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Medical cards of 1,116 inpatient victims of surrogate alcohol poisoning and 242 cases of its fatal outcome associated with jaundice were available for analysis form Irkutsk Region and other regions of the Russian Federation in the second half of 2006 and early 2007. The study revealed differences in hepatic lesions depending on the chemical nature of toxicants. Mixtures containing guanidine derivatives caused highly specific irreversible disturbance of bile transport in hepatocytes and biliary capillaries in the absence of cholestasis at the level of biliary ducts. Changes in hepatocytes of different type and genesis appear to be due to other toxic components and may be of use for the establishment of causal relation between hepatic lesions and concrete toxic mixtures.  相似文献   

Extrahepatic biliary atresia (EHBA) is a rare disease characterized by progressive and obliterative cholangiopathy in infants and is one of the major causes of secondary vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB) due to cholestasis-induced fat malabsorption. Breast feeding increases the tendency of bleeding in EHBA patients because breast milk contains low amounts of vitamin K. A 2-month-old female infant unexpectedly died, with symptoms of vomiting and jaundice prior to death. She had been born by uncomplicated vaginal delivery and exhibited normal growth and development with breastfeeding. There was no history of trauma. She received vitamin K prophylaxis orally. In an emergency hospital, a CT scan showed a right intracranial hematoma and mass effect with midline shift to the left. In the postmortem examination, severe atresia was observed in the whole extrahepatic bile duct. Histologically, cholestasis, periductal fibrosis, and distorted bile ductules were noted. The gallbladder was not identified. A subdural hematoma and cerebellar tonsillar herniation were found; however, no traumatic injury in any part of the body was observed. Together, these findings suggest that the subdural hemorrhage was caused by secondary vitamin K deficiency resulting from a combination of cholestasis-induced fat malabsorption and breastfeeding. Subdural hemorrhage by secondary VKDB sometimes occurs even when vitamin K prophylaxis is continued. This case demonstrated that intrinsic factors, such as secondary VKDB (e.g., EHBA, neonatal hepatitis, chronic diarrhea), should also be considered in infant autopsy cases presenting with subdural hemorrhage.  相似文献   

A 79-year-old woman, with Parkinson's disease treated with cabergoline, was admitted to a hospital due to jaundice and weakness. She was found confused, absent minded, and died after 2 weeks. Autopsy showed an extrahepatic bile duct adenocarcinoma with spread to the gall bladder, the liver, and regional lymphnodes. While cleaning the hospital bed after her death, the nurses found several tablets hidden in the bed. Biological samples obtained at the autopsy were screened for common drugs and narcotics. Several drugs such as buprenorphine, codeine, paracetamol, and propranolol were detected in the blood at therapeutic levels. A method to determine cabergoline in whole blood and other forensic matrices was developed, and further investigations determined cabergoline concentrations in whole blood and liver tissue of 94 and 3100 microg/kg, respectively. The blood concentration was 100 times above the therapeutic level reported on cabergoline in plasma and in combination with her symptoms, suggest she took a fatal overdose of cabergoline.  相似文献   

To the best of our knowledge, the first case of successful personal identification based on the characteristic finding of a metallic Z-stent, unexpectedly discovered in the common bile duct, is reported. An unknown human male cadaver was found at the seaside. The age was estimated to be ~50–70 years and the postmortem interval was considered to be ~2 weeks. There was a small surgical scar of 1.5 cm in diameter in the epigastrium. The cadaver was group A in the ABO blood group system. Internally, the following severe injuries were observed: the dislocation of the occipito-atlantal joint, fractures of the cervical and thoracic portions of the spinal column, multiple fractures of the bilateral ribs, and ruptures of the spleen, left kidney and liver. Furthermore, a 4.5 cm long metallic stent was found in the common bile duct, and the gallbladder was not thoroughly identified because of the severely tight adhesion of the surrounding tissues. In every cut surface of the liver, multiple bile plaques, signifying the presence of long-standing cholestasis, were conspicuous. A microscopic examination revealed the invasion of cancer cells into the liver, which was diagnosed as well or moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, although the primary origin of the adenocarcinoma could not be determined. The cause of his death was diagnosed as traumatic shock. According to the police investigation after the autopsy, it was revealed that a 60-year-old male, suffering from gallbladder carcinoma, had disappeared. His medical chart disclosed that his blood group was A and that a metallic Z-stent had been inserted in the common bile duct in order to dilate the stenotic duct because of the invasion of the gallbladder carcinoma, and that he had never received cholecystectomy. The male's X-ray films revealed that the metallic Z-stent found at autopsy was identical with the one placed in the common bile duct by percutaneous transhepatic cholangial drainage (PTCD) procedures. The cadaver, therefore, could be identified as this missing 60-year-old male. Finally, it is recognized that forensic pathologists should have as much knowledge as possible of advanced modern iatrotechniques (surgical procedures, appliances, etc.) in order properly to perform a personal identification of unknown cadavers or people in whom the evidences of such modern iatrotechniques are found.  相似文献   

