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Fatal nitrous oxide poisoning usually occurs accidentally during the administration of general anesthesia. It seldom occurs during autoerotic behavior or in acute drug abuse. We report an unusual case of a health professional who committed suicide by inhaling nitrous oxide.  相似文献   

A case report is presented of the suicide of a 27-year-old female laboratory assistant by means of sodium azide. Simple colorimetric and volumetric methods are present to detect and estimate the salt.  相似文献   

This is an account of accidental fatal poisoning of a psychiatric patient following the use of a saline emetic for suspected chlorpromazine poisoning.  相似文献   

We report an unusual suicide, committed with a common pencil. A 72-year-old male inflicted himself a penetrating thoracic wound while being hospitalized for a hip prosthesis operation. Although the patient was immediately operated, the cardiac injury appeared to be fatal. Cases of suicidal penetrating wounds of the anterior chest wall are rare and they are mostly inflicted by knives, glass fragments, or other sharp instruments. The potential danger of a pencil should be taken into consideration, especially in psychiatric hospitals and imprisonment facilities. We examined the legislation in Italy and Finland concerning the regulation of privacy in special care institutions.  相似文献   

In the Western world, self-incineration is a rare event compared with the Asian countries. The circumstances of death are often unusual, and differentiation from homicide is sometimes possible only after evaluating all the investigation results and findings. In many cases of self-cremation, a fire accelerant is used. In our study material at least 30% of the body surface were burned. Unaffected skin was predominantly found on the back of the body. The cases presented by us are inhomogenous as to the motive and differ from those reported in the literature with regard to gender distribution, scene, motivational situation and psychological constitution.  相似文献   

Suicide by drowning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study of suicidal drownings was performed by using the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, Florida, U.S.A., during 1980-1984. A total of 70 cases were collected and analyzed as to the age, race, sex, and cause of death of the victim, along with blood alcohol content, the drugs detected at postmortem examination, the geographic location of the terminal incident, the scene circumstances, the presence or absence of a suicide note, and the reason for the suicide. Essentially, one deals with an older white male population, although all age groups can be affected. Members of the population studied frequently died from drowning alone, rather than from additional contributory causes. Most were sober and frequently without drugs detected. Most incidents occurred at home or in a canal, with the victim just "found floating". A note was absent approximately half the time. The reason for the act was depression concerning poor health, death of a loved one, financial problems, chronic pain, or being "tired of life". A discussion ensues about the approach a forensic scientist should have concerning such cases.  相似文献   

Three deaths as a result of inhalation of carbon monoxide from the exhaust fumes of automobiles are reported. All deaths occurred outside and not in a structure. The individuals were white males, ages 24 to 26 years. Blood carboxyhemoglobin concentrations ranged from 58 (in a decomposing body) to 81%. The three cases illustrate the fact that even in the outdoors death from carbon monoxide inhalation can occur if an individual is in close proximity to a rich source of carbon monoxide.  相似文献   

The intake of 0.51 of water glass (sodium metasilicate; colloid pH 12.5) led to death within 1-1.5 h. Autopsy revealed alkali burns of the stomach mucosa. The stomach contained a small amount of liquid with a pH of 11.5. Histologically, numerous bronchioles and alveoles were filled with amorphous material. This material was chemically proved to be condensed water glass. The obstruction of large parts of the lungs by water glass led to an inhibition of alveolar gas diffusion, which may have been the cause of death. The transformation of the water glass from liquid to solid occurred in the lungs by means of the carbonic acid of expiration air. This was made possible because the pH of water glass had been changed by gastric secretions from 12.5 to 11.5. Water glass starts to solidify around pH 11.4-11.3.  相似文献   

Suicidal injuries caused by power tools have rarely been reported in the literature. The case of a 37-year-old white male schizophrenic patient who sustained a fatal self-inflicted neck injury from a band saw, while engaging in occupational therapy, is presented. Unusual features of this type of injury as noted at postmortem examination were the extent of the wound, the absence of hesitation injuries, and the presence of grease wipe, bone dust, and sawdust within the wound.  相似文献   

The aim of this retrospective study was to examine methyl alcohol intoxications in Trabzon (Turkey) and to determine any relations between the laboratory results and histopathologic changes. A total of 4492 forensic autopsies were performed from 1998 to 2008. Thirteen of the cases (0.3%) were because of methanol poisoning, and all were men. Their ages ranged from 25 to 62 years. The blood methanol concentrations ranged widely, from 15 to 482 mg/dL. In six cases, poisoning was because of consumption of the alcoholic beverage "Raki," while in five cases, poisoning was because of the ingestion of cologne. The products consumed were unknown in the other two cases because of insufficient history and data records. Mortality because of methanol poisoning may be prevented/decreased with the implementation of some precautions, such as public education regarding the harms of methyl alcohol, routine monitoring of the vendors that sell alcoholic beverages and cologne, and appropriate legal retribution for the illegal production of methanol.  相似文献   

Gabapentin is an antiepileptic drug that is prescribed for both FDA-approved and multiple off-label conditions, and has a relatively safe side-effect profile. Rare cases of overdose-related adverse effects have been reported in the literature. Described herein are the circumstances and autopsy findings of a 62-year-old woman with a history of depression, whose death was caused by intentional ingestion of excess gabapentin. The postmortem peripheral blood gabapentin concentration as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectroscopy was 88 μg/mL. Previously reported cases of individuals surviving gabapentin overdoses are discussed and compared with this case. Based on a review of the available literature, this appears to be the first published report of a death due solely to gabapentin toxicity.  相似文献   

Nitrites are commonly used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Recently, they have been identified in cases of voluntary intoxication. We report the case of a 13-year-old girl who was found lifeless on her bed next to a glass containing a white powder and a bottle containing a white powder with a moistened appearance. External examination and autopsy revealed a nonspecific asphyxia syndrome, which was confirmed by the pathological analysis. Analysis of the samples revealed metoclopramide in the peripheral blood at a concentration of 0.402 mg/L (LC–HRMS). An analysis of the gastric contents was carried out after sodium nitrite was detected in the powders found near the body (Raman spectrometry). Nitrites were found in the gastric fluid at a concentration of 30.9 mg/L. Death occurred secondary to anoxia, following ingestion of nitrites; suicide kits are available on the web and nitrites are relatively easy to source and inexpensive. Nitrites are delivered in powder form to be dissolved in liquid, which may then be consumed with metoclopramide (or an alternative anti-emetic drug) to maximize absorption and reduce emesis. The toxic effect of nitrites lies in their oxidizing power, causing the transformation of hemoglobin into methemoglobin, which, when it accumulates, induces tissue anoxia resulting in death. There has been an alarming increase in the number of cases linked to suicide using nitrites or a nitrite suicide kit. The fact that nitrites are readily available online underscores the importance of establishing effective preventive measures such as limiting the access and use of this chemical.  相似文献   

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