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全国人大常委会《关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》旨在建立统一司法鉴定管理体制,然而,实践中出现的鉴定机构和鉴定人管理双轨制使《决定》的立法初衷未能实现。"两高"、"三部"《通知》试图对此予以校正,将侦查机关所属"职能鉴定人"一并纳入司法行政部门的登记管理体系。由此出现的社会司法鉴定人和职能司法鉴定人仍然在管理上存在差异,从统一司法鉴定管理体制的角度看,职能司法鉴定人依旧具有不合理性。  相似文献   

民办学校运行与制衡机制的理想构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
完善民办学校法人机关运行机制和外部监管与制衡机制是保障民办学校的公益属性、促进教育目标实现及确保学校产权机制良好运行的重要保障。应重点构建和完善学校法人机关三权分立模式下的董事会治理体制 ,寻求确保学校经营权、教育行政权和监督权相互沟通与制约的良好机制 ,实现学校法人的有效治理。积极转变政府职能和行政理念 ,增强服务意识 ,构建高效的外部宏观监管和制衡机制 ,并逐步实现由政府公共行政管理为主向社会中介组织服务管理为主的转变 ,促进我国民办教育事业的健康发展  相似文献   

Although the extent of unbundling among private legal practitioners in the changing Australian marketplace remains uncertain, there is a shift in thinking about the appropriate role of consumers in accessing everyday legal services. This is evident in the delivery of legal services other than those provided by private practitioners, where the consumer's role in legal service delivery arrangements is gradually being transformed. Among those institutions that are responding positively, if not inevitably, to the rising tide of legal self-helpers is the Family Court of Australia. The court's activities in attempting to meet the needs of its pro se consumers is simultaneously creating opportunities for unbundled legal service delivery, at least for those lawyers willing to seize these opportunities. It would appear that family law disputes, together with the large numbers of voluntary and involuntary legal self-helpers that these disputes generate, is fertile terrain for the development of alternative forms of legal service delivery.  相似文献   

私权理念与城市私房拆迁的立法   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
城市房屋拆迁是社会经济发展过程中的一个必然现象,立法应当对这一社会现象有一个回应。树立私权理念是正确解决城市建设与房屋所有权保护之间利益冲突的重要基础。在城市私房拆迁中应当界定社会公共利益且将其作为私房拆迁的直接目的。债权相对性的基本规则在城市私房拆迁中应予遵守。行政管理活动应当为衡平拆迁人与被拆迁人利益及其与社会利益之间的关系提供服务。房屋所有权人对建设项目立项知情权和非社会公益拆迁的异议权是有利于城市建设活动规范进行的制度保障之一。  相似文献   

城乡二元对立结构基础上的乡村巨变、消防事务治理结构内在的可分解性以及公共部门消防服务供给能力的不足,使得消防事务的民营化具有客观必要性。我国消防服务民营化改革宜采取通行的合同承包方式,通过委托民营部门生产部分消防服务实现,政府角色向事前决策者和事后监管者的嬗变,从而在维系政府公共责任的前提下向全社会公平地供给消防服务。  相似文献   

随着“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”理念的进一步深入人心,我国社会治理的方式和目标也正在从传统的人治向现代的法治变迁。而法治的核心是如何制约公权力和保护公民的私权利,使公职行为在法律规定的范围内行使。公安系统作为我国特殊的行政机关,其能否积极的依法行政直接关系到政府及其职能部门的社会形象和威信,所以我们在此探寻其行政法治的理论基础,并积极寻找具有实践意义的路径。  相似文献   

政府行为的竞争性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
娄峥嵘 《行政与法》2005,(2):38-39,42
在市场经济中,作为市场主体之一的政府也具有竞争性。这种竞争来自于政府之间的竞争、各级政府内部的竞争以及在公共部门中与私营组织的竞争。为了在竞争中获胜,各级政府必须提高公共服务质量、增强公共产品供给的能力、通过公务员竞争机制保证政府运行效率,同时在具有自然垄断性质的公共事业或产业中的非自然垄断环节引进竞争。  相似文献   

A legal service delivery system intended to facilitate the providing of services by private practitioners should, to be complete, include among its functions three that are of special importance. First, it should diagnose legal problems. Second, it should make available to a person with a legal problem the information needed for informed selection of a lawyer. And third, it should, when necessary, help the prospective client to make the initial contact with a lawyer. Lawyer advertising, specialty certification, lawyer directories, and lawyer referral services perform some of these functions, but no one mechanism performs all three adequately. A system combining the lawyer directory with an expanded lawyer referral service might do so and thus might be a more complete answer to the problem of delivery of legal services.  相似文献   

对国际私法调整对象和范围的重新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡家强 《法律科学》2002,(6):114-120
国际私法的调整对象和范围是国际私法作为独立法律部门的两根支柱 ,涉及到该学科体系的构架。从国际私法的独特功能角度来探讨 ,国际私法的调整对象应是在国际民商事交往中产生的 ,涉及两个或两个以上国家法律利益的民商事法律选择适用关系。涉外民事关系不是国际私法的调整对象 ,只是引起其调整对象的一种事实或原因。  相似文献   

Medico-legal death investigation in China has a long history that can be traced back to the Chhin era in the third century BC. We conducted a national study on the current medico-legal death investigation system in China. Our study showed that, at present, medico-legal death investigations in China are conducted by c. 12,000 forensic medical experts mainly within five relatively independent agencies: the police organizations, the prosecutors' offices, the departments/divisions of forensic medicine/science in medical colleges and universities, the Institute of Forensic Science in the Ministry of Justice, and the government or private forensic societies. Owing to China's large population and area, the medico-legal death investigation is largely based on the administrative divisions. There is a wide variation in the scope, extent, and quality of investigations among the agencies and at the different levels of county/district, municipal, and provincial governments. This article gives a general overview of medicolegal death investigation in modern China.  相似文献   