A finding in the autopsy of John Paul Jones, the American Revolutionary War naval hero, may explain his terminal illness. During his last 2 years, he had a persistent productive cough and dyspnea. Ten days before death, he developed rapidly progressive dependent edema and ascites. He died in France in 1792. His body, preserved in alcohol in a lead coffin, was, in 1905, removed to the United States. Glomerulonephritis was noted on an autopsy, performed in France, but there was no comment then or since about ventricular wall thickness being the same in both ventricles at 5–6 mm. Hypertrophy and dilatation with biventricular failure followed by tissue shrinkage during 113 years in alcohol could have resulted in these ventricular wall findings. Systemic hypertension and left ventricular failure are consistent with his respiratory symptoms complicated perhaps by pulmonary emboli, right ventricular failure with tricuspid regurgitation, peripheral congestion, and jaundice.  相似文献   

A case of fatal overdose of tramadol is described, occurring in a 67-year-old man with painful rib fractures who accidentally ingested more than the recommended daily dose. The mode of death was acute liver failure due to fulminant hepatic necrosis. Post-mortem toxicology was negative apart from revealing a blood tramadol concentration well above the normal therapeutic range. This is the first report of fatal tramadol ingestion occurring in a therapeutic setting and also the first tramadol-related death where the mechanism was liver failure.  相似文献   

因福尔马林治疗肝包虫病引发的医疗纠纷案例比较罕见。从医学视角看,该案例中造成不良损害后果的机理是因福尔马林对胆道系统的损伤和/或包虫头节阻塞造成梗阻性黄疸,同时在患者本身肝功能受损的共同作用下最终导致了施行肝移植手术。从法学视角看,该案例中选择鉴定机构的方法、损伤参与度的应用及对伤残评定适用标准的探讨对医疗纠纷案件的处理有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In this study, we present two cases of sudden deaths of people with end‐stage kidney with arteriovenous fistulas for long‐term hemodialysis treatment. This procedure is associated with a number of known complications. While stenosis, thrombosis, and infection are well known, lethal hemorrhage from arteriovenous fistula is much less commonly encountered. Inspection of the bodies at the scene of the death by a medical examiner suggested that the deaths were due to exsanguination. Autopsies revealed visible defects on the front wall of the arteriovenous fistulas. Microscopic examination showed wall necrosis with infiltration of various inflammatory cells. Deaths were due to exsanguination from the ulcerated arteriovenous fistulas in patients with chronic renal failure. Further investigation revealed that complications in the area around the arteriovenous fistulas were known and were being treated until a sudden rupture of the vessels and hemorrhage from the arteriovenous fistulas resulted in the deaths.  相似文献   

Renal infarction is an uncommon finding at autopsy most often related to occlusive thromboembolism or to trauma. A 42-year-old woman is reported who presented with persistent right flank pain after an alleged assault with injury to the area 3 weeks previously. Renal infarction necessitated a right nephrectomy that was followed by multiorgan failure and death. Given the possible link between the assault and the renal pathology, a homicide investigation was initiated. Although renal infarction had been confirmed by hospital pathologists, microscopy with special staining of both kidneys and the heart after autopsy revealed multifocal areas of angioinvasion by fungi having morphologic characteristics of mucormycosis. The only other finding of significance was alcohol-related micronodular cirrhosis of the liver. Renal infarction had therefore been caused by an angioinvasive fungal infection predisposed to by immunocompromise associated with alcoholism and not by trauma-induced arterial dissection. This case demonstrates that careful histological assessment of tissues from medicolegal autopsies may occasionally identify unexpected and rare disorders that have been confused with the sequelae of inflicted injury.  相似文献   

