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目的针对交通事故中驾驶员和乘客的损伤,辨别驾驶员损伤的特征性改变,从而为交通事故中准确认定驾驶员提供科学的证据支撑。方法对2006—2014年间,黑龙江省垦区内126例汽车交通事故死亡案例数据进行回顾性研究,分析汽车事故死亡案例驾驶员损伤特征,探讨驾乘人员损伤的法医学鉴定要点。结果驾驶员颈部、胸部、腹部的损伤多见,可检见汽车部件所致特征性损伤。乘员仅头面部及四肢与汽车接触部位有特征性损伤,其他部位未检见可明确汽车部件所致特征性损伤。结论损伤部位、类型与死亡人员的驾乘身份有关。  相似文献   

1110例汽车驾驶员及乘员交通伤特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较道路交通事故中汽车驾驶员及乘员的损伤特点,为汽车安全设计及事故预防提供参考。方法选择2006~2009年受理的交通伤害案件中373例汽车驾驶员及737例汽车乘员的伤残评定资料进行回顾性分析,对损伤部位的分布,多发伤的数量以及伤残等级进行比较。结果驾驶员损伤部位明显较乘员多,肢体、胸腹损伤发生率明显较乘员高,脊柱损伤的发生率明显较乘员低;驾驶员身体左侧受伤的几率较右侧高,而乘员左右损伤差异不显著;两类人员损伤所致伤残等级腹部、盆部分布显著不同,而其他部位无显著差异,但胸部、脊柱部位高等级伤残构成比乘员略多于驾驶员。结论汽车驾驶员与乘员损伤部位、数量及部分部位的损伤致残程度有差异,值得汽车安全设计及交通管理部门参考。  相似文献   

摩托车交通事故在道路交通事故中占有很大比例,此类交通事故的处理,往往因缺少证人证言和物证而难以确认驾驶员和乘员。近年来,有关男用摩托车交通事故驾乘关系分析的文献比较多,而女用摩托车事故驾乘关系分析未见报道,笔者在工作中经历1例,现报道如下。  相似文献   

在实际检案工作中,常遇到驾驶员交通身份的认定,并常成为摩托车驾乘者交通事故鉴定和处理的关键性技术问题。通过体表损伤的检验,可以解决一部分难题,但由于其易发性导致体表损伤广泛复杂,解读难度高,且受环境、衣着等因素影响较大,固定性差,因此仅凭体表伤的检验,即对其交通身份做出认定应慎重。在对道路交通事故中二轮摩托车驾乘死亡人员的法医病理学检验中,笔者发现骨折的发生率极高,为交通事故损伤“外轻内重”特点的典型表现。驾驶员与乘员的骨折特点有无区别,能否补充体表损伤的不足,为其交通方式的认定提供依据?笔者对2002~2005年度所经手的重大道路交通事故中300例二轮摩托车驾乘死亡人员的法医学鉴定资料结合相关交通资料进行统计分析,旨在探讨其骨折的发生率、成伤机制、形态及部位分布特点,为道路交通事故法医学的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

目的探讨涉嫌酒后驾驶所致道路交通事故中人体损伤情况与驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度关系,为预防、控制道路交通事故及人体损伤提供依据。方法对467例涉嫌酒后驾驶机动车的道路交通事故损伤人员相关鉴定资料与肇事驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度进行系统分析性研究。结果涉嫌酒后驾驶发生道路交通事故的损伤人员中,以20~39岁男性居多;事故中驾驶员损伤机率最高;酒后交通事故以长头小车及摩托车最多,而驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)为0.1~20mg/100mL浓度的摩托车驾乘人员伤亡构成比最高;酒后驾驶机动车肇事导致的人体致命性损伤及人员死亡的饮酒组危险程度均高于未饮酒组,在驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)为0.1~20mg/100mL组与20.1~80mg/100mL组比较无明显差异。结论酒后驾驶肇事导致的人员伤亡比未饮酒驾车交通事故严重;未达酒后驾车组(BAC为0.1~20mg/100mL)和酒后驾车组(BAC为20.1~80mg/100mL)交通事故导致的人员伤亡无明显差异。研究结果提示,应降低饮酒后驾车血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)法定标准阈值,进一步控制和减少道路交通事故人身伤亡率。  相似文献   

