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腐败是阻碍俄罗斯发展的障碍。今年俄罗斯总统普京在《国情咨文》中将反腐败作为今后工作的重点,并采取了一系列强硬措施惩治腐败。与此相配合,俄罗斯两个著名的民调机构———全俄社会意见调查中心和列瓦达民意调查分析中心分别在今年6月就腐败问题在全俄范围内进行了民意调查  相似文献   

俄罗斯的“反腐败国家计划”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前俄罗斯反腐败的基本特点是普京执政团队将反腐败定位为一项国家计划,这表明反腐败的政治意义不仅仅在于是否可以促进行政效率的提高,更主要是为了确保国家创新发展战略能否顺利进行.反腐败问题既然已经成为俄罗斯政治中的系统性政治难题,因而也就涉及俄罗斯政治发展进程中的重大问题.金融危机对俄罗斯反腐现状具有直接影响.俄罗斯发展道路的选择与反腐败问题高度关联.  相似文献   

拉美国家的腐败问题与反腐败斗争评析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
制度性腐败、腐败的跨国化趋势和选举腐败突出,成为20世纪90年代中期以来拉美地区腐败问题的新特点。严重的腐败问题对政府治理和民主制度造成极大的破坏。在这种背景下,拉美各国政府一方面加大了惩处腐败的力度,另一方面将反腐败重点转向完善法律和制度建设,试图通过建构本国的廉政体系,将预防、监督和惩处结合起来,推动反腐败斗争的深入发展。然而,在继续加强和完善制度建设方面,拉美国家还有很长的路要走。在腐败问题非常严重的拉美地区,治理腐败将需要一两代人的持续奋斗。  相似文献   

腐败是俄罗斯社会的顽疾,因此俄罗斯历届政府都将反腐败作为国家治理的优先任务.俄罗斯以宪法、专门法以及其他配套法律,明确了在国家机关反腐的基本原则与方针,确立并完善了公职人员财产申报制度,确定了反腐败的国际合作机制.俄罗斯已逐步构建了体制内的法律建设、体制外的监督、国际反腐合作的反腐体系.但俄罗斯反腐策略受历史、文化和国情等方面的制约,实际效果依然乏善可陈.  相似文献   

拉美国家反腐败斗争任重道远张怀林(一)拉美腐败问题严重。拉美国家的腐败问题比较普遍,其性质也比较严重,涉及国家之多,贪污金额之大实属拉美历史所罕见。据统计,拉美每年因腐败而被侵吞的公款高达210亿美元;涉及国家高层领导人的腐败问题不断被揭露,现任或前...  相似文献   

委内瑞拉的腐败问题在拉美地区具有一定典型性。查韦斯执政后加大反腐败力度,出台了系统的反腐败措施,注重减少体制性腐败,重视反腐败机制的构建,完善反腐败法律体系,注意借鉴其他国家的反腐败经验,主动参与美洲国家组织及联合国等机构所开展的反腐败国际合作。委内瑞拉虽然已逐渐形成反腐败的社会氛围,政府主导的反腐败斗争也取得一定成效,但腐败产生的主要根源并未根除,监督机制依然脆弱,腐败仍未从根本上得到遏制,新的腐败现象仍在滋生,腐败文化根深蒂固,反腐任务依然异常艰巨。  相似文献   

苏联解体后,俄罗斯不仅没有解决腐败问题,反而日益突出。无论在政治上、经济上还是社会生活中,处处都能感觉到俄腐败现象的存在。俄腐败的主要类型有贪污型、互惠型、勒索型。俄腐败问题给国家的长远发展带来了严重的后果。要解决这一问题,俄还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   

巴西开展大规模的反腐败行动尚德良近期拉美国家舆论界和民意测验所显示的情况表明,拉美国家的腐败问题有相当的普遍性。其特点是涉及面广、根子深和影响面大。同其他拉美国家一样,巴西的腐败问题也具有上述特点。巴西政府内部存在的腐败行为不仅涉及行政官员,也涉及司...  相似文献   

俄罗斯新一届政府反腐败措施及其预期成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自转轨以来,腐败一直困扰着俄罗斯,梅德韦杰夫政府2008年5月上任后,大力推行反腐败措施,相继出台了<俄罗斯联邦反腐败计划>和<国家反腐败法>,新政府出台的法律法规构建了反腐败的法律基础和预防机制,赢得了俄罗斯舆论界的广泛称赞.但是对于此轮"反腐风暴"能否取得预期前景,饿罗斯各界普遍持谨慎的乐观态度.  相似文献   

本文通过对现有定量研究成果的总结,全面剖析了俄罗斯腐败问题的发展,论证了腐败的增长很可能成为阻碍俄罗斯未来经济可持续发展的重要因素。作者通过对腐败的生成机制及其在俄罗斯的特殊表现的考察,最终提出了解决这一问题的一些政策建议。  相似文献   

"腐败"是困扰俄罗斯经济、社会发展的一个难题,俄罗斯政府几代领导人为了解决这一问题做出了积极的努力,特别是梅德韦杰夫担任总统后,与普京总理共同制定了"反腐败国家战略",出台了《反腐败法》等一系列反腐败法律法规,建立了专门的反腐败工作机构和官员财产申报及公开制度等一系列反腐败措施,这些措施对于我们国家开展惩治和预防腐败工作具有积极的启示作用。  相似文献   

