两个定位出发 ,强化政府的制度创新职能、实现行政行为方式的转变、政府与社会及政府与基本的社会制度之间关系的完善和规则体系的健全等现实目标 ,是当代中国行政改革的任务。  相似文献   

推进国家治理现代化是全面深化改革阶段国家的治理目标。适应这一目标要求,新型城镇化要创新治理模式:治理主体由政府单中心向政府主导下的多中心转变,治理方式由运动式向制度化转变,治理目的由工具化向价值化转变。构建这一模式,就要加快政府革新,建设服务型政府;加强新型城镇化重点领域改革,推动制度创新;完善新型城镇化利益协调和监管机制,化解冲突。  相似文献   

在我国,市场化为导向的社会管理创新原则要求:要把握政府的经济能力界限,培育市场经济赖以生存的土壤;把竞争引入到公共行政领域,建立公共服务的竞争机制;采取更为严厉的市场管理手段,维护市场经济秩序,培育市场活动参与者的规则意识和市场意识。  相似文献   

寻租与反寻租:一个理论模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文试图对国内学术界偏好使用却又屡被误用的寻租理论作出学术澄清.本文认为,完整、准确的寻租理论应由如下四个命题组成:1.市场主体价值指向的租金非仅一种而是有三种,即分别由创新原因、自然原因和管制原因引致的垄断租金;2.市场主体追求创新租金的寻利行为是自由竞争条件下的正和博弈,而其追逐管制租金的寻租行为则是在不完全竞争条件下的负和博弈;3政府进行制度创新,引导市场主体从寻租走向寻利,可以实现反寻租的目的;4.由于政府同样具有理性经济人特征,通过制度创新进行反寻租有可能引起新的寻租,陷入反寻租的悖论.  相似文献   

Publicly funded national science agencies create value as innovation catalysts and through their scientific and research missions, they tackle wicked problems. Understanding how dynamic capabilities and business model innovation enable research-intensive organisations to seize the market in the mission is key to translating bold new science that has impact. We qualitatively explore how Australia's national science agency—the Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)—has pursued open innovation to support business model–dynamic capabilities in an evolving publicly funded landscape. We reflect on the value of open innovation initiatives that have allowed the CSIRO to ambidextrously pursue world-class science while achieving impact.

Points for practitioners

  • Dynamic capabilities and business model innovation are strategic tools for publicly funded national science agencies seeking to seize the market in the mission.
  • We examine a case of business model–dynamic capabilities in CSIRO.
  • Open innovation has been important for CSIRO as part of an ambidextrous approach.

There are growing pressures for the public sector to be more innovative but considerable disagreement about how to achieve it. This article uses institutional and organizational analysis to compare three major public innovation strategies. The article confronts the myth that the market‐driven private sector is more innovative than the public sector by showing that both sectors have a number of drivers of as well as barriers to innovation, some of which are similar, while others are sector specific. The article then systematically analyzes three strategies for innovation: New Public Management, which emphasizes market competition; the neo‐Weberian state, which emphasizes organizational entrepreneurship; and collaborative governance, which emphasizes multiactor engagement across organizations in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. The authors conclude that the choice of strategies for enhancing public innovation is contingent rather than absolute. Some contingencies for each strategy are outlined.  相似文献   

王篆 《学理论》2009,(9):73-74
离岸金融市场诞生于20世纪50年代末的欧洲,它是金融自由化、国际化和金融制度创新的产物。目前天津滨海新区作为中国经济增长的“第三极”,具有政策上、市场需求上等多方面的优势和潜力,又被批准成为继深圳、上海后第三个离岸金融试点地区,构建和发展滨海新区离岸金融市场已成为实现我国金融国际化的战略选择。我们要借鉴国际经验,将滨海新区离岸金融市场建成政策推动型离岸市场,充分发挥政府在其中的职能作用。  相似文献   

One advantage often cited for market‐based environmental policies is that they are more likely to promote technological innovation than are command and control regulations. This paper uses patent data to study innovation in flue gas desulfurization units (“scrubbers”) across these policy regimes. Plant level data indicate that the effect of these patents on pollution control changed after passage of the 1990 Clean Air Act, which instituted a market for sulfur dioxide (SO2) permits. Previous regulations requiring plants constructed before 1990 to install scrubbers created incentives for innovation that lowered the costs of operating scrubbers, but did little to improve the environmental effectiveness of the technology. In comparison, innovations occurring since 1990 do serve to improve the removal efficiency of scrubbers. © 2003 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

A major policy innovation in China, urban renewal creates an opportunity to promote sustainable inner‐city development and to foster economic growth in an environmentally and culturally sound way, which demands a close investigation of its context, internal and external dynamics, and policy features. Property‐led redevelopment dominated China's urban renewal since the early 1990s, as a result of the market reform and political decentralization. Recently, it has become important to meet the interests of local communities and the diverse stakeholders in the effort to preserve the urban history and cultural fabric of cities. Contextual factors in urban renewal policy and its innovation are investigated by analyzing a pioneering case in Guangzhou from a longitudinal study approach. The impact of the structural‐instrumental, cultural‐institutional, and environmental perspective on policy innovation with the change of contextual factors that transformed the development ideology and the managerial practice are identified to provide a new angle of studying policy innovation in the urban field.  相似文献   

The authors compare the innovation policies of industrialized countries along several dimensions: the policy tools (e.g., supply, demand, environment) they use or prefer, and their national philosophies, especially whether they have explicit policies toward the development of specific industries or technologies. They also identify the principal difficulties that existing innovation policies have suffered. Among them are the lack of market know-how among policymakers, bias toward research and development-oriented stimuli rather than other aspects of innovation such as demand, and vulnerability of policies to changes in political philosophy. They conclude with a list of questions that governments initiating policies of technological choice should consider to avoid some of these pitfalls.  相似文献   

With globalization and the marketization of higher education, the relationship between higher education institutions (HEIs) and students is becoming more complex. As the cost of higher education increases, the expectations of students have not only changed dramatically but, combined with heightened competition in the market, it is clear that the balance of power has moved towards the students. Operating across this new landscape, HEIs are facing a different set of opportunities and challenges. In order to survive, differentiation through service innovation is imperative to achieving success in attracting and retaining students. While this has been voiced by a number of authors, until now, there is a paucity of empirical research examining the impact of service innovation in higher education on individual customer outcomes. This paper explores the links between service innovation and well‐being and the mediating roles of perceived service quality and customer engagement within the higher education context. The research is timely as previous studies have not taken into consideration the mediating roles of customer engagement between service innovation and customer well‐being. Yet, unless customers are engaged and participating in the service innovation process, or satisfied with the service innovation, the innovation may not lead to the desired customer outcomes. HEIs cannot afford to ignore the expectations of their primary customers (students). Hence, this conceptual paper seeks to develop a conceptual model of how service innovation leads to student/consumer well‐being and the mechanism through which perceived service quality and customer engagements affects this process.  相似文献   

论社会转型与领导方式和领导方法创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在计划经济体制下,我们主要依靠行政命令等方式和方法实施领导,这种体制及其领导方式和方法都有其局限性.随着计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变,必然要求领导方式和领导方法的转变和创新.创新领导方式和领导方法,有其理论根据和事实根据.创新领导方式和领导方法,必须实现几个转变:变"一言堂"随意型为民主法制型;变封闭型为开放型;变强迫型为自主型;变单一型为多样型.以辩证思维看待领导方式和领导方法创新的主要内容,包括几个统一:管住和放开相统一;法治和德治相统一;精确和模糊相统一.  相似文献   

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