摩托车交通事故在道路交通事故中占有很大的比例。此类交通事故的处理,往往因缺少证人证言和物证而难以确认驾驶员或乘员。本文就摩托车交通事故中的驾驶员和乘员的损伤特点进行研究,旨在探讨鉴别驾、乘人员的方法,以解决事故处理中的疑难问题。1案例资料1999~2001年间广州市247例摩托车交通事故尸体检验报告。本组交通事故中,驾驶员死亡135例,其中男性131例(97%),女性4例(3%);乘员死亡112例,其中男性62例(55.4%),女性50例(44.6%)。碰撞车型包括摩托车与大客车相撞26例,摩托车与大货车相撞90例,摩托车与小客车相撞30例,摩托车与小货车相撞41…  相似文献   

目的分析二轮摩托车交通事故的现场特点和驾乘人员的损伤特征,为甄别摩托车驾乘人员提供信息。方法收集本区2005年至2014年142例二轮摩托车交通事故人员伤亡资料,包括事故经过、事故类型、现场特点、车辆特点、驾乘人员情况、损伤情况及死亡原因等相关资料,进行分析总结。结果二轮摩托车驾乘人员在各类型事故中的损伤部位和特征、出现率及严重程度有明显的区别,事故现场有规律性。结论通过现场与人体损伤特征的分析,可以甄别摩托车驾乘人员。  相似文献   

<正>在处理汽车交通事故中,往往遇到因无人证和物证而难以确定死者是驾驶员还是乘员的问题,从而使事故处理工作难以进行。法医对交通事故损伤进行检验,有助于这些疑难问题的解决。本文作者通过对141例汽车交通事故死亡的驾驶员和乘员的损伤情况进行统计分析,探讨驾驶员和乘员损伤的形成规律,为道路交通事故的法医学鉴定提供参考根据。  相似文献   

在现代汽车制造过程中,为保证汽车驾乘人员的安全,出厂的车辆均安装了安全气囊。安全气囊的作用是当汽车发生碰撞后,乘员与车内构件尚未发生“二次碰撞前”迅速在两者之间打开一个充满气体的气垫,使乘员因惯性而移动时“扑在气垫上”从而缓和乘员受到的冲击并吸收碰撞能量,减轻乘员的伤害程度。作者遇到一起因安全气囊爆炸致驾驶人死亡案,现报到如下:  相似文献   

道路交通事故损伤中,受伤人员可以是驾驶员、乘员,也可以是行人,其成伤的原因和方式复杂而多变。笔者结合一起交通事故中疑似驾驶员损伤的成因进行探析。1案例资料2011年10月2日,犯罪嫌疑人成某驾驶的小客车在S4高速公路莘庄道口与被害人宣某(女,46岁)驾驶的小客车发生碰撞,双方车辆行驶至S4高速公  相似文献   

