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20世纪90年代末,我国政府部门开始引入ISO9000质量管理体系,并取得了显著成效。但是,在此过程中也产生了一些问题,如标准在政府部门中难以转换,标准与政府的实际工作相脱节,ISO9001认证耗费资金。针对这些问题,我们应结合IWA 4:2005质量管理体系的具体要求,建立相关责任机制和奖励机制,做好标准转化工作,切实提高政府服务质量,从而在政府部门中进一步推行ISO9000质量管理体系。  相似文献   

质量问题是经济社会发展中的一个战略问题,质量水平的高低是一个国家经济、科技、教育和管理水平的综合反映.在整个质量管理体系中,领导干部科学质量意识的树立,是充分调动质量管理要素最大功能实现以及推进质量实践顺利进行的关键.  相似文献   

中国政府全面质量管理系统的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面质量管理是一门内涵丰富的管理哲学、管理思想,同时也是一种有效的管理技术和管理工具,全面质量管理在企业中的应用取得了重大成效,西方国家将全面质量管理应用于政府部门同样取得了明显的效果.中国同样具有推行政府全面质量管理的基础条件,通过开展政府全面质量管理的基础性工作,树立"顾客导向",建构政府内部持续改进机制,建立政府全面质量管理质量保证体系,将全面质量管理的管理理念和管理方法引入中国政府部门.构建中国政府全面质量管理系统,从而提高政府工作绩效和公众的满意度.  相似文献   

应急管理体系及其业务流程研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
减少突发公共事件带来的损失,实现快速有效的应急管理已经成为各国、各级政府部门的一项重要工作,也是国内外学者研究的一个热点.而建设完善的国家突发公共事件应急管理体系,目前也已经成为我国迫切需要研究的课题.基于国内外应急管理体系建设现状,综述了各国在应急管理体系建设方面取得的主要成果,分析了我国应急管理体系中存在的一些问题.通过抽象和梳理应急管理体系的基本业务,给出了基本业务流程,并以国家安全生产应急管理的业务为例分析了微观层面的应急管理业务流程,给出了一个具有一定代表性的业务流程分析案例.最后对应急管理体系建设的工作重点进行了分析与展望.  相似文献   

如何坚持改革创新,增强党的生机活力,推进党的建设科学化,是各级党组织面临的一个重要课题,也是一项重要责任。近年来,我们围绕这个课题,从落实基层党建工作责任出发,认真总结基层党建规范化建设、“三级联创”活动经验,借鉴运用企业ISO9000质量管理的先进理念和方法,创建推行基层党建质量管理体系,有效提升了党的建设和组织工作的整体水平。  相似文献   

政府导入ISO质量管理体系将会变成建立和完善符合国际规范社会监督机制的重要举措。通过进行ISO9000质量体系认证,将实现行政行为考核和行政服务评价标准的公开、公正、量化以及利用制度标准规范政府公共服务的时效。ISO质量管理体系作为提高我国政府公共服务质量的一个重要突破口,对政府公共服务的优化,塑造良好的政府形象具有非常重要的意义。同时有助于强化行政管理工作的整体规范化、高效化,形成一个科学、合理、有条不紊的行政体系。  相似文献   

杜玲 《学理论》2012,(17):190-191
现代化档案管理工作是一项兼具系统性与专业性较强的文件、资料等相关信息资源的管理规划工作.同时,随着目前现代化档案管理体系相关工作内容与体系管理制度的愈发完善,在档案管理中应用 ISO 质量管理体系标准,成为档案管理工作中整合现代企事业等组织机构单位资料、文件的一项重点工作.对 ISO 质量管理体系与档案管理工作之间的关系、理论、作用等进行了探讨,以期档案管理工作能够彰显质量成果.  相似文献   