This article engages with the ways in which corruption has taken centre stage in much development policy making and rhetoric. It argues that there is a need to destabilise ‘taken for granted’ assumptions about what corruption is and how it operates. This means generating an understanding of how meanings of corruption vary, and how this variation is determined by the social characteristics of those engaged in corruption talk. It also means examination of how discourses of corruption and anti-corruption are translated from international to national and local stages – from the anti-corruption ‘establishment’ to the realities of bureaucratic encounters in diverse contexts.  相似文献   

This paper argues that religion influences the ways that people think and speak about corruption, typically leading to condemnation. However, it is also argued that, in a systemically corrupt country, such condemnation is unlikely to influence actual corrupt behaviour. Based on fieldwork in India, the paper finds that existing anti-corruption policies based on a principal-agent understanding of corruption, even if they incorporate religious organisations and leaders, are unlikely to work, partly because people consider “religion” to be a discredited entity. Instead, the paper argues that if corruption were to be seen as a collective action problem, anti-corruption practice would need significant rethinking. Despite its current lack of influence, revised policies and practices may see a role for religion.  相似文献   

2008年12月30日,《俄罗斯联邦反贪污贿赂法》公布实施。该法的公布实施,使俄罗斯联邦实现了从“权力反腐”向“制度反腐”、从“分散反腐”向“系统反腐”的转变。该法的立法进程具有四个明显的特点,即坚持从本国现实国情出发、在总统的直接推动下进行、循序渐进地推进反贪污贿赂法治以及力求制定统一的反贪污贿赂法。了解俄罗斯联邦反...  相似文献   

新加坡反贪污制度评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在非西方国家推进法治的过程中,腐败成为了一个严重的问题,而新加坡在前总理李光耀的领导下,始终把提高政府工作效率和树立廉洁的形象作为其执政的两大目标。在反贪肃贪的斗争中却取得了成功。本文作者试图从其反贪污法的历史发展和内容特点的角度出发,评析其反贪污制度,并在此基础上分析中国反腐败法制之缺陷,建议引进新加坡成功经验,完善我国反腐败法制。  相似文献   

腐败是影响实现可治理性目标的一个核心的问题,对于一个国家政治制度的合法性、民主政治的发展、民众对政府的信任和参与政治的热情、社会公正乃至社会伦理道德的清明都会产生极为严重的损害。拉美地区腐败现象比较严重,造成民众对各类正式制度产生不信任,从而使政府和政治体制的合法性面临威胁,导致可治理性问题和可治理性危机。拉美地区的反腐斗争在一段时期内取得了一定成绩,除少数国家外,腐败恶性发展和持续蔓延的势头有所遏制,但腐败并没有得到有效控制,尤其是腐败程度没有发生根本性改观,拉美的反腐败斗争还面临着严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

There is an international consensus that corruption undermines the democratic process and the legitimacy of government. Anti-corruption strategies are increasingly becoming an integral part of democratization programmes in non-western states. Where there are doubts over the effectiveness of these programmes they have tended to be expressed in relation to the level of social and economic development necessary to ensure a separation between private and public spheres. The experience of extensive international anti-corruption policies in Bosnia provides an opportunity to assess the relationship between anti-corruption initiatives and democratization in the European context. Taking a broad systemic approach to tackling political corruption, it was assumed that international policy in this area could strengthen the authority of democratic political institutions, encourage public participation and rebuild relations of trust within and between communities. This study of the impact of systemic anti-corruption strategies focuses on the effectiveness of these initiatives in meeting democratization goals. The results have been disappointing. The reasons for this may lie in the initial assumptions, not because they assume a higher level of social and economic development than Bosnian society has attained but because they have a narrow reductive view of the political process.  相似文献   

Some scholars argue that the Afghan police are regularly engaged in bribery and drug-related corruption. Prevalent corruption in the Afghan police has demonstrably resulted in greater support for the Taliban which is a threat to security. This suggests that a robust anti-corruption strategy is needed to restore legitimacy in the Afghan state and police and to counter the insurgency. This article initially provides a discussion of police corruption in Afghanistan that reveals four interrelated explanations: (1) structural causes of corruption, patronage and nepotism, (2) low pay, (3) state capture, and (4) ethnic favouritism. The research methodology included 70 semi-structured interviews with elites conducted by the author in Kabul during May–June 2010 and 100 surveys conducted with patrolmen and lieutenants in various Afghan provinces during January–March 2012. The article finds that it can prove counterproductive to post poorly paid policemen in distant provinces in order to challenge patronage relations as it tends to exacerbate survival-based corruption. Moreover, improved pay reform could help reduce survival-based corruption in the Afghan police but systemic corruption, clientelism and state capture will remain if it is not implemented alongside other wider structural initiatives.  相似文献   

俄罗斯的资本外逃问题引起了国际经济界和金融界的广泛关注。俄资本外逃的额度、方式、原因以及俄政府为防止资本外逃采取的措施,都是值得思考和研究的问题。俄资本外逃总额大大超出了20世纪90年代俄罗斯经济中的外国投资总额和外国对俄经济的援助额。只有俄罗斯政治经济形势趋向稳定,俄政府坚持改革、清除腐败、强化银行体系,才能逐步减少资本外逃规模,最终使外逃资本回归。  相似文献   

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