目的回顾道路交通事故中需要进行涉案者交通方式鉴定的案例。探讨此类案例鉴定的思路和技术方法。方法收集28例近年本单位进行的道路交通事故涉案者交通行为方式鉴定案例,统计涉案者一般情况、损伤程度与交通行为方式的关系,交通事故发生的时间和地点、交通事故中车辆碰撞类型、采用的技术方法等,进行统计学处理。结果本组资料共28起道路交通事故案件,涉案人员共57人,男性50人.女性7人。交通事故发生时间夜间为19例(67.86%),白天为9例(32.14%)。道路类型中,城市市区道路10例(35.7%),城市郊区道路1例(3.6%),省级道路10例(35.7%),高速公路7例(25%)。酒后驾车9例(32.1%)。交通事故类型中,电动自行车与机动车事故5例(17.8%),机动车与自行车事故1例(3.6%),机动车单方事故7例(25.0%);机动车与机动车事故11例(39.3%),机动车与行人事故4例(14.3%)。涉案人员死亡27人,损伤29人,无明显伤害1人。损伤存活者中轻微伤10例(34.5%),轻伤8例(27.6%),重伤1l例(37.9%)。涉案者交通行为方式鉴定种类中,汽车驾驶人和乘车人认定16例(57.1%),摩托车驾驶人和乘车人认定1例(3.6%),电动自行车驾驶人和乘车人认定5例(17.8%),自行车推行和骑行状态认定1例(3.6%),摩托车推行和骑行状态认定1例(3.6%),行人横过公路方向4例(14.3%)。涉案者交通行为方式鉴定采用的技术手段和方法.包括法医学活体损伤检验、法医学尸表检验、涉案肇事车车辆痕迹检验、DNA检验鉴定、现场人体模拟实验等。结论根据人体(活体或尸体)的体表损伤形态特征、痕迹分布,分析其致伤物和致伤方式,结合车辆痕迹检验结果,得出确认符合某种交通行为方式或者不符合某种交通行为方式的判断,结合案件的相关情况分析重建交通事故过程.是进行涉案者交通行为方式鉴定的基本思路。  相似文献   

This paper presents the approach of computer simulation to clarify the questions faced by forensic experts about what causes the various injuries characteristic of two motorcycle victims, including the motorcycle driver and the back seat occupant on the motorcycle, and how to exactly confirm which one of them is the motorcycle driver. Two typical motorcycle-car accident cases were reconstructed to analyze the movement and the load of both the motorcycle driver and the back seat occupant in the collision course. In case one, the back seat occupant suffered fatal head injuries when he fell on the ground after being thrown higher than the motorcycle driver over the top of the car. In case two, the compressive force loaded by the right tibia of the back seat occupant was larger and more durative compared with the motorcycle driver; the back seat occupant suffered a bursting fracture injury of his right tibia. These results might be useful for forensic experts in dealing with similar motorcycle-car collision accidents in the future.  相似文献   

In motorcycle accidents involving two riders, medicolegal identification of the driver is necessary when one or both riders die. It is particularly important in the latter case, because the survivor almost always insists that he or she was not driving. One characteristic injury that distinguishes the driver from the passenger is inguinal contusion-laceration (accompanied internally by pelvic fracture). This injury, caused by collision of the pelvis with the fuel tank, identifies the driver.  相似文献   

交通事故中摩托车司乘人员致伤方式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zou DH  Chen YJ  Chen JG  Mao MY  Liu NG  Zhang JH 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):134-136,139
通过对3例摩托车交通事故中司乘人员的损伤特征及车辆痕迹的检验结果比对,分析事故过程中摩托车司乘人员的运动过程及致伤方式,发现因其位置、姿势和应激状态不同,摩托车驾驶位乘员与后座乘员在碰撞、运动过程中损伤形成不同,其人体成伤机制、部位及程度与车辆相关部位的损害痕迹可以相互佐证,对于推断摩托车司乘人员的行为方式(谁是摩托车驾驶员)具有重要价值。进一步总结此类事故鉴定的共同特点,可为事故责任认定提供参考。  相似文献   

Researchers have studied the involvement of drugs and alcohol in fatal road traffic incidents, but with particular emphasis on the possible impairment of the driver. This paper describes a comparative study of drug and alcohol findings in various victim groups (drivers of cars, vans or lorries, car passengers, motorcyclists, motorcycle passengers, cyclists and pedestrians) between 2000 and 2006. Post-mortem blood and urine specimens submitted were analysed by immunoassay, GC–NPD, GC–FID, GC–MS and HPLC–DAD. The results of 1047 cases indicated 54% of all victims were positive for drugs and/or alcohol, with the highest percentage of positive findings occurring in pedestrians (63%). Males between the ages of 17–24 were most likely to be involved in a road traffic accident, whether being in control of a vehicle (driver) or involved indirectly (car passenger, pedestrian, motorcycle passenger). A wide range of drugs were detected (e.g. drugs of abuse, anti-convulsants, anti-histamines, anti-inflammatories, anti-psychotics, cardiac drugs and over-the-counter products), but alcohol and cannabinoids were the most frequent substances across the victim groups. When detected, alcohol was commonly above the legal driving limit in blood and urine (> 63% in those in control and > 60% not in control). Overall, the presence of drugs and/or alcohol was of similar frequency in those victims in control (55% of driver, 48% of motorcyclists, 33% of cyclists) and not in control of a vehicle (52% of car passengers, 63% of pedestrians). This degree of frequency strongly implicates the involvement of drugs and alcohol in road traffic incidents and infers an effect on driving ability and individual impairment.  相似文献   