四川是我国农业大省,是以生猪为主的养殖业的重要基地,经过数十年的发展,生猪业取得了辉煌的成绩,但也出现了一些问题,尤其是价格大幅波动和质量监管不到位严重阻碍了生猪养殖业的发展。要解决这些问题,可借鉴加拿大农业供应管理体系的成功经验,建立符合中国国情的"公司+行业协会+养殖户"型生猪养殖业供应管理体系,以促进该行业的健康发展。  相似文献   

新时代对高校党的建设提出了很多新的要求,抓好高校党建工作,提升高校党建质量,成为一个亟须解决的重要课题。将全面质量管理理论用于提升高校基层党组织党建质量具有十分重要的意义。基于全面质量管理六要素构建了高校基层党组织党建工作全面质量管理体系,并基于戴明循环分析该体系的实施路径。  相似文献   

新型乡镇企业的发展为中国的新农村建设作出了重要的贡献。目前我国新型乡镇企业在质量管理方面存在着管理方式单一、专业人员素质偏低、管理教育滞后、会员参与程度不高等问题,这在一定程度上阻碍了企业的可持续发展。因此,建设符合新型乡镇企业发展的全面质量管理体系具有非常重要的意义。试图以广州科苑新型材料有限公司(以下简称科苑)为例,从目标管理建设、运行机制建设以及保障机制建设等方面来构建新型乡镇企业全面质量管理体系,以此来推动乡镇企业的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

Trade policy is an important topic in global public policy. It is recognized that trade is hampered when buyers have incomplete information about the offered products, a problem accentuated in the international markets by the physical and cultural distances between buyers and sellers. Buyers look for proxies to assess product quality, and exporters that can provide assurance about quality gain a competitive advantage. Our paper focuses on voluntary or private regulatory programs that have emerged as important instruments to correct policy failures. We examine how trade competition motivates firms to signal quality by joining ISO 9000, the most widely adopted voluntary quality certification program in the world. Methodologically, our study is novel because we observe trade competition at the bilateral and the sectoral levels. Structural equivalence, the measure of competition we introduce in this paper, captures competitive threats posed by actors that export similar products to the same overseas markets. We study ISO 9000 adoption levels from 1993 to 2002 for 134 countries, and separately for non‐OECD countries and non‐EU countries. Across a variety of specifications, we find that trade competition drives ISO adoption: The uptake of ISO 9000 is encouraged by ISO 9000 adoption by firms located in countries that are “structurally equivalent” trade competitors. Given that information problems about product quality are likely to be more salient for developing country exporters, we find that trade competition offers a stronger motivation for ISO 9000 adoption in non‐OECD countries in relation to developed countries. © 2010 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

Spatial, cultural, and linguistic barriers create information asymmetries between buyers and sellers that impede international trade. The International Organization for Standardization's ISO 9000 program is designed to reduce these information asymmetries by providing assurance about the product quality of firms that receive its certification. Based on analyses of a panel of 140 countries from 1994 to 2004, we find that ISO 9000 certification levels are associated with increases in countries' bilateral exports, particularly for developing countries' exports, which may be due to their more severe quality assurance challenges. © 2009 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

企业职工民主参与是我国基层群众自治的重要组成部分.改革30余年来,广东在职工民主参与方面做出了许多重要努力.广东珠三角地区通过直选企业工会主席、探索区域性行业性职工代表大会、采用ISO9000标准推行厂务公开、在国企改制中试行职工参股、在非公有制企业推行工资集体协商等方式,展现了改革开放排头兵的形象.面对日益复杂的劳动关系,广东省各级工会仍需以改革创新的精神不断推进工会工作的新发展.  相似文献   

人员招募工作是组织获取人力资源的首要环节,无论是政府部门还是企业,都要通过招募人员不断充实新生力量。然而由于组织特徵的不同,政府部门和企业的人员招募工作也存在显着差异。本文从政府部门和企业两个组织的特徵分析入手,系统比较了两者人员招募工作的特征和现状的差异,井提出了相互借鉴的建议。  相似文献   

