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The editors have asked for ‘a short synopsis of 150 words in length’. When I wrote this paper uppermost in my mind was the importance of and fusion between content and style: what is said and how it is said. Therefore, no synopsis. Please either skip the article or read it in full.  相似文献   

以中高速、优结构、重创新、机遇挑战并存为显现特征的我国经济新常态悄然到来,这一切必将对整个经济社会产生重大而深远的影响。如何认识理解新常态,进而融入服务新常态,是时代赋予我们工会组织的神圣使命。新常态下的工会工作要更好地体现时代性、把握规律性、富于创造性。工会工作要对社会宏观政治、经济环境进行分析。这样就能认清形势,顺势而为,找准工会工作的切入点和突破口,从推动解决职工群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题入手,注重在政府工作的重点、职工生活的难点、社会关注的热点问题上,体现工会的特点,努力在新形势下推动工会工作创新发展。  相似文献   

Studies of women as a specific object of inquiry began to become popular in the mid-seventies in eastern Africa. This is related to growing concern among state and international agencies about women as a problem in production and reproduction. The economic crises has led to heightened concern about the political consequences of real declines in income, the high rates of malnutrition and infant and child mortality rates, and the deterioration of peasant agriculture combined with the breakdown of peasant family relations. Women became of pivotal concern in the effort to forestall revolution as well as to increase production of food and export crops, given their central role as food producers in the peasant sector, and as providers of nearly all other family needs in cash and in kind.Two opposing lines have emerged in Women's Studies. One, the integration line, is identified with bourgeois feminism which calls for equal participation in education, employment and other spheres of society while maintaining the status quo of society. Women-in-development (WID) research and actions falls into this category. The other line calls for transformation of society through revolutionary struggles organised and led by the progressive segment of the women masses in Africa. This category is far less defined, in part a reflection of the level of class consciousness and organisation in the region and the way in which women intellectuals are divorced from the masses.Analysis of the issues which have arisen in relevant research indicates the significance of class differentiation among women, and the need to distinguish different kinds of male-female relations both within and across the different classes in society. A critical analysis is needed of Women's Studies which is carefully periodized to take into account different stages in the capital accumulation process and different forms of capital accumulation as these relate to concrete struggles of different classes of women.  相似文献   

In this paper I propose a Women's Studies method for an Asian American Studies curriculum by incorporating a women-centred feminist historical approach and a holistic feminist anthropological approach with American women of color's feminist politics with an emphasis on the interconnectedness of sexism, racism, classism and homophobia in the American social systems and cultural ideologies.My work is based on the belief that an Asian American Women's Studies method must be founded on a feminist politics which is specifically derived from their own definition of themselves and feminism which are based on multiple consciousness raising and multiple identities of gender, race, ethnicity, class and sexuality.  相似文献   

At a recent weekend seminar-workshop convened by the Personal Development Division of the Anglian Regional Management Centre, Essex. U.K., British pioneers, practitioners and academics with experience of management training for women conferred on the state of the art and laid plans for further developments. In this article Virginia Novarra, Visiting Fellow at the Centre with special reference to women's training needs, sets the debate in the context of the women's studies movement.  相似文献   

树立正确的学生观是实现中等职业教育健康发展的必须环节。目前,中等职业教育的学生观存在以下局限性:1.对学生生命本身的目的性缺乏关注;2.对学生多元价值观缺乏综合认知;3.对学生创造性与个性缺乏深入把握。经过改进后的新学生观,表达了当代中职学生身上的独立自主性、发展过程性、生命丰富性和个体创造性等鲜明特质,强调了教育者在教育过程中应当和学生建立平等爱护、教学相长的辩证关系。  相似文献   

工会组织建设是工会工作的重要基础。切实发挥工会作用,必须要实现组织建起来,机制转起来,工作活起来。努力探索新时期工会组织建设的新途径,实现建会、建制、建家"三位一体",才能更好地激发基层工会组织活力,增强基层工会组织的吸引力和凝聚力,把"职工有需要,工会在身边"的口号叫响、做实。  相似文献   

社区建设在新时期社会转型中起着越来越重要的作用,社区治理成为社区建设的重要内容。政府在社区治理过程中不能够全盘管理,因此依靠社区党组织动员就成为联系政府、社区、社会组织以及社区居民的重要途径。而社区党组织动员常用的方式可以分为激励惩罚式动员、活动式动员、宣传式动员以及精英式动员。社区党组织有效地组织动员对于调动居民参与社区治理的积极性以及文明社区的构建具有重要意义。  相似文献   

《合同法》第286条首次确立了建设工程优先受偿,这一制度设计极大的保护了承包人的权益,随后2002年最高人民法院以《批复》的形式细化了建设工程优先受偿权在行使过程中几个重要问题。文章从承包人如何在各阶段利用好建设工程优先受偿权出发,对建设工程优先受偿权的若干理论和实践问题进行了分析和研究,以期对承包人有所裨益。  相似文献   

非权力性领导力是青年在群体中吸引并影响追随者的能力。青年将非权力性领导力应用于所参与的各类群体中,有助于个人需求的实现和群体协作水平的提高。青年通过树立群体共同愿景展示自身的前瞻力和以感召力吸引并影响追随者;通过提升个人知识水平以扩大非权力性影响力的范围和加强影响的力度;通过创建融洽的群体人际环境提升个人的决断力和控制力。  相似文献   