A study of motorcycle fatalities in the period 1977-1983 in the county of Funen, Denmark was compared with an analysis of data obtained from the Accident Register at the Odense University Hospital. Among the operators killed one fifth were illegally operating the motorcycle. A remarkable statistical difference in distribution of accidents involved motorcycles and the total distribution of motorcycles in the county was reported, thus finding an over-representation of heavy motorcycles in the present study. No important differences were found in the distribution of type of accidents compared to other studies. In the present study all but one victim were tested for blood-alcohol concentration (BAC). The results differ from previous studies in as much as 50% of the killed operators of an accident involving motorcycles had a BAC above 0.08%. The reported distribution by age, licensing experience and size of motorcycle in fatal motorcycle accidents seem to support introduction of a graduated licence depending on motorcycle size as well as operator age. Furthermore a limitation in the right to carry a pillion passenger should be considered, and the operator of the motorcycle carrying a pillion passenger should be held responsible for the passenger wearing a helmet.  相似文献   

In the paper we wish to emphasise the significance of vehicle driving dynamics analysis in the collision phase and occupant load analysis by means of using a software environment. Thereby we also wish to present the results of the simulation of the course of a traffic accident with nine victims that arose from a collision between an Audi A6 passenger car and the VW Caravelle van. In treating the traffic accident the forensic expert was faced with the questions about what caused the injuries to the front passenger in the Audi A6 passenger car, about the way the two vehicles had collided, about their collision velocities, about the way the two vehicles were handled and about the causes that originated the traffic accident. The critical situation on the road was a consequence of the tiredness of the van driver, the inadequate use of the passive safety systems and overloading the van.  相似文献   

A series of fatal motorcycle accidents from a 7-year period (1977-1983) has been analyzed. Of the fatalities 30 were operators of the motorcycle, 11 pillion passengers and 8 counterparts. Of 41 operators 37% were sober at the time of accident, 66% had measurable blood alcohol concentration (BAC); 59% above 0.08%. In all cases where a pillion passenger was killed, the operator of the motorcycle had a BAC greater than 0.08%. Of the killed counterparts 2 were non-intoxicated, 2 had a BAC greater than 0.08%, and 4 were not tested. The results advocate that the law should restrict alcohol consumption by pillion passengers as well as by the motorcycle operator. Suggestions made to extend the data base needed for developing appropriate alcohol countermeasures by collecting sociodemographic data on drivers killed or seriously injured should be supported.  相似文献   

Traffic accidents are the most common cause of blunt pancreatic trauma, and most injuries occur in unrestrained drivers. Blunt pancreatic trauma in a passenger or a restrained driver is rare. In this report, we describe a case of blunt pancreatic trauma caused by a restraint system for wheelchair users during a traffic accident.  相似文献   

Many automobile manufacturers began installing airbags on the driver's side in the late 1980's. Passenger side airbags followed in the early 1990's. Most airbags use a solid-propellant type of material that produces a hot gas to inflate the airbags. The gas in the driver side airbag leaves the inflator at a temperature as hot as 600 degrees C. The hot gas escapes through the vent holes after deployment, but it can also leak through the stitching seams in the front and singe a pattern on the occupant's clothing characteristic of the seam pattern. The singe patterns from the driver and passenger side airbags will be different. Cornstarch, which is used as a lubricant in some driver side airbags, can transfer to the driver's shirt. Hairs, fibers and make-up can transfer from the driver or passenger to the surface of the deployed airbags. Two cases are presented, illustrating singe patterns and particle transfers, and how they helped determine who a driver or passenger were.  相似文献   

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