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代价作为一个重要的理论和实践问题,已引起学术界的重视。10多年来,围绕该问题,出版了个别专,作过了一些博士学位论,发表了大量章。不少作还把它作为其中的一个部分来阐述。下面把有关研究情况作一概述。  相似文献   

顺应当前的行政民主化浪潮,政策执行中引入对话协商,即公共对话式政策执行,代表了政策执行领域的一种对话性转向,具有重要的理论与现实意义。公共对话式政策执行的支持性维度包括:动机性维度——利益偏好,保障性维度——行动与信任合作,政治性维度——话语民主,情境性与能动性维度——社会建构。这些支持性维度与公共对话式政策执行之间存在着双向的促进作用,共同推动实现政策执行过程的合法性与有效性。公共对话式政策执行这一议题是一个初始性研究,存在诸多有待进一步思考与分析的问题,但公共对话本身所蕴含的巨大潜力,表明其将有着良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

《公共管理学报》2004-2005年载文统计分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用文献计量学的方法,对《公共管理学报》2年共8期刊载的110篇文章的著者情况、信息密度、出版时滞,论文的地区分布及内容构成,引文情况和2005年的投稿、录用情况进行了统计分析,得出论文选题逼近前沿,研究深入,总体上具有高起点、高质量的显著特征和较强的新颖性;通过对载文的分析也从一个侧面反映出公共管理学科的研究重心、研究方式和研究方法的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Presidents traditionally have had great success when nominating justices to the Supreme Court, with confirmation being the norm and rejection being the rare exception. While the confirmation process usually ends with the nominee taking a seat on the Court, however, there is a great deal of variance in the amount of time it takes the Senate to act. To derive a theoretical explanation of this underlying dynamic in the confirmation process, we draw on a spatial model of presidential nominations to the Court. We then employ a hazard model to test this explanation, using data on all Supreme Court nominations and confirmations since the end of the Civil War. Our primary finding is that the duration of the confirmation process increases as the ideological distance between the president and the Senate increases. We also find evidence that suggests that the duration increases for critical nominees and chief justices and decreases for older nominees, current and previous senators, and nominees with prior experience on state and federal district courts .  相似文献   

《West European politics》2013,36(1):200-219
European(ist) scholars have largely followed their American(ist) colleagues in the formulation of theories about delegation of powers to non-majoritarian institutions, most notably through the application of principal-agent models of relations between legislative principals and their executive and judicial agents. This article suggests that Europeanists can once again learn from recent developments in both theory and method in the study of delegation in American politics. The first section discusses the methodological challenges of testing hypotheses about the conditions under which agents might enjoy some degree of autonomy from their legislative principals, and draws lessons from the recent Americanist literature. The section examines the development in American politics of a second wave of principal-agent analysis which aims to formulate and test hypotheses about the conditions under which legislative principals might delegate authority and discretion to bureaucratic agents. The third and final section of the article examines some preliminary applications of the principal-agent approach to the European Union and to the comparative study of European parliamentary democracies, and proposes a research agenda for the comparative study of national-level delegation in the parliamentary systems of Western Europe.  相似文献   

This paper formulates a new paradigm, ‘officialism’ (Guanben Zhuyi or 官本主义), and uses it to analyse China’s traditional society. The author argues that officialism is an official based doctrine and a political culture and socio-political system which takes official power and authority as its core element. Under this culture and system, relationships of official power and authority are the most important social relationships. They become the basic standard for measuring a person’s social value, and they are the determining factor influencing a person’s social status and social attributes. In traditional China, monarchism (Junzhu Zhuyi) (君主主义) was the highest form of officialism. Despotism is the representative characteristic of officialism. People-based doctrine (Minben Zhuyi or 民本主义) is the political ideal that is the antithesis of despotism. Democracy with the rule of law is the only way of smashing officialism and of spurring traditional political civilization to head towards modern political civilization.  相似文献   

This article examines how public service motivation (PSM) relates to public managers’ attitudes toward citizen participation. Perry and Vandenabeele suggest that PSM effects are moderated and/or mediated by self‐regulation and by the salience of an activity to self‐identity. Using data from Phase IV of the National Administrative Studies Project, latent model results suggest a direct, positive relationship between PSM and citizen participation evaluation. The relationship is not mediated by value congruence but rather is moderated by the perceived importance of the organization’s citizen participation efforts. The moderating effect has three interpretations: (1) PSM has a stronger relationship to evaluation as citizen participation becomes more important in the agency; (2) at low and medium PSM levels, the greater the importance of citizen participation, the lower its evaluation; or (3) at high PSM levels, the greater the importance of citizen participation, the higher its evaluation. This suggests that PSM is more germane for activities such as citizen participation, invoking relevant values as perceived organizational commitment increases.  相似文献   

