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Crises have become a new normality. This normality is turned into grounds for the politics of fear. The hegemonic principle of the politics of fear is security. This politics, which invents objects of fear, is intimately linked to the nationalist identity politics shaped by a particular nationalist essence. Racism is an elemental part of the nationalist identity politics. In the text, racism is considered in relation to, on the one hand, fear and anxiety and, on the other hand, the imaginary and symbolic orders and the structure of fantasy. This analysis shows how xenophobic images, nationalist signifiers and racist fantasies create the vicious circles of fear and hate that gives justification for the nationalist identity politics that raises security as the hegemonic organizing principle. To counter the nationalist identity politics, the nationalist and racist fantasy must be traversed. Therefore, an anti-racist politics cannot be based on any pre-given identity. It takes place only as emancipatory events that confront the racists and nationalist fantasy.  相似文献   

遗传资源法律问题初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着生物技术的迅猛发展,遗传资源作为一国重要的战略物资,不仅在解决粮食、健康和环境问题方面发挥着重要作用,而且其在商业上的使用更会产生巨大的经济价值,已经成为各国争夺的目标。由此,引发了有关遗传资源的诸多法律问题,许多至今未有定论。对什么是遗传资源、遗传资源的权属问题进行分析,对遗传资源获取和惠益分享以及遗传资源的保护方式进行探讨具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

张羽 《犯罪研究》2009,(2):76-78,80
1996年修改《刑事诉讼法》时,在废止免于起诉制度的基础上,确立了由检察机关裁量决定的相对不起诉制度。《刑事诉讼法》第142条第2款规定:“对于犯罪情节轻微,依照刑法规定不需要判处刑罚或者免除刑罚的,人民检察院可以作出不起诉决定。”这其实是法律赋予检察官的一项自由裁量权,就法律功能而言,一方面,它是在审查起诉阶段对符合条件的犯罪嫌疑人通过结束诉讼程序的方式恢复其受到追诉之前的身份,  相似文献   

通过社会两难情境中人们责任意识的探析,揭示在混合动机条件下责任对维持群体合作起着较大的作用,具有较强社会责任意识的个体表现出更多的亲社会行为,而不是自私行为,更愿意合作,反之亦然.责任意识具有情境性和道德性特点,负责任表达了一种对自我呈现的关注,表明个体具有较强的自我监控能力,愿意根据情境来评价和调整自身的行为,使自身的行为更符合社会规范的要求.责任意识成为公民的道德要求之一.  相似文献   

EDI环境下要约与承诺的若干法律问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱京安 《河北法学》2004,22(8):36-39
EDI对国际贸易中的传统法律规定提出了严峻挑战,给传统的要约承诺理论也提出了许多质疑,比如数据电文表达的要约承诺是否具有法律效力,通过EDI表达的要约和承诺能否视为当事人的意思表示,EDI是否限制了当事人的权利,在EDI环境下要不要固守到达生效和投邮生效原则等。对这些问题进行理论研究具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

杨亚佳 《河北法学》2005,23(1):67-70
依法执政既是中国共产党执政经验的总结,也是中国法治建设和发展的历史必然。坚持依法执政将更新党执政的合法性基础,同时党执政的思维方式和工作方式,也要顺应法治建设的规律适时转变。  相似文献   

All states have pursued what James C. Scott characterised as modernist projects of legibility and simplification: maps, censuses, national economic plans and related legislative programs. Many, including Scott, have pointed out blindspots embedded in these tools. As such criticism persists, however, the synoptic style of law and development has changed. Governments, NGOs and international agencies now aspire to draw upon immense repositories of digital data. Modes of analysis too have changed. No longer is legibility a precondition for action. Law‐ and policy‐making are being informed by business development methods that prefer prototypes over plans. States and international institutions continue to plan, but also seek insight from the release of minimally viable policy mock‐ups. Familiar critiques of law and development work, and arguments for its reform, have limited purchase on these practices, Scott's included. Effective critical intervention in this field today requires careful attention to be paid to these emergent patterns of practice.  相似文献   

随着仲裁制度的国际化发展,我国《仲裁法》不承认临时仲裁的做法已经显得不合时宜,因为它限制了当事人选择纠纷解决方式的权利,压制了仲裁制度的活力。基于临时仲裁特有的灵活性、便捷性和普遍性,拟对临时仲裁制度的理论和实践进行考察,进而对临时仲裁制度在中国的发展前景提出一些设想和建议。  相似文献   

高校英语专业教学团队建设实践探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校教学团队的建设,对学科建设、课程建设、教师专业发展以及人才培养质量的提高都有十分重要的作用。本文以湖南师范大学外国语学院“英语听说读写基础课国家级教学团队”建设的实践为例,探讨教学团队在教学理念创新、制度建设、教学研究、师资队伍建设等方面的具体做法,从实践层面考察高效教学团队建设的方法与措施,促进教学团队的建设。  相似文献   

