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中国侵权责任法大小搭配的侵权责任一般条款   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在成文法国家,规定侵权法一般都要设置一个侵权责任一般条款,形式有两种,重视德法式的小的侵权责任一般条款,只概括一般侵权责任,另一种是埃塞俄比亚式的大的侵权责任一般条款,概括全部侵权责任,并辅之以全面的侵权责任类型化规定。中国《侵权责任法》打破常规,既规定了大的侵权责任一般条款,又规定了小的侵权责任一般条款,形成了具有中国特色的大小搭配的双重侵权责任一般条款体制。  相似文献   

目前在研究侵权行为的领域中,还没有企业文化侵权这一概念。一般情况下,在企业中出现的侵权事件都以法人或相关直接责任人为责任主体,依照一般侵权或特殊侵权的相关规定即可解决。本文以经济学、管理学和法学为视角,调查和分析企业中存在的众多侵权事件,尤其是被盖以"企业文化"外衣的企业规章制度、命令和企业精神等所涉及的侵权事件,认识企业文化,认定企业文化侵权是法人侵权中一个全新的、特殊的概念,进而分析此类侵权的类型和法律责任问题。  相似文献   

我国企业在国际贸易中应对恶意侵权诉讼策略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着世界科学技术的迅猛发展,国际间的贸易往来与经济技术合作日益扩大,涉及到知识产权的法律纠纷问题越来越多。我国企业在进入国际市场时,时常遭遇知识产权摩擦及诉讼。尤其是近几年来,一些外国大公司利用本国法律的漏洞,恶意起诉本不侵权的中国企业,企图利用漫长的司法程序和高额诉讼  相似文献   

我国环境侵权责任保险制度之构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
责任社会化的提出是现代法学对现代社会的积极回应。环境侵权责任保险是基于投保人与保险人之间的环境侵权责任保险合同,由保险人在特定的环境侵权赔偿责任发生时,向受害人赔付一定金额的一种责任保险制度。环境侵权责任保险是责任社会化理论在环境侵权赔偿问题上的具体应用。在当代中国,解决环境纠纷的制度设计矛盾重重,尤其是受害人补偿问题。建构中国的环境侵权责任保险制度将是解决这些问题的现实路径。  相似文献   

"虽然在本次十大案例中,本案所涉及到的侵权产品在形式上显得形小,利微;在受众上范围窄、关注少,然而此案中,互联网销售企业是否应该承担连带赔偿责任以及在互联网电子商务领域的侵权界定和立法两方面的问题,都值得我们探讨和思考。"  相似文献   

在三鹿集团破产程序中,法院最终裁定结石患儿的赔偿率为零。在社会转型期的中国,三鹿集团的破产并不是大规模侵权案件发生的终点,而是探索人身损害赔偿之债在企业破产法中的立法定位问题的起点。本文的主要目的在于探讨因企业大规模侵权而导致破产的情形下,如何通过制度设计来实现受害人人身损害赔偿之债的优先受偿问题,这对于构建和谐社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   

商标侵权问题在中国是一个热点话题,尤其是服装市场的商标侵权,而这牵涉到场地出租者是否对其承租人的商标侵权负责以及在什么情况下负责等等问题,在实践审判中各地法院莫衷一是。本文着眼于秀水街服装市场商标侵权案,对场地出租者在商标侵权中的法律地位这一问题作系统的分析,并对这一问题提出相关见解。  相似文献   

肖莎  王婧 《法制与经济》2010,(11):42-43
爱国者诉惠普、东芝等跨国企业,被业界人士认为是中国企业对跨国企业专利侵权的一次大规模声讨。其实不然。在爱国者认为侵权的企业名单中,也不乏中国企业。只是跨国企业傲慢的态度.让爱国者最终作出了维权举动。一方面,跨国企业频繁诉讼中国企业侵犯知识产权;一方面,跨国企业面对被诉竟然“失语”了。  相似文献   