双元制教育被誉为德国经济腾飞的秘密武器,在其成功的背后有科学的治理体系作为支撑.研究德国双元制教育治理体系涉及不同维度、多种要素的复杂关系,要揭示其治理活动规律和特点就须选择恰当的研究方法.使用第三代文化历史活动理论(CHAT),对双元制教育主体、客体、共同体、工具、规则、分工等活动要素展开分析,展现双元制教育治理活动的全貌,进而剖析各活动要素内部或要素之间的矛盾关系,可发现推动双元制教育不断发展的动力.通过对德国联邦、商会或州、教育机构三个层级中五个有代表性的典型治理活动进行分析发现,德国双元制教育治理体系具有纵向协调、横向协同的多层级治理结构,采用以立法及规范为导向的制度化协调机制,在教育教学组织实施层面呈现企业主导、校企相对独立运行、自上而下双轨治理的基本特点.这些新认识对全面了解德国双元制教育以及完善我国现代职业教育治理体系具有重要启示.  相似文献   

目前,国内众多高校普遍开设了慕课课程,在一定程度上促进了教学方法的改革,但也存在若干不容忽视的问题,如慕课课程质量不高、授课形式单一;大学生学习意愿和学习兴趣不足,对提高教学质量的作用有限等等。本文对此展开分析并提出进一步改进慕课教学的对策建议。  相似文献   

二、中国生态伦理学研究中存在的问题 我国学者在研究和评介西方生态伦理学、建构具有中国特色的生态伦理学的学术实践中,虽然取得了许多有价值、有特色的成果,但是从总体看来确实也存在着许多问题和不足.  相似文献   

林婷  陈鹤  郑晓瑛 《青年研究》2012,(3):75-84,95,96
本研究使用北京大学人口研究所"中国青少年生殖健康可及性调查"调查数据,分析中国未婚青少年过去12个月内拥有多性伙伴情况。分析发现,中国青少年多性伙伴行为是受众多因素的影响。危险因素包括首次性行为年龄过小、收入水平高等等。而具有商业性行为、有过性骚扰和强迫性交经历、经常浏览黄色网站等因素愈加值得关注。  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(1):39-48

Berggren discusses the Swedish antisemitic propagandist Elof Eriksson and his works, and asks when, how and in what context his antisemitism emerged, how it developed and how it was connected to his other concerns. She also discusses how, to whom and to what extent his antisemitism was disseminated. Her main focus is the years 1925-41, when Eriksson published the antisemitic paper Nationen (The Nation) and when his antisemitism developed from being one of the many important strands of his thought to being the foundation of his world-view. Along the way, she suggests that antisemitism in Sweden in the first decades of the twentieth century was the result of a mixture of domestic traditions and international influences, and not necessarily connected to Nazism at that time.  相似文献   

This paper is an exploratory attempt to view the role that social experiments in general, and the income maintenance experiments and work/welfare demonstrations in particular, have played in the policy process through the lens provided by the knowledge utilization literature. In addition to suggesting that the decision to conduct a social experiment is rarely, if ever, made according to an essentially rational paradigm, this framework helps highlight the range of uses to which findings from social experiments can be put and the circumstances under which various types of uses are more or less likely. Specifically, the knowledge utilization literature suggests that rather than having the dramatic, decisive effects on policy choices that their promoters have often envisioned, social experiments are more likely to affect policy in a variety of subtle ways.  相似文献   


This article is a comparative analysis of two internationally awarded cases of Participatory Budgets in Canoas (Brazil) and Cascais (Portugal). Our main argument is that the success of these PBs relies on political/administrative, societal, and geographic drivers. This conceptual model has been adopted to analyse and discuss the success of the two case studies. The provision of an original conceptual model for comparative analysis and the empirical knowledge from the two cities are supported by the review of main literature in this field of study, and aim to contribute, with original findings, to the international debate on participatory budgeting.  相似文献   

Thomas Stratmann 《Public Choice》2005,124(1-2):135-156
The financing of political campaigns is an area of active scholarly study. I review some of the recent literature and discuss important methodological issues that arise in empirical research on campaign expenditures and campaign contributions. The effects of campaign expenditures and advertising on candidate and ballot-measure elections are summarized, as are the impacts of contributions on contributors’ welfare. Many states have changed their campaign finance laws in the past few years, and I describe work that exploits variations in these laws. A discussion of the strategies used by interest groups to allocate their campaign contributions provides insights into contributors’ motives.  相似文献   

Economists have argued that role of agriculture is pivotal for economic development of the nation. Worldwide studies have shown that agriculture sector is more effective in reducing hunger and poverty than other sectors. This study is an attempt to ascertain the importance of agriculture in the economic growth of West Bengal. Agriculture, being the source of livelihood and supplier of raw material to various industries, triggers economic growth of the nation. This paper exhibits how agriculture has contributed to West Bengal's economic excellence using empirical data and a cointegration analysis. The role of agriculture is examined on four contributions: (a) product contribution (forward linkage), (b) market contribution (backward linkage), (c) factor contribution, and (d) foreign exchange contribution. The composition and growth of the sectors and its association with other sectors is analyzed using time series analysis. Findings of the study revealed that agriculture sector has appeared as an important contributor to drive West Bengal economic growth even after declining share in gross state domestic product over the years. Empirical analysis reveals that agriculture is having long run causal linkages with industry, services, and overall economic growth in West Bengal.  相似文献   

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