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Subjects play a 5-person Prisoner's Dilemma both from an impartial point of view and in a regular fashion to determine whether 1) Concerns for fairness increase cooperative behavior; 2) Play of a Prisoner's Dilemma from an impartial point of view results in significantly higher levels of cooperation than does normal play; 3) Concern for fairness has greater explanatory force in explaining cooperation in impartial plays of the Prisoner's Dilemma than in normal plays; and 4) Experience with impartial play of a Prisoner's Dilemma sensitizes subjects to normative imperatives and results in higher levels of cooperation in subsequent normal plays of Prisoner's Dilemmas. The first and second hypotheses are supported, the third is inverted, and the fourth is not supported. Concern for fairness is demonstrated to play a complex role in explaining cooperative behavior in regular plays of the game. An earlier version was presented at the Annual meetings of the Public Choice Society, 1993 Monteleone Hotel, New Orleans; 20 March 1993.  相似文献   

Since the work of Downs (1957), spatial models of elections have been a mainstay of research in political science and public choice. Despite the plethora of theoretical and empirical research involving spatial models, researchers have not considered in great detail the complexity of the decision task that a candidate confronts. Two facets of a candidate’s decision process are investigated here, using a set of laboratory experiments where subjects face a fixed incumbent in a two-dimensional policy space. First, we analyze the effect that the complexity of the electoral landscape has on the ability of the subject to defeat the incumbent. Second, we analyze the impact that a subject’s “mental model” (which we infer from a pre-experiment questionnaire) has on her performance. The experimental results suggest that the complexity of a candidate’s decision task and her perception of the task may be important factors in electoral competition.  相似文献   

In March 2007, following arbitration between Israel's director of Military Intelligence in the Yom Kippur War, Maj. Gen. Eli Zeira and the Mossad chief in 1973, Zvi Zamir, it was officially ruled out that Zeira leaked the identity of Israel's most important source in Egypt to unauthorized journalists. The agent, Dr Ashraf Marwan, Nasser's son-in-law and Sadat's close advisor, had since 1969 given the Mossad excellent information about Egypt’s war preparations. He was also the source for the warning that ultimately geared Israel to war a few hours before it started on 6 October 1973. This article describes the process through which, from the early 1990s, Zeira leaked to unauthorized students of the Yom Kippur War information concerning the identity of the source and hypothesizes about what could have motivated him to take this action.  相似文献   

丁俊萍 《理论探索》2020,(2):23-29,35
党的领导原则是当代中国的最高政治原则;党的领导制度是中国特色社会主义最根本的领导制度,是中国特色社会主义的制度之源;党的领导制度体系是中国特色社会主义制度及国家治理体系的核心构成和关键所在;党的集中统一领导制度与党的全面领导制度是当代中国的根本领导制度;坚持和完善党的领导制度体系,内在地包含不忘初心、牢记使命制度和全面从严治党制度。党的十九届四中全会站在国家治理现代化的高度,对坚持和完善党的领导制度体系作了部署。正确理解和贯彻落实这一部署,需要进一步认识和把握党的领导重大原则与党的领导根本制度的关系,党的领导制度体系与中国特色社会主义制度和国家治理体系的关系,党的集中统一领导制度与党的全面领导制度的关系,不忘初心、牢记使命制度与全面从严治党制度的关系。  相似文献   

政府是最大的制度供给主体,政府制度创新需要一定的支持,否则,难以实现预期目标。本文把政府制度创新的支持性要素分为四大类并逐一进行分析。第一类是共同性支持,第二类是同源性支持,第三类是关联性支持,第四类是社会成员通过利益集团的支持。  相似文献   

The U.S. Census Bureau recently released new, experimental measures of poverty based on a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) panel's recommendations. This article examines the effects of the experimental measures on poverty rates among persons aged 65 or older in order to help inform policy debate. Policymakers and analysts use poverty rates to measure the successes and failures of existing programs and to create and defend new policy initiatives. The Census Bureau computes the official rates of poverty using poverty thresholds and definitions of countable income that have changed little since the official poverty measure was adopted in 1965. Amid growing concerns about the adequacy of the official poverty measure, a NAS panel undertook a study of the concepts, methodology, and data needed to measure poverty. The panel concluded in its 1995 report that the current measure no longer provides an accurate picture of relative rates of poverty for different groups in the population or of changes in poverty over time. The panel recommended changes in establishing the poverty thresholds, defining family resources, and obtaining the required data. The Census Bureau report shows how estimated levels of poverty would differ from the official level as specific recommendations of the NAS panel are implemented individually and how estimated trends would differ when many recommendations are implemented simultaneously. It computes nonstandardized and standardized poverty rates. (The latter constrains the overall poverty rate under the experimental measures to match the official rate.) This article reports poverty rates that have not been standardized and provides considerably more detail than the Census report about the effects of the experimental measures on poverty among the aged. It examines the effects of changing the poverty thresholds and the items included or excluded from the definition of available resources. It also explores the effects of the experimental measures on persons aged 65 or older by age group, gender, race and ethnicity, and marital status. Results indicate that: Poverty rates in 1997 for persons aged 65 or older under the experimental NAS poverty measure are 17.3 percent, compared with 10.5 percent under the official poverty measure. This 65-percent increase is largely driven by the NAS-based measure's subtraction of medical out-of-pocket (MOOP) expenses from resources. Under the NAS-based measures, poverty rates increase for all major groups of older persons, and increase the most for groups for whom the incidence of official poverty is the lowest. The experimental NAS poverty measure shows narrower differences between genders, racial and ethnic groups, and among persons of different marital statuses than the official poverty measure. For example, white Hispanic women aged 65 or older have poverty rates that are 450 percent higher than those for white non-Hispanic men under the official poverty measure and 181 percent higher under the NAS measure. The NAS-based measure's subtraction of MOOP expenses from resources has a disproportionate effect on poverty rates among non-Hispanic whites and men as compared with other groups. However, changes in relative poverty between groups appear to be most influenced by the NAS midpoint equivalence scale. Because this scale decreases poverty rates for persons who live alone or with unrelated individuals and increases them for persons who live with others, poverty rates differ meaningfully under the NAS and official measures among demographic groups. This article highlights issues concerning the elements of the experimental NAS poverty measure that are particularly important to the measurement of poverty among the aged population. Results suggest that the research community's future efforts to refine, enhance, and build upon the NAS panel's recommendations will yield important insights about poverty among the older population.  相似文献   