The paper explains why the productivity of information technology (IT) in the service sector of the U.S. economy is increased by the provision of infratechnology. The size and growth of the service sector and its investment in IT are discussed, and a key fact and a key inference are developed. The fact: The absorption costs of IT are the vast majority of the IT investment costs to the service sector. The inference: Infratechnology investments are an efficient way to increase both private and social benefits of incurring the cost of implementing IT.  相似文献   

社会法的范畴及体系的展开--兼论社会保障法体系之构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樊启荣  程芳 《时代法学》2005,3(2):41-46
社会法作为一个新兴的法域,突破了传统法律部门之间旧有的疆界,以"生存权的保障"为轴心,将不同的法律规范、尤其是从古典乃至近代的私法规范中引中出来的各种原理重新整合,不仅顾及权利人(部分社会)的利益,而且强调与义务人(全体社会--国家)的关联.随着生存权保障的范围日益扩张,以及实定法建构的日益完善,社会法之边缘亦日见扩充.  相似文献   

在"艳照门"事件中,内地国家机关对公民私下浏览和朋友间赠阅相关照片的行为进行干预。这样既没有实质上的法律依据,又缺乏必要理由,权力涉入行为实际上是对公民私领域的过度干预。这种干预会侵害到公民的权利和自由,挤压社会自主空间,同时也是国家权力资源的浪费。从理论上分析,公民权利是首位的,只有在公民个人的行为的社会危害性达到一定的程度,权力才能介入公民的私领域。我们必须在制度上作出一系列的合理安排以实现公民私领域的充分保护。  相似文献   

Prior research on the use of alcohol by police officers has shown that there are correlations between the officers’ alcohol consumption and stress or social relationships within the police sub-culture. By looking at 1,328 full time officers from municipal, county, and state departments, the researchers found that there were correlations between these two reasons as in prior literature. Surprisingly, the officers drew a clear distinction between drinking alcohol as a social outlet and drinking alcohol to fit in with their peers. As a result, this study explains a third reason the officers used when consuming alcohol. The officers most at risk for drinking problems admitted that fitting in was highest on their list of why they drank alcohol.  相似文献   

侦查机关所属鉴定机构和鉴定人备案登记问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭华 《中国司法鉴定》2009,(1):13-16,53
侦查机关所属鉴定机构和鉴定人备案登记的特殊性超越了法律的规定形式.其正当性和合法性存在不足。司法行政部门在直面现实的基础上,应当严格侦查机关所属鉴定机构和鉴定人备案登记管理程序,完善外在的责任形式,从而消除备案登记对统一司法鉴定管理体制可能带来的影响。  相似文献   

陈军 《政法学刊》2010,27(3):97-102
现代行政国家行政任务不断增加,行政机关为完成行政任务,不得不同私人部门合作,公私合作兴起。公私合作行为是弥补公私合作背景下传统行政行为形式的不足而孕育产生一种新型的行政行为,主要体现为行政契约和私法上的契约。通过“治安承包”这种典型的公私合作行为形式的行政法实证分析,以期达到考察公私合作行为的法律形式。  相似文献   

熊丙万 《中国法学》2014,(3):138-155
中国私法学在借鉴两大法系私法制度和私法学说时,在很大程度上接受了支撑两大法系私法的个人主义认识论。近年来,个人主义认识论得到中国私法学者的系统阐述,并产生了较为广泛的影响。然而,个人主义过分侧重强调对既有私权的静态享有和安全保护,忽视了私有权利的动态生成机制,进而忽视了私人社会生活和私法的合作面向,即私人之间共同合作创造的过程。受此影响,个人主义认识论不仅无力对现有私法制度作出系统合理的解释,而且很可能成为中国私法学在两大法系传统智慧之外构想更优替代方案的绊脚石。中国私法学有必要认真对待私人社会生活的合作面向,在认识论上从个人主义走向合作主义。  相似文献   

在兼顾公私益的“双服务”理念下 ,既有行政观念及其制度暴露出诸多欠缺。为适应既要服务于公益又要服务于私益的现实需要 ,现代行政观念应当是服务观念、公私益兼顾观念和行政能动性观念的整合 ;在制度建构上 ,行政目标立体化、行政手段科技化、权力行使分散化、行政活动民主化和行政方式多样化应当成为制度的转型趋向  相似文献   

A petitioner participates in the administration of public affairs at his own discretion. A cooperative relationship exists between the petitioner, petition letter, office visits and the related functional departments. Good governance is reflected in petition system which is to set up a balance between public interests and citizens’ private rights. Institutional reform regarding the petition letter and visit system should focus on the “settlement of issues”. The specific design of the petition reform must comply with the requirements of good governance, balancing the rights and serving the interests of the parties concerned. Only in this way, can we achieve cooperative and harmonious governance of the society and still allow for the involvement of various forces in the society. The petition system plays an important role in promoting the cooperation and mutual assistance of public power and private rights, executing two-way persuasions, improving error corrections and regulating the settlement of disputes.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):153-170

Home surveys and ethnographic studies have demonstrated that alarms are effective in deterring intruders. Local police departments across North America, however, face significant difficulties in responding to ever-increasing false activations and in managing alarm registrations. Local, county, and state governments must know whether alarms create a net benefit or a net burden to society as a whole. In this paper, all social costs and benefits are computed, and a positive annualized social net benefit is realized. Benefits include avoidance of property losses and personal injuries from both burglary and fire. Costs include installation and utility charges for systems and police response. The results of the analysis provide public policy suggestions for police involvement in alarm activities and for effective alarm-related ordinances.  相似文献   

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