青年学生是社会志愿服务的主体,其参与志愿服务的意愿和行为受到多种因素的影响。在以天津市高校1 100名青年学生为对象的大学生参与志愿服务状况的问卷调查中发现,青年学生对志愿服务的参与意愿普遍较高,并肯定志愿服务的价值。但他们对志愿服务的认知程度较浅,体验不深入,尤其是学校和社会对志愿服务的重视和规范等影响了他们参与服务的积极性。基于此,为了实现青年学生较高的志愿服务参与意愿,应该采用多种途径广泛宣传志愿服务组织的设置以及运行情况,提高青年学生对志愿服务的认知度,同时要丰富志愿服务的内容,贴近青年学生的专业需要和发展,注重产生更实际、更积极的效果,提升参与者的体验水平。最后,要进一步提高学校以及社会对志愿服务的重视程度,做好各项保障工作。  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值观,其根源是中华民族几千年所创造的文化传统,是中华优秀传统文化与现代精神的融合。中华优秀传统文化,是历代先辈传承下来的精神宝藏,是历史的结晶。它体现了中华民族最深层的精神追求,代表着中华民族鲜明而独特的精神标识,为中华民族生生不息、发展壮大提供了文化滋养,是当今青少年涵养社会主义核心价值观的文化沃土。中华优秀传统文化,最核心的因素为"五常"美德,即"仁义礼智信"。进入新的历史时期,传承和弘扬"仁义礼智信"的传统美德,是我国人民尤其是处于价值观形成时期的青少年涵养社会主义核心价值观的必须。传承"五常"美德,培育和践行社会主义核心价值观应当从小抓起,其途径主要有:诵读传统经典、传颂历史故事、引导修身立德、培养德行习惯。  相似文献   

When attempting to establish women's studies courses within institutions of higher education, women face a traditional power structure designed to obstruct movements for change. Four factors relevant to a power analysis of this situation are status, concrete resources, expertise and self-confidence. These factors are defined and examined in relation to the fight to establish women's studies courses. Within this background the issue of men as ‘patrons’ as teachers and as students, and the fact of women's anger are examined. Many arguments forwarded by conservative patriarchal institutions are discussed. The paper emerges from the experiences of the author in three universities. It is aimed at clarifying some of the traps set for women so that other women can eliminate any fears that their experiences are idiosyncratic or ‘their fault’ rather than part of a formalized power game.  相似文献   

随着北京建设国际一流的和谐宜居之都步伐的不断加快,职工队伍结构和需求发生了深刻变化,对首都工会工作提出了新要求、新挑战。当前阶段,不断健全完善工会三级服务体系,全力推进首都服务型工会建设,是各级工会工作的首要任务。"职工之家"作为三级服务体系的重要组成部分,是基层工会发挥作用的主要阵地,面对新形势新任务,迫切需要进一步加强和创新基层工会"职工之家"建设,在以往评家验家的基础上,赋予职工之家新内涵,拓展职工之家新内容,推动职工之家建设工作不断创新发展。服务职工是工会的重要职能,通过职工之家实体化建设,可以更好的服务职工,团结和凝聚职工,为单位各项目标任务的实现做贡献。  相似文献   

近中共中央、国务院关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见,正式掀开了新一轮医疗体制改革的序幕。在新医改方案出台的大环境下,如何建设有特色有竞争力的医院文化,已成为许多医院管理者探索研究的问题。工会是党领导下的群众组织,在医院发展中能够起到凝聚作用,工会通过在思想上引导培养医护工作者的医德与岗位奉献精神,潜移默化地形成医院良好的文化氛围,从而增强医院核心竞争力,促进医院的和谐健康发展。  相似文献   

本文通过对广州青年的调查,分析广州青年在社会信任方面的现状、特征、存在的问题及影响因素。研究发现,广州青年对家人的信任程度最高,其次是熟人,对网友的信任度最低。性别、年龄、学历、职业等个人资本显著影响广州青年对家人的信任程度,此外家庭背景对广州青年的社会信任度也会产生直接的影响。性别、宗教信仰也不同程度影响广州青年的社会信任。针对广州青年在社会信任方面实证调查研究归纳出的现实问题,本文提出了相应的对策建议,以期构建理论和实践相结合之下的青年社会信任体系。  相似文献   

Gissing's The Odd Women (1893) has variously been considered as feminist and also as anti-feminist. Here it will be argued that irrespective of the ideological stance of the novel, it may be seen as a close and realistic rendition of certain feminist issues. This can be observed via an examination of some important statements by Victorian feminists such as Barbara Bodichon and Jessie Boucherett on the subject of ‘superfluous’ women and work. They were concerned, firstly, with the articulation of the problem and its opposition to the ornamental view of women, and, secondly, with practical solutions and their implementation. It is into this second area that Gissing's novel may be seen to fit, providing a close fictional analogy with the activities of the Langham Place Circle.  相似文献   

This work examines North American feminist activities in the international arena from the end of the First World War to the early days of the United Nations. Led by Alice Paul and the National Woman's Party of the United States, feminists attempted to obtain greater equality for women by having nations agree to an Equal Rights Treaty and an equal Nationality Treaty. But they ran into opposition from more moderate social reform women's organizations. Believing protective legislation for women in industry to be more important than legal equality, and antagonistic to the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States' Constitution, reformers objected to the international feminists on ideological grounds. They also disapproved of the radicals' militant tactics and active publicity seeking, thereby extending the quarrel to the realm of personality differences. Thus the divisiveness caused by the ERA in the United States disrupted the international women's movement as well. Working through Pan American Congresses and the League of Nations, and continuing into the United Nations, feminists devoted more than a quarter of a century to fighting for equal rights world-wide. While their actual achievements were not notable, in the end their equalitarian ideas proved to have more enduring value than reform theories.  相似文献   

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