在经历了一次次刻骨铭心的品牌损伤后,中国企业家们终于 开始觉醒。 一方面是国内知名品牌屡遭侵权——中国家电巨头海信集团 和照明设备“萤火虫”商标被西门子公司恶意抢注、京城地产大 佬潘石屹的“现代城”遭遇侵权,或许就是鲜活的例子; 而另一方面,国外企业挥舞着品牌大棒杀气腾腾地奔向中国 市场。“DVD4C专利联盟”将中国的DVD生产厂家冲得人仰马翻, 花旗银行的“商业方法”大规模专利申请让中国的银行家们惊出 了一身冷汗。 观察人士认为,在世界经济一体化的背景下,无论是中国的  相似文献   

马俊 《法制与经济》2010,(15):89-90
新闻侵权是民事侵权的一种类型。由于新闻侵权对新闻事业的负面影响十分严重,新闻侵权正逐渐成为新闻界和法学界关注的焦点。新闻媒体如何采取措施尽量预防、应对新闻侵权诉讼等问题,摆在了新闻机构和新闻工作者的面前。在我国文化产业大发展的背景下,论文从法学角度对新闻侵权的概念、成因及预防的现实意义等问题进行研究和论述。  相似文献   

This paper tests for localized knowledge spillovers from out-of-state innovations in U.S. manufacturing from 1977 to 1997. The source of these spillovers is innovations categorized into six technologies based on U.S. patent classes and patent data. Using a gravity-weighting for out-of-state innovations, knowledge spillovers are found from mechanical technologies and drug and medical technologies for a broad group of manufacturing industries. Innovations from chemical-related technologies are found to generate spillovers for the Chemical and Allied Products Industry and for the Transportation Equipment Industry. Additionally, specialization of production at the two-digit Standard Industrial Classification of industry level is also found to increase state-level productivity in manufacturing.  相似文献   

The prevalence of entrepreneurship not only varies across regions, but also differs among industries. Based on a unique data set of 146 manufacturing industries across 30 provincial-level regions in China, this study investigates the importance of geographical conditions and industry dynamism on net entry rates of Chinese manufacturing firms, and empirically explores how these two sets of factors jointly influence the distributional pattern of entrepreneurship. By testing for the significance of interactions between industry dynamism and local condition variables, it is found that growth-driven entrepreneurial activities favor agglomerated regions and do not value knowledge creation capability much, although both knowledge creation capability and factor market maturity are important for a region to attract entrepreneurs pursuing technological opportunities. For start-ups exploiting niche opportunities, agglomeration and local competition both act as deterring factors. Overall, the results confirm the importance of local conditions and industry structural variables as joint determinants of entrepreneurship in Chinese manufacturing industries.  相似文献   

刘贤 《时代法学》2006,4(3):81-85
专利的先行实施权是相对于专利权而独立存在的权利,它虽不构成对专利权的侵害,但应在一定范围内进行,其范围包括行业范围、数量范围、主体范围、客体范围,在范围的确定上,我国有不少争议。确定先行实施权的范围应符合我国国情,参照国外做法,予以适当扩大。  相似文献   

In China, traditional manufacturing industries have been world leaders in low-cost manufacturing for overseas multinationals. It is well-known that these “traditional industries” depend on overseas parent firms for innovation. In recent decades, China’s desire is to encourage and promote innovation-based emerging industries within its borders. By definition, “emerging industries” are composed of domestic Chinese firms without an overseas parent firm. We know very little about the innovation practices in these emerging Chinese industries; we hypothesize that the innovation practices in these firms are quite different from traditional Chinese industries with overseas parents. The Kunshan region in China has attracted both traditional and emerging industries that have contributed to unparalleled economic growth in the region. This is a significantly large region with a population of 1.65 million with a regional GDP of USD 32 billion (2010). In this study, we use survey data from companies in this thriving region to compare R&D and innovation practices of the firms in the traditional and emerging industries in this region. We do not know enough about the innovation practices of emerging industrial firms in China, who may have a profound influence on the industrial China of the future much like South Korean firms such as KIA, Hyundai, Samsung, etc. The findings of this exploratory study based on data collected from the Kunshan region enables us to recommend avenues for future research.  相似文献   