A short while after leaving a public-house a 71 year old man as the driver of his car was involved in a head-on collision with another car. On admission to a hospital he was unconscious with a distinct debility for the left side of his body and showed a changing anisocoria. Angiography of the right carotid artery revealed an occlusion. It was suspected that this was the terminal state of a generalized arteriosclerotic occlusion which was considered being the reason for the accident. The autopsy-findings showed, however, a posttraumatic thrombosis (whiplash-trauma of the cervical vertebral column) of the right arteria carotis and of the right arteria vertebralis with thromboembolia in a small pontine artery with an infarct-like ischemic softening. The differentiation from an apoplexia is of importance for the differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

Three cases are reported to demonstrate the range of possible lesions and wide variation in lethal mechanisms that may be found in cases of unexpected death subsequently shown to be due to bacterial endocarditis. Case 1: A 36-year-old man was found dead on his bedroom floor surrounded by drug paraphernalia. At autopsy, acute myocardial ischemia was present caused by coronary artery ostial occlusion complicating acute bacterial endocarditis of the aortic valve. Case 2: A 54-year-old man with chronic renal failure was found dead in bed at home. At autopsy, a left middle cerebral artery territory cerebral infarct was present due to septic embolization from bacterial endocarditis involving the aortic valve. Case 3: A 23-year-old man was found collapsed in a pool of blood. At autopsy, upper airway hemorrhage from an arteriobronchial fistula was present caused by septic pulmonary infarction from previous endocarditis of a congenital ventricular septal defect. This report demonstrates that bacterial endocarditis may still be a cause of sudden and unexpected death presenting to forensic mortuaries and that the underlying mechanisms may involve complex sequences of pathological changes that compromise vascular function.  相似文献   

鱼胆中毒的实验病理研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
40只Wistar 大鼠随机分为3个实验组和1个对照组。实验组分别以6. 9ml/kg、4. 6ml/kg 和2. 3ml/kg 剂量灌服草鱼胆汁。每3天一次,共5次。结果表明:实验大鼠肾近曲小管上皮细胞广泛变性坏死,其AKP 酶活性明显下降;血清BUN 显著增高。提示急性鱼胆申毒在病程迁延时主要损害肾脏,其死因为急性肾功能衰竭。本实验较成功地复制出鱼胆中毒的动物模型。  相似文献   

A rare case of an elephant attack is presented. A 44-year-old man working as an elephant keeper was attacked by a cow elephant when he tripped over a foot chain while the animal was being medically treated. The man fell down and was consequently repeatedly attacked with elephant tusks. The man sustained multiple stab injuries to both groin regions, a penetrating injury to the abdominal wall with traumatic prolapse of the loops of the small bowel, multiple defects of the mesentery, and incomplete laceration of the abdominal aorta with massive bleeding into the abdominal cavity. In addition to the penetrating injuries, the man sustained multiple rib fractures with contusion of both lungs and laceration of the right lobe of the liver, and comminuted fractures of the pelvic arch and left femoral body. The man died shortly after he had been received at the hospital. The cause of death was attributed to traumatic shock.  相似文献   

A 78-year-old woman with a history of transient ischemic attacks was found in the doorway of her house in a somnolent and unresponsive condition. In the right mandibular region, a small skin wound was localized, which was surgically treated. Six days after admission to the hospital, an exploratory craniotomy was performed because of abnormal CT findings. Apart from tissue lesions and hemorrhages a small bone fragment was detected in the right cerebral cortex, which was removed. After 11 days in hospital, the patient died from failure of central regulatory functions. At the forensic autopsy, a 15 cm long wound track running upward from the skin wound in the right mandibular region through the bony skull base to the right parietal lobe of the brain was noted. Apparently, the surgically removed bone fragment had been displaced from the right middle cranial fossa. The site of the incident in the deceased's house was inspected again and a bamboo pole used to stabilize a potted plant standing on the floor was found and sent to the trace evidence laboratory. Analysis showed blood and tissue deposits from the victim. On the basis of all the findings and the circumstances of the case, a fatal impalement injury caused by an accidental fall could be assumed.  相似文献   