吕叔湘先生的<中国文法要略>开创了从意义到形式的汉语语法研究的新思路,这不但体现在下卷的"表达论",而且贯穿全书的始终.该书最主要的贡献在于建立了六大语法范畴系统:动词时态系统、句子功能系统、句子语气系统、语义角色系统、语义范畴系统以及语义关联系统,这是吕叔湘语法研究的核心思想.在这一思想的指导下,汉语语义语法理论才得以长足的发展.本文全面阐述了汉语语义语法的理论思想,指出它的理论核心是:强调形式与意义的的双向研究,特别是强化了语义范畴、语义角色和语义关联的研究.  相似文献   

从罪数论到竞合论——一个学术史的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈兴良 《现代法学》2011,33(3):99-112
罪数论是我国刑法学的一个理论单元,它以一罪与数罪的区分以及一罪的特殊类型为主线展开,对于正确适用数罪并罚原则具有重要意义。我国罪数理论是在上个世纪80年代后期从日本引进的,学者们在此基础上结合我国刑法规定进行了研究。随着近年来德国刑法知识更多地传入我国,以竞合论为中心建立理论体系的学术努力得以显现,由此开始了我国从罪数论到竞合论的转变。在这一转变过程中,我国刑法理论逐渐成长起来。  相似文献   

维柯一方面根据民族共同本性来研究部落自然法的特征,寻找习俗演变的凭证;另一方面又根据自然法的哲学观点来区分习俗和法律,这就是他的独特之处——认识与实践的结合,史与论的结合。维柯运用"诗性智慧"的观点分析论证了法律的起源问题,对西方法学思想作出了原创性的理论贡献。  相似文献   

This study examined individual and work-level factors that impact job stress and satisfaction for correctional officers. Existing research has explored officer job stress and satisfaction, but very few studies have focused specifically on fear of contracting an infectious disease while at work (HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and tuberculosis), and the impact fear of and exposure to infectious disease have on correctional officer job stress and satisfaction. Random sample data were collected from 2,999 male and female officers from across the state of Texas to assess job stress, satisfaction, personal safety, and exposure to infectious disease. Ordinary Least Squares analyses indicated that fear of disease was positively correlated with job stress, and inversely correlated with job satisfaction. Exposure to disease however, failed to yield any significant effects on job stress or satisfaction. Officers who felt that their supervisors were supportive of them on the job reported less stress and higher satisfaction levels, while perceived dangerousness of the job was positively correlated with job stress. These findings highlight the importance of supervisory support as well as continuous, in-depth education and training on infectious diseases for officers.  相似文献   

南朝时期,山水自然作为独立的审美形象进入文艺作品中,对于其原因,历来论者多有涉及。如果从陈郡谢氏的角度,选取东晋谢安、晋宋谢灵运及萧齐的谢朓为对象,探讨出处问题与山水发现的内在联系,就会发现:谢安不仅藉山水以享乐,也借山水以化郁结;谢灵运在山水中体悟玄理,为声色大开奠定基础;谢朓则在官舍郡斋中,在宦游旅途中,将山水融入日常生活中,山水最终成为官场中人的逃遁之地。  相似文献   

This essay explores the possibility of applying narrative analysis as a tool for the socio-cultural study of law. Narrative is understood to be both a form of representation of reality, as well as a starting point into the enquiry about the nature of reality itself. Consequently, an analysis of legal narratives could help to assess law’s impact on our understanding of social reality and of ourselves. The narrative context, which is examined for its plot and metaphors, is the intellectual property law of human biotechnology. The legal representation of techno-scientific knowledge in intellectual property law is contrasted against other conceptions of science, especially with the ones that are put forward by scholars in science and technology studies and anthropology. It is argued that the present legal narrative of human biotechnology and intellectual property not only lacks sufficient understanding of the scientific knowledge-making process but also, importantly, that it is in need of a self-reflexive understanding of its own practice. At the end, the possibility of changing the present legal narrative will be probed with the help of different narrative theories of the self and of representation, which have been advanced by White, Taylor and MacIntyre.  相似文献   

Potentially preventable crimes resulting from failures in criminal record checking and recording emerged as problematic in the eighteenth century and have continued up until the present day. Ranging from child abuse to murders, reports suggest that if criminal records had been evident, in some cases unlawful acts may have been prohibited. The historical background to the emergence of criminal record collection and checking in the United Kingdom (UK) is analysed from the mid-eighteenth century. This time period is chosen because it marks a pivotal change in the treatment of criminals, crimes and the start of the policing system in the United Kingdom. As a result of growing societal concerns over public safety and changes in the legal system, the approach in which criminal records have been utilised in employment decision-making has evolved most rapidly in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The recording, storing and sharing of criminal record information has received most attention only in the past decade. Developments in recruitment-vetting procedures for the protection of vulnerable persons have only emerged in the last 50 years to manage such crimes in the United Kingdom. In 2002 the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) was established in the United Kingdom to ensure safer recruitment decisions could be made in society. However, the question remains whether or not these practices have been and are effective.  相似文献   

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