传统中医药产业知识产权保护战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的中医药产业面临着全球化发展趋势和知识经济社会的考验。在总结经验的同时要正视我国当前中医药产业技术落后、知识产权保护意识不强、企业规模小、观念和技术落后、片面发展等问题。正确运用知识产权保护战略,具体实施著作权、专利、商业秘密、商标等综合保护战略,是我国传统中医药产业发展中不能回避的现实问题。  相似文献   

对假冒专利罪的澄清   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘平 《河北法学》2004,22(11):58-61
《专利法》对假冒他人专利行为与侵犯专利实施权的行为作了严格区分 ,然而有关假冒专利罪的刑法学通说割裂了《刑法》与《专利法》之间的联系 ,混淆了假冒他人专利行为与侵犯专利实施权的行为的界线 ,从而得出了错误的结论。对假冒专利罪应当采用系统解释方法 ,根据假冒他人专利行为在《专利法》中的固有含义予以解释。  相似文献   

向前 《行政与法》2010,(11):42-44
文化竞争是全球化时代国际竞争的重要内容,国家文化安全已经成为国家安全的重要环节之一。本文以影视产业为核心,探讨了文化安全和文化帝国主义的相关理论,分析了外国影视产品输入给我国文化安全带来的影响及其面临的挑战,在此基础上对我国文化产业尤其是影视文化产业的发展提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

With the increasing importance of technology, the efficiency of R&D investment is becoming a critical factor to an organisation’s success. As a result, many studies have carried out to create useful information to support various decision-makings faced during R&D planning but few efforts were made to discuss technology transferability in creating the information. Technology transferability can be an important factor to increase the efficiency of R&D investment especially in a multi-technology industry, where a compound of several industries produces a variety of components and systems. Therefore, this study purposes to develop a systematic method to analyse the transferability of technology, aiming to facilitate R&D spill-over. For the purpose of analysis, patent data from USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) was adopted and patent citation analysis applied, which shows the relationship between technologies and industries as quantitative measures. The research result then was applied to Korean aerospace industry and its utility verified. The suggested method is expected to be used in understanding technology characteristics and making the most use of R&D outputs by promoting technology transfer in multi-technology industries.  相似文献   

Exploring the Patent Explosion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper looks more closely at the sources of patent growth in the United States since 1984. It confirms that the increase is largely due to U.S. patenters, with an earlier surge in Asia, and some increase in Europe. Growth has taken place in all technologies, but not in all industries, being concentrated in the electrical, electronics, computing, and scientific instruments industries. It then examines whether these patents are valued by the market. We know from survey evidence that patents in these industries are not usually considered important for appropriability, but are sometimes considered necessary to secure financing for entering the industry. I compare the market value of patents held by entrant firms to those held by incumbents (controlling for R&D). Using data on publicly traded firms 1980--1989, I find that in industries based on electrical and mechanical technologies the market value of entrants' patents is positive in the post-1984 period (after the patenting surge), but not before, when patents were relatively unimportant in these industries. Also, the value of patent rights in complex product industries (where each product relies on many patents held by a number of other firms) is much higher for entrants than incumbents in the post-1984 period. For discrete product industries (where each product relies on only a few patents, and where the importance of patents for appropriability has traditionally been higher), there is no difference between incumbents and entrants.  相似文献   

精神损害赔偿数额评定问题五论   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
关今华 《中国法学》2001,(5):96-102
精神损害赔偿问题是目前中国法学研究的热点问题。本文通过探究精神损害的构态层面及其赔偿特点,结合最新司法解释,对精神损害赔偿的数额评定进行归类和法律技术处理,提出评定类型化、主客观化和定量化的主张。文章强调在评定过程中,应重视法官的自由裁量权的运用。  相似文献   

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