Strongly intoxicated, a 37-year-old man fell in front of the right back wheel of an emergency vehicle (MB Unimog) and was run over according to eye witnesses. He died in hospital shortly afterwards. The autopsy revealed that he bled to death from a traumatic liver rupture (bursting of the right hepatic lobe and severing of a piece of tissue measuring 17 x 8 x 4 cm). There were no injuries classicaly seen in victims run over by a car. The atypical injury findings in this case are due to the special features of the accident vehicle: The Unimog (an all-wheel vehicle with a fixed rear axle and flat coils) struck the right side of the body lying on the street with its rear wheel and was then lifted over the body by its fixed axle without touching the left side.  相似文献   

Systemic metastatic calcification is a common complication of chronic renal failure. Cardiac involvement is particularly ominous, especially when the cardiac conduction system is affected. Conduction defects, arrhythmias, and sudden death have all been reported with conduction system calcification; however, these are relatively under-reported or unrecognized causes of cardiac morbidity and mortality. We describe a 40-year-old man with Von Hippel-Lindau disease who had been maintained on hemodialysis for two years following bilateral nephrectomies for renal cell carcinoma. The patient presented with symptomatic complete heart block that had progressed from Mobitz type I atrioventricular block. Two months later, while being internally paced, the patient died unexpectedly after a complicated hospital admission. Postmortem revealed extensive vascular, myocardial, and conduction system calcification. Conduction system calcification may cause sudden death in chronic renal failure patients during hospital admission, or unexpectedly while the patient is in the community. Knowledge of this condition is necessary to detect it, as the conduction system is not routinely examined. A routine abbreviated conduction system examination is warranted for patients with systemic metastatic calcification, especially if they have sudden death or a known history of heart block.  相似文献   

论环境权是一种物权   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴亚平 《河北法学》2006,24(6):94-97
环境权实际上是一种表达人与物之间的关系的权利.根据环境权的实际和现有理论上的分析,认为环境权可用"交往"这个基本概念来概括,各种具体的环境权,如清洁空气权、清洁水权等等,均可从人与空气、水这些自然要素进行交往的角度来予以界定.物权的逻辑含义直接的就是人对物的权利,所谓人对人的权利只是一种间接的意义,人与物的关系就是物权的最直接、最本初的内容;物权描述了人与物的所有关系类型,人与物的所有可能的关系样态全部蕴含在物权这一概念的无限空间里.通过以上的界定及对环境权、物权的两相校勘,认为环境权就是一种物权.  相似文献   

致心律失常性右室心肌病(ARVC)是一种原发性心肌病,其特征性病理改变为心肌细胞变性退化被纤维脂肪组织所替代,最终导致心力衰竭,心律失常,猝死。ARVC是目前青年人及运动员猝死的主要死因之一,其发病率约为1/1000-1/5000,男性较女性多见.近年来越来越多研究表明ARVC与基因突变相关,尤其是编码桥粒蛋白基因,但具体发病机制仍不明确。  相似文献   

人体组织中ABH物质分布的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本研究采用特异性红细胞粘附试验(SRCA 试验)方法,系统地研究了11例已知 ABO 血型及分泌状态尸体的38种组织器官 ABH 物质的定位与分布,发现粘膜、粘液腺及前列腺中均含有丰富的 ABH 物质,并受分泌状态控制。血管内皮细胞、复层上皮细胞、胰腺腺泡上皮及汗腺中也含有较多的 ABH 物质,但不受分泌状态的影响。新发现肺泡上皮、肝小胆管粘膜上皮亦含有 ABH 物质。其它组织器官除自身的血管内皮及红细胞含有 ABH 物质外,均未测出 ABH 物质。采用 SRCA 试验,室温放置13天的皮肤组织亦能正确地测出其 ABO 血型。  相似文献   

Pellet embolization to the right atrium following double shotgun injury   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 28-year-old man sustained two shotgun injuries of the left inguinal region from a distance of about 1.5 m by simultaneous discharge of both shells from a sawn-off double-barrelled 16-bore shotgun (diameter of the lead pellets, 4 mm). The first X-ray examination carried out soon after hospital admission showed a single embolized pellet near the right margin of the cardiac silhouette. Eight months later, the man committed suicide by drug intoxication. At autopsy, the embolized pellet was found embedded between the pectinate muscles of the right atrium. On the basis of the reported case and with reference to the pertinent literature, the paper points out the medico-legal aspects of venous bullet/pellet embolism and the risk of lead poisoning after shotgun injury.  相似文献   

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