采用青少年社会支持量表评定了617名青少年的社会支持状况。结果表明:青少年社会支持总体水平不高:在社会支持各个因素上,农村男青少年的得分均高于农村女青少年。  相似文献   

During periods of high unemployment, many workers exhaust their unemployment insurance (UI) benefits before regaining employment. To help alleviate this problem, Congress created the extended benefits (EB) program, expanding the number of weeks of benefits available to UI recipients in high unemployment states. The EB program operates by “triggering on” additional weeks of benefits in states where unemployment and UI benefit receipt are above federally established thresholds. We analyze the performance of the EB program by creating a series of policy simulations using weekly UI claims and unemployment data from the program's inception in 1970 through the most recent economic expansion in 2005. Overall, we find that EB triggers, as currently constructed, fail as a policy tool for extending UI benefits. Minor adjustments to the triggers are unlikely to be effective. We develop an alternative set of “fix point” triggers that allow the EB program to trigger on and off in a more timely fashion. These triggers outperform all previously legislated triggers as well as other commonly proposed triggering mechanisms on criteria of timeliness, breadth, and duration. © 2006 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management  相似文献   

关于股东入党问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
持股者能否入党,是我国改革实践中提出的一个新问题。这个问题已引起越来越多的关注和思考。我们在此发表这篇文章,并不代表我们完全同意文章的看法和观点,我们只想通过这篇就这个问题展开一些理论上的研究和探讨,以期获得有理有据的认识。  相似文献   

高质量公共政策的制度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高质量的公共政策事关人类福祉。那么,怎样才能提高公共政策的质量呢?具体来说,要提高公共政策的质量就必须注意完善政策周期各阶段的制度安排、认真考虑每一项公共政策的制度激励机制及其相互间的兼容和衔接、充分注意非正式约束的影响作用和不断地进行制度创新。  相似文献   

消费税作为一种古老的税种,最早产生于古罗马帝国时期。发展至今,已成为世界各国普遍征收的税种,目前已被120多个国家或地区所征收,而且还有上升的趋势。尽管我国现行消费税制是按照贯彻落实科学发展观、建设环保、节约型社会和构建和谐社会的要求进行的,特点十分突出,运行状况良好,但也存在着若干不容忽视的问题,需要从增强税法效力、改革征税范围、调整消费税率、改变征收环节、革新计税方式等方面进一步加以完善。  相似文献   

This paper uses an interdisciplinary approach to address the issue of lack of public support for the arts. The paper utilizes an acquisition- and transaction-value approach from marketing and economic theory to identify 4 segments that vary in the degree to which members of each segment value and support the arts. Using system 1 and system 2 processing styles as discussed in management literature, as well as central and peripheral routes to persuasion as studied in psychology, the segments are examined in order to understand their potential information-processing styles. Last, using advertising and communication theories, the paper proposes the use of information and transformational communication strategies to create better persuasive communications that match the processing styles of targeted segments of undecided decision makers in order to garner greater public support for the arts.  相似文献   

It has been argued, that closeness counts not only with respect to the overall decision of a (general) election, but also with respect to the outcome in subelectorates. This proposition is tested using data both from the last German Bundestagswahl as well as the UK General Election in 1987. We find that (expected) closeness counts for turnout on the level of the individual electoral district, but not on any level below, e.g. on the level of precincts. Therefore, closeness seems to count only if it is relevant for electoral victories or defeats.  相似文献   

对实行党的代表大会常任制的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为党的最高决策机关和最高监督机关,党的代表大会只有实行常任制才能充分发挥其应有的功能。常任制的逐步推行有利于发展党内民主,有利于党内权力科学配置。实行常任制是制度建党的重要方略。  相似文献   

张毅  张晋 《学理论》2012,(1):150-151
社会实践是培养大学生专业技能及社会适应能力的重要环节。学校需从完善运行机制、注重基地建设、突出专业特色、强化社会服务等方面统筹考虑、扎实推进、确保实效。  相似文献   

高璐 《学理论》2009,(12):141-143
在新形势下,作为高校党建工作重要组成部分的学生党建工作在取得成绩的同时,也面l临着一些新的变化和情况。针对新时期高校学生党建工作中存在的问题,从开展理想信念教育、入党积极分子培养方式、严把党员入口关、加大预备期考察力度、增强党支部凝聚力、党支部书记加强学习等方面进行了深入地分析,提出完善和规范高校学生党建工作的对策。  相似文献   

对改进我国公务员分类制度的若干建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公务员分类制度是公务员制度本质的外在表现形式。目前我国公务员分类制度存在着公务员范围界定过窄、领导职务和非领导职务设置不科学、职务分类不合理等问题 ,改进和完善现有分类制度 ,不仅要把公务员分为政务类公务员和业务类公务员 ,还应该做更进一步的细分。政务类公务员分为职业党务工作者、政府组成人员、政治任命人员和特别职公务员 ,业务类公务员分为行政管理类、专业技术类和后勤保障类。这些建议有助于推动我国公务员制度的不断完善 ,提高公共部门人力资源管理和开发的效能  相似文献   

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