我国政府部门问关系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府部门是指各级政府根据管理对象的内容和性质,经过法定程序设置的分别负责组织和管理某一方面行政事务的机构。政府管理公共事务的过程实际上是政府各组成部门独自或者联合参与公共事务的过程。政府部门间关系的状况直接影响到政府整体管理公共事务的绩效。良好的政府部门间关系对于提高政府整体管理公共事务的绩效,建立现代的服务型政府具有重要意义。  相似文献   

It is well established in the public management literature that boundary spanners – people or groups that work across departments or sectors – are critical to the success of whole of government and joined‐up working. In studying recent unprecedented change to central government agencies in the Australian context, our research identified that intra‐departmental boundary spanners also play a critical role in the functioning of government departments, particularly during restructuring. Although most contemporary literature in public management concentrates on boundaries across formal organisational entities (departments, agencies, sectors), boundaries also exist within departments. Our research has found that without dedicated intra‐departmental boundary spanners, significant role confusion and dysfunctional practices arise. In turn, this has serious implications for the quality of policy advice given to Cabinet. Further research needs to be undertaken into both the role of intra‐departmental boundary spanners and how to nurture and manage the practice of intra‐departmental boundary spanners. This is especially the case if changes in Australia represent a fundamental shift more broadly in the way central government agencies operate.  相似文献   

Racing to the Bottom? Trade,Environmental Governance,and ISO 14001   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Globalization critics argue that international trade spurs a race to the bottom among national environmental standards. ISO 14001 is the most widely adopted voluntary environmental regulation which encourages firms to take environmental action beyond what domestic government regulations require. Drawing on a panel study of 108 countries over seven years, we investigate conditions under which trade linkages can encourage ISO 14001 adoption, thereby countering environmental races to the bottom. We find that trade linkages encourage ISO 14001 adoption if countries' major export markets have adopted this voluntary regulation.  相似文献   

Numerous studies argue that law affects behavior “expressively”—such as when states create focal points that overcome the coordination difficulties firms face. We argue that governments help firms overcome coordination dilemmas by explicating a preferred strategy for firms weighing investment in voluntary regulation. Firms would prefer to coordinate on a common strategy as a way of reducing the costs of voluntary regulation and increasing its benefits. We test our hypothesis about the efficacy of focal point selection with the European Union's (EU) advocacy of the Eco‐Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) over a rival environmental management system, International Standards Organization (ISO) 14001. EU nations have statistically significantly lower rates of ISO 14001 certification than comparable countries at least in part due to their advocacy of EMAS. These results emphasize the role the state plays in coordinating business behavior even when such policy is simply expressive.  相似文献   

Governments play an active role in promoting corporate social responsibility and specifically environmental management system (EMS) programs, but few studies have examined the impact of such support on the decision of businesses to adopt EMS programs. We ask two questions in this paper: how does government support for EMS programs affect adoption of such programs? Second, what effect does this government support have on the pace of adoption of such programs? The answer to the first question can reveal how effective government programs are in boosting membership in EMS programs. The answer to the second reveals to what extent businesses within EU member states are converging upon particular EMS standards. We examine these questions in the context of the European Union’s Eco‐Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), 2010–2014. There is significant variation in government support of EMAS across the EU and at the same time, EMAS competes for business attention with the more established ISO 14001. Our quantitative and qualitative analyses therefore reveal the effectiveness of government programs in boosting adoption, but also to the extent to which such programs cause convergence upon EMAS in the face of a competing standard such as ISO 14001.  相似文献   

This paper examines corporate governance disclosures on the websites of Australian state government departments. The study focuses on the nature and extent of governance information and the ease of finding this information directly on department websites and also in annual reports which are downloadable from websites. Our sample comprises six departments from each of the six states in Australia, giving a sample size of 36 departments. Our findings indicate considerable variability in both the level of disclosure and the accessibility of the information disclosed. The study also highlights a lack of consensus regarding the meaning of governance and what governance comprises, together with the need for a more structured approach to communicating governance information to stakeholders.